Twilight Saga ECLIPSE Challenge



  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    usmc you're doing so well! :flowerforyou: Wannabeacullen I'm stoked too!!:happy: Welcome Msspriss!!:smile:
    Sigh, losing the last few pounds is so hard! I've been mainly maintaining and was sick this past week, so finally feeling better and back at it, we'll see how it goes!:tongue:
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    Have you guys seen the new longer Eclipse trailer? I'm so excited!!!:happy: And I realized I'll be able to see it opening weekend because I'm flying back to the states to visit, yay!! :drinker:
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Sorry all I have been MIA for about 2 weeks. We went out of town to a wedding where my computer's motherboard died. So I was computerless that week and when I finally did get home and bought a new computer my internet wouldn't work. We have verizon's wireless so we finally recieved our new one today and so now I am back. I hope everyone is doing good with their weight loss.

    02-01-10 - 152
    02-07-10 - 148
    02-14-10 - 147.2
    02- 21-10 - 147
    02-28-10 - 145.4
    03-07-10 - 144.4
    03-14-10 - 143.6
    03-21-10 - Mini Goal 140 YAY!!!! MADE MY GOAL 140.6
    03-28-10 - 140.6
    04-04-10 - 140.6
    04-11-10 - 140.6
    04-18-10 - 138.6 - HELLO 130'S
    04-25-10 - 138
    05-02-10 - 136.8
    05-09-10 Mother's Day - Mini Goal - 132 Didn't quite make my goal still 136.8
    06-13-10 Moving back to the East Coast - Mini Goal - 127
    06-30-10 Eclipse Goal - 125
    Over all goal - between 120-125
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Hey guys!

    Sorry I've been MIA for about a month lol I'm actually trying hard to get back into my groove. I've been doing good so far with exercising and logging my food.

    How has everyone been doing?

    Are you guys pumped for Eclipse!?!? I sure am! :drinker: It's coming up so fast!
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    No loss for me. I don't think I am going to make my Eclipse goal, I've been having a hard time the last couple of weeks. I feel like I need a break not a completely stop break but a a break but then I feel guilty. When you are losing weight for so long it just starts to become a pain. I just have to keep telling myself 16 more lbs then I can maintain!!!! I just wish it would hurry the heck up. Well anyways I hope everyone is getting excited about Eclipse, I believe there is 6 more weeks till the premiere. I need to give the books another go around before it comes out. I hope everyone has a great week!

    02-01-10 - 152
    02-07-10 - 148
    02-14-10 - 147.2
    02- 21-10 - 147
    02-28-10 - 145.4
    03-07-10 - 144.4
    03-14-10 - 143.6
    03-21-10 - Mini Goal 140 YAY!!!! MADE MY GOAL 140.6
    03-28-10 - 140.6
    04-04-10 - 140.6
    04-11-10 - 140.6
    04-18-10 - 138.6 - HELLO 130'S
    04-25-10 - 138
    05-02-10 - 136.8
    05-09-10 Mother's Day - Mini Goal - 132 Didn't quite make my goal still 136.8
    05-16-10 - 136.8 No loss for me!
    06-13-10 Moving back to the East Coast - Mini Goal - 127
    06-30-10 Eclipse Goal - 125
    Over all goal - between 120-125
  • funnygrrl
    funnygrrl Posts: 170 Member
    im in
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    That just means you can have a bigger number next week:bigsmile:
  • monmcb
    monmcb Posts: 35 Member
    Is it too late to join? I just joined about 5 days ago, and love this site! My recent weigh in was 198, a BMI at 34 and heigth of 5'4 and 34 years old.. I'm ready for a change, and i'm ready to lose for good! I couldn't help but notice :Twilight" in the subject line, love the books! If its not late, I'd love to join. By June 30th, the goal is to lose 10 pounds, and BMI down to at least 32.
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    Welcome funngrl and monmcb!! :flowerforyou: (and welcome to the site monmcb!)

