30 Day Shred - Starting 10/24



  • ginnyroxx
    the scale moved for me today. stoked!
  • hockey247
    hockey247 Posts: 118 Member
    Yay!! I am glad to see the scale starting to move for everyone!!!!

    Of course I forgot to weight myself today!! I have been plugging away and doing level 2. Those plank things are a killer but I find myself doing the low impact version of everything and my heart rate is still way up. I do think I could manage moving to 5 lb weights so I need to do that soon.
  • fsuxo2003
    Ah yea......Anita and I are BFF's........I didn't try to do the most difficult stuff at the beginning......going to work my way into it! Although, I did use 5lb weights b/c I forgot my 3lbs....Oh well. Heart rate stays WAY up and I can see some tone......soooo.....guess that works.

    I have also decided to take every monday off (from EVERYTHING). 6 out of 7 days a week is plenty and I don't want to burn out. Although when I don't do cardio I find it VERY hard to stay under 1200 calories......I just ate 250 for lunch and my stomach is still grumbling :(
  • jcg926
    jcg926 Posts: 38 Member
    Keep up the great work, everyone!

    Today will be day 3 of level 2 for me. I kind of like level 2, but I find myself panting a lot more, lol. My heart rate monitor shows more calories thus far than with level 1, so hopefully it's a good thing. I won't weigh myself until Thursday (only once a week for me!!) so I am really hoping that it's budged a little... just enough to motivate me further, ya know? I don't even want to think about what level 3 is like, haha!
  • garedds
    garedds Posts: 251
    I moved on to Level 2 today! I liked it way better, but it was super hard! Plank jacks are not yet my friend. I can do about 5 with Natalie and then I am doing them Anita style! I had never seen a walking push-up until today! Crazy plank exercises! I still haven't lost any weight, but have seen more dropping off in inches so all is well--As long as I can shut off the calculator in my brain that says the scale should move! ;-D Glad you ladies are all going hard at it too!
  • fsuxo2003
    Hoooollllaaaaaaa fellow shredders! (that's 'Holler' said in Ellen Degeneres style, as opposed to 'Hola' the spanish word for Hello, just so you know)

    I took Monday off (decided to make myself take every monday off).....and finished day 3 of Level 2 yesterday. OUCH. I bought 5lb weights and had to switch them out for the 3lb weights for the squat thrust thingee's (OUCH OUCH OUCH). I can't even finish those with 3lb weights!! Guess my shoulders/upper body is more weak than I thought:

    Although, I can actually do a 'real' push up now, so that's progress. Following Natalie for the first set of planks then I follow Anita for the 2nd set. I figure that's a good warm up and will try to follow Natalie throughout when I get into days 8-9-10 of Level 2?

    I lost 3lbs over the last week but am going to stop weighing myself as much I think. I have lost about an inch and a half from my hips thus far - and my clothes are falling off.....and that's what counts!

    Is anyone else finding that you're eating more and getting hungry sooner??? I'm actually worried about starvation mode, even though I eat AM snack and PM snack everyday!!!
  • hockey247
    hockey247 Posts: 118 Member
    Christy-- I think its good that you are hungry. I think it means your body is starting to really burn those calories!! I have been worried because I am not losing weight, I'm not hungry, I am sticking to my 1200-1500 calories and I am doing the Shred everyday.

    I know that everyone keeps saying inches but I don't see them either.

    I'm going to keep plugging away and I'm hitting the gym in a few. The fact that I gained a pound is depressing to me :(

    However working out is healthy and I am definitely in the habit of working out daily now so that is a definitely plus!!!
  • fsuxo2003
    I know it's frustrating!!! Have you tried switching to 5lb weights and/or following Natalie?

    My KNEES ARE KILLING ME! I may have to switch to every other day :( I have been stretching and am wearing knee braces now but my knees are still hurting. Sigh. I even tried to follow Anita and not bend as much but they creak and crack when I go up and down the stairs to my apt and office and it's killing me!
  • hockey247
    hockey247 Posts: 118 Member
    Oh thats no good at all :( Have you stopped doing all the jumping ( high impact) out and did substitutions for the parts that kill your knees.

    Lunges are notorious knee killers for me so I make sure that I just do squats instead.

    When I first started my shins were hurting so bad that I thought I was going to break something!!

    I hope you get it all figured out-- there is nothing worse than finally having the motivation and drive and then having your body fail. I have had this happen to me in different areas of my life and its no fun at all!~!
  • jcg926
    jcg926 Posts: 38 Member
    Just popping in to say hi- I'm still here... plugging right along. I just finished day 5 of level 2, which marks the halfway point of all of this. I weighed myself today (only once a week) and I didn't lose anything (0.4 pounds so doesn't count). I will have my hubby measure me again at the end of level 2 early next week. Hopefully there will be some progress there *shrug*. There was after level 1, so we'll see. I do feel like my jeans have been looser, but it could be my imagination!

