Twilight Saga ECLIPSE Challenge



    TERVIN Posts: 19
    Yes!! Welcome one and all!!

    I have not set any goals on here, though a friend and I just declared that we are each going to lose 15 by the beginning of our spring kickball season. That is early May. That will also be when I get my Associates degree, another highlight in my life and a goal that I have been working towards for years. In truth, I want to lose 20.

    I think you could totally pull of 20lbs if you want it! :)
  • Hey everyone! thanks for all the support!!!! Its a blessing to have a place i can call home!! Well, for my first day i kinda didnt do so well :grumble: .... but i didnt start the site or deside i was gonna go on a diet til AFTER dinner lol! :laugh:

    But i doing a ton better today!! had a chef salad feeling good n full!!!:happy: :happy: Plus i told my husband what i wanted to do and got blown away by his responce!!!! "Sounds good hun, i could afford to lose a lil weight too!!" :noway: :heart: :laugh: :love: And he came home with a gym membership for me!!! WWHHOOOOOOO!!!! :noway: :noway: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Cant wait on my way there now!!!

    :bigsmile: SO LONG TUBBY!!!! :bigsmile:

    Oh and i got my sister in on the deal.... shes joining on here and were both joining on weight watchers, shes gonna pay for me... i love her!!! :heart:
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    Hey everyone! thanks for all the support!!!! Its a blessing to have a place i can call home!! Well, for my first day i kinda didnt do so well :grumble: .... but i didnt start the site or deside i was gonna go on a diet til AFTER dinner lol! :laugh:

    But i doing a ton better today!! had a chef salad feeling good n full!!!:happy: :happy: Plus i told my husband what i wanted to do and got blown away by his responce!!!! "Sounds good hun, i could afford to lose a lil weight too!!" :noway: :heart: :laugh: :love: And he came home with a gym membership for me!!! WWHHOOOOOOO!!!! :noway: :noway: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Cant wait on my way there now!!!

    :bigsmile: SO LONG TUBBY!!!! :bigsmile:

    Oh and i got my sister in on the deal.... shes joining on here and were both joining on weight watchers, shes gonna pay for me... i love her!!! :heart:

    Welcome to Twilight..Are you on Team Jacob or Edward??? We are all waiting for Eclipse and a new slimmer shape..This is going to be so AWESOME!:flowerforyou: :love: :smile:
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    I want in!! I :heart: the movies hahaha

    I am 135 right now and am looking to lose about 25 lbs by the summer. It took me 3 years to lose 50 lbs so I need all the help I can get. I've gone back and forth for quite some time and I want to be FINALLY get it over with!

    So how do I find you guys again?? Is there any way to favorite this post??
    Welcome K2 To get back to this thread look at the top of your menu here and find "My Topics" You will find your post here and just click on it to see the latest post!:flowerforyou:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Did you guys hear about the Eclipse script being leaked out on the internet? UGH! Annoyed. script leaks online thanks Jackson Rathbone/2412702/story.html

    Idk if it's true or not, I'm not going to search for the script bc I don't want to ruin the movie. Just wondering what you guys thought of it

    Im a team Edward kinda girl.... cant get ovr those eyes!! :heart: :love: Wghen we went to go see new moon, we took our friend, and right at the part where bella and jacob were gonna kiss in her kitchen and the phone rang, my friend, said f*** that! So loud you could hear it in the back of the room.... the whole place bustted up laughing..... guess shes team jacob hardcore LMBO!!!

    Hey is anyone in here true blood fans? thought i would ask....
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    I'm not really a true blood fan BUT I AM a Vampire Diaries fan! I just love the vamp diaries! Damon and Stefan are so sexy lol
    I can't wait until season 2 starts up again! I think it starts Jan 14th, but not positive. Anyone else a Vamp Diaries fan??
  • I am in I love the twilight saga still have to see new moon I have a 1 yr old so it's tough fo rus to get to the movies..
  • I like Vamp diaries I tivo it though cause it freaks me out to watch it alone lol at night I know i am a chicken .. lol
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    I found the most amazingggggggg new moon wallpaper I love looking at it :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • Hey guys! I've been without power and heat for a little over 24 hours. Glad I got it back. But I had to sstay at a friends house, so my food was off. There was not a single healthy food in that house! For dinner she cooked.... Fried chicken, fried potatoes, and for a veggie, fried mushrooms. And for a snack, fried cheese. She calls it her heart attack dinner. Ummmm, glad I brought my daughter and I a sandwich. (I did sneak a few mushrooms and fries though:sick: And felt absolutely horrible with in 30 minutes!

