Twilight Saga ECLIPSE Challenge



  • Bump so Rachel can find us! Yay! Welcome Rae Rae!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Hello everyone, I am new to MFP, so please bare with me! I am so excited for Eclipse to come out!! I hope to be at my goal weight for the premier but I work at an Italian bakery and it is HARD to pass up the delicious, high calorie, high fat foods that are always in front of me.
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    I hope everyone is having a good weekend. My hubby is out of town for seven weeks so it's just me and my girls for Valentines Day. We are going to a Valentines Day Brunch on base and it's suppose to be really nice and out to Red Lobster for dinner. Hopefully I won't do too bad on my calories. :indifferent: I will post my weight tomorrow with hopes of good results. TOM is visiting this week but usually it doesn't change anything even though sometimes I wish I could use that as an excuse.:blushing: A little over 19 weeks till Eclipse!
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Happy Valentines Day :happy: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Down 0.8lbs this week, I was hoping for at least a pound and a half but that's good. I'm glad to see the scale going down!:bigsmile: I think Valentine's Day is going to hurt me a little for next weeks weight in but hopefully not to bad. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!:love::love: :love:

    02-01-10 - 152
    02-07-10 - 148
    02-14-10 - 147.2
    Eclipse Goal - 125
    Over all goal - between 120-125
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Well, since I don't have a Valentine, I had to give myself my own VDay present. This year? My present was losing 3 lbs. Probably one of the best presents ever! Hope you are alldoing well!
  • Congrats on your losses!

    Mal, I don't have a Valentine either.

    I didn't lose this week but I also didn't gain! Thats probably because I'm due for my period, which is late. And it is that reason that I'm glad I don't have a Valentine:laugh: :wink:

    Anybody hear any Twilight news lately? I went to the movies this weekend and saw the poster for Eclipse! I was really hoping to see a trailer, but I figured I wouldn't. How much longer will they keep us waiting?

    Happy Monday girls!~
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Come on Twi-hards!! Where is everyone???? I am starving, but managing to stay under calorie for the day. After all, just a few scant months until Eclipse!!
  • maryann73
    maryann73 Posts: 763 Member
    mali: my friend says she is going to get us old ladies "Team Cougar" tshirts for the midnight showing. :bigsmile:
  • I know I'm way late but can I still join this group? I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Twilight Saga!!! I just found and joined this site yesterday so I'm a tad behind. :smile:
  • mali: my friend says she is going to get us old ladies "Team Cougar" tshirts for the midnight showing. :bigsmile:

    :laugh: I love it!
  • I know I'm way late but can I still join this group? I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Twilight Saga!!! I just found and joined this site yesterday so I'm a tad behind. :smile:

    Welcome! We are glad to have you!
  • nana1325
    nana1325 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, my name is Diana and I would love to join this group. I think its a great idea to mix weight loss with the Twilight Saga, which I love love love!!
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    I love to see newcomers! Welcome to the Eclipse Challenge.:bigsmile:
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Ok so a little disappointed with my 0.2 weight loss this week!!!!!! :noway: I would really love a higher number even 1lb would be fantastic! :happy: I guess I can always hope for better results next week. I set up all my weigh in's for the next 18 weeks till Eclipse comes out. Yes I said 18 more weeks to go!:bigsmile: Plus I put in mini goals for myself which I am hoping to motivate me a little more to make sure I can reach them. I hope everyone else is doing good with their weight loss. Keep up all the hard work.
    02-01-10 - 152
    02-07-10 - 148
    02-14-10 - 147.2
    02- 21-10 - 147
    03-21-10 - Mini Goal 140
    05-09-10 Mother's Day - Mini Goal - 132
    06-13-10 Moving back to the East Coast - Mini Goal - 127
    06-30-10 Eclipse Goal - 125
    Over all goal - between 120-125
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    Hi! Can I join late too? :flowerforyou: I'm a big fan of twilight and fitness, so this is a great combo! :happy: I'm living overseas in Germany with my husband who's stationed here (and I'm happy to say there's an english-movie theater nearby that showed new moon and I'm hoping eclipse! :wink: ) I thought I was Team Edward, but I think I'm actually Team Taylor...hehe can I be on both teams? :tongue:
  • Happy Monday and welcome to all the newbies!

    I didn't lose anything this week:sad: But I did have a visit from TOM last week, so I'll prolly see some nice results this week.

    I got a new bed yesterday! :bigsmile: YAY! My old bed was so squeaky that it would wake me up when I rolled over! And it sagged in the center, so I would be sore when I woke up. I actually slept comfortably last night, I even had dreams! The only soreness I feel this morning is from stupid Jillian Michaels!:laugh: :wink:

    I ordered Power 90 and I should be getting it any day now! I can't wait to start that program! I'm hoping to move up to P90X after I finish.

    usmcwifeb15.... 18 weeks?!?!?! I'm so ready! I'm almost half way to my goal and if I keep going at the rate I am, plus the new workouts, I may be at my goal by then! You are doing awesome!!!
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    usmcwifeb15.... 18 weeks?!?!?! I'm so ready! I'm almost half way to my goal and if I keep going at the rate I am, plus the new workouts, I may be at my goal by then! You are doing awesome!!!

    You are doing so great wannabecullen! Getting close to halfway. I am hoping to be at my goal by the Eclipse premiere or just a few lbs shy of it. I am so ready for the movie to come out!!!!:bigsmile: 18 weeks still seems like a long time. I was kind of wondering where everyone has gone. I feel like there is only a few of us that still check in.


