Twilight Saga ECLIPSE Challenge



  • I totally want in on this!!! I think having people to talk to that share an interest (besides weight loss) is a great idea!!!! Everyone feel free to add me as a friend! I am a newbie here...less than a week in on my journey to a new me!!! Team Jacob!!!!

  • Good morning girls!

    Kid, Mali & Wannabe -- congrats on the weight losses!! That's excellent news!!! I'm also down 2.3 from last week! Woo Hoo!! thfetch-3.gif

    Wish I could chat more at the moment, but I have some things that have to be done here at the office ... talk to you soon though!!

  • Didn't have a good weekend food and exercise wise. So I was afraid to step on the scale this morning thinking I'd gain a lot of weight back, but I only gained 1.6 lbs back. I was happy it was only a little. I know I can lose that off then some this week. :).

    Hope everyone has a good day.
  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member
    Becky - Glad the gain wasn't what you expected. Keep your chin up and remember, every day is a new day! Good luck this week!
  • libbi
    libbi Posts: 45 Member
    This is awesome! I'd like to join, too!
  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member
    I've had an amazing day/week! I weighed in tonight and lost 3.5 lbs for the week. This puts me at 62 lbs lost since June of last year! I had been getting numbers like 1 or 2 lbs, but this is just great and I owe it to MFP! It's kept me so motivated!

    In addition, I went to the doctors today for the first time since July. I've lost over 45 lbs since then. My doctor was pleasantly surprised and so proud which made me feel great. It's the positive words and encouragement that make it so much easier to keep going!

    Thanks to everyone!
  • Ack -- 3rd page? Whoops! Must keep a better eye on this thread!

    Yesterday was just too busy to check in here -- sorry!!! And today's not looking too much better!

    I'll be back a bit later to see how everyone's doing!!
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    EPIC FAILURE!! Ok, not really, but I went over in my calories today. Bad Mallorie, Bad!! But tomorrow is a new day, right? RIGHT!
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    I totally want in on this!!! I think having people to talk to that share an interest (besides weight loss) is a great idea!!!! Everyone feel free to add me as a friend! I am a newbie here...less than a week in on my journey to a new me!!! Team Jacob!!!!


    Hi Ashley, Welcome to Eclipse! Jacob is awesome and he & Bella really heat up the screen in Eclipse! Can't wait:flowerforyou:
    O have a great tip for everyone..i don't like plain brown rice that much, but "brown basmati" is amazing!! I even made fried rice with it the next day and it was truly good!

    Today is...good day..staying within my calorie count and lost 2.5 pounds ..wish it were more:mad: but thats good for a week, right??:noway:
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    Is it to late to join this group? I would love to join the challenge and just have somewhere that I have to post my weight. I am pretty busy with going back to school but would like to be held somewhat accountable for my actions in eating and exercising. Oh and I love the twilight series. Glad to see there are so many others out there like me.
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    :smile: Hi all!! I would love to join as well :) I love the Twighlight saga. I think Edward is soooo cute. My daughter likes Jacob though:love: I think this would be a great way to spend the days leading up to the next movie.

    I started at 227
    My current weight is 189:drinker:

    By june if I lose around 2 pounds a week, I would love to be around 140.

    I have been exercising for over a year, and I only lost 30 pounds. However, I started counting calories at the begining of the year, and it is crazy how the weight is starting to come off. I didn't realize just how much I was over eating until I started counting calories. If I don't get down to 140 I won't be sad. I know that it will take a while to lose this weight, but I sure would like to wear some cute summer clothes this year :happy:

    IsabellaCullen : I love your profile pic :)
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    Good morning girls!

    Kid, Mali & Wannabe -- congrats on the weight losses!! That's excellent news!!! I'm also down 2.3 from last week! Woo Hoo!! thfetch-3.gif

    Wish I could chat more at the moment, but I have some things that have to be done here at the office ... talk to you soon though!!


    Isabella thats great news! Congratulations!
  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member
    Tearose, 2.5 in a week is great! At my doctors appointment Monday she said they shoot for people to lose 2 lbs a month! I'd like to lose 2 a week, but I'm more ambitious then most of her patients I guess :wink:

    tlapdx72 - Welcome! I'm new too to the board and have just jumped in feet first. I love the support and it gives me extra motivation to stay on track having others with similar interests and goals. Looks like we started our journeys about the same time (I started last June too). Congrats on the 37 lbs already lost! I started w/ the weight watchers point plan, but at the first of the year switched to calorie counting as I was getting to comfortable in the points system and no longer keeping track. Not necessarily doing bad, but wasn't keeping focused. I lost 3.5 lbs the first week of counting calories! It's great! So glad I found this site!

    Good luck to everyone this week. I used the elliptical for 2 miles (22 minutes) last night. Tonight I have pilates which gives me a killer ab workout.