    I did shovel her HUGE driveway for exercise. It felt good! She was stopping and taking breaks, hitting her inhaler and I was just powering through! Hmmm, wonder if that fried stuff had anything to do with it? :huh:

    Well, I'm home now and its finally warm again! Yay. I can finally cook and open my fridge! I'm hungry and I'm abut to make a wise decision and NOT get takeout for convience!

    BTW, I hadn't heard about the script being leaked. I don't think I'd want to bother with it anyway since I've already read the book. I already know what happens, ya know? Reading the script would be boring. I want to see it in action.

    Have a great night everybody!
  • hey everyone!!!!
    I wanna join!!!! I joined this site back in july after trying to lose weight while my husband was deployed to iraq. i had lost about 20 lbs but I'm pretty much back to where I was. So I'm starting over. New year, new me! and this time is for gooood!!!!!
    this is my 2nd day and so far i've been sticking to it.. i just need to fit it more exercise time. my schedule at work is insane lol. I work at Target. So with my job, i'm constantly moving and doing things, so that's a plus. my main goal is to watch what i eat and to try to go to the gym 4 to 5 times a week for at least 45 min to an hour. I'm at 220 so by Eclipse I'd like to lose maybe 30-40 lbs. my ultimate goal is to get down to 150.

    and I'm a HUGE Twilight fan.. and I'm definitely Team Edward!!! I really think it's the eyes!! I've always loved vampires though...all the way back to Angel <3

    and anyone feel free to send me a friend request!
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    Hey guys! I've been without power and heat for a little over 24 hours. Glad I got it back. But I had to sstay at a friends house, so my food was off. There was not a single healthy food in that house! For dinner she cooked.... Fried chicken, fried potatoes, and for a veggie, fried mushrooms. And for a snack, fried cheese. She calls it her heart attack dinner. Ummmm, glad I brought my daughter and I a sandwich. (I did sneak a few mushrooms and fries though:sick: And felt absolutely horrible with in 30 minutes!

    I did shovel her HUGE driveway for exercise. It felt good! She was stopping and taking breaks, hitting her inhaler and I was just powering through! Hmmm, wonder if that fried stuff had anything to do with it? :huh:

    Well, I'm home now and its finally warm again! Yay. I can finally cook and open my fridge! I'm hungry and I'm abut to make a wise decision and NOT get takeout for convience!

    BTW, I hadn't heard about the script being leaked. I don't think I'd want to bother with it anyway since I've already read the book. I already know what happens, ya know? Reading the script would be boring. I want to see it in action.

    Have a great night everybody!

    Shoveling is excellent exercise but glad youre home safe & warm! The author of Twilight has worked so hard, I can't believe someone leaked parts of Midnight Sun, people can be so mean. :sad:
  • Hey gals!!

    WOW has this been a busy week for me! I've missed checking in here the past few days!

    Welcome to all the newbies!! Look forward to getting to know you!!

    I've been sticking w/ this so far - only one day did I go over my points, but I still made good choices considering the alternatives, so I'm glad about that. I have been checking my weight on the Wii but will wait to post until Monday, so that I'm only posting my weight once a week.

    To help w/ my motivation, I went to and made myself some new models the other day. I created one at my current weight & dressed it in an evening down & then a bathing suit. I then dropped the weight down by 10% and redressed it. Dropped it by 10% and redressed it. Each time, I saved the pics to my harddrive so I can see a model of what my progress could be if I keep up with this and continue on. I really think its going to help me (as I want to reach my goals by summertime and I have a function this summer that I need to find a really great dress for!!)

    I have to go run some errands but I'll be back later! Huge hugs to all who need them & pats on the back to those who are doing well!!

  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    hi everyone,
    I haven't checked in this week, but I am still here, and I am still working hard.
    I fulfilled all of my goals this week, I have only 1 left, and that is to run/walk 4 miles tomorrow. Now the challenge is My family has decided to go out for the ay, and that means I have to get up and out there early. and that just isn't my thing, especaily on Sunday. I am going to do my best.As I said in an earlier post, I am a team Jacob, but Love Edward too, He is my future son in law....My 15yr old loves him with everything she is. Her room is covered in his pics, and we own every movie he has ever made. It is fun and we are looking forward to Eclipse in June. I am also hoping to have to buy a new,"smaller" shirt for the Eclipse premier.
    I hope you all have a great weekend and a successful one too...don't overindulge too much!!!!
    good luck
  • Hey everyone!

    I had a .... day. I can't call it good or bad because so much happened on both sides of the fence.

    Today was the day of my daughters bday party. I had to get up early to catch up on all the work i missed because of the power being out. The hours started to run together. By the time I finished cooking and serving dinner, it occured to me that I hadn't eaten all day yet. I ate a cup of pasta and a piece of bread. I thought I'd have time to have a big salad, but I was wrong. I'm not even hungry at this point. The slumber partiers are still up and playing games and watching a movie. I'm leaving them alone and going to bed. I am pooped!

