Twilight Saga ECLIPSE Challenge



  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Congrats on your loss wannabecullen that is great! I know how you feel I can't wait to finally get in the 130's. I really don't think I am going to make it this week though with the hubby back. I have been hitting the gym everyday first thing in the morning but the eating right is not coming along so well. Just hoping to maintain this week and get back on the losing next week. I hope everyone is having a good week so far!
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    Great job Wannabecullen!!! :flowerforyou: usmc, , keep up the great work! It's okay to have a maintenance week in my opinion! (That's what I had, hehe :tongue: ) These last couple pounds are not wanting to go away, I wish they didn't love me so much! Soon!!:grumble:

    Happy tuesday everyone!!:happy:
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    acureese you always make me laugh! Don't worry those last few pounds will come off soon enough just keep working at it. I have been working out everyday but just eating whatever I want so I sure hope I'm maintaining!!!!:laugh:
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    No loss for me this week! I'm not even going near the scale. I worked out all week but the eating has been pretty bad. Planning on getting back on track with the eating on Monday. The hubby is leaving again but for only a week this time so next week should be super easy to stay focused. I hope everyone is having a good weekend!

    02-01-10 - 152
    02-07-10 - 148
    02-14-10 - 147.2
    02- 21-10 - 147
    02-28-10 - 145.4
    03-07-10 - 144.4
    03-14-10 - 143.6
    03-21-10 - Mini Goal 140 YAY!!!! MADE MY GOAL 140.6
    03-28-10 - 140.6
    05-09-10 Mother's Day - Mini Goal - 132
    06-13-10 Moving back to the East Coast - Mini Goal - 127
    06-30-10 Eclipse Goal - 125
    Over all goal - between 120-125
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    Hehe, I'm glad I make you laugh usmc, on the weeks I have no weight loss I figure as long as I had fun working out and I can still laugh, all's good right? :wink:
    Happy Monday everyone!!
  • maryann73
    maryann73 Posts: 763 Member
    way to go Wannabe!!! Isn't it great when the scale FINALLY moves over that bump? No matter what the number is, it's always nice when it gets to the other side of the 5 or 9!
  • Another two pounds down! Yay!

    Thanks Mayann73, it really is nice!

    USMC! You are rockin it out! Thanks for the inspiration. You are doing a fantastic job!

    KC, I'll have to watch it later when I have a moment. Thanks for posting, even though I'm not sure what it is.

    OK, So I planned to go for a run this morning between taking my daughter to school and going to class. Now I'm realizing that I have no concept of time, lol. 45 minutes to run 2 miles, shower, eat, and make it in campus is a little out there.

    I decided to make weekly goals. I think this week my goal should be to plan my time wisely. Think a little, Holly. Just a little, I need energy to run too. :laugh:

    Hope you are all having a fantastic week!
    KCSPEARS Posts: 123

    Fans of The Twilight Saga will be enthralled by this riveting story of Bree Tanner, a character first introduced in Eclipse, and the newborn vampire world she inhabits. In another irresistible combination of danger, mystery, and romance, Stephenie Meyer tells the devastating story of Bree and the newborn army as they prepare to close in on Bella Swan and the Cullens, following their encounter to its unforgettable conclusion.

  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Wannabecullen you are doing so fantastic! 2lbs is great. I got a little off track last week when the hubby came home but I have been more than focused this week with eating and excersise.

    KCSPEARS I read the article you posted and it was very interesting. I've read the books twice but I couldn't remember who Bree was until it reminded me at the bottom of the article. She was such a tiny part of Eclipse I am actually surprised they are doing a book from her point of view. I am very interested in reading it though and I hope it's good.
  • Okclbates
    Okclbates Posts: 15
    I'm game! I've got 70 pounds to lose total so this would be a good start for me on that journey. I've only just watched Twilight and am currently reading that book. I thought the movie was slow but the book is actually very good.
  • I just read the article and I am so excited. Mostly because I feel like there is hope that Stephenie has more up her sleeve! And it gives me more to do while I wait for June 30! I like the idea of seeing things from Brees POV. I love how she has such intricate details about each character. I LOVE her writing style and her imagination. I really hope she continues the saga. Even if it means coming from more than just Bella and Jacob abd Edward. I think I'm more in love with the whole "Forks" world than I am with Bella and Edward. Just meaning that as long as we can stay in Forks, I'm a happy camper. Does that make any sense at all? Are you picking up what I'm putting down?:wink::laugh:

