Kidvicious28 Member


  • Ok! Now I understand. Thank you so much for explaining it to me :)
  • Count me in! Sounds like a lot of fun :)
  • I'm in the same exact position as you. Feel free to add me as well!! :flowerforyou:
  • Where can you buy the DVD? and how much is it? I would totally be up for it, but I don't have the DVD! haha
  • These are threads you will DEFINITELY want to read. They are written by good people, who know what they're talking about. Good luck with your journey! :flowerforyou:…
  • You look fantastic!!! Great job! :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • Fantastic job!!!! My mouth literally spit out "WOW!" when I saw your pics! You make me want to push myself harder and focus more on getting to my goal. Keep up the good work and thanks for being such an inspiration!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Awesome post Deathtaco! I'm glad someone is putting that info out there for everyone to read. Thanks for sharing all the info! :smile:
  • Wow! You looks great!!! Way to go!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Hey guys! Sorry I've been MIA for about a month lol I'm actually trying hard to get back into my groove. I've been doing good so far with exercising and logging my food. How has everyone been doing? Are you guys pumped for Eclipse!?!? I sure am! :drinker: It's coming up so fast!
  • Hey Lady! :smile: I will def participate :happy: I have to do stuff like this for classes too haha 1. I know 2 females that are raising children alone. 2. I was raised by a traditional parenting system (parents are still together). 3. No. I don't not. 4. I think people should only be allowed on welfare for a certain amount…
  • So... I fell off the wagon.... I could use any and every type of motivation I can get lol I need to get back on track and focus! I have long days 8am-8pm m-f....any ideas on what I can do for exercise? I really like going outside to run, but by the time I get home it's already dark and I don't feel comfortable....but I'm…
  • lol I'm still here! I haven't posted in awhile! I just moved to North Carolina..but I'm back! I hope everyone is doing well! I need to jump back on the band wagon!
  • Just wanted to say hello and welcome all the newbies! I hope you enjoy this thread! I've been doing well this week...but I had a cheat day yesterday, chinese food and alcoholic beverages lol I needed it...but I this morning I realized my body is adapting to healthy food and when I eat crappy stuff my body feels terrible…
  • Morning ladies :smile: Pam, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. You and you're family will be in my prayers. BUT on the positive side of things, congrats on losing 8 lbs!!! That's fantastic :happy: Holly, I hope you get better soon! take it easy :flowerforyou: I did great yesterday with my calories. I haven't had much…
  • Eclipse news: Target will be selling a 3 disc dvd version of Eclipse on March 20th. So, if you're anything like me (you like tons of bonus features, aka 2 of the dvds are actual bonus material!)'ll go and buy this version lol Also, if you don't have it already, The Twilight Saga New Moon 3 disc deluxe edition dvd…
  • New Moon news: NEW MOON DVD RELEASE DATE IS OFFICIAL!!!! 3/20!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Oh girl, I research this stuff like no other! I'll have to find where I saw it, but it was from a good website that's always right. They didn't mention what category though. They just said New Moon and Little Ashes (rob is salvador dali) were up for consideration for an oscar
  • twilight news: If anyone has showtime....there will be a show about Twilight with Melissa Rosenberg (the screen writer) on Jan. 24 :smile: She explains how she came up with ideas and why she put certain scenes into the movie and why she kept certain scenes out, etc etc new moon news: New Moon is being considered for an…
  • Just checking in to see how everyone was doing. I see a bunch of ppl have lost weight! That's so great! Keep up the good work guys! I've stayed under my calories for about two weeks now! I'm so excited. I usually slip up and go over my cals at least once, but I haven't yet since the new year started! *knock on wood* lol…
  • So I stepped on the scale this morning...I lost 1.4 lbs lol yay! I'm reading Twilight again...and still loving it :smile:
  • Congrats on losing 2 lbs! Great job! That's so awesome :happy: Keep up the good work!! Your first goal is great! :smile: It's def possible to lose 5 lbs in a month. I noticed you just started MFP this month (I hope you like it just as much as I do! :smile: ) Your other weight goals seem a bit high though. I'm not sure if…
  • I'm not really a true blood fan BUT I AM a Vampire Diaries fan! I just love the vamp diaries! Damon and Stefan are so sexy lol I can't wait until season 2 starts up again! I think it starts Jan 14th, but not positive. Anyone else a Vamp Diaries fan??
  • Did you guys hear about the Eclipse script being leaked out on the internet? UGH! Annoyed. Idk if it's true or not, I'm not going to search for the script bc I don't want to ruin the movie. Just…
  • Hello to the newbies! Good luck! Wannabeacullen, great job at losing that weight! Keep up the good work! Tervin, the mini goals are a good idea. I think I'll make myself some too. Good luck! I hope everyone is having a great morning!
  • Good job Mallorie! Stay away from those fast food restaurants! How are you feeling? Any better?
  • LMAO it sparkles!?!?! oooh my gosh. That's hilarious!
  • Hey guys! Sounds like everyone's doing well. I stayed under my calories again today, but I keep going over my sodium. I don't know this is such a problem lol do you guys go over your sodium a lot???
  • Morning ladies! I just sat down to a hot bowl of oatmeal with peaches and a banana YUM! I couldn't bring myself to read Meyer's posting of Midnight sun. I just couldn't lol I saw it and then was just about to read it and then I forced myself to stop haha I hope she finishes it! I won't read it until she's done. That's how…
  • I think it's funny how I just opened this thread to read the new posts and there's an ad for eclipse on the right side haha it made me giggle like a little girl and I figured there's no one else better to share my excitement with other than you guys lol I absolutely can't wait for eclipse to come out!!! I stayed within my…