    Tomorrow is another day.

  • :WELL!!! :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: I'm supper excited!!! Ive stayed under my cal count all week, and ive lost 2 pounds:noway: WHOOOO!!!!! :smokin: :bigsmile: I knw we aren't suposed to weigh in til monday, but on monday ill do it again and see if its changed!!! Im so proud!! :happy: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Of course my body says celebrete with a piece of that carrot cake my husband has in the fridge(its practicly screaming my name :grumble: ) but i got a yogurt instead and had a diet squirt!! :happy: Well, i had to share sorry, im just stoked!!!!
  • Ok, cant sleep so i've been really thinking about this Goal idea for the premeir.... does this sound feesable??? sorry my spelling stinks... does this sound good???

    SW: 360
    CW: 358
    Feb 1st - 353
    Mar 1sr - 344
    Arp 1st - 332
    May 1st - 320
    Jun 1st - 308
    Eclipes Premier - 300!!!!!
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Congrats on losing 2 lbs! Great job! That's so awesome :happy:

    Keep up the good work!!

    Your first goal is great! :smile: It's def possible to lose 5 lbs in a month. I noticed you just started MFP this month (I hope you like it just as much as I do! :smile: ) Your other weight goals seem a bit high though. I'm not sure if it's possible (in a healthy way) to lose 12 lbs in a month. I'm not an expert whatsoever, but my advice would be to try for smaller goals so it's easier to accomplish and so you don't discourage yourself if you don't make each goal. Post it on the threads and get some feed back from the ppl who know more about weight loss (Banks (SHboss), Vivakay, Tamtastic, etc). Or if you haven't yet, read through the permanent posts in the "general diet and weight loss" threads. They'll def help you.
  • Hi Pam.

    I think your goals are achievable. I think you will lose more weight in the beginning though, so don't be disappointed if you don't see a 12 pound loss in the month of May. You may lose bigger numbers at first then taper off. I do think 58 pounds in 5 months could be tough, but I also think its possible with enough determination, proper nutrition, and exercise. You seem determined, so I think you can do it. Especially with the support on here.

    As Kid said, I would def. make sure to read through the permanant posts in the general weight loss section. And congrats on the two pounds!!!

    I hope everyone has a fantastic day!

  • Can I still join the group? This is a great idea!
  • Thanks for the reply's gals.... i based that off of what the cal counter says after u enter it for the day.... it said in 5 weeks i would weigh 344, and ive been pretty much eating the same thing everyday.... I still wanna goal for 300, at least by July 1.... Dont know if i can do it, but im sure as hell gonna try!!!! I'll look into some of those posts, and a few of those SN you added on here Kid, thank you!!!

    How is everyone else doing this week?
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    :WELL!!! :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: I'm supper excited!!! Ive stayed under my cal count all week, and ive lost 2 pounds:noway: WHOOOO!!!!! :smokin: :bigsmile: I knw we aren't suposed to weigh in til monday, but on monday ill do it again and see if its changed!!! Im so proud!! :happy: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Of course my body says celebrete with a piece of that carrot cake my husband has in the fridge(its practicly screaming my name :grumble: ) but i got a yogurt instead and had a diet squirt!! :happy: Well, i had to share sorry, im just stoked!!!!

    Good Job Pam!! Why shouldnt you come on here and brag?? It's awesome inspiration for the rest of us. Thanks!:flowerforyou:
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    Can I still join the group? This is a great idea!

    Of Course! Welcome to Twilight thread!:smile:
  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member
    Can I join this challenge too? I actually started WW June 2009 and want to reach my ideal weight by June 2010. I already weigh in on Mondays that its perfect (plus I love the Twilight series :bigsmile: ) I started at 210 lbs. I am currently at 152. I would like to get to 130 which now doesn't seem impossible like it did at one time; however, they say my ideal weight is around 115. I figure I'll determine if I should keep going once I hit 130 and see how I feel and what I look like.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • Hello all!!

    Wow its been a ridiculously busy day!! I feel like I've been running non stop, but on the other hand, that doesn't feel so bad, either! :D Could it be because without all the junk in my body (sugar, white flour, etc), that my body actually has more energy? Wow what a concept! hahahaha

    Welcome to our newest posters! Glad to see you on the thread!! Can't wait to get to know you a bit better!

