Some days you just gotta eat!

Been having a pretty crazy week/weekend. I rarely go out but when I do it's insane! Really mad.

So Wednesday night I went round the boys (pizza and cider)
Thursday night my friend came round to watch films ( pizza)
Friday night I went out to the pub to see all my friends who have just got back from uni (vodka, wine, cheese on toast, rum, cider)
Saturday day and night- pretty much dead slept all day didn't eat a thing

and today Sunday I just feel like I need to eat everything that I possibly can... most of you may not agree but sometimes you just gotta eat.

Tomorrow is the 1st of the month and I will get back on track for now I am going to comfort eat and do nothing. I have been doing so well... exercise everyday and 1200 calories for the last 20 ish days so I need this. I won't be going out for about another month + so I think I am allowed! Anyone else do this sort of thing.... just go crazy?


  • mirenner
    mirenner Posts: 205
    It's okay to let loose for a day or weekend every once on awhile (such as once a month), but when you get into the realm for consecutive days, you approach being counterproductive to your weightloss... just reign it back in
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    The going out, not very often but when I do I eat before I go and eat a lot of protein to fill me up. the eating YES! I can go 3 weeks of eating just what I am supposed to and not really be hungry and then that 4th week I could eat everything in site and I still would be hungry. I just try to limit the damage and drink more water and eat more veggies. It's hormonal and is going to happen every month no matter what.

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  • editara13
    editara13 Posts: 384 Member
    I use to do that before, but not anymore and in your case when I have friends coming over I just buy vegetables or the ones that I have and star making some good and healthy pasta vegetables or rice and vegetables and also delicious salads. It is fun, and you enjoy it more, so just have lots of vegetables in your fridge and you with have so many healthy choices besides the easy pizza :-)

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  • DaniiWanii
    DaniiWanii Posts: 114 Member
    I don't mind too much as it rarely happens... just nice to have a week/weekend not having to count calories :)
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    I have weekends when I don't count and loosen up a bit but I still try to not go mad and have a bit of self control, this usually works for me :-)
  • skinnerc1
    skinnerc1 Posts: 12
    life is for and exersise is important too but everyone needs a few days off. ?Have fun eating today, cause it's back to diet tomorrow. Good luck
  • DaniiWanii
    DaniiWanii Posts: 114 Member
    life is for and exersise is important too but everyone needs a few days off. ?Have fun eating today, cause it's back to diet tomorrow. Good luck

    Thanks... it's nice to just let go because usually I am so strict. I'm not even overweight anyway so not too much of a problem but am usually so much healthier than this and like to take care of myself but just totally felt the need to go a bit crazy... :)
  • Bobble2610
    Bobble2610 Posts: 40
    I agree with this. Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint...

    Who cares how long you take to get there, and who cares if there are a few blips along the way as long as, at the end of the day, the scales generally tend to be headed downwards.

    I have a cheat weekend every payday, and yes at the end of that weekend I might have put on a few pounds, but what's a few pounds considering I have lost 6 stone so far? And those few pounds will drop straight back off the next week when I get back down to business. :o)
  • DaniiWanii
    DaniiWanii Posts: 114 Member
    I agree with this. Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint...

    Who cares how long you take to get there, and who cares if there are a few blips along the way as long as, at the end of the day, the scales generally tend to be headed downwards.

    I have a cheat weekend every payday, and yes at the end of that weekend I might have put on a few pounds, but what's a few pounds considering I have lost 6 stone so far? And those few pounds will drop straight back off the next week when I get back down to business. :o)

  • Scoobies87
    Scoobies87 Posts: 379
    I always let my diet go when I am with friends. It just sooo hard not to! Especially when you don't see them for a few weeks! It does get easier though to say no and make different choices-for example I went to the pub last night. A normal pub night would be 3-4 glasses of wine then something unhealthy to eat afterwards.

    Last night I had one glass of wine and a GnT then called it a night

    So it does get easier :) Keep going!