    Yay for 6 weeks left!! Usmc, don't be discouraged at all, I agree with wannabeacullen, it just means a better number next week!:glasses: Are you putting on muscle? I've maintained the past few weeks, but have definitely upped my weights and put on some putting on muscle weight + not losing overall weight= lost some fat = :drinker: I do have a few more pounds I want to lose though before the premiere, and then like you, I'm stoked to do some maintenance work!:wink:

    I just started the Muscle and Fitness Hers magazine challenge today, anyone doing it? :smile: I wanted to change up my lifting splits and workouts, so I'm going to do it for eight weeks, then do Jillian Michael's 30 day shred (eek!:noway: )

    Happy Monday everyone!!! :happy:
  • yahtzee321
    yahtzee321 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm joining today, too!
    KCSPEARS Posts: 123
    welp. i lost 1.2 pounds this week. brings my total to 34 pounds lost!

    Also i got my Eclipse tickets yesterday! im so excitied!
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Great Job KCSPEARS! Down 34lbs is awesome. You already got your tickets? I didn't even know you could buy them yet. I guess I know what I have to do today! :happy: I can't believe it's gonna be June soon that's crazy.

    Welcome to the group yahtzee, monmcb & funngrl!

    Oh so I figured out why I was feeling so crappy last week and why I was starving and almost ready to quit........TOM graced me with her presence Monday morning about 1 1/2 weeks early. What a pain!!!!:grumble: But now that she is here I feel much better. I just keep saying 16 more lbs, 16 more lbs.

    I hope everyone is having a good week so far. Keep up all the hard work.

    Congrats on your loss acureese! Your almost there!
  • funnygrrl
    funnygrrl Posts: 170 Member
    Is it too late to join? I just joined about 5 days ago, and love this site! My recent weigh in was 198, a BMI at 34 and heigth of 5'4 and 34 years old.. I'm ready for a change, and i'm ready to lose for good! I couldn't help but notice :Twilight" in the subject line, love the books! If its not late, I'd love to join. By June 30th, the goal is to lose 10 pounds, and BMI down to at least 32.

    welcome!!! :-)

    i'm like you too, too high a BMI... i'm 34 and had a BMI of 27.3, but since i've joined, its dropped to 25.6 so being on here, and the supportive environment, has really helpful and i hope it helps you too!!!
  • funnygrrl
    funnygrrl Posts: 170 Member
    Welcome funngrl and monmcb!! :flowerforyou: (and welcome to the site monmcb!)

    Yay for 6 weeks left!! Usmc, don't be discouraged at all, I agree with wannabeacullen, it just means a better number next week!:glasses: Are you putting on muscle? I've maintained the past few weeks, but have definitely upped my weights and put on some putting on muscle weight + not losing overall weight= lost some fat = :drinker: I do have a few more pounds I want to lose though before the premiere, and then like you, I'm stoked to do some maintenance work!:wink:

    I just started the Muscle and Fitness Hers magazine challenge today, anyone doing it? :smile: I wanted to change up my lifting splits and workouts, so I'm going to do it for eight weeks, then do Jillian Michael's 30 day shred (eek!:noway: )

    Happy Monday everyone!!! :happy:

    i'm doing the 30 day shred... whoa, it's a killer! i felt the need to do some cardio, so tonight i roller bladed for an hour then did the shred... O-M-G... killer!!!
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    Is it too late to join? I just joined about 5 days ago, and love this site! My recent weigh in was 198, a BMI at 34 and heigth of 5'4 and 34 years old.. I'm ready for a change, and i'm ready to lose for good! I couldn't help but notice :Twilight" in the subject line, love the books! If its not late, I'd love to join. By June 30th, the goal is to lose 10 pounds, and BMI down to at least 32.

