megsybk Member


  • Hey there! Feel free to add me! I can use all the support I can get, and will give as much support as I can. I have attempted to do this whole "healthy lifestyle" transformation several times and always seems to let it go after just a month or 2... can't let that happen this time. Found out last week that I'm showing early…
  • Thanks everyone! Either way, there was progress, whether it's 8 lbs or 18 lbs, it's progress. I just want to know, since I'm starting over again for the umpteenth time, what my actual starting weight is. Guess I'm just going to stick with 342. I don't feel like I've lost 18 lbs. Thanks for all the feedback!
  • Because the most I can do fitness wise is walk a 12 minute mile (and I credit my 36 inch legs to that!). Other than that, I am pretty sedentary and have heard that spinning is insanely intense. Please note, I'm not fearful that i'm ACTUALLY going to die, just worried that it's going to to be incredibly hard and make me…
  • Hey there! I'm 6'4! Hoping to start off losing about 50 lbs and then progress from there. Was on here last year and then life happened, and I quit. Went to the Dr. yesterday and was told he saw warning signs for insulin resistance, which can lead to diabetes down the road. I'm NOT ok with that, and know that I can get my…
  • I wear a 13... I shop at Nordstrom/Nordstrom Rack in the store. Payless also usually carries 13s, but they're so cheap, I can't get shoes from there anymore. Online, 6pm (although they don't have a lot of cute shoes to pick from), Zappos, and barefoottess are the other websites I go to! I hope that helps!! I can't stand it…
  • To give you guys an idea... I'm 6'4 and 339.3 lbs. using the website that pp gave, it says that at my weight, I would burn 707 calories by walking at a 4.0 pace for 55 minutes. That seems absurd!
  • I guess the reason I think they aren't working is because I started taking them on Friday, March 23rd and on the following Monday, I lost 3 lbs, the next day I lost another 3 lbs and by Wednesday I had lost another 2 lbs. Since last Wednesday, I've gone up 1.1 pound and then went back down .4 lbs, but that is the only…
  • I sent dbf to the grocery store tonight and that's exactly what he bought! He bought the sea salt and pepper ones, but I think i'd prefer just the regular sweet potato fries. I'm curious though... in your experience, is the serving size really "30 fries"? I don't have a scale... i need one, I know! and on the bag it said…
  • I'm 6'4 and I ABSOLUTELY love it! I honestly wish I was 2 inches taller. Yes... you read that right. I wish I was 6'6. Been this height since I was 13 and my boyfriend is 6'3 1/2 (if he stands up straight!) :happy:
  • I think this is the link....
  • Looks like I'm one of the tallest on here! SCORE! hahaha. I love being tall! I'm 6*4 and have a very large frane My HW was 353 and in Lane Bryant jeans (curse them to HELL!!) I wore a 28 My CW is 339.3 and i'm in the same size... dresses I wear a 24 in though and shirts I wear 2x or 3x depending on the fabric My LW was…
  • Sounds delicious! Thanks!!
  • Thanks Armando! Any tips for staying on track?? That has been my biggest struggle throughout the years! Thanks for responding and for adding me. I LOVE being 6'4! I honestly wish I was a couple inches taller. I'd love to be 6'6!
  • Not ever having cooked or tasted Quinoa before, I thought it came out great using the rice cooker. The directions were the same as they are for cooking regular rice (add x amount of uncooked quinoa with x amount of water) so my logic was that the rice cooker could be used. I thought it came out well! I probably would've…
  • great!! there is a 20 somethings group... maybe we can all meet up there and check in every day?
  • I'm looking for honest and supportive friends too! Feel free to add me. I think the weekly/monthly challenges could be lots of fun!!
  • Hm... I don't know how to describe the texture. It definitely was not like rice. My boyfriend said he thought the texture was that of caviar. I haven't ever had caviar so I can't comment on that. It has kind of a nutty taste. I made a crock pot fiesta chicken (found on spark people) recipe and put that over it. It was…
  • My boyfriend and I are planning on taking days off here and there. We both love Mexican and Italian, and cheese fries with ranch dressing so we need day off like once or twice a month so that we aren't completely depriving ourselves.... although I suppose the mexican and italian and cheese fries with ranch are all what…