Breakfast Foods



  • sheofthesea
    sheofthesea Posts: 123 Member
    greek yogurt with berries and granola


    tortilla with veggies (I use peppers, onions, tomato & spinach) and cheese grilled or toasted


    instant oatmeal - yum!
  • I have the same problem, and so I break up my breakfsast into two parts. I eat a bowl of cereal (low cal like kashi or special k) with 1/2 fruit and low fat milk. Then around 10-10:30 when I'm hungry again I eat a low fat yogurt or a string sheese and piece of fruit.

    Smaller meals every few hours do me a lot of good and keep me from binge eating.

    Good luck!
  • If you're looking for something super-filling, I would have to side with the oatmeal people. You won't be hungry again for a long time; I used to eat it for breakfast every morning when I was a kid, and you know how fast kids get hungry, especially when they're really active :smile:
  • or something with peanut butter in it. That always kept me full for a long time as well. Just make sure you don't overdo it with the peanut butter; I'm not sure how many calories it has
  • Boston01810
    Boston01810 Posts: 2,267 Member
    3/4 cup Kashi GO Lean cereal (it counts as a protein, whereas Spec K counts as a carb)
    1.5 ounces of fruit (blueberries, raspberries, etc)
    1/2 cup skim milk

    Mid morning snack:
    HMR Breakfast drink- 100 calories, it has protein in it:wink:
  • thinsky
    thinsky Posts: 81
    Special K protein plus has way more protein in it and you actually have to add back in some carbs to balance it out.
  • Boston01810
    Boston01810 Posts: 2,267 Member
    Good to know Thinsky= I will look for Spec K Protein, vs Spec K original
  • thinsky
    thinsky Posts: 81
    :happy: Yes definetly do and it tastes good!!!!!
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    I switch it up. I either have:

    Cereal and cottage cheese
    egg creations in a whole wheat wrap or
    fruit smoothie
  • My favorite breakfast is 1-2 eggs mixed with two tablespoons of salsa scrambled. I don't know how healthy it is but it sure is good :)
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Today I had a whole wheat english muffin with a piece of fruit, then mid morning I had a handful of almonds (unsalted).

    Sometimes I have a fruit and yogurt parfait from McDonalds.
  • kshiz
    kshiz Posts: 24
    If you are not crazy about breakfast, try melting only one slice of a mild white cheese, like Havarti or Munster on a low calorie wheat bread with a slice of tomato. I do this in the toaster oven and it holds me over till lunch. EAT SLOW...that helps too. I always have a small bag of almonds in my purse to help ease that morning hunger! :tongue:
  • mappy
    mappy Posts: 31 Member
    This sounds like a dessert - but its breakfast.

    Layer items in your bowl in this order:

    1/2 cup lowfat granola
    1 small sliced banana
    1/2 (small 6 oz container) fat free vanilla yogurt
    just a sprinkle of more granola
    1/2 cup sliced strawberries, or blueberries, or blackberries, peach, whatever
    The rest of the yogurt
    sprinkle of granola or fruit - for top garnish

    You'd be surprised by the amount of food in your bowl. I serve this to guests for breakfast all the time. No cooking required. Served in small a glass bowl this breakfast is also quite pretty.
  • RecliningFigure
    RecliningFigure Posts: 214 Member
    In the summer, I make a breakfast smoothie so I can sip it all morning (since I usually don't have the time nor can I stomach eating a breakfast fast).

    Frozen fruit (I like mango)
    silken Tofu (you don't taste it, but it's very good for you and the reason I have long term energy)
    a little juice (or you can use water)
    a banana
    1 tbl wheat germ
    1 tbl soy protein

    blend, put in reusable container with fat straw.
  • jdp21
    jdp21 Posts: 155 Member
    For breakfast I usually make a little sandwich wiiith...

    1 whole wheat English muffin
    1 slice of tomato
    1 egg, yolk broken and microwaved
    1 tsp of margarine on one side
    1 piece of skim cheddar cheese (I use Kraft singles because they're simple to find)

    And that's it! Now I'm fine with the fat intake on this one, but some others might be a bit skeptical (oh, I also of course follow all this with a piece of fruit!). But I also used regular margarine for this, so by all means of course feel free to buy some low-fat, low-sodium margarine (I just didn't happen to have any in the house!).

    Calories: 299
    Carbs: 30
    Fat: 12
    Protein: 18
    Sodium: 928

    I sometimes add a little turkey bacon (low-sodium) to it, too.
  • amberc1982
    amberc1982 Posts: 468 Member
    I split my breakfast up. At 6:00 am I normally have 2 slices of 35 calorie toast with a little bit of margarine and some cinnamon and sugar (just enough to taste it). Then around 10 I have a low fat yogurt.
  • LingLing
    LingLing Posts: 8 Member
  • Boston01810
    Boston01810 Posts: 2,267 Member
    Kashi Go Lean cereal, fruit and skim milk
  • depending on what mood i'm in these are my 3 favourite breakfasts:

    * 1 (or 2 if im particularly hungry) slice of wholemeal bread with 1 teaspoon of peanut butter
    = 250 cals for 1 slice, 350 cals for 2

    * 2 poached eggs on 1 slice of wholemeal bread with a very thin layer of lurpack light butter ((2/3 teaspoon perhaps))
    = about 300 cals & very filling

    * chopped banana, handful of raspberries or any berry you like mixed in a bowl of 1 pot of weight watchers/activia fruit yogurt
    = about 250-300 cals & to avoid the added sugar u could just use the berries in place of the banana

    These breakfasts always fill me up so that i'm always content & full until dinnertime which is always a good thing :wink:
    Hope this helps,
    :heart: Emma
  • LeeiaL
    LeeiaL Posts: 40
    Oatmeal w/blueberries and walnuts. I also add a scoop of protein sometimes. I never get hungry till afternoon!
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