Twilight Saga ECLIPSE Challenge



  • you know my secret to exercising with a desk job.. (i have a desk job also). don't keep snacks around - that's a main and then i either get up early in the morning and do my exercises then. that way i have energy the entire day. then when i get home i have been doing another set of exercises approx 30min.. b/c i'm not sluggish - b/c i worked out earlier lol.. it works.
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    I think it's funny how I just opened this thread to read the new posts and there's an ad for eclipse on the right side haha it made me giggle like a little girl and I figured there's no one else better to share my excitement with other than you guys lol I absolutely can't wait for eclipse to come out!!!

    I stayed within my calories again tonight and I'm really proud of myself for that bc I've ate like a pig over the holidays. I thought I'd have a harder time get back to eating healthy and logging, but I'm not not. yeeeeeaaa!! now....for the exercising lol I did however do 25 squats, 10 pushups and 25 crunches today, so I guess that's better than nothing!
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    I already have some goals for the new year but having this challenge will definitely put a more positive spin of fun on the whole deal. I can't choose between Team Jacob and Team Edward..I rilly enjoy both and we already know who wins bella.:flowerforyou:
    Not that its not going to be amazing watching Eclipse and I can't wait for New Moon to become available.

    As for tips, I admit I don't have any at this point but I've made a commitment to not eat after 8 at night and to journal everything I eat.
    I havent begun a formal program yet but I'm watching what I eat and trying to stay away from refined carbs.
  • I deffinatly went over my calories today :( . I went to my parents for supper and my mom had made fried chicken, one of my favorite foods. I did eat brocoli and fruit cocktail with it.

    I hope tomorrow will be better.
  • I kind of wished that Stephanie Meyer would have extended Breaking Dawn into two books. I would have liked it to be a little more in depth the way the others were. I felt it could have been expanded quite a bit. :)
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    I kind of wished that Stephanie Meyer would have extended Breaking Dawn into two books. I would have liked it to be a little more in depth the way the others were. I felt it could have been expanded quite a bit. :)

    Where theres a will theres a I think its quite possible we could see something later on..:brokenheart:
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    I think it's funny how I just opened this thread to read the new posts and there's an ad for eclipse on the right side haha it made me giggle like a little girl and I figured there's no one else better to share my excitement with other than you guys lol I absolutely can't wait for eclipse to come out!!!

    I stayed within my calories again tonight and I'm really proud of myself for that bc I've ate like a pig over the holidays. I thought I'd have a harder time get back to eating healthy and logging, but I'm not not. yeeeeeaaa!! now....for the exercising lol I did however do 25 squats, 10 pushups and 25 crunches today, so I guess that's better than nothing!

    Congratulations on staying focused! I find nightime is often my undoing so I have to stay vigilante until I go to bed, brushing my teeth early seems to help and having lots of water least this is what's working for me right now.

    I tried looking for a trailer for Eclipse but its not out yet, :frown: i think they love making us suffer:sad:
  • I'm in :)
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    So happy tonight my strategy seems to be working..going to bed SNACK-FREE! :happy:
  • So I was looking at Stephenie Meyer's website tonight (and have read this a couple times before) does anyone have any idea if she is going to publish Midnight Sun?

    She has the first chapter on her site and I have read that. There is no update to whether or not she is going to publish it?

    Just wondering if anyone else has heard anything or if maybe I'm going crazy and just hoping this will be published.
  • Good morning ladies!! I hope you all had a wonderful day yesterday and are still motivated this morning!

    I actually was able to squeeze in 30 minutes on the Wii last night -- which almost NEVER happens! It's not a ton of exercise, but it was 150 calories I wouldn't have burned otherwise! :D

    Welcome to our newest participants!! Can't wait to get to know you!

    Lets see -- a few answers to questions ...

    1) There isn't an Eclipse Trailer out yet. David Slade tweeted on December 23rd that it was being worked on, but that he had no idea when it would be released ......

    2) Midnight Sun -- Stephenie recently answered fan questions on "" and this is what she said about MS:

    I’ve found that there really isn’t any answer I can give that changes the substance or tenor of the myriads of requests, pleadings, and demands I get for Midnight Sun to be finished, so I feel a little silly answering that question at all. But it’s the most popular question, so I’ll take another stab at it.

    I am not working on Midnight Sun now. I don’t have a plan for when I’ll get to it; I don’t know now what the right time for it will be.