    Cheers to all!
  • I would also love to join in with this. I love this series and the movies. I am new to this site and have just joined as of yesterday.
  • Good morning!! Congrats to all the 'losers'! It's so great to see everyone doing so well! If we can all keep this momentum up, we'll all be so proud of ourselves come June!!!

    I jumped on the Wii today to do a body test and am very pleased with the results! Let's just hope they're still in that same direction by Monday!!

    Tea -- 2.5 in a week is a great result! Be happy with it!

    Remember that while we are all anxious to get this excess baggage off of our bodies, it didn't go on in one day & it won't come off the same way either! As frustrating as it is, steady is always better than huge results with a huge drop off!!

    Today I opted to work from home (daughter has an early release day so I can accomplish more at home rather than commuting to the office), so while I'm working (and taking a moment or two to post here), I'm cooking up a package of turkey bacon, which will be used for sides for breakfasts, as a boost to a salad, BLT sandwich (multigrain bread, no mayo) ... :) I feel so productive! hahahaha

    Hope you're all having a great day!!
  • So my starting weight is 168 and I am going to try to be at least 130 by the time the new movie is out. I just have to stay motivated. I am the laziest person I know and I love to eat. I have lost 30 pounds since my son was born but have more to go. I love this site and have been on it all day. Well enough for now. Team Jacob he is so hot!!!!!:laugh:
  • Congrats everyone on the losses... and even congrats on the smaller than expected gains.... I too am a part of that gain group :cry: :cry: I was doing so well until monday! My sisters birthday.... i never knew how many calories were in alchol!!! I like doubled my cal count for monday, wasnt able to hit the gym because of her party so that was even worse! My husband took my car yesterday so i couldnt hit the gym again, i swear im gonna have to walk a 50k marathon to get back to were i was :sad: :sad: :cry: :cry: Well i'm back on track eating right today! Nothing but weight watchers this n WW that! lol....

    Well, Congrats again!!!

  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Just checking in to see how everyone was doing. I see a bunch of ppl have lost weight! That's so great! Keep up the good work guys!

    I've stayed under my calories for about two weeks now! I'm so excited. I usually slip up and go over my cals at least once, but I haven't yet since the new year started! *knock on wood* lol

    Does anyone know when New Moon is coming out on DVD???
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    Just checking in to see how everyone was doing. I see a bunch of ppl have lost weight! That's so great! Keep up the good work guys!

    I've stayed under my calories for about two weeks now! I'm so excited. I usually slip up and go over my cals at least once, but I haven't yet since the new year started! *knock on wood* lol

    Does anyone know when New Moon is coming out on DVD???

    A great accomplishment Kid! I'm hoping I can claim the same too! Regarding New Moon I hear it may be out as soon as March. :smile: Let's keep our fingers crossed:love:
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    Tearose, 2.5 in a week is great! At my doctors appointment Monday she said they shoot for people to lose 2 lbs a month! I'd like to lose 2 a week, but I'm more ambitious then most of her patients I guess :wink:

    tlapdx72 - Welcome! I'm new too to the board and have just jumped in feet first. I love the support and it gives me extra motivation to stay on track having others with similar interests and goals. Looks like we started our journeys about the same time (I started last June too). Congrats on the 37 lbs already lost! I started w/ the weight watchers point plan, but at the first of the year switched to calorie counting as I was getting to comfortable in the points system and no longer keeping track. Not necessarily doing bad, but wasn't keeping focused. I lost 3.5 lbs the first week of counting calories! It's great! So glad I found this site!

    Good luck to everyone this week. I used the elliptical for 2 miles (22 minutes) last night. Tonight I have pilates which gives me a killer ab workout.

    Cheers to all!

    Wow, great exercise! I havent done much exercise yet and i know thats not good:frown: ok so, im getting off my butt and making a commitment to do some kind of exercise 3 times a week..wish me luck:huh:
    ps. thanks for the encouragement! :smile:
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    HI TWILIGHTERS...I'M new just found this challenge...I'm 29 will be 30 this in Stillwater, Oklahoma..born in california but raised in oklahoma...moving to phoenix, arizona on january weight loss journey pretty much started back in 2002 when my weight was 189 ibs...since then i vowed to myself i would never reach the 200 ib mark and since then i have not...however since 2002 and now i am 180 :sad: 9 ibs more to go and ill be at my very beginning lowest weight that i can remember since 2002 is i used to weigh in the 150s...I am definitely TEAM JACOB as you can tell from my weight loss i'm almost done reading the twilight saga i'm on breaking dawn.

