Motivation needed to lose lbs before pregnancy!

Hi! I'm new and have searched the web for inspiration and motivation to keep me focused on losing weight! I am recently married and looking to try to conceive some day soon.. After weight loss though... I hope to gain some insight on how to stay motivated and keep on track. I have recently joined the gym and my husband is even going with me. I'm glad to have that support but he does travel out of town a lot due to his work. I'd like some tips on how to keep the momentum going when I only have myself to push me forward. Thanks!!!


  • mlaz81
    mlaz81 Posts: 36 Member
    I have lost 65 lbs now to get pregnant, and am at a completely healthy weight, have regulated my cycles, and did not have my husband going with me to the gym, mainly because he's super thin and doesn't need to lose weight :/. For me, it was keeping focused on my goals, and I took a dry erase marker and wrote what is your goal? and other motivations on my mirror to keep me motivated. Also, MFP has helped me with these last 18 lbs. After you get going and your clothes start getting loose, it just feels so good, and starts becoming habit. Good luck to you and baby dust!!
  • VanillaInfusion
    VanillaInfusion Posts: 3 Member
    It might be worth finding a friend to workout with for when your hubby is out of town. That is one way to keep motivated. If you don't have anyone nearby who works out, then you could make a pledge to work out on Myfitnesspal with a virtual workout buddy -Maybe both doing the same workout on the same day - this sort of arrangement might also help. Good luck - Exciting times ahead!!!
  • Britton12
    Britton12 Posts: 13 Member
    1st off congrats on your decision to lose before pregnancy. I was over weight when I got pregnant in July 2009. I ended up with gestational diabetes and had to monitor my blood sugar levels ( I HATE BLOOD) so that was not an easy task. I had to have a scheduled C-section because my son was projected to weigh 10lbs.10oz. Thankfully he weighed 8lbs. 12oz instead :) During my pregnancy I gained 30+, putting me over 200 for the 1st time in my life. 4 days after he was born I weighed in at 171. But since I have gained again and want to lose as much as possible in the next 6 months. We want to begin trying for baby #2 in June. So to get to the point we should motivate each other!
  • octopusami
    octopusami Posts: 87 Member
    The first time I got pregnant my starting weight was 223lbs.. After I gave birth was when I really got motivated to lose weight so I could be a better mom. I ended up getting down to 189lbs... Then I got preggers again and now I have 6 weeks before the next one is due and once more over 200lbs. I can't wait to get back onto the work out band wagon. I am feeling incredibly flabby watching my hard work go out the window.
    I suggest finding other people to work out with in addition to your husband for those times that he can't make it. Give yourself a goal not just a weight goal. (running a 5 K or something to that nature) I find that joining classes at the gym can help because they are actually fun and don't always feel like "working out." They are also a good way to find other people to work out with.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • EJmojica
    Congrats to you all and the progress you have made thus far! I was at my worst about 6 months ago and lost about 25 pounds. I'm still a really plus size girl and know from my past experience of working back office at an OBGYN that being overweight is not ideal when dealing with a pregnancy. I feel more motivated than ever but just hope to keep it going. I really want a baby and NOT in the shape that I'm in.