

  • Ruby: Thank you, yes it is the same. I"ll put it on tomorrow morning before I have my workout. Good luck in August! I was surprised how easy it was - once I got going. It seemed like some 10Ks were more difficult! Take care!
    in KT TAPE Comment by KateJo84 May 2012
  • Oh, goals: To work out 4-5 times a week and losing 3-4 lbs (my little beer belly has made an appearance)
  • Hi all - I'm Kate. I thought I was alone in all this! All my other friends are tall!! Like the topic host, I am having a difficult time with my weight due to work, school, planning a wedding, and my fiancé being deployed. Of course he comes home in 6 weeks - so it is time for me to step it up! I would really love to…
  • I ran in the Warriors Dash a few weeks ago here in Hawaii. It was a blast. Of course right before our time slot it started to downpour and the host said that we would probably have the worst times. He was right! I don't really know how you would train for this other than running outside and perhaps on a trail. The…
    in Mud run? Comment by KateJo84 April 2012
  • Thanks everyone - I think I will purchase a set. As for my typical workout I did over 150 pushups in diamond, wide, narrow, and the ones in P90X, and various types of sit-ups -- time for a change up for my muscles (or lack of).
  • You're funny! I run with my border collie, and do a couple different things with the poo. If we are running a route where we run to a destination and back - I will bag the poo and pick it up on my way back. I also try to run a route where I know I will pass at least one dumpster or trash bin, and if worse comes to worse, I…
  • I use the Pryex containers as well (glass), they can be sort of heavy to carry in - but I just worry with the use of so much plastic. Then I use smaller containers to carry in my dressing and I put a bottle in our work fridge.
  • Sweetie - Like everyone else said, it might be best to see a doctor and tell him about your past and your current complications. I was feeling extremely sluggish few months back and my doctor had some blood drawn and we found that I was borderline anemia. Now i just watch my Iron intake and make sure to take Vitamin D…
  • Like everyone else has stated, enjoy your meal today! You've already worked out and should be able to have a good meal -- we don't eat like this all the time. Just remember your food portions, meat should be a smaller size than the palm of your hand and veggies should take up most of the plate. Dessert -- yum! You've done…
  • I hear ya! LIfe can get so busy -- I sometimes eat these meals and always have a few in the freezer just in case life takes over (normally about twice a week). I like the steamer meals. Lately I have been eating just the veggie mixes that you can steam (very low sodium) and throw some 90 second brown rice under, and low…
  • I'm a beer girl -- the darker the better! I really can't stand diet sodas so this is a no brainer for me. By using the site, I found out that drinking a pint of guiness is equal to a sam adams. I workout for my beer and will have one guiness (because it fills me), then I switch over to ultra (or ultra amber if they have…
  • Thanks everyone! I didn't think about my old shoes hurting me! ha, I guess I am used to my vibrams. Now time to tackle this run! Half Marathon in April :)
  • This is the way it should be and I agree with deleting people who are fasting. Not good for the body and 85 lbs is only acceptable for children!
  • Thanks everyone -- you've gave me some other flavors and options to try!
  • Oh, I tried them but couldn't stand them! I thought it was too sweet! Like you, I dispise crystal light -- so I just add a dash of my favorite juice to my water. For example I use about a 1/4 a cup (blueberry pomegrant or morning blend of R. W. Knudsen) for 24 oz of water. then I just take those 24oz bottles into work…
  • great idea!
  • Yours are good ladies! Lets see for me I want to drink at least 64 oz of water a day ... sometimes at work I lose track of the time and forget to hydrate.
  • We should all be able to accept compliments -- we are all beautiful :)
  • I'll cheer you on if you do the same for me :). I'll be friendly and only mean if you tell me to push ya.