Suggestions for healthy, higher-calorie snacks/foods?

After recently being on medical steroids for over 2 years (when I could eat any and everything all day without getting full), once going off, I have been having difficulty meeting my required calorie minimum if I'm eating healthy (even without the added exercise calories) once I'm full.

(*ETA: Not that I couldn't eat four pieces of pizza a day and meet the requirements, but obviously that isn't the best plan!)

Even if I eat some healthy things during the day as much as possible (I teach and don't get any breaks or planning periods to quickly snack), it always ends up being 7pm and I still have approximately 400-450 calories + whatever workout calories I earned that day.

Any suggestions for snacks that I could introduce that are healthy?

Thank you!


  • katemadrigal
    OMG....Probably the wrong person to reply to this post considering I look forward to the days I exercise just so I can eat more :happy: However, I do have some thoughts on healthy, high-cal snacks.
    If you're craving sweet/salty, try planter's trail mixes. The snack bags are about 250-300 calories a piece. Nuts in general are a good high cal healthy snack. I like cashews or peanuts the best, and will also do some low-fat peanut butter either alone or with fruit.

    Hope that helps!
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    skim mozzarela sticks, nuts like almonds and walnuts, protein smoothies. Can you drink in your classroom? You can make a smoothie with cereal, yogurt, and fruit and this can add up quickly. If not you could drink this right after school and then have your dinner later. I mix a cup of frozen berries, 1/2c. Kashi cereal, 1/2c. plain yogurt, and some almond milk with a little xylitol and it is very good and comes to about 350 or so in calories depending on the cereal you use. I drink it about mid morning in my classroom. I teach high school so my students don't really seem to care. Little ones would probably be a little harder.
  • tracyjwm
    tracyjwm Posts: 2
    Thanks - my snacks throughout the day are usually pretzels and laughing cow cheese; a skim mozz cheese stick; a fiber bar; some kind of fruit - usually strawberries or an apple; and some kind of after dinner snack - usually something salty.

    I'll have to try adding in some PB or nuts. I'm sometimes hungry later at night (after my classes are over) but I'd hate to eat that late at night...sometimes 9:30-11pm.

    Amy - thanks for the recipe. I could probably do that after school (or before), but I've got younger kids that are severly autistic, so we're not really able to (or supposed to) have anything food-wise in the classroom.