

  • If they have a sushi selection, and you like it, I would go for that over the traditional chinese food. But if you're left with general chinese, I'd go with wonton soup (to fill up), spring rolls, and brown rice. You'll more than likely have to request the brown rice because most places wont list it on their menu. Good…
  • I find that if I eat badly, that I should avoid the scale the day after...because that could sabotage me. I would stick to weighing in once a week (or less), and if you happen to over-induldge, take the next couple days to get ack on track, and you'll feel a lot better.
  • You have a lot to be proud of! Keep up the good work :happy:
  • Yes, it is better :smile: Thanks stormieweather!
  • Question for you--- this is something I've been struggling with to try and establish my ideal caloric intake for losing weight. I'm extremely active and while I've noticed inches lost within the last year of 5-6 weekly workouts and weight training, I've only actually lost 5 pounds. My guess is this is because I've been…
  • Thanks for the information. Very imformative! I also use a HRM at each workout (Polar F6) and I couldn't imagine working out without it. At the present time I've been training for a half marathon. I live in the Northeast and running in the summer has been an absolute killer! As I read your post I thought about those really…
  • Hi guys- had a real lousy week with my eating. Last week weight: 159.4 This week: 160.4 I am training for a 1/2 marathon in October, though. So my exercise and water intake are right where they should be. I gave in to a lot of urges after running 16 miles this week :) After seeing all your successes, it's motivating me to…
  • A day late in adding my weekly info, but here it is: Today's weight: 159 Goal Weight: 142 Doing well with water and exercise so far ;)
  • Would love to join as well ;) I started MFP in April with great results and have gained it all back except for 1 pound! I also work out about 5x a week so I know it's from poor food choices/over-eating. Need this group to hold me accountable. Starting weight: 159 lbs GOAL for Turkey Day: 142 Thanks!!
  • Pirates Booty!!! I love that stuff. It's like eating a cross between popcorn and cheese curls- YUM!
  • I have the same problem, and so I break up my breakfsast into two parts. I eat a bowl of cereal (low cal like kashi or special k) with 1/2 fruit and low fat milk. Then around 10-10:30 when I'm hungry again I eat a low fat yogurt or a string sheese and piece of fruit. Smaller meals every few hours do me a lot of good and…
  • I agree with the other posts. Weight Watchers does this approach and it never worked for me. I think because I was eating too little the days I was "banking" the extra cals, it was forcing my body to go into starvation mode. I would agree that an early gym visit is probably best. Start the day out on the right foot with a…
  • I'm really sorry about the loss of your friend and your grandfather's upcoming surgery. I find that when I'm anxious or stressed, I also overeat, so I can relate. Once I eat one bad thing it's pretty much a domino effect from there, and the next thing you know, your whole day is shot... The only thing I can tell you is to…
  • Agree with the new workout gear. That and new music on my iPod make me anxious to go exercise. And the more calories you burn the more you can eat ;)
  • You're my hero for drinking coffee with skim milk! I switched from half and half and sugar to just half and half a couple years ago. Whenever we're out of half and half in the morning, I just skip my morning coffee...LOL! Kudos!
  • Agreed! I'm a former "weight watcher" and it took a long time for me to come around to no longer eating "empty calories". There's so many nutritous things to eat that have less sodium, sugars and artificial crap in them. I typically stay away from vending machines, and I carry a Kashi granola bar or an apple at all times…
  • Thanks for this. Replying to keep it close by. One thing to comment on- consuming too many calories or not enough. I joined this site after hitting a plateau for the better part of a year. I had been working out 3-5 times a week and lost a pant size over the course of 12 months, but only lost 5 pounds. I had myself…
  • Sounds yummy. Thanks for sharing. If you're looking for another crust, try Boboli whole wheat pizza crust as an alternative. I've had it and think it tastes great...very filling!
  • Pretty much. That's exactly what I do. Once I attended a business meeting with a catered lunch of pasta with an alfredo sauce...nothing healthy about it! I ended up guesstimating the calories in the 1/2 cup serving and adding it to the database as "business lunch" and plugging in the cal total. I just made it visable only…
  • OMG....Probably the wrong person to reply to this post considering I look forward to the days I exercise just so I can eat more :happy: However, I do have some thoughts on healthy, high-cal snacks. If you're craving sweet/salty, try planter's trail mixes. The snack bags are about 250-300 calories a piece. Nuts in general…
  • sassiebritches- you just cracked me up!!!! :laugh:
  • Good for you! I started on the site about 3.5 weeks ago and have lost a total of 4lbs. I lost it all the first two weeks and have been maintaining for the last two due to a lot of business travel and famlily parties. I'm back on the horse this week and am just satisfied that the total loss equates to 1 lb/week which…
  • I use the IUD. Ever since having my first and only child so far, I have not wanted to go back to hormonal methods in case I decide to have a second one. I absolutely love the IUD and can't say enough good things about it. I don't even know it's there and I never have to remember to take a pill. I would highly reccommend it…
  • I travel a lot for my job and always check to see if the hotel I'm staying at has any fitness center or hiking/running trails. If you're not staying at a hotel, I would bring your ipod or MP3 player along with your running shoes and try to run/walk outdoors. After a 30 minute session, you can circuit train to continue your…
  • It's a strap with an adjustable elastic band that is machine washable. It snaps very easily into place and you can wear it right under your sports bra line. I can't even feel mine at all. It was about $109 retail and I got it on Amazon. Good luck!
  • My vote would be to buy one with the chest strap. They're more accurate on the calorie burn. I use the Polar F6 and I LOVE it. It even keeps track of my workouts by week in a diary.
  • Seems that way. I find I do my best when I can look up the nutritional info first and log my food, before I go out. That way I'm a lot less likely to mess it up. However, I am going to an overnight bachelorette party tomorrow night, and I know there will be drinking. Any suggestions on a low cal drink I can have a few of,…
  • Great job and keep up the good work!
  • I ordered one a couple years ago from SHAPE magazine's website called 'Do It Right; The 75 Best Body Sculpting Exercises for Women". I still refer to it. It's spiral bound and has a section for each muscle group with multiple exercises using various things like dumbells, stability balls, benches, chairs, etc. I found it…