  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    twilight news:

    If anyone has showtime....there will be a show about Twilight with Melissa Rosenberg (the screen writer) on Jan. 24 :smile: She explains how she came up with ideas and why she put certain scenes into the movie and why she kept certain scenes out, etc etc

    new moon news:

    New Moon is being considered for an Oscar. :smile:

    Finally decided to change my ticker and my profile pic lol yay bella and edward
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    Hi Twilighters. So my starting weight a year ago was 228.6. I can't believe I let my self go like that but then again I suppose we all feel that way. I quit checking in the last few months as I was starting many new adventures in my life and just didn't have the time to track it. I am finally back and realize what an asset this site is and how much it helps me. I was very excited that I did not gain anything and actually lost about 2 lbs through the holidays. I am now on a steady losing trend and have lost about 5-6 lbs in the last week. My goal by June 30th is a huge one. It is 50 lbs. I know some of you may think I am crazy for this goal but I pledged 50 lbs in Biggest losers pound for pound challenge. For anyone who has not heard of this it is a great thing. They donate 1 pound of food for every pound you lose to food banks in your area. So that is the story of my goal.

    I am currently going back to school and last semester had to write a research paper on childhood obesity and was horrified by the statistics and I am making the change in my life for me but so that the cycle of obesity in my family can stop with me and not be passed down to my son.

    Sorry to ramble so much.

    Hope you all have a great day!!! Work hard and eat well.

    Oh and Congrats to all the losers
  • twilight news:

    If anyone has showtime....there will be a show about Twilight with Melissa Rosenberg (the screen writer) on Jan. 24 :smile: She explains how she came up with ideas and why she put certain scenes into the movie and why she kept certain scenes out, etc etc

    new moon news:

    New Moon is being considered for an Oscar. :smile:

    Finally decided to change my ticker and my profile pic lol yay bella and edward

    First -- bummer, I don't have Showtime. :(

    Second -- where did you hear that NM is being considered for an Oscar?!?! I hadn't heard that yet! I'd love to hear what category!!
  • Kid -- love the new Twilight images!!

    Aml -- good for you for trying to end the cycle! I am as well ... and it's so hard, as I feel i have already developed bad habits that my daughter has picked up on, but hopefully its not too late to reverse them!

    Sorry so short -- busy day at work! Talk to you all soon!! Much hugs!!
  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member
    Quick check in for now...

    Pam - Keep your chin up! Remember, everyday is a new day!

    Tea - Good luck getting off your butt:wink: You can do it, I know it!

    Can't wait for NM to be on video!!! YAY!!! And, I do have showtime so I'll stay turned!!!

    Welcome to the new people! Good luck with exercise and calorie counts today, we can do it!!

    As for me, elliptical tonight. No time to hit the gym. Feeling a little achy from pilates last night... = GOOD WORKOUT! YAY!

    Until later...
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Oh girl, I research this stuff like no other! I'll have to find where I saw it, but it was from a good website that's always right. They didn't mention what category though. They just said New Moon and Little Ashes (rob is salvador dali) were up for consideration for an oscar
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Jenna- love the new avatar and ticker!!

    Being considered for an Oscar does NOT mean that they have been nominated. It just means that they are sending stuff in to be put into the lump of others that are also being considered. While it's good to hear that it doesn't mean they will end up with a nomination. And if they do, it could be for something along the lines of manuscript, special effects, makeup/costume etc etc...

    I just don't want you all buying your own Oscar dresses to watch it in yet!! :)
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    Quick check in for now...

    Pam - Keep your chin up! Remember, everyday is a new day!

    Tea - Good luck getting off your butt:wink: You can do it, I know it!

    Can't wait for NM to be on video!!! YAY!!! And, I do have showtime so I'll stay turned!!!

    Welcome to the new people! Good luck with exercise and calorie counts today, we can do it!!

    As for me, elliptical tonight. No time to hit the gym. Feeling a little achy from pilates last night... = GOOD WORKOUT! YAY!

    Until later...

    Heidi-Thanks for the encouragement -Ive got to do something so I'm going to try going to gym in evening since its a tiny bit warmer and at least Ive been up all day, im going to go after i eat a bit of a way it might actually help me by keeping me away from food in the evening..evenings are always difficult for me, in fact Its been a major reason why i've gotten fat in the first place:grumble: wish me luck:drinker:
  • Quick check in for now...

    Pam - Keep your chin up! Remember, everyday is a new day!

    Tea - Good luck getting off your butt:wink: You can do it, I know it!

    Can't wait for NM to be on video!!! YAY!!! And, I do have showtime so I'll stay turned!!!

    Welcome to the new people! Good luck with exercise and calorie counts today, we can do it!!

    As for me, elliptical tonight. No time to hit the gym. Feeling a little achy from pilates last night... = GOOD WORKOUT! YAY!

    Until later...

    Thanks for the support! I guess i blew my goal out the window... o-well theres always next week :-) I'm staying good under cal count this week, and hopefully starting WW next! thanks again
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