    You are where I started! I'm down to a BMI of 25.9, only .9 away from being in the healthy category:bigsmile:

    You can do it, if I can! You have a great goal for yourself, but I bet you'll surpass it by June 30th! Congrats on the 1 pound you've already lost:drinker:
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    Congrats KCSpears!! That's awesome!! :flowerforyou:
    Thanks usmc, yep two more to go, feeling awesome!! I think it's going to take awhile though, I'm trying to put on some more muscle too, so I might gain before I lose. We'll see! :smile: This 8 week challenge from Muscle and Fitness Hers definitely had me sore this week!! Wow TOM visitor was early, glad it explained how you were feeling! Sigh, gotta love our hormones :tongue:

    Funnygrrl, way to double it up! :glasses: I'm pretty excited to do it, too! How's the diet part of it going :smile: I'm doing this 8 week thing first to put on more muscle mass, then want to follow it with the shred to really push me that extra's gonna be an awesome summer of workouts!! :drinker:
    KCSPEARS Posts: 123
    welcome to all the new members..
  • JesseD
    JesseD Posts: 18
    Oh...I know it's really late in the game, but I just recently joined MFP and would really like to join in! Right now I'm at 156 and change and I'm 5'4" tall. My goal by Eclipse is 151 - think that's really do-able.

    I love the Twilight saga and have read all four, plus what was written on Midnight Sun (I really hope she finishes that one too) and a few of the extra's on Stephanie's website. Someone's probably already mentioned this, but I didn't see it so just in case...."The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner" comes out in June too I think.

    Has anyone read "The Host"?

    I can't wait!! Oh..and I'm team Jacob :) Extremely warm blooded, tall, dark, handsome, protective, strong...okay, I'll stop...ahhhhhhh.

    Plus I'm hoping the Twilight Challenge will be extended for Breakding Dawn too :)
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Down .8 this week. I have been doing good during the week but letting go on the weekends. I know I would be losing a lot more if I could stay focused on the weekends as well. I hope everyone else is doing good.

    Welcome to the group JesseD! I think extending for Breaking Dawn is a great idea as soon as we have a release date.

    I got my Eclipse tickets, those suckers were 12 dollars a piece for the Midnight Premiere! You know they are going to make a ton of money off this movie! But I am super excited about going, about 5 more weeks.

    02-01-10 - 152
    02-07-10 - 148
    02-14-10 - 147.2
    02- 21-10 - 147
    02-28-10 - 145.4
    03-07-10 - 144.4
    03-14-10 - 143.6
    03-21-10 - Mini Goal 140 YAY!!!! MADE MY GOAL 140.6
    03-28-10 - 140.6
    04-04-10 - 140.6
    04-11-10 - 140.6
    04-18-10 - 138.6 - HELLO 130'S
    04-25-10 - 138
    05-02-10 - 136.8
    05-09-10 Mother's Day - Mini Goal - 132 Didn't quite make my goal still 136.8
    05-16-10 - 136.8 No loss for me!
    05-23-10 - 136
    06-13-10 Moving back to the East Coast - Mini Goal - 127
    06-30-10 Eclipse Goal - 125
    Over all goal - between 120-125
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    Welcome JesseD! :flowerforyou: I haven't read the Host either, anyone have any reviews to share on it? :smile: I like the idea of a Breaking Dawn challenge too, it'll be fun to have new goals one we meet these ones!! :glasses:

    Great job usmc! I hear you about the weekends, they're the hardest for me too. Living abroad we tend to travel a lot or explore different restaurants with friends, and it's hard not to want to drink all the wine and eat cheeses and desserts and everything (especially when they're all so good here!). I'm getting a bit better at moderation though, and I figure if I'm eating clean during the week, I can enjoy a glass or two of wine and a dessert on the weekends guilt-free, right? :tongue:
    Wow, only 5 weeks left? Time's flying by!!

    Ooh I wanted to share, I have a new PR for holding a plank, held it for 3 mins and 15 seconds today, whoohoo!! :drinker: My goal is a 5 minute plank by Eclipse!! :happy:
  • I read the Host it is slow to start and it was hard to keep with it but over all its a great book when you get past the first few chapters. They are also making that one into a movie or so I heard they were. I got my Eclipse tickets cant wait. I'm going to order my shirt online so I can wear it to the movie. :happy:
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member

    Ooh I wanted to share, I have a new PR for holding a plank, held it for 3 mins and 15 seconds today, whoohoo!! :drinker: My goal is a 5 minute plank by Eclipse!! :happy:

    Wow a 5 minute plank good luck! That's going to be a tough one but I know you will be able to do it. Planks are hard I can only do them for a short period of time.

