Does anyone get sleepy after a hard workout?

I work out in the mornings, and on days when I work really hard I am so sleepy after. Sometimes I even fall asleep at my desk. I do feel more energized throughout the day when i work out, but not immediately. Does anyone else have this problem?


  • AlbertPooHoles
    AlbertPooHoles Posts: 530 Member
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    yes sometimes.
  • yes!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Nope, I just get hungry...ravenous really.
  • I only have that problem if I do more than an hour at a high level of intensity. I find that if I workout for 30-45 mins I have more energy; more than that and I'm spent. I try to reserve my long workouts for the weekend when I can take a mid-afternoon nap ;-)
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    yes, I work out in the evenings...I couldn't imagine busting my *kitten* at 5:00 am and then having my entire day to get through...I work out, go home and have my smootie, shower and go to bed ASAP
  • I work at home and go to the gym in the morning. Sometimes I lay down on the bed after I get out of the shower - and have a hard time getting back to work!
  • Yes, this is why I never work out in the morning, it takes me too long to be productive again. I like to exercise when I get home from work, so if I am exhausted after, I know bed isn't far away.
  • trimom10
    trimom10 Posts: 388 Member
    Yes, but usually it happens a couple of hours afterwards when my body starts to cool off. It's just for a short time and then I feel energized. Unless if I just did a race, then I take a nap.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 909 Member
    no not really
  • ajfrench
    ajfrench Posts: 323 Member
    Yes! I was wondering if anyone else had this problem.
  • jcg926
    jcg926 Posts: 38 Member
    Yes, this is why I never work out in the morning, it takes me too long to be productive again. I like to exercise when I get home from work, so if I am exhausted after, I know bed isn't far away.

    Same here- I don't think I could function the whole day after a tough workout!! Some people say it gives them more energy, but it makes me super tired.
  • Abalicious11
    Abalicious11 Posts: 42 Member
    I get really sleepy and get a huge headache after a hard workout
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    I get hungry so i eat right after usually 2 eggs and 1 toast, gotta get some protein and carbs to get the energy back up!!
  • sed484
    sed484 Posts: 69
    I have the opposite problem...perhaps it is because I go to bed at midnight and wake up at 4:45am BUT right after my workout I am wide awake but by midday, I need a nap SO bad. Or strong coffee!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    As soon as im done working out I ride the high and get everything else done because once I come down from the workout im almost completely useless! My added bonus is that Im a stay at home mom and dont have to worry about working after I workout!
  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member
    Honey please due to my schedule I workout at the end of the day after working, taking care of the children, cooking ( you can imagine how long this list can go ) I then go to my room without sitting change clothes and get the 30 DS done and then another Cardio workout for 40-50 minutes I am so tired I have sat down to rest many a night and woke up to my alarm clock the next morning. SNEAKERS STILL ON! But I got the workout in LOL.....

    Have a good one!
  • bejuled74
    bejuled74 Posts: 191 Member
    Thanks everyone! Everyone I told kept telling me that it was weird and I should be energized not tired. I am so relieved that it's not just me!
  • bejuled74
    bejuled74 Posts: 191 Member
    Honey please due to my schedule I workout at the end of the day after working, taking care of the children, cooking ( you can imagine how long this list can go ) I then go to my room without sitting change clothes and get the 30 DS done and then another Cardio workout for 40-50 minutes I am so tired I have sat down to rest many a night and woke up to my alarm clock the next morning. SNEAKERS STILL ON! But I got the workout in LOL.....

    Have a good one!

    You made me tired just reading that! That's dedication...awesome!
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    Yes, especially after a hard workout. I did my 1st 20k this morning. Got home, made breakfast and fell asleep for 3hours. Lol. Even missed lunch :-(