    I don't even want to think about how tough level 3 is!! Is anyone close to starting that? I still sweat so bad during this level 2!!
  • ginnyroxx
    i start level 3 on the 12th. that's like really soon. :(
    i'm scared.

    and .4 pounds IS something. That TWO sticks of butter.

    go get a stick of butter out of your fridge, imagine TWO of those. That's how much fat you lost.

    that's awesome!
  • orange_avocado
    So I ended up taking two days off out of sheer laziness. This appears to be a (negative) trend, I took off Days 5 and 6 in level 1 as well. O_o I went back to it last night, but felt like I was going to die. It was seriously a bad workout.

    Not sure what else to say. I'm just not feeling it this week. Maybe it's TOM, maybe it's just hitting the wall in "dieting". I've been staying moderately healthy, but I doubt I'll lose this week and I might even gain. I'm scared to check, lol. I've been 2-300 calories over the last 3 days and haven't been drinking nearly enough water. Then skipping my 30 DS... well, let's just say I need to get back on track.

    hockey247, my shins are hurting as well. Did yours start feeling better eventually? I think I exacerbated the problem by going running last week, ever since then it feels like my shin bones are gonna split in two when I'm doing some of the moves!
  • fsuxo2003
    Yvonne - right there with ya! I took friday AND sunday off from the shred.....despite buying knee braces my knees were killing me and I barely made it through day 6 of level 2 on Sat.

    However, I think taking off fri and yesterday really helped b/c my knees aren't killing me today. I think I'm going to have to follow Anita more! I also may have to do 2-3 days, then take a day off for the last 14 days. I plan on doing day 7 of level two today at lunch and I WILL FINISH ALL 30 DAYS!!! I'm not a quitter.....just going to take a bit longer than I anticipated :(

    Hockey - I have stopped doing jumping jacks as the outward movement + jumping hurts too much - so I just do jumprope instead, and it seems to help....I'm also trying to not bend as much on the strength part :(

    Anyone started level 3??? I haven't even watched it yet......
  • hockey247
    hockey247 Posts: 118 Member
    Hey guys!!

    Yeah, the shins were a big thing with me during this workout. I had to really cut back on the jumping. I started to do almost everything low impact. My heart rate was still way up there.

    I wanted to just post to let you guys know that me and the shred have parted ways :( I was getting set to do ChaLean Extreme and was doing my measurements and not only had I not lost a pound but I hadn't lost an inch either. It was probably my own fault since I did Slim in 6 first and the workouts are a lot longer and even harder in a certain respect.

    However, my DVD was acting up so I put in a long lost-- never tried beach body program called Yoga Booty Ballet and I had a blast!! I'll be doing YBB instead.

    It was great knowing you ladies and I wish you all the best of luck finishing off the 30DS!!!
  • jcg926
    jcg926 Posts: 38 Member
    Is anyone still going strong in this? Add me to the "break over the weekend" list... and tonight is day 9 of level 2. Today was my weigh day again and I gained back the half pound that I had "lost" so I give up. I'll continue the shred out til the end, just to finish it, but then I'm moving on to something else. I NEED to lose weight AND inches. Blah!!
  • ginnyroxx
    i have slacked this week. an upward movement on the scale had me a little...meh. i'm still taking my cardio at the gym, like tonight i have zumba which puts me in a huge calorie deficit as it is.
  • mountainmare
    mountainmare Posts: 294 Member
    Just saying hi!!!
    I started later than you, on 10/29. I haven't missed a day and so (if you do the math) today was my first day of level 3.
    I made the mistake of watching level 3 before I did it and was really scared, but it wasn't as bad as I feared.
    BTW--I am in my 60s (yes, that's age not weight) and therefore have a body that works a bit different from all you "kids" and goals that are different--like I want to stay active and alive.
    So I have still kept on with about one pound a week loss, but for the first time ever can do a few real push ups. My back looks like it did 20 years ago. I ride horses so I can hold a squat forever (its called two point), but this seems to be a good all around short workout--so don't give up.
    I do most of the things like Natlie or at the least in between the two girls--except for the extreme jumping like squat-thrusts and plank jacks. In these where you may have a twinge in your knee--I would be shopping for a new knee. So keep plugging through--take a good look at your body changes and most of all excercise save and sane--but keep moving. Who knows, when you are in your 60s you can be the one encouraging the kids.