    And thanks usmc. Glad your hubby is home! You deserved to slack off and celebrate!!!!
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    Great job wannabecullen and KC!! You gals are kickin butt!! :flowerforyou:
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    Wannabecullen, I totally hear you, I heart Forks :smile:
    Happy Easter everyone!!:flowerforyou: (when I was little my mom hid the chocolate eggs from us to I'm hiding from the chocolate!:tongue: )
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    What I'd like to do is to start a thread each week so that we can all connect & share how we're doing, how we've done the previous week, what we're succeeding at, what we're struggling with, and be able to provide each other with the support that we all need on this journey.

    And along the way, we can chat a bit about the upcoming movie, any interviews we've seen that have piqued our interest, etc. hahaha

    I am so excited to see so many people already interested in participating! Yeah!! :laugh: :laugh:

    So ...I HAVE to ask ..... what team are you on ? Team Edward? Team Jacob? Team Switzerland? Who's your favorite character? Favorite book? Favorite quote?

    I am one of those oddballs who isn't on either Team Jacob or Edward - I am all about Carlisle! Eclipse was my favorite book, so I am really eager to see the movie (not to mention that the interviews w/ the cast so far have me so excited!). My favorite quote is also Carlisle's and I think that it applies to our journey here as well ....

    "Like everything in life, I just had to decide what to do with what I was given." Carlisle Cullen, New Moon

    I actually love Alice the most. Carlisle is my second favorite. Alice is just too cute and Carlisle is just so darned wonderful.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I will be recovering from my hysterectomy (June 7th) when Eclipse comes out. I've actually lost most of the weight I wanted to. My goal will be to have completely toned arms, thighs, and belly before the surgery. Then my other goal will be to be mostly recovered, maintain my weight, and slowly work back into exercise by the time the movie is out.
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Happy Easter to all:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    KCSPEARS Posts: 123
    [I agree, I hope she does have more up her sleeve!! :)

    I just read the article and I am so excited. Mostly because I feel like there is hope that Stephenie has more up her sleeve! And it gives me more to do while I wait for June 30! I like the idea of seeing things from Brees POV. I love how she has such intricate details about each character. I LOVE her writing style and her imagination. I really hope she continues the saga. Even if it means coming from more than just Bella and Jacob abd Edward. I think I'm more in love with the whole "Forks" world than I am with Bella and Edward. Just meaning that as long as we can stay in Forks, I'm a happy camper. Does that make any sense at all? Are you picking up what I'm putting down?:wink::laugh:

    And thanks usmc. Glad your hubby is home! You deserved to slack off and celebrate!!!!
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    No loss again but it doesn't really help that I haven't been very focused with food lately. TOM is approaching this week as well so I am debating to weigh in or not this coming weekend. I have a wedding to go to in 3 weeks, so my goal by then is to be in the 130's. I know I can do it if I just stay focused and not let the hubby being home throw me off anymore.:grumble: I hope everyone else has a good week.

    02-01-10 - 152
    02-07-10 - 148
    02-14-10 - 147.2
    02- 21-10 - 147
    02-28-10 - 145.4
    03-07-10 - 144.4
    03-14-10 - 143.6
    03-21-10 - Mini Goal 140 YAY!!!! MADE MY GOAL 140.6
    03-28-10 - 140.6
    04-04-10 - 140.6
    05-09-10 Mother's Day - Mini Goal - 132
    06-13-10 Moving back to the East Coast - Mini Goal - 127
    06-30-10 Eclipse Goal - 125
    Over all goal - between 120-125
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    So... I fell off the wagon.... I could use any and every type of motivation I can get lol I need to get back on track and focus! I have long days 8am-8pm m-f....any ideas on what I can do for exercise? I really like going outside to run, but by the time I get home it's already dark and I don't feel comfortable....but I'm always so tired and end up eating dinner asap and going to bed around 9pm and waking up around 7am:embarassed: Any ideas???

    New Moon rocks btw! I think I'm going to watch it this weekend
  • Hi Kid!

    When I used to work crazy hours, I did alot of walking.

    Do you get a lunch break? Try splitting it up, spend the first half of the time walking and then eat. Use any breaks to walk whereever you can. Park further away from your job. Then just do a nice beefy workout on the weekend, like a long run, extra cardio, a bootcamp, whatever floats your boat.

