Jillian Michaels 30 day shred

I had this DVD for MONTHS!!! I used it a few times last year and let it collect dust... Took out the other day and did Level 1, 2 and 3 back to back.. OMG it was tough but good!!!! I am going to get some weights and do this dvd everyday!!! In addition to my gym routine.

Has anyone of you guys tried it and what were your results???



  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    Wow...could not do all three work out back to back....

    But I am currently working on level 3.

    I did level 1 for 10 days and lost 5 inches

    Just finished level 2 for 10 days and lost another 5 inches......

    Did not lose any weight!!! Have stayed the same on the scales!!!
  • tameka1220
    tameka1220 Posts: 517 Member
    Wow...could not do all three work out back to back....

    But I am currently working on level 3.

    I did level 1 for 10 days and lost 5 inches

    Just finished level 2 for 10 days and lost another 5 inches......

    Did not lose any weight!!! Have stayed the same on the scales!!!

    Inches are awesome!! Yeah i'm curious to see if it'll help with my abs. the ab exercises so far, had me sore for two days!! LOL! congrats on your inches lost!
  • jcg926
    jcg926 Posts: 38 Member
    I completed it back in November. I didn't lose any weight but lost quite a few inches. (Those inches are back now- ugh!) I'm thinking of either starting this or her Ripped in 30 DVD again.... Good luck to you all!!
  • pdcarrell
    pdcarrell Posts: 101
    I'm doing the 30 day Shred with a friend I'm into Day 15 I believe and on L2 I did 10 days L1 and plan to 10 days 2 and 10 for L3 I've been havng loss's every week and definatly felt like I got a workout in! Been sore off and on! Can't believe you can do 1-3 that's amazing! She says if you don't want to hone it out in the gym give her 20 minutes of all you got! Don't over do it now! :smile: I've noticed my pants fitting looser and I need new holes in my belt now! I've gotten 2 complements so it must be doing something!
  • tameka1220
    tameka1220 Posts: 517 Member
    I completed it back in November. I didn't lose any weight but lost quite a few inches. (Those inches are back now- ugh!) I'm thinking of either starting this or her Ripped in 30 DVD again.... Good luck to you all!!

    Oh ok so this is a lose inches dvd which is fine with me. I want to continue to do my gym in the a.m and jillian in the evening and my personal trainer on tuesdays
  • tameka1220
    tameka1220 Posts: 517 Member
    I'm doing the 30 day Shred with a friend I'm into Day 15 I believe and on L2 I did 10 days L1 and plan to 10 days 2 and 10 for L3 I've been havng loss's every week and definatly felt like I got a workout in! Been sore off and on! Can't believe you can do 1-3 that's amazing! She says if you don't want to hone it out in the gym give her 20 minutes of all you got! Don't over do it now! :smile: I've noticed my pants fitting looser and I need new holes in my belt now! I've gotten 2 complements so it must be doing something!

    Yes I did all three!! But I already workout intense in the gym everyday (self certified gym rat). I need to tone up so i decided to this in the evenings... Good job on losing ur inches!
  • javonna114
    javonna114 Posts: 3 Member
    I have it, i have not gotten past level 1 yet, she's a tough chick
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    for those of you who have lost inches so quickly, what do you do besides the dvd... both food & diet wise??

    im on day 13 and dont feel ive lost much (def no lbs) but i feel smaller but i dont think ive lost many inches. any advice would be great!

  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    I always find it really hard to find the time to exercise, my weeks are so jam packed at the moment! So I've just ordered this DVD as I've read it only takes 20 mins a day yet shows amazing results?!?!

    Sounds too good to be true, but I'll give it a good go!!!

    Sal x
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    Got up early this morning and did my first day of the 30 day shred. OMG she's tough! My legs are like jelly and when I had a shower afterwards my arms were aching washing my hair!!!! I am definitely going to keep this up!!!! It's not too bad getting up 30 mins earlier before work, it's over with then and I feel awake and motivated for the day ahead.

    The only problem is I have a holiday smack bang in the middle of my 30 days...........hmmmmmm.....maybe I can memorise the routine by then and time myself haha.
  • jude666
    jude666 Posts: 231 Member
    Wow...could not do all three work out back to back....

    But I am currently working on level 3.

    I did level 1 for 10 days and lost 5 inches

    Just finished level 2 for 10 days and lost another 5 inches......

    Did not lose any weight!!! Have stayed the same on the scales!!!

    SNAP!! I think i've lost inches (although kicking myself now coz i never took any measurements before starting out) however, i posted on here not long ago that i KNOW i've lost weight as my clothes are baggy, i've had people telling me how slim i'm looking BUT THE SCALE HAS STAYED THE SAME!! This, however, set me on a course of non-motivation but i'm determined to start again.

