octopusami Member


  • I am also a work in progress. I am 5'9" (used to be 5'10" but lost an inch after I started running after my last pregnancy).. I went from 264 down to 189 and then got pregnant again. I found myself back at 253 but now I am back down to 220. I don't really have time to work out but I do a lot of milk pumping. Hoping to get…
  • I have a two week old that i am breast feeding and a 3 year old that I am chasing all over the house. I manually put in the milk that I pump. I figure about 20 calories per ounce. I gained about 60 lbs with this pregnancy and I have lose about 35 in the last two weeks thanks to an over production of milk. I tend to pump at…
  • The first time I got pregnant my starting weight was 223lbs.. After I gave birth was when I really got motivated to lose weight so I could be a better mom. I ended up getting down to 189lbs... Then I got preggers again and now I have 6 weeks before the next one is due and once more over 200lbs. I can't wait to get back…
  • Last year I was a 20 snug and today I am a 10-12... Hoping to keep it going but the holidays so far have been bad. I ran 6 miles this morning to try and counter all the crap I put in my body. Whatever I gain I will lose!!!
  • We are headed towards Yvonne's capping ceremony this weekend and Juder and I will definitely be packing the cooler. Glad to hear the wedding went well! We need to get Sean back on track.
  • Since the beginning of this year I lost 45 lbs. As far as food I have definitely incorporated more fruits and veggies. Pretty much this is my diet: breakfast: 1/2 cup granola with 4oz skim milk lunch: v-8 low sodium, turkey sandwich dinner: whatever I feel like in moderation. I get up every morning and run at least 4…
  • Thanks everyone!
  • I was able to squeeze into and zip up my junior prom dress last week and was super excited. I am not quite fitting into it with comfort but I have about 1.5 months to lose enough to wear it on my 30th birthday. We are playing "formal kickball." Looking good hot mama!
  • yes. if you are working different muscles that you have not worked before then they can retain water. The good news is if you keep working them they will lose the water.
  • My first three months on here I lost 35 lbs and now I am in the slow burn. I just keep telling myself this is not a race. It took my body 29 years to put on all the fat and it is going to take a while to get down to where I want to be. I have been 2 lbs away from my half way point for a couple weeks now. Eventually it will…
  • Hey ladies.. sorry for the late Monday night entry- 195.5!
  • My birthday is coming up in July and one of the festivities is a game of "formal kickball." As you may suspect it is kickball in formal wear. My goal was to fit into my Junior prom dress for this event. My mom made my prom dress so it was tailored to my 17 year old body. Last night for sh#ts and giggles I tried it on. Yes…
  • a little frustrated still kicking in at 197.5
  • We are playing a game of Formal Kickball in July for my 30th birthday if you want to visit MI. My goal is to fit into my Junior high school prom dress for the event.. Getting close! Perfect for an out of date Tux!
  • Agreed... you went from showing not undies to showing it all. Good for you! You are doing amazing work!
  • I couldn't find the thread yesterday for whatever reason but I weighed it at 198.5
  • somewhere in all of these threads there was someone who posted an article where one of the winners did an interview. She said that the "week" can be longer then 7 days which certainly helps when trying for big numbers. It also helps having a couple trainers kick your butt.
  • 199.3! Very excited about getting under 200 lbs.
  • I would also like to know about this smoking stats sheet. My mother took up the habit after not smoking for 30 years and I am trying to get her realize the damage she is doing. Good job on your progress! I have found that by getting organized on here has infiltrated other parts of my life as well.
  • I did a major happy dance when I crossed this line. Brilliant work on getting to the "over weight" range!
  • I think in our currently society where obesity is the norm, people have forgotten what healthy looks like. You have obviously done an amazing job and look fabulous. As long as your goal puts you in your healthy BMI range you should continue until you feel you are satisfied with the results. Don't let ignorant people bring…
  • I went to a birthday party today where I saw people I have literally not seen since high school and got the comment "You look exactly the same" It felt pretty good.
  • I saw one oif your goals was to try out for roller derby. I am not sure where you live, but here, there are a lot of girls that are one the team that weigh about the same as you do. You should go for it. If anything, it will help you loose even faster. When I was on the team I literally shrank, but back then, I didnt have…
  • Here in MI we do not have our weight displayed.. but I am looking forward to taking a new picture. My last one was a doozie... Great news! Sounds like you are making amazing progress. Keep it going
  • Welcome aboard! Always good to have another mom! My husband is also not doing MFP with me (he has an account but never uses it.) but since I have changed my eating habits and am making more well balanced meals he is losing too. It can still be a family affair. :happy:
  • I am also at a plateau but I have missed running twice this week which is no good, and have not been eating the best. Today is another day! Back on the band wagon!
  • Flat lined this week! 201.8. Here is hoping it starts sluffing off again. I am so close to onderland!
  • Definitely was a lot of hard work but worth it! I am doing a Warrior Dash this summer dressed as She-Ra. Good luck in your training!
  • I ran a marathon in 2005. I went to a friend's going away party and had to leave early to do a training run. While I was leaving a guy remarked, "Aren't you too fat to run a marathon?" Well it took me over 6 hours but I did it- all 26.2 miles. I used those remarks to motivate me. Don't let idiots bring you down.