    I started reading the Twilight series again this week. This is my third go around. Everytime I read them I start to remember how much better they are then the movies. The whole time I'm thinking they left this out of the movie and they left this out of the movie.:laugh:

    If any of you out there have not read the books yet I completely recommend you doing so before Eclipse comes out. It makes the whole Twilight Saga much more enjoyable.
  • JesseD
    JesseD Posts: 18
    Acureese - WOW!! You have got to be tuff then to hold a plan that long! How do you keep your wrists from hurting?

    Usmcwifeb15 - I totally agree - I had to read New Moon a second go round before watching the movie and I want to re-read Eclipse before seeing this one too. It's so much to condense into a two hour-ish movie I think they leave a great deal of the important stuff out. But still love the movies...

    Haven't seen the Host in any of my local libraries so will have to wait on that one.

    And thank you both for the welcome :)
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    Wow, I've been missing for a bit. It wasn't on purpose either.

    Welcome to anyone who is new and congrats on all the accomplishments! I would like to join you, acureese, on achieving a 5 minute plank by Eclipse. Maybe that'll help me wih these push ups I can't seem to do:laugh: Anyone else who can't do push ups the save their life? Please tell me I'm not alone!

    I haven't had too much of a loss lately. I got lost in trying to master the gluten free, vegan eating and fell off the wagon. I got tired of cooking, ran out of money, and just plain stopped eating. My nutrition levels dipped and that woke me up with a quickness. My last blood tests showed that I was borderlining malnutrition. Deficient in protien, B12, folate, and a bunch of other stuff. And of course, I was dizzy all the time and so weak. And I gained weight back. I went into real starvation mode.... That was stupid of me, I know better.

    Anyway, I'm back with a vengence! I'm eating my calories and have energy to exercise. I'm back on the Power 90 train!

    I have lost 13.5 inches overall since the beginning of March, so that makes me happier than the stupid scale!

    If I don't get back on here, have a great Memorial weekend! I'm going up the Northern Michigan for beer and bonfires! (I have a plan to make sure I don't come home wiped out and fat, lol. Lots of hiking, running, and water! before the mid-day beerfest begins)
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    thanks ladies for the support!! :smile: Usmc I totally agree, haha I love reading the book after seeing the movie, that way I can read the "deleted scenes"! :happy:
    JesseD I do them on my elbows, that way when I'm building up I can put a weighted plate on my back, too! :tongue: I love ending workouts with planks, it gets the last bit of what I've got left out of me! The best way to build on them is start with 20-30 second planks, 2-3 with 30-60 seconds rest in between, and slowly increase by 10-15 seconds each time. My friend could only do a 60 second plank 3 weeks ago, and she reached 2 minutes this week!! :drinker:
    WannabeaCullen, glad to have you on board with the goal!! :flowerforyou: I could only do like, 2 pushups when I first started, at one point I got up to 4 sets of 25, but as soon as I stopped doing them as much I lost it...if I don't keep practicing I lose my upper body strength pretty fast! :tongue: I'm back up to 3-4 sets of 15, but it's a struggle! My goal is to be able to do 3-5 pullups by the end of summer too...I can't do those to save my life!!! :noway:

    Congrats on your accomplishments wannabeacullen, that's so great! Have a great time in N. Michigan! (btw, i agree that dietary lifestyle is hard, so I changed it a bit to fit me better. I'm pescetarian (vegetarian + fish), eat gluten free 75% of the time (I can handle a little bit here and there), have some eggs and dairy, and only eat processed foods for my cheat meals on the weekends. The moderation of it worked better for me:drinker: )

    I'm going away for the weekend too, see everyone on tuesday!! Have a great memorial day weekend everyone!!:flowerforyou:
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    Hi!! Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!! :smile: I didn't get to go to a gym the last 6 days, but we made sure we walked a lot, and were able to go canoeing one day and on a long hike the other, so that was a nice way to bring it outdoors! :happy:

    I wanted to share that when we got back last night we had to go to a dinner meeting, and I went to throw on a black dress I have...and it was too big! I was able to find a newer one that fit, but when I got home after I started trying on dresses...and about 8 of them were too big! :noway: So I was like wait a minute...and went and found my goal dress...and it zipped up and fit for the first time in three years!! :drinker: Yay!!! Soo I still have the goal weight for Eclipse, but have a new goal dress I bought years ago (and never wore, it's been waiting for me!), and I think with some toning it's an achievable goal for the movie weekend! Hehe hmm, maybe my husband will want to go on a date post-movie with me...:wink:
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    Yay acureese! Thats awesome congrats!