    Pam -- I do agree with a few of the other ladies ... you're off to a great start!! Keep it up!! But beware of setting goals that could be a bit harder to achieve .... 12 pounds can be a lot to lose in a month. What I've done before (when I was on WW a few years ago), was to set a goal range. For instance, this month, I'd like to lose between 4 and 7 pounds. This allowed me the room to be happy if I achieved the lower end of the spectrum, but ecstatic if I hit the higher end!

    Also - be sure to vary your diet! You mentioned that you've been eating the same thing each day -- that will get boring very quickly! In my case, once I got bored, I started eating those foods that I'd been denying myself, but in much larger portions than I should have been! Good luck!

    I made a great, simple stir fry tonight that the kids absolutely loved!! Even with the rice & oil, it was only 445 calories (figuring 1/3 of the total ingredients). I'll have to write this one down to make another time! Lots of veggies, a little bit of seasoning, 2 ounces of steak per person (with all fat trimmed) .... and if I make it with brown rice next time, it will be even better (I didn't have any in the house tonight).

    Well, I should get back to trying to get the rest of my Christmas decorations put away (finally) ..... Hope you all have a great night & I'll chat w/ you tomorrow!!

  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    So I stepped on the scale this morning...I lost 1.4 lbs lol yay!

    I'm reading Twilight again...and still loving it :smile:
  • Hello all!!

    Wow its been a ridiculously busy day!! I feel like I've been running non stop, but on the other hand, that doesn't feel so bad, either! :D Could it be because without all the junk in my body (sugar, white flour, etc), that my body actually has more energy? Wow what a concept! hahahaha

    Welcome to our newest posters! Glad to see you on the thread!! Can't wait to get to know you a bit better!

    Pam -- I do agree with a few of the other ladies ... you're off to a great start!! Keep it up!! But beware of setting goals that could be a bit harder to achieve .... 12 pounds can be a lot to lose in a month. What I've done before (when I was on WW a few years ago), was to set a goal range. For instance, this month, I'd like to lose between 4 and 7 pounds. This allowed me the room to be happy if I achieved the lower end of the spectrum, but ecstatic if I hit the higher end!

    Also - be sure to vary your diet! You mentioned that you've been eating the same thing each day -- that will get boring very quickly! In my case, once I got bored, I started eating those foods that I'd been denying myself, but in much larger portions than I should have been! Good luck!

    I made a great, simple stir fry tonight that the kids absolutely loved!! Even with the rice & oil, it was only 445 calories (figuring 1/3 of the total ingredients). I'll have to write this one down to make another time! Lots of veggies, a little bit of seasoning, 2 ounces of steak per person (with all fat trimmed) .... and if I make it with brown rice next time, it will be even better (I didn't have any in the house tonight).

    Well, I should get back to trying to get the rest of my Christmas decorations put away (finally) ..... Hope you all have a great night & I'll chat w/ you tomorrow!!


    Ive realized that my goals are to high, and trust me i commented this evening that i was getting sick of eating the same thing.... so i think ill just goal for 5 pounds a month rather than 12.... but we all knw that in the back of my head i want that 12 hehehe thanks for all the awesome advice all!
  • Good morning all!!! And welcome to all the newbies!!!!
    I don't know where you are, but if you're somewhere that its not snowing or freezing, I envy you!

    I lost another 1.5 pounds!!! Yay! It's been so long since I've seen that scale go down rather than up. What a great feeling.

    I bought the Biggest Loser game for the Wii yesterday. Its pretty cool. I'm going to use that as my exercise till I see my doctor again. I'm only on the beginner workouts, but its a pretty good workout either way. Hopefully when I lose a little more weight my back and knee problems will lighten up and I'll be able to do more. When the weather gets a little better, I want to start c25k again. I love to run and I want to run in the Detroit Matrathon next fall!

    Congrats Kid on your loss!:drinker:

    OK, I have to plan my meals for the day and get in a workout before I start my Monday routine. (Anybody else use I'm finding it helpful while I'm out of work.)

    I hope you all have a great day!:bigsmile:
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Good morning and happy Monday!! (Well, maybe not HAPPY Monday... :laugh: )

    I am pleased to report that I am down 2.2 lbs AND it's TOM so I may see another dip down next week- yay!!

    I have been so much better about my calories and logging this past week and I KNOW that's what has made the difference. I didn't get my excercise where I wanted but that's because I was home and sick in bed most of the week. So, this week we're kicking up the excercise as well. I am going to re-start the C25K training since I just signed up to do a 5K the beginning of May and I am nowhere near ready. My goal is to shave 2 min off of my time from last year- when I walked most of it. This year I want to jog at least half of it.

    I am also going to bring my "Wave" from The Firm into my office so I can jump on that for 5 min here or there throughout the day. It may not be a real cardio workout in such short bursts, but it will definitely help with leg toning! Or so I keep telling myself.
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