Jillian Michaels 30 day shred



  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    Im also doing it, I havent lost weight but hoping Im slimming down, Love hearing other peoples stories. x

    How many days in are you?

    I think the fat must be going but it's being replaced by muscle, which weighs heavier than fat, so that's why we're not seeing any change on the scales.

    I've ordered a new set of bathroom scales today that measures your BMI and muscle/fat ratio! (HOW I DON'T KNOW!!!!) so will be interesting to see if that changes!
  • nldsmiley
    nldsmiley Posts: 38 Member
    I'm doing the Shred too. On level 1, day 9. Will finish up with level 1 tomorrow. Yeah! I may have to skip Friday due to time constraints, but will be on level 2 on Saturday for sure. I made it this far once before so I am aware of the level 2 work out. Level 3 is what I am scared of. LOL! :) Good luck to all. Add me as a friend if needed.
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    I'm doing the Shred too. On level 1, day 9. Will finish up with level 1 tomorrow. Yeah! I may have to skip Friday due to time constraints, but will be on level 2 on Saturday for sure. I made it this far once before so I am aware of the level 2 work out. Level 3 is what I am scared of. LOL! :) Good luck to all. Add me as a friend if needed.

    Same here! Level 2 starts on Saturday!!! Eeek!!

  • caro83
    caro83 Posts: 11
    I'm on day 2.. oh my god... I can't walk. But I'm already seeing effects. Its a really powerful workout.
  • sauza
    sauza Posts: 159 Member
    I keep laughing at myself because I am afraid not to work harder. Work smarter not harder right? That 27 minutes of shred is making more changes that all the other workouts I do. Why do I keep doing all of them? I wear a hrm so I can see that it burns more calories.
  • carrie_lebel
    Guys, I did 30 days. I lost a couple of pounds but my body got tight. Holy crap. I lost my bra bulge, my muffin top, I got arm muscles, I went from a size 8 to a size 6 -4. My back looks amazing, and my butt is tight. All for like 25 minutes a day. Don't give up. I am doing the ripped in 30 now with banish the fat and no more trouble zones DVDs to mix it up. Fun stuff.

    Only problem my knee are sore never had the problem before. But oh well. I watch my position in squats and lunges and jumps more carefully but I think Im just getting older.
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    Guys, I did 30 days. I lost a couple of pounds but my body got tight. Holy crap. I lost my bra bulge, my muffin top, I got arm muscles, I went from a size 8 to a size 6 -4. My back looks amazing, and my butt is tight. All for like 25 minutes a day. Don't give up. I am doing the ripped in 30 now with banish the fat and no more trouble zones DVDs to mix it up. Fun stuff.

    Only problem my knee are sore never had the problem before. But oh well. I watch my position in squats and lunges and jumps more carefully but I think Im just getting older.

    Oh that's really encouraging :) I think my muffin tops are getting smaller too!!! It really is a great workout...just shows what you can do in such a short time if you have someone who knows there stuff! And Jillian certainly does :)

    Sauza....out of curiosity approx how many calories do you burn in a 30 day shred workout?? Interested to know, as I have no idea!
  • lex_p
    lex_p Posts: 2 Member
    Hey All,

    Firstly, well done to everyone! You've got some really inspirational posts going here!!

    I'm just a little bit worried about this DVD as I've read some reviews of it and a number of people complain about knee and joint pain. I'm hypermobile and my knee caps dislocate. Is this workout really high impact? I don't run because of my knees but I NEED to do something besides walking to and from work...

    Other quick question: is it going to be the end of the world if I don't do it consistently every day?

  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    Hey All,

    Firstly, well done to everyone! You've got some really inspirational posts going here!!

    I'm just a little bit worried about this DVD as I've read some reviews of it and a number of people complain about knee and joint pain. I'm hypermobile and my knee caps dislocate. Is this workout really high impact? I don't run because of my knees but I NEED to do something besides walking to and from work...

    Other quick question: is it going to be the end of the world if I don't do it consistently every day?


    Re your knees....I have fairly bad knees, they creak and click and I get joint pain in them from time to time, but they're not mega bad...but the first 2-3 days of doing 30 Day Shred my knees did play up yes! But they seem to have gotten used to it now and I have no pain at all. There are a lot of lunges in level one.....I haven't gotten to level two/three yet so don't know what moves are in those levels.

    Re doing it everyday....no it's not the end of the world, but I think doing it at least 5 times a week would be good, as its such a short workout, I think doing it any less would probably not show any major results.

  • louiseei
    louiseei Posts: 254 Member
    I ordered it yesterday, hoping for some great results and losing my bingo wings.
  • mandiex0
    mandiex0 Posts: 174
    i started the shred in january. i was 190lbs
    yesterday, i started lvl 3 and i am 164lbs
    i did the shred everyday, and worked at my own pace when it came down to the lvls.
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    I started this DVD 2 weeks ago exactly, and I have only missed a few days. I haven't lost any weight. But I am about .5" smaller in the waist and my endurance is alot better. I am still on level 1 but I think that I will try to move to level 2 soon.
  • lex_p
    lex_p Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you so much!! I think I just need to get off my behind and do it... I'm going to let the weather (and everyone here) motivate me xx
  • carrie_lebel
    i started the shred in january. i was 190lbs
    yesterday, i started lvl 3 and i am 164lbs
    i did the shred everyday, and worked at my own pace when it came down to the lvls.

    Holy mother. Nice
  • carrie_lebel

    I burned anywhere from 180 to 220 according to my Hrm. If you log it under circuit training for 20-22 minutes with your weight it is pretty much right on with my Hrm.
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member

    I burned anywhere from 180 to 220 according to my Hrm. If you log it under circuit training for 20-22 minutes with your weight it is pretty much right on with my Hrm.

    Oh brilliant, thanks :) x