    Welcome acureese!:flowerforyou:
  • Right!? Where'd everybody go?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    Thank you for the warm welcome!! :happy: I'm very excited for it, wow 18 weeks! Although I'm new to our neighborhood and my husband isn't as into it (maybe he just wishes he was a Cullen or a werewolf? :wink: ), so I hope I find someone to go with by then! Although, going to the movies by myself would not deter me in any way from seeing it! :tongue:

    Hehe, just wanted to share, my old roommate and I had started a "You know you're a huge fan of twilight when..." list, and I think my main moment was when we were watching So You Think You Can Dance, and I just shook my head in dismay and said, "the Cullens could do that so much better." I was totally serious and didn't even realize I said it out loud, she busted up laughing and put that at the top of our list!:blushing: Heehee, what's your main huge fan moment you'd like to add to the list? :smile:

    PS- I want a werewolf six-pack! Well, not that jacked, but a female version!:wink: I think that's my goal for the movie!
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Ok I've got one..........You know your a huge fan of Twilight if you consider naming your son Cullen.:happy: A friend of mine is really considering it and I have to say that I just love it. If I was to have any more babies that would definitely have to be a name to think about!!!!!!:laugh:

    acureese that is a good goal for the premiere! I just wish I could just get rid of that left over flab from two babies and two c-sections!:laugh: It doesn't seem to go away no matter how much I weigh. Might have to consider a tummy tuck at some point. :sad:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    lol I'm still here! I haven't posted in awhile! I just moved to North Carolina..but I'm back! I hope everyone is doing well! I need to jump back on the band wagon!
  • Hey Kid! Welcome back!

    I bought Power 90 and it just got delivered today! I did my first workout. Hold off on the tummy tuck and I'll let you know how this Ab Ripper works! I've got major mushabelly goin on over here. I'm going to fight my *kitten* off to avoid surgery, but I've considered it too. I'm applying for jobs at all the plastic surgeons and medisapas around here to get me a discount if necessary:wink:

    BTW, I'm not counting it, but I seem to be down 5 more pounds. Hmmm. Maybe yesterday I didn't lose cuz it was the end of TOM??? Its prolly all water, I'll take an official weight next Monday.

    Happy Tuesday Twi-hards!
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    Haha that's an awesome one for the list usmc! :laugh: I think Cullen's actually a great name, even if I wasn't a fan of twilight I'd consider it, too :smile: And if anyone teases them, they can say hey, it's waaay better than, oh I don't know, Nicholas Cage naming his son after superman? :tongue:
    Btw, is what you're trying to work on in the ab area weight or skin from the births and c-sections? 'Cause I agree on holding off on the surgery (Wannabeacullen let us know how the Power 90 is! :smile: ), if it's weight it just takes some hard work and first I thought oh man losing weight takes forever, but with the fun I'm having talking to people on here and logging stuff in time seems to fly by! :happy: I always have worked out a lot, too and was getting a little frustrated, but now realize I was underestimating the amount I'd been consuming, journaling has really helped with that... I'm excited, I have some small signs of a two or four pack emerging, whoohoo! (haha, obviously it' s not emerging that much yet if I can't tell if it's two or four! :wink: I'm gonna be optimistic and lean towards four!)
    Kid I hear NC is gorgeous, I hope your move went well! :happy:
  • KatiePeca
    KatiePeca Posts: 314 Member
    I'd love to join this challenge! I know I'm coming in late, but there's still plenty of time right! I'd love to be 40 pounds lighter by then, but that may be a lofty goal, I'd settle for 35!

    My biggest issue is that I hate to exercise! Plus, I have a 2 year old and a 4 year old and I work, and I just feel pulled in so many directions, I'm usually too tired to invest any time in me!

    But, I love Twilight, and I'm on Team Edward all the way! And I can't wait for Eclipse!

  • rkascak
    rkascak Posts: 224 Member
    Im a twilight dork! I cant help it. Making a goal to lose wieght for the movie is a great idea! I can wait till it comes out! AHHHH im so exctied!. I would like to be close to my goal wieght by then (130) I wieghed in this morning at 146.5. I can do this.

    P.S. Im team Vampire :)
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Welcome to the group rkascak and KatiePeca!:flowerforyou:

    As for the ab tummy problem it's more of skin then fat. I have to wait a while to get anything done any way so don't worry about the holding off. Once I get the rest of this weight off then I will be considering it.
  • Yay! More people!!! Welcome rkascak and KatiePeca!

    I've decided to count my loss. Its stayed steady since yesterday morning, so its going in the record. Except its 3 .5 pounds not 5. Whatever, I'll take it!

    I finished day 2 of Power 90 this morning and I'm exhausted! But still loving it. I can totally see why it works.
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    Wannabecullen, 3.5 is AWESOME, great job! :glasses: Don't worry that's it not 5, it's still 3.5, and there are so many factors that can affect weight loss, like sleep, stress, long as you're getting healthy and fit and feeling great, that's all that matters! :happy:
    Usmc, that sounds like a good idea :smile: Yayyy Team Twilight! ...wait I probably should call it Team Eclipse right?:smile:
    Welcome to the group rkascak and KatiePeca! :flowerforyou: I'm new too and so far I'm loving this group!:happy:
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Great Job wannabecullen 3.5lbs is great!!!! Sometimes it gets so frusterating when your only losing really small amounts but when it's a number like that, 3.5lbs it really makes the whole losing weight worth all the effort.:bigsmile:
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