    So, unfortunately, we'll have to wait a bit longer for more on Edward's side of the story, but that just leaves us free to "revamp" more! hahaha (BTW, Becky, I believe that if you dig more on SM's site, you'll find that she put up the first 12 chapters of MS after they were leaked on the net last year, so that her fans wouldn't have to go searching for them illegally.)
  • :bigsmile: Good morning everyone! I had a great day yesterday! I got most of the house cleaned and the holiday decor down to the basement. AND I got almost all of the laundry done! I didn't have any workout though. My endocrinologist told me that major housework like that is enough for the whole day. (Considering my current condition) So I don't feel bad. It was a heck of a workout anyways. Up and down the stairs all day carrying baskets of clothes, boxes of stuff, mopping,vacuuming, dusting, etc. I'm doing alot this week to prepare for my daughters 10th bday on Saturday. We will have more than 20 people here. Today I need to clean the basement since thats the only other place we will have to put some of those 20+ people, lol.

    I didn't read Midnight Sun. I did read the first chapter when she originally posted it prior to the leak. But I can't bring myself to read the rest unless she finally publishes it. I write, but I've not yet published anything. I can understand the feeling of betrayal when the book was leaked. I know she put it on her site by her own choosing, but I still would feel bad reading it. I do hope at some point in the future she will decide to finish it. I also hope she will continue he Saga. I'd love to see the Cullens take down the Volturri and become the rulers of the vamp world. Carlisle would make a great ruler! And I'm just dying to to see Renesmee grown up and have some adventures with Jacob.

    Have a great day!:flowerforyou:
  • CHOO CHOO!!!! I'm on board!! I'm a stay-at-home mom...which means I'm constantly around all the food in the hubby is recently deployed with the Army and all the junk food is OUT...just healthy snacks for my daughter, which I don't touch (juice gummies, etc.). I want to lose approx. 30-35 lbs by the time I see him after deployment, which is definintely achievable! New body for my returning soldier!!! WOO!!!
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Morning ladies!

    I just sat down to a hot bowl of oatmeal with peaches and a banana YUM!

    I couldn't bring myself to read Meyer's posting of Midnight sun. I just couldn't lol I saw it and then was just about to read it and then I forced myself to stop haha I hope she finishes it! I won't read it until she's done. That's how she wanted it to be in the first place.
    I just don't understand why someone would leak it out to ppl on the web...well I mean I DO know why, bc ppl are stupid and greedy...but that was just terrible. It actually infuriated me. I can just imagine how Meyer felt when she first found out.

    Well, my goals for today:
    1. log all my food again
    2. drink ALL 8 cups of water
    3. get some sort of exercise in after work

    Good luck to you all today!

    :heart: Twilight :smooched:
  • I did read the first chapter of Midnight Sun on her website, but as much as I would love to read the rest I will wait till she (hopefuly) gets it published.

    I think she should keep the Twilight saga going. She is an amazing writer and the Twilight books are just so captivating. When I read them there was no way I could put them down.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day! :)
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    MFP stuff first: I managed to stay in calories- and that's without using my excercise calories today. I am sick and stayed home from work, but made myself go to the gym. I did 30 min on the treadmill (just walking) and then met with my trainer for 45 min. He took it easy on my since this cold is really affecting me. But my arms are dead and my mind feels better.

    Midnight Sun: O-M-G!! I read that a few months ago and I still think it is INFINITELY better than any of the other books. (I am ready for the naysayers and haters after what I'm about to write) I could never get into Bella. I never saw her as heroic, just annoying and whiny. Ok, maybe in BD she started to grow up a bit, but I never understood why EITHER guy would like her. Reading MS from Edward's point of view made it better. He's such a richer character, as he should be since he's decades older than her.

    Anyway, just my two cents.

    Oh- for those with desk jobs like me. I bought a set of hand weights and took them into the office. I am going to try to do at least three sets of 15 hammer curls, bicep curls etc etc throughout the day. Squats and standing lunges are also something that you can just stand up and do one set of in the middle of the day to give you a little something something. Do it in the morning, at lunch, and in the afternoon and you've done three sets!
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    :bigsmile: Good morning everyone! I had a great day yesterday! I got most of the house cleaned and the holiday decor down to the basement. AND I got almost all of the laundry done! I didn't have any workout though. My endocrinologist told me that major housework like that is enough for the whole day. (Considering my current condition) So I don't feel bad. It was a heck of a workout anyways. Up and down the stairs all day carrying baskets of clothes, boxes of stuff, mopping,vacuuming, dusting, etc. I'm doing alot this week to prepare for my daughters 10th bday on Saturday. We will have more than 20 people here. Today I need to clean the basement since thats the only other place we will have to put some of those 20+ people, lol.

