thequietesthush Member


  • Thank you all, this is great and so helpful!!! I do a vinyasa flow class once a week (1 hour so @robininfl, I might try a calorie burn a bit lower than yours), and also practice at home a few times a week. Trying to take exercise one step at a time, because if I do too much, I invariably quit (years of practice...), so…
  • Thank you - that is helpful! : )
  • I can massively relate to this - I'm not new to MFP either, and had lost a tonne of weight over the last few years. I got really ill at teh end of last year and was on steroids for about 6 months and have gained aboout 10kg back, and am now on the long process of losing that weight again. It's hard, but worth it to feel…
  • It's not easy for me to get protein powder where I live :(, but these are some great tips. I am definitely not vegetarian, but I can't afford to eat a lot of meat. I had an entire meal yesterday based off a chickpea curry (thought it would be high in protein), but I find I am still so far off my protein goals. I've taken…
  • Would love some assistance on this too! My goal is set to 1300 at the moment, and mostly eating around that (sometimes going above with exercise) - I live in a country where it's difficult to get prepackaged food that is at all healthy, so I generally try to cook most things fresh, but that does get tiring sometimes! Only…
  • A little late to the challenge but in!!! Would love some tips as am really struggling at the moment. CW: 176 GW: 154 Aug 7: Aug 14: Aug 21: Aug 28: Sep 5: Sept:12 Sep: 19 Sep: 25
  • You could bake them in a sweet chilli sauce (homemade) - use garlic, chilli (sauce or powder), a little bit of honey, and a little bit of olive oil and then just serve them with some baked veg, really delicious
  • Great ideas! Any more? One of my favourite quick eats is stirfry too :), because you can really vary the sauces and spices. Some other options off the top of my head: 1. Baked chicken breast with baked veg - requires very little prep - if you want to, you can briefly marinate the chicken in things like yoghurt/garlic or a…
  • A meal I have recently made loads and love is cous cous with veggies in a tomato-based sauce. Any veggies will do but I usually use broccoli, courgette, carrots, mushroom and fresh chillies (onion and garlic too for more flavour) in chopped tomatoes or a readymade pasta sauce with salt/pepper/oregano and lots of lime when…
  • As someone who's just started trying to lose weight, I'm only just getting my head around the BMR/TDEE concept! I've only ever lost weight before my cutting my calories (and it's no wonder I eventually over time put it back on). I'm 5'5, 167 lb and my goal is 143 at the moment, and might change based on how I feel/look. I…
  • I've always had the same issue - my weight has yo-yo'd a bit, and I am currently at the heaviest I've been in a while, which is always disappointing. Definitely could use the advice too! I really like your goals - I feel like I should do something similar to help keep myself on track and have something to look forward to!!…
  • I've been worried about the same thing, and just wanted to come in here too (not to hijack!) - thought it might make more sense to add it in here than make a new thread. I was on MFP for ages last year and definitely lost weight doing it but then got uber busy with exams/uni and completely stopped. I've gained a bunch of…