    I have been trying unsuccessfully to get up in the morning to work out before i leave for work. Trouble is i LOVE my sleep and I have to leave for work at 6.45. So, in order to have enough time i need to really get up at 5am :-( that's so hard!! especially as I don't get through the door until 7pm in the evening (i work in London, live in the countryside so it's a big commute). I SOOOOOO WANT TO THOUGH!!! The only way i think i'm going to be able to do it is if i go to bed earlier, say 9.30 max......OMG!!!!
    Right, next time i see a post about 30DS I will be saying "yeah I do this every day, before work" I will do it!!!! :-)

    and good luck with everyone elses 30DS journey... Jillian Michael is THE BEST! !
  • Dukesjourney
    Dukesjourney Posts: 146 Member
    I've just ordered this DVD, i can't wait for it to arrive so I can get started. I go in holiday in approx 33 days days, so would be sweet if could finish it just before I go.
    Can anyone tell me how realistic it is to stick to it for 30 days. I already workout quite a lot in a week, doing various classes and lots of cardio and strength training at the gym, so i'm hoping i'll have the energy to fit this in for 20 mins a day.
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Dukeydukey, I think it's quite realistic, especially as you say you do a lot of other stuff too!

    I've done 15 days now, with 2 rest days (on saturdays) and I'd never done anything quite so intensive before. I actually go to bed looking forward to shredding in the morning! (except this morning, where I'm trying to motivate myself somewhat!). I do think just listen to your body is good advice, regarding doing it every day and when to move up a level etc. Some people haven't done each level for 10 days before moving up as they've felt bored, or found it easy. I was ready to move up after 10 days to level 2, not sure I'll be ready in another 5 days to go to level 3, but that's just me.
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    Dukeydukey, I think it's quite realistic, especially as you say you do a lot of other stuff too!

    I've done 15 days now, with 2 rest days (on saturdays) and I'd never done anything quite so intensive before. I actually go to bed looking forward to shredding in the morning! (except this morning, where I'm trying to motivate myself somewhat!). I do think just listen to your body is good advice, regarding doing it every day and when to move up a level etc. Some people haven't done each level for 10 days before moving up as they've felt bored, or found it easy. I was ready to move up after 10 days to level 2, not sure I'll be ready in another 5 days to go to level 3, but that's just me.

    I agree, it's really manageable and easy to fit into a daily routine, especially if you don't have to get up TOO early for work, I don't need to leave the house until 8am, so I get up about 6.30, do the 30DS, and then I still have time for a shower and breakfast etc before leaving for work, and I love the feeling of knowing my exercise is out of the way!!!

    If you do a lot of other things, depending how fit you are, this might make you struggle on other things, I'm only on day 2 and my legs ache soooooooo much! I'm walking like an idiot!!! But the only other exercise I do is the odd run, and horse riding on Tuesday evenings.

    It is really good though, I can certainly feel it working anyway! Ouch!!!!

    One problem I am finding, because I have bad knees, is that one of my knees is really sore today, there are a lot of lunges etc in the DVD, so it's putting strain on my knees, but I'm hoping the more I do it, the stronger they'll get!!

    Good luck! x
  • Sarahf08
    Sarahf08 Posts: 6
    I just ordered the dvd, I am going to start it the day i get it! I read that some ppl lose inches not lbs, I'm fine with that, my weight # dossnt bother me its my little tummy pudge thats aggrvating! I could gain weight but lose inches and fat and I wouldnt mine haha!
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    I just ordered the dvd, I am going to start it the day i get it! I read that some ppl lose inches not lbs, I'm fine with that, my weight # dossnt bother me its my little tummy pudge thats aggrvating! I could gain weight but lose inches and fat and I wouldnt mine haha!

    awesome, good luck with it :)

    btw you need hand weights for 30 day shred....in case you don't have any :)
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    I lost 2lb in the first couple of days of doing this, but have put them back on?! But I've been really good food wise, and kept under my calorie goal everyday, and I've been doing 30 day shred every morning, as well as going for long walks, horse riding etc.....could it just be muscle gain??????????

    When I went riding last night my jodphurs didn't feel as tight!!!!!!!!
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Im also doing it, I havent lost weight but hoping Im slimming down, Love hearing other peoples stories. x
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    Iv done 4 days of shredding and im loving it. level 1 is starting to feel a lot easier to do now so hopefully should be ready for level 2 in no time.

    iv also had compliments already after such a short time! its great!!

    But what happens after the 30 days? do you move onto something else? will the inches come back on? because i know fast changes are not always good. so i dont want my 30 days to be up, and i have a little break and im back to square one.
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    Iv done 4 days of shredding and im loving it. level 1 is starting to feel a lot easier to do now so hopefully should be ready for level 2 in no time.

    iv also had compliments already after such a short time! its great!!

    But what happens after the 30 days? do you move onto something else? will the inches come back on? because i know fast changes are not always good. so i dont want my 30 days to be up, and i have a little break and im back to square one.

    I've read people have just started again, or kept up level 3 everyday.

    I think I'll start over again in 30 days. I also want to get Jillian's "Banish Fat Boost Metabilism" DVD, it has longer workouts...something to do at a weekend when I have more time.

    I'm on day 8 now, and level one is definitely getting easier (although I still sweat like crazy doing it!!!) so I'll start level 2 on Saturday :)