    I didn't read Midnight Sun. I did read the first chapter when she originally posted it prior to the leak. But I can't bring myself to read the rest unless she finally publishes it. I write, but I've not yet published anything. I can understand the feeling of betrayal when the book was leaked. I know she put it on her site by her own choosing, but I still would feel bad reading it. I do hope at some point in the future she will decide to finish it. I also hope she will continue he Saga. I'd love to see the Cullens take down the Volturri and become the rulers of the vamp world. Carlisle would make a great ruler! And I'm just dying to to see Renesmee grown up and have some adventures with Jacob.

    Have a great day!:flowerforyou:

    I always use events to inspire me to major cleaning frenzies..i get such a sense of accomplishment and enjoy the benefits for months..On Renesmee and Jacob..that could be a great potential spin-off and I'm wondering if she will at some point consider doing a series in that direction..on a personal note..

    Doing pretty well on watching my calories and snacking tonight,:smile: but then I also have a cold which does effect my appetite..evenso waiting for Eclipse, will provide me some incentive to become healthy and a little bit more comfortable in my skin..
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    MFP stuff first: I managed to stay in calories- and that's without using my excercise calories today. I am sick and stayed home from work, but made myself go to the gym. I did 30 min on the treadmill (just walking) and then met with my trainer for 45 min. He took it easy on my since this cold is really affecting me. But my arms are dead and my mind feels better.

    Midnight Sun: O-M-G!! I read that a few months ago and I still think it is INFINITELY better than any of the other books. (I am ready for the naysayers and haters after what I'm about to write) I could never get into Bella. I never saw her as heroic, just annoying and whiny. Ok, maybe in BD she started to grow up a bit, but I never understood why EITHER guy would like her. Reading MS from Edward's point of view made it better. He's such a richer character, as he should be since he's decades older than her.

    Anyway, just my two cents.

    Oh- for those with desk jobs like me. I bought a set of hand weights and took them into the office. I am going to try to do at least three sets of 15 hammer curls, bicep curls etc etc throughout the day. Squats and standing lunges are also something that you can just stand up and do one set of in the middle of the day to give you a little something something. Do it in the morning, at lunch, and in the afternoon and you've done three sets!

    Bella seems like the typical 17 year old self absorbed think a lot of teen girls can relate to her because they identify with her and she definitely resonates with me remembering that age..very idealistic and capable of crushing on someone who is a complete stranger..I guess there is a certain kind of sexiness to that mystery especially when it comes in that

    the dumbbells at work is an amazing idea and I am going to look into a pair to use at work too! Thanks for the great tip mb!
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Hey guys!

    Sounds like everyone's doing well. I stayed under my calories again today, but I keep going over my sodium. I don't know this is such a problem lol do you guys go over your sodium a lot???
  • Good morning!!!!

    I was so exhausted and cold yesterday. I barely got anything done. O well. Today is a new day. My friend is coming over to help me get the basement ready for my daughters bday party. That is her bday gift to me since I have to spend my bday cleaning, LOL! I'm having Subway tonight so I don't have to cook or do dishes. And instead of cake, I'm having strawberries and sugar-free chocolate pudding and coolwhip. (I'm saving the splurge for my daughters party this weekend)

    I'm really having a hard time reaching my calories. I thought the diet plan my doctor put me on would make it easier. I have a list of the exchanges I need at each meal to make it easier to plan a menu. He told me to stay between 1000 and 1200 cals.(I know thats low, but it is specifically taylored to me) I can't seem to get 1000. I'm going to make my diary public so maybe someone can offer suggestions.

    The tricky part is.... I prefer not to eat meat at all but I do sometimes. Just turkey or chicken, rarely fish. I'm not allwoed to go over on carbs or over or under on cals. I need to be careful to stay close to the fat cout, but I can go over a little bit sometimes. Mainly, the carbs and cals need to be right on. Being veggie, its hard to meet the cals without going over on carbs.

    About Eclipse...I just read a post on facebook about the new Edward doll. It sparkles. LMAO:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    LMAO it sparkles!?!?! oooh my gosh. That's hilarious!
    TERVIN Posts: 19
    Hi everyone!

    Hope everyone is doing well today. It was very close at lunch time today. I really wanted to go and get a dessert after my chicken salad but my husband convinced me not too. I love that we work together so that we can help eachother through all of the hard cravings!! :)

    I don't work at my Part time job tonight so I actually get to go home after my FT job and relax with the hubby!

    So far I have gone down 5lbs since Monday just by dieting but I know that I am going to have to get back up on the exercise train if I want to keep the lbs going in the right direction. My goal is to actually get up before I come to work tomorrow and jump on the eliptical.