    I had a great weekend. No food comas for me! Ha. I was getting so bored with everyone sleeping off their eats, lol. I was energised and ready to go all weekend! It was a great feeling!

    Hope everyone else had a nice weekend! I'm not weighing till next week.

  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    This whole no loss thing is really starting to drive me crazy. I worked out 7 days last week stayed within my calories everyday and burned 9907 calories that should have been a very nice 2-3lb loss but no nothing.:grumble: So the only thing I can figure is that I am burning to much and not eating enough and my body has decided to put it's foot down. FYI I don't eat my exercise calories, I never have. So I upped the calories I am eating this week from 1200 to 1400 to see if that will make a difference but I am still burning the same when I work out. Wish me luck!

    Acureese that is so great that your goal dress fits. You are doing a great job!

    I had a nice Memorial Day out at the lake and it was so nice having the hubby around for 3 straight days. Sounds like everyone else enjoyed themselves as well.

    We are down to 28 days till the Eclipse premiere!!!!! :bigsmile:

    02-01-10 - 152
    02-07-10 - 148
    02-14-10 - 147.2
    02- 21-10 - 147
    02-28-10 - 145.4
    03-07-10 - 144.4
    03-14-10 - 143.6
    03-21-10 - Mini Goal 140 YAY!!!! MADE MY GOAL 140.6
    03-28-10 - 140.6
    04-04-10 - 140.6
    04-11-10 - 140.6
    04-18-10 - 138.6 - HELLO 130'S
    04-25-10 - 138
    05-02-10 - 136.8
    05-09-10 Mother's Day - Mini Goal - 132 Didn't quite make my goal still 136.8
    05-16-10 - 136.8 No loss for me!
    05-23-10 - 136
    05-30-10 - 136 - No loss!!!! :grumble:
    06-13-10 Moving back to the East Coast - Mini Goal - 127
    06-30-10 Eclipse Goal - 125
    Over all goal - between 120-125
  • JesseD
    JesseD Posts: 18
    Acureese - that is wonderful!! I know you are stoked! I can't wait till I can get back in my favorit dress again too...

    Usmcwifeb15 - I know you have got to be frustrated - but hopefully at least you are probably losing fat and gaining muscle with all the work you are doing. Hopefully switching things up a bit will give you a jump start.

    I had a bomb of a weekend (neck issues kept me down for two days) and did not control my eating like I should have. But I'm working extra hard this week to reach my goal with a new push of determination!

    Started reading Eclipse again...I LOVE that book!
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    Thanks guys!! I'm happy to hear you had a great weekend to wannabeacullen and usmc! Haha wannabeacullen I totally know what you mean, so much more time on my hands without the food comas to deal with!! :tongue:

    JesseD I hope your neck is feeling better! Don't worry about having a couple days off from the program, the important thing is that you've jumped right back into it with a great attitude and mindset!! :flowerforyou:

    Usmc, don't get down, you've been doing awesome so far. I think it's a good idea to tweak your calories up a bit, you put out some crazy awesome numbers of cals burned daily, but it's a good idea to make sure you don't go too low on the cals, too, otherwise our bodies like to hold onto anything it can...that's what happened to me for three weeks! :grumble: Funny enough, I've eaten every 2-4 hours the past couple weeks, my appetite's gone up, I've eaten more...and I've lost weight! :noway: Hehe weight's a funny thing! The key things are my blood sugar and metabolism are more steady, and I've cut out most processed foods and sugar, giving myself a couple cheat meals on the weekends. Sorry I'm rambling! But yeah i think the calorie tweak should make a difference! :happy:
This discussion has been closed.