I'm Lacy. I live in Northern Idaho and I have been riding since I was an infant (that makes it 27 years). My mother raised Arabian horses so I have never known a heartbeat without them. I ride and train horses in Dressage, Jumping, eventing, endurance (though have not had much time for conditioning lately), and other…
I have the video (on DVD): Pilates for the Dressage rider. If you use your core correctly it will whoop your butt! Plus there are some handy exercises to do while riding that will improve your seat and balance.
Consider adding Yoga or some other form of stretch. I like to do half of a yoga video, then 30DS and then the other half of means more activity but it helps warm up and cool down my screaming muscles!
I think that, for weight loss purposes, we should change the saying to "No Pain, no loss." No it isn't as catchy but I think that it works better :) I WISH you could experience no gain without pain :)
I have to work out alone. If my boyfriend is home, I can't work out at all, and the gym is a major lost cause for me. I have such horrible "workout anxiety" aka "I am too self conscious to be productive around others." From the looks of this thread though, I am starting to feel like the only one with those kind of issues!
Thanks everyone! A few updates: Bananas and Avacado produce the same reaction . Which made me sad because I dearly love both. I have some apples, but I am scared to try them, so I eat light canned fruit when possible. I also eat A LOT of popcorn, which I pop on the stove, and crackers are always good. I also have chickens…
Thanks that is interesting! I wasn't taking a multi vitamin until I found I was unable to eat vegetables. Still, this is something to think about.
Since this would be a bed time snack, really consider drinking a cold or warm glass of milk. I drink whole milk, which has more calories yes (150/cup), but is choc full of nutrients like calcium and vitamin D, and it FILLS YOU UP! It will also help you relax and go to sleep. Plus, Whole milk is sweeter and therefore better…
Hi, This is my second time too! I have such a busy schedule, and I got so down hearted the last time because I lost a lot of weight at first, and then it completely stopped. I am adding in lots of exercise this time. Have you tried Couch Potato to 5K? I am LOVING the Podrunner intervals available on itunes; it helps keep…
I think that, in order to fix your body image issues, you have to look at your view of others. The one thing on this post that jumped out at me was"normal girls." What is normal? Do you mean normal as in average, or normal as in skinny, or normal as in what you wish your normal was? I am not criticizing because I have the…
I would gladly donate mine if I could! And I have even had a reduction...only I came off the table looking like a stripper instead of smaller like I wanted. And my boobs are of the breast tissue when I get thin.....they stay put. This is not as nice as it sounds. I end up looking like Dolly Parton...but more…
First of all: I am so excited for you that you get to see your Husband soon. Second, I have to mention that, when my boyfriend and I moved in together, my compulsion to feed the people I love put 20 pounds on me! The trick that I had to learn was to not eat like him. He eats a lot and burns it all with his infuriating…
I feel your pain! I have to spend a month in Mississippi in july (no way you can go outside to exercise) and two weeks in texas in october for work...let me say that I need to come up with a plan because Mississippi put ten punds on my "need to get rid of " list. I took some nutrisystem food, but my hotel room didn't have…
WATER! I drink a lot of water. According to my diet, I should drink about a gallon a day...sometimes I drink more, sometimes less. But the result is the same: Water fills me up. Also, I found the difference between "hungry" and "craving" because I can eat something yummy when I'm not hungry just because it tastes good! So,…