    Wish me luck everyone, I love my sleep so this is going to be hard!!!!:bigsmile:
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    I too was strong today! I was sent home early from work because I'm sick. Then I stopped at Target to get a humidifier and on my way home I pass a Taco Bell/KFC. I SOOOO wanted to try their new Fiery Grilled Chicken, or hit the fresca menu- or hell, just get a cheesy bean and rice burrito!! MMmmmm... but I was good and I came home and had a lean cuisine instead. Booo....
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Good job Mallorie! Stay away from those fast food restaurants! How are you feeling? Any better?
  • Hi yall, I'ld love to join in your group if its still open. I was trying to read everyones posts, but with my 2 kids thats about impossible! So i jumped to the end and here i am....

    I'm a team Edward kinda girl... idk i love his eyes... I dont read the books tho, i did that with HP and now im stuck waiting for what seems like an eturnity for the movie to come out! SOO i just wait!!

    ok, down side to jumping to the end.... i dont knw what yall are talking about..... Well heres alil on me, I'm 28 i weight WAY to much! Ive group up in a big family and i dont mean people big i mean pant size big! So i have pretty much no encouragment from them because they dont feel that being a size 28 or bigger as a problem!! HELLO!!!!! I'm new on here, so i dont really know how to set up any goals, or what would be a honest goal to strive for.. the last thing i wanna do is say ill lose X amount by this date, and find out that i was crazy to go for such a loss, cause ill get depressed and this will end up in my 'failed' pile.... So if anyone can help me out it would be AWESOME!!! Oh an if anyone has any and i do mean ANY exercise tips i would LOVE THEM!!! I'm unemployeed (gotta love las vegas) so going to the gym is kinda out of the budget with i have me and 3 other mouths to feed.... So if anyone knows any good at home things i could do let me knw!! I live in a two story and i think those stairs might be there for more than my kids crap lol!!

    Well i hope i can be a part of all this excitement!!!

  • Hi Pam!

    I know what you mean about a family that doesn't think theres anything wrong with being big! Glad you broke free and found us! As for things to do at home: Start slow. Try taking those stairs a few extra times. If I have something that needs to go up or down, I tend to make it into a couple trips. Especially when I do laundry. I sort it upstairs and take one load at a time down to the basement. Then I carry it back up one at a time too. I also like videos in the winter and the Wii fit. The Biggest Loser Vids are really good! And the Walk Away The Pounds aslso! Do you have cable? There is an exercise channel On Demand, they have tons of workouts from easy to hard. Good Luck!

    Hi Everybody!

    I lost a pound! Actually, I gained a few over New Years weekend. Bloating from drinking and eating out. (I was on vacation, lol, and I really really did not bother to make any healthy choices. I think we ate out at least twice per day for the whole 4 days.) But I lost it all plus an extra pound!

    That puts me below 180, officially! My next mini goal.... To reach 170 by my next check up wth the endocrinologist. (Thats 3 weeks away.) I'm more confident about that since I'm taking the Thyroid medicine.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • I want in!! I :heart: the movies hahaha

    I am 135 right now and am looking to lose about 25 lbs by the summer. It took me 3 years to lose 50 lbs so I need all the help I can get. I've gone back and forth for quite some time and I want to be FINALLY get it over with!

    So how do I find you guys again?? Is there any way to favorite this post??
    TERVIN Posts: 19
    Hello everyone! Hope you all had a great night.

    I just realized that I have not set myself goals for what I would like to lose during this challenge. Here I go:

    SW: 255lbs CW: 248lbs
    Mini Goals:
    January 1st - January 31st - 235 lbs
    February 1st - February 28th - 220 lbs
    March 1st - March 31st - 210 lbs
    April 1st - April 30th - 200 lbs
    May 1st - May 31st - 190 lbs
    June 1st - June 30th - 180lbs

    I know some of these goals are set pretty high but I am going to work very hard and do my best to reach each goal! My actual goal weight is 150 lbs by the end of 2010, so I should still have another 30lbs to lose by the end of the challenge. If I can make it down to 180lbs I know I can get to 150!
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Hello to the newbies! Good luck!

    Wannabeacullen, great job at losing that weight! Keep up the good work!

    Tervin, the mini goals are a good idea. I think I'll make myself some too. Good luck!

    I hope everyone is having a great morning!
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Yes!! Welcome one and all!!

    I have not set any goals on here, though a friend and I just declared that we are each going to lose 15 by the beginning of our spring kickball season. That is early May. That will also be when I get my Associates degree, another highlight in my life and a goal that I have been working towards for years. In truth, I want to lose 20.
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