    As far as needing motivation, you already came here and asked. I think you've got it under control! Welcome back!
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    usmc, I hear ya, I've been working out but slacking on tracking my food and I think that's what's causing my weight to hang out longer than I want it to:grumble: It's amazing how much tracking the food really helps me lose weight, I ca't figure out why I stopped? :tongue:
    Kid, we're all here to help motivate you! :flowerforyou: Do you have any 5-10 min breaks? Walking, doing stairs, or having an exercise band at work to squeeze in some sets on a break are things I used to do...3 to 5, 5-10 minute workouts can be just as effective as one 30-45 minute workout :smile: Also, I know it's hard because it took me awhile to get used to it when I did it, but is doing a short jog in the am before work possible? I hated rolling out of bed 30 mins earlier, but 5 mins into the jog I'd wake up and love the fresh air/less-crowded roads that it's energizing and you get your workout done first thing! :smile:
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Well I'm not sure where everyone is but I hope you are all doing good with your weigh loss. As for me I'm down 2lbs this week!!!!!:bigsmile: Finally a loss after 3 weeks without one. HELLO 130'S OH HOW I MISSED YOU!!!!!!!!

    02-01-10 - 152
    02-07-10 - 148
    02-14-10 - 147.2
    02- 21-10 - 147
    02-28-10 - 145.4
    03-07-10 - 144.4
    03-14-10 - 143.6
    03-21-10 - Mini Goal 140 YAY!!!! MADE MY GOAL 140.6
    03-28-10 - 140.6
    04-04-10 - 140.6
    04-11-10 - 140.6
    04-18-10 - 138.6 - HELLO 130'S
    05-09-10 Mother's Day - Mini Goal - 132
    06-13-10 Moving back to the East Coast - Mini Goal - 127
    06-30-10 Eclipse Goal - 125
    Over all goal - between 120-125
  • maryann73
    maryann73 Posts: 763 Member
    You are ROCKIN' it! Great job! You will be there before you know it! (nice shorts, pretty you come!)
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Down .6 this week. I was hoping it was going to be more :ohwell: but I guess it's better than nothing! Only 9 1/2 more weeks till Eclipse comes out. I don't know where all you Twilight fans are but I wish you would check in so I could see how everyone else is doing with their goals. Well I hope everyone is doing well. Keep up all the hard work and stay motivated I know you guys can do it! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

    02-01-10 - 152
    02-07-10 - 148
    02-14-10 - 147.2
    02- 21-10 - 147
    02-28-10 - 145.4
    03-07-10 - 144.4
    03-14-10 - 143.6
    03-21-10 - Mini Goal 140 YAY!!!! MADE MY GOAL 140.6
    03-28-10 - 140.6
    04-04-10 - 140.6
    04-11-10 - 140.6
    04-18-10 - 138.6 - HELLO 130'S
    04-25-10 - 138
    05-09-10 Mother's Day - Mini Goal - 132
    06-13-10 Moving back to the East Coast - Mini Goal - 127
    06-30-10 Eclipse Goal - 125
    Over all goal - between 120-125
  • Hi everyone. I've had to cancel my internet so I haven't been around much. Hope you are all doing well! Congrats on your hard work usmc! I'll be back on track with oyu by next week I hope!
  • maryann73
    maryann73 Posts: 763 Member
    How's everyone doing on their goals? Making progress? Come on ladies! We can do this!
  • Hey! I lost another 2.5#! Woo woo!

    Have you all seen the new trailer for Eclipse? Its getting so much closer I just can't take the pressure of waiting anymore:laugh: I feel like a fiend.... Willing to head to some swanky warehouse and buy a bootleg, lol No I won't because its just not the same. But seriously, I'm jonsen for some vamps and werewolfs! hahaha

    My sister is moving to Washington in the fall to finish her masters at the university. I plan to visit just so we can drive out to Forks, not cuz I'm helping her move....hahahahaha!

    OK, I'm outta here. Happy Hump day ladies!
  • msspriss
    msspriss Posts: 14
    Well I'm joining a bit late, but I still think I can make it. Here's my ideal progression:

    4/23 SW - 128.2
    4/28 CW - 127.2
    5/14 125
    6/4 120
    6/30 115

    But I'd be happy with 120 by 6/30!

    Oh and I'm TEAM EDWARD!!!!
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    Team Jacob. :smooched:

    That is all.
This discussion has been closed.