jcg926 Member


  • Congrats! I'm having a hard time telling myself that the scale isn't as important at times! :)
  • I LOVE shrimp alfredo. We use a very low calorie sauce, but what kind of noodles are you using for the calories to be so low?
  • I'm not sure it ever goes away (at least for me!!). Try to be strong. When I'm craving chocolate (and we have NONE in the house), I make myself drink some more water or grab an apple. Eventually I forget I wanted that bad-for-me sweet!
  • I'm 5'2". I started out at 154 back in March 2011. I restarted in January at 142, and my goal is 130. Short term is 135, as these first few pounds are so hard to lose!
  • 5'2" here!! This should be fun! :)
  • I would probably use circuit training. The best way to track calories, though, is to use a heart rate monitor. :)
  • Same here- I don't think I could function the whole day after a tough workout!! Some people say it gives them more energy, but it makes me super tired.
  • This is a very interesting topic- I learned a lot from the responses so thanks to you who gave your experience with it!! I was wondering the same thing! :)
  • Thanks, everyone! I just ordered No More Trouble Zones and the 6 week Six pack- I can't wait to get started with something new! I didn't want to go overboard getting 3 at one time, so the next purchase will be Killer buns and thighs. :)
  • How about No More Trouble Zones? The reviews are really good on that one too. I really like the way Jillian motivates and keeps me going. I went through the 30DS twice, at different times, and it really helps. I'm looking for more of her training goodness. :)
  • Thanks for the replies. Sometimes it just helps knowing that I'm not alone!! @Emmyvera- I'm working harder than the last time, too! I'm sure it all has something to do with it and I did take my measurements when I started so I'll probably check those in another week or so, which *hopefully* will add to the encouragement,…
  • I wanted to try them, but the reviews were too awfully mixed for me to feel confident that it wasn't going to be a waste of money. I'll stick with veggies, rice, and the occasional pasta.
  • I have to also agree with the iced tea maker!! We use ours all the time and I can put as little sugar in it as I want, making the calories pretty darn low!
  • I do the same- glad I'm not alone! I don't count any of the weigh-ins besides my "official" one on Friday mornings, but I am curious all the time what the scale says after certain activities and foods!
  • I've never heard anything bad about mixing cardio and crunches, but maybe some one here can better assist. As for the pooch, reverse crunches are the way to go. If you are straining your neck, they you probably need to adjust how you are doing them. You should have your elbows straight out and only see them in your…
  • I have done this, or if you have a heart monitor you can use those calories. :)
  • Keep up the great work everyone!!! Level 2 Day 2 completed- I am way more whooped today than yesterday. Uggggh!!! :)
  • Level 2 Day 1 today and my shoulders burn!! I forgot how many planks there are in that level! LOL
  • Today is day 5 of Level 1 for me. I am going to increase my hand weights to 5lbs for the rows and flys I think. I have to substitute more butt kicks for the jump rope. On the 4th day, I finally got the shin splints I remember from the first time I did the shred! Eek!
  • I am also in- I went through it last year and lost inches, so it's time to do it again. I am starting today. :)
  • I would suggest going through the basic DVD a few more times, and not going into an actual workout yet. They break everything down in little steps in the basic DVD (it runs about an hour!). Good luck! I have the newest DVD set and I love it. Hopefully you'll be able to catch on and love it too! :)
  • Same here! My husband makes dinner (he's home before me from work) so I am never really sure what we're having unless it was previously planned out. It's nice working in front of a computer all day though because I can constantly add and update and see where I am. It definitely helps me see how to move around my snacks…
  • Usually 4 of the 5 days I'll take chicken rice and veggies (like the previous poster). I'll grill up a bunch of chicken on Monday and have that the rest of the week for lunch (only needs warmed in the microwave) and I use light raspberry dressing to flavor it. On the off day, I will usually take a low fat ham or turkey…
  • Fun! I got a deal on my copy of the game today and hope to have it by the week's end!! Then I'll give this a shot! :)
  • I completed it back in November. I didn't lose any weight but lost quite a few inches. (Those inches are back now- ugh!) I'm thinking of either starting this or her Ripped in 30 DVD again.... Good luck to you all!!
  • Is anyone still going strong in this? Add me to the "break over the weekend" list... and tonight is day 9 of level 2. Today was my weigh day again and I gained back the half pound that I had "lost" so I give up. I'll continue the shred out til the end, just to finish it, but then I'm moving on to something else. I NEED to…
  • Just popping in to say hi- I'm still here... plugging right along. I just finished day 5 of level 2, which marks the halfway point of all of this. I weighed myself today (only once a week) and I didn't lose anything (0.4 pounds so doesn't count). I will have my hubby measure me again at the end of level 2 early next week.…
  • Keep up the great work, everyone! Today will be day 3 of level 2 for me. I kind of like level 2, but I find myself panting a lot more, lol. My heart rate monitor shows more calories thus far than with level 1, so hopefully it's a good thing. I won't weigh myself until Thursday (only once a week for me!!) so I am really…
  • I'm trying... I did my weigh in today and I am at the exact same spot that I was on day one. It's disheartening. I'll continue level 1 today (day 10) and then move on to level 2 tomorrow. I will see about the measurements. I did initial measurements, and I guess I can take them tonight to see what the first level did for…