Hubby's coming home soon and need help!

So since I have started this diet adverture my husband has been TDY. Well he will be home in 8 days woohooo oh sorrry just very excited. Anyways its easy to feed myself salad and lots of heathly things but he wont eat that. He is more of a meat and pota kinda guy. How do you guys go about eatting regular people food and still staying in your daily cal?? I guess what I am getting at is I still want to sit down as a family for dinner and not having to make something for me and something else for the rest of the family?


  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    Its easy for me because I don't restrict my macro nutrients to ridiculous points. Eating a well balanced meal with appropriate amounts of carbs, protein, and healthy fats means you get to eat like a normal person, not someone who only eats a limited variety of stuff to avoid going over in one area or another.

    You could totally sit down and have a small portion of steak, potatoes, and green veggie without worrying about screwing up your weight loss efforts. I do it every day :D
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    ps, please be sure to thank him for me. your family's sacrifice is much appreciated. i have nothing but respect for you :heart: Your profile pic makes me :cry:
  • superdave123
    You can cook a balanced meal with chicken, rice, and some veggies. Than just use some of the chicken and throw it on your own salad!
  • peyton23
    Thanks so much celerystalker it means a lot to hear that from people. It is a hard lifestyle but neither one of us would give it up for the world.

    P.S. I still cry when I think of that night. It had been a long 15 months!!
  • Notatif
    I totally agree and feel the same way, it's important to EAT.WITH.YOUR.FAMILY! Here is what i've figured out, it boils down to two things - #1 PORTION CONTROL and #2 - WATER

    Just the other day my kids found a box of hamburger helper in the pantry and asked me to make it for dinner. I did, and made veggies and guess what - i ate it with them, but i ate the suggested serving, and when i stopped and thought about it it was all i needed, i was full. It's easy to get into the habit of filling your plate and eating it because you are "so hungry" but once your body gets used to having what it needs you learn that portion control isn't all that bad!

    Oh, and i've figured out that i can eat what i want when i want it - just not a bunch of it. So you want ice cream - eat it....but eat a little and find some yummy stuff that you LOVE that is 1/2 the fat.

    Hope this helps!
  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    YES! Please thank him for his service for me. I know it's hard for all of you! My brother-in-law is going back to Afgahnistan for his second tour here in January. :frown:
  • newman84
    newman84 Posts: 234 Member
    my husband doesn't like some of the things i eat but i always making things he likes and just make it a little healthier and alot of the times he doesn't even notice.
  • Notatif
    Also, thanks to the hubby! Thanks to you too, it's takes a special woman/man to stand behind our service men and women!
  • brow5204
    First of all: I am so excited for you that you get to see your Husband soon. Second, I have to mention that, when my boyfriend and I moved in together, my compulsion to feed the people I love put 20 pounds on me! The trick that I had to learn was to not eat like him. He eats a lot and burns it all with his infuriating man-tabolism and I have to take smaller, more balanced portions. I also sneak healthy fillers in (my fav is zucchini either shredded or pureed because it tastes like whatever you put it in), and I like to cut the sugar at least in half with a no calorie sweetner. Don't tell and he won't notice! Or tell and remind him that he is helping you accomplish your goals.
  • cischo104
    cischo104 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, I'm a military wife as well and go through the same issue. I've found that on the lifetime website there is a section for healthy cooking. They basically can take your family's favorait meal and substitute certain things to make the calories way reduced as well as the and the whole family can enjoy it together. Your Hubby won't know the difference. :) Let me know if you'd like some recipies. here's an example Take fried chicken...Well instead of fried, Take chicken breasts roll them in beated eggs and take crushed up corn flakes and dip the chicken in the crushed up corn flakes all over, and bake. You get the same crisp as fried but without the grease, fat, and calories!! Hope this helped some, Take care fellow military wife!
  • ❤B☩❤
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Pretend the flower is a U.S. flag! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:


    I would definitely look at some other members diaries...feel free to friend me and you will have access to my diary if you wish! There are some pretty creative MFPeeps out there and they have some pretty awesome ideas! There are also links to recipes with nutritional values, as well. Keep reading the boards.

    Good luck, enjoy your hunky hubby and make every meal you are able to share together special!

  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I always eat regular food, look at my diary, tacos, burgers etc
  • nessaj
    nessaj Posts: 74 Member
    I've just had a homemade chilli for dinner with my husband. Instead of serving it with rice, I made a huge pan full of boiled savoy cabbage and then added a little bit of spice to the cabbage and then put the chilli on top of that. It was really yummy and filling and my hubby loved it too (although I'm lucky as he will eat lots of veggies and he's being healthy wiht me - and eating more during the day when we're apart if he needs to eat more).
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    Fellow milspouse here :)
    We had this issue when hubby was home. We just tried out lots of new recipes together. I found a lot of great South Beach Diet recipes, which is more or less what I do, and started there. We just tried a bunch out and in a month or so found 2 or 3 that he loves! Which is awesome!
    That's what I'd suggest first. Try finding new, healthier, recipes that you all can enjoy and save those not so great or healthy recipes for once or twice a week (and stick to the serving suggestion :laugh: ).
    Congrats on havig him home! Our homecoming's in a few months yet...
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Please tell your hubby thank you from my family!! My hubby was in the Navy and your pick makes me want to :sad: thinking about when he would go away on the ship. In our town we just sent off about 100 National Guard troops to Afghanistan. I went to the send-off and I have never seen anything like it!! It was so sad watching those men say goodbye to their families. No new diet info from me, but do be sure to enjoy every minute of your hubby's homecoming!! :heart:
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    Wow I have to say that you're awesome for staying focused while he's TDY, that seems to be my downfall, when he's home he works swing shift and then when he's TDY or deployed its just me so I dont eat like i should because i dont see any point in making dinner for just me. I've even got to the point right now since we dont see each other till weekends. I cook food for us to have lunch the next day and eat a lean cuisine or something for dinner

    But in answer to your question. When we are together to eat I usually make some kind of meat, which I measure mine to be a 3 - 4 oz piece (depending on what it is and how many cals) and then I make a veggie or two. And some kind of rice, potato, or something filling. Then I eat the meat and veggies and he eats the rest. That way we all eat the same thing and there's not a huge issue. i get tired of salads so i use those maybe once or twice a week and the veggies i usually try some different kind of spice to make them taste different, like my newest trial is using garlic salt. It makes them tasty with no cals. Thats just my thoughts on it. And as far as junk food, he's allowed to eat that at his lunch/dinner while he's at work or whatever, but there will be no I eat one thing he gets another. Its not fair and it will cause someone to fall off the wagon quick. So thats what we do.

    And yay for him coming home. Its sucks they have to go, but if they didn't go there wouldn't be the homecomings. :o)
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    First of all Peyton, my many thanks to your husband for defending our country and to you for being there by his side! My husband and I are retired from the Air Force, live in an AF community, have many friends that are active duty, come deployed, and I belong to many organizations that support our deployed troops. I am very happy he is returning home to you and your family very soon. Now, with that said, I do all of the cooking as I love to cook. When I began this journey and began to change things for myself, I began to change the way I cook, as well. It is mandatory, in my household, to have dinner together! Well, I did not want to begin to cook a dinner for them and a dinner for me so I incorporated a little of both in one dish. I have many healthy cookbooks and several websites that I use to plan my weekly meals and they are meal with potatos, pastas, veggies, and everything. I have had no complaints from my family with the one exception of my husband not liking the fact that I DO NOT cook with salt. But, hey, there is a salt mill on the table, he can add his own. You can message me and I will give you a list all of the cookbooks that I use, if you like, but one of the websites that I use, A LOT, is Also, the foodnetworks site has a healthy section, as does
  • peyton23
    Thank you all for you help. Also thank you all for your support for the military. Like I said earlier its a hard lifestyle but neither one of us would give it up for the world. Thanks again<3
  • xDeannaGarciax
    Aw your pic also makes me :cry: too

    I use alot of ground turkey in place of ground beef and they can't even tell...hehe. When I'm making any pasta dishes I eat everything but the pasta, for instance Chicken Fettucini Alfredon, I mix in chicken, broccili green beans and carrots into my homemade alfredo sauce and serve it over pasta for my family then for me I put the sauce with all the veggies and chicken in a bowl and it's sooooooooooo yummy. I do that with Spaghetti too (I always make my own sauces) and I make my homemade meatballs (ground turkey also) and for myself I will eat the meatballs in the sauce with a little parmesan srinkled over it! Whenever my husband is Craving some manly hearty food I'll just make my dish seperate and it'll usually be a salad with tuna chicken, homemade eggsalad, homemade chicken salad ect. and it only takes a few minutes to throw together. Or I'll throw any of those meat items in a bowl and throw in onions bellpeppers mushrooms and it's yummy yummy! COngrats on your hubby coming home! I bet your so excited. I have much respect for the sacrifices your husband and family have made for us! Thank you :flowerforyou: