Seriously need help

So I've posted about this before and people were saying to up my protein which I have alot, but nothing is helping.
I feel dizzy most of the day and from the moment I wake up I'm sleepy. I don't have any energy, even after eating, I'm fine for about five minutes then I just have to sit down again. When I'm sleepy, I feel really faint, like the whole room starts spinning.

Long story short I've suffered with anorexia from a young age, but I am in recovery again now.
I have never fully 'starved' my body as people think every anorexic would, I just ate only fresh fruit/vegetables. I started purging four years ago, and it has improved alot but I still purge once a month at most.

My daily menu now:
Breakfast:greek or natural yoghurt with granola and a banana.
Lunch:A sandwich using wholemeal bread or a wholemeal roll with quorn as a filling and a pear usually.
Afternoon snack:Porridge oats, made with skimmed milk, not water.
Dinner:Two servings of vegetables, a small baked potato, no butter or cheese and some type of quorn meat, for example tonight was quorn mince. Or soup and ryvita.

I also snack on up to two additional pieces of fruit throughout the day and I drink eight glasses of water a day.

Is there something I'm still doing wrong? My mum wants to book me a doctors appointment but I don't want to waste their time. If you have experienced this, do you have any advice?
Thanks in advance.


  • chachadiva150
    chachadiva150 Posts: 453 Member
    I would definitely go see a doctor. Make sure you explain that you have an eating disorder. Your electrolytes could be off or it could be anemia or a host of other complications. How much are you eating on a daily basis?
  • bjfrezell
    bjfrezell Posts: 241
    Go see a doctor. It's not normal to continue to feel dizzy or have lack of energy such as what you are describing. It's not a waste of their time.
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    Thank you so much for replying back so quickly. I eat between 1,500-2,100 calories most days now and I don't take any tablets as I find it hard to swallow them. These last few days I have been sleeping for just under ten and a half hours and still nothing, I fainted yesterday and today literally just after breakfast so my mum's ringing the doctor's. Hopefully they can figure this out:(
  • KateJo84
    KateJo84 Posts: 25
    Sweetie - Like everyone else said, it might be best to see a doctor and tell him about your past and your current complications. I was feeling extremely sluggish few months back and my doctor had some blood drawn and we found that I was borderline anemia. Now i just watch my Iron intake and make sure to take Vitamin D around the same time (it helps to absorb it).
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    Go see your DR and ask to have your sugar and thyroid levels checked. My bestie is tired all the time with all your symptoms and has a pretty major sugar and thyroid disorder. DO NOT SELF DIAGNOSE go see a DR.
  • SuperSnoopy
    SuperSnoopy Posts: 3,464 Member
    Oh dear this is so sad, please see the doctor and get sorted. There has to be a reason for this. Good luck. Hugs and kisses XXXX

    Oh and dont leave us hanging, let us know how you get on honey. XX
  • kokaneesailor
    kokaneesailor Posts: 337 Member
    See a Doctor.:smile:
  • TheAnie
    TheAnie Posts: 180 Member
    Thank you so much for replying back so quickly. I eat between 1,500-2,100 calories most days now and I don't take any tablets as I find it hard to swallow them. These last few days I have been sleeping for just under ten and a half hours and still nothing, I fainted yesterday and today literally just after breakfast so my mum's ringing the doctor's. Hopefully they can figure this out:(

    You can get chewable and gummy vitamins. There is no shame in them. I tended to get them because they lack iron and as I suffer from digestive troubles the added iron was always bad for me.

    Do see a doctor.
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    Thank you so much for replying back so quickly. I eat between 1,500-2,100 calories most days now and I don't take any tablets as I find it hard to swallow them. These last few days I have been sleeping for just under ten and a half hours and still nothing, I fainted yesterday and today literally just after breakfast so my mum's ringing the doctor's. Hopefully they can figure this out:(

    You can get chewable and gummy vitamins. There is no shame in them. I tended to get them because they lack iron and as I suffer from digestive troubles the added iron was always bad for me.

    Do see a doctor.
    I have a genetic condition and can't have iron so yeah I take the gummy vitamins! LOVE THEM!!!!!
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    You wouldn't be wasting the doctor's time, that's what they're there for. Go get yourself checked out :)
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just some thoughts:

    1. You've done a lot of damage to your body by mistreating it via an eating disorder. (That's not a judgment; it's a fact.) Some of that damage may not be entirely reversible.

    2. You might be anemic. Try iron supplements. You need about 18mg/day.

    3. You really need to ask your doctor.

    Good luck. I hope you feel better really soon!
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,749 Member
    Go see your doctor. Could be a number of things make sure you explain to him HONESTLY about your history and print out your logs to show what you are eating and what exercise you are doing.

    Believe me I'm not judging you. Been there myself years ago. Just saying honestly cause he can't find the problem to fix it if he don't know all. Hope you get feeling better. I know its hard but you CAN do this.
  • Redapplecandie
    Redapplecandie Posts: 171 Member
    Sounds like B12 to me. Go to DR, get some labs done, (bloodwork) and see what you are lacking. I have labs done twice a year to see where my deficiencies are, and I do take 4 chewable multi vitamins a day.
  • zoeluiisa
    zoeluiisa Posts: 392
    Thank you so much for replying back so quickly. I eat between 1,500-2,100 calories most days now and I don't take any tablets as I find it hard to swallow them. These last few days I have been sleeping for just under ten and a half hours and still nothing, I fainted yesterday and today literally just after breakfast so my mum's ringing the doctor's. Hopefully they can figure this out:(

    Yup, go see your GP, that's what he's there for.

    One thing I though - you say you " eat between 1,500-2,100 calories", but the menu you posted above didn't seem to have nearly that many. I wonder if you are overestimating and not actually eating enough?
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    This happened to me before my hysterectomy, turns out I was super duper anemic. But this is my experience and I am not a doctor. I also suggest making an appointment to get some blood work done or a whole physical for that matter. Women need to see a doctor yearly for many MANY reasons. :wink:
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    Update: my mum has booked my appointment, it's on friday.
    Another big thing was that after my breakfast of oats, greek yoghurt, dried fruit, honey and berries I had so much energy for three full hours! I was so amazed, I didn't feel dizzy until just after those three hours were up.
    After I had my lunch(tuna and sweetcorn on wholemeal bread with fruit), within five-ten minutes I was feeling really faint again.

    So I've thought about it and maybe bread, rice, pasta, potatoes is the reason? Maybe I can't handle the carbs or something? I'm cutting them out for a week to see how I feel after that.
    It's all brown or wholemeal but yeah, just a thought.
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    I struggle with lack of iron. That can really kick your butt. We can guess all day, but definitely get some labs done, talk to the Doctor. Best of luck. :flowerforyou:
  • Skye259
    Skye259 Posts: 18 Member
    My daughter was/is anorexia, she has been battling this off and on now for about ten years. At times she presents the same systems; usually her electrolytes are out of balance. Too much salt/not enough salt. Also a lack of Vitamin D can make you extremely tired, abnormal hormone or vitamin inefficiencies as well, as everyone else suggests, please go to the doctor and have a checkup, and yes tell him/her everything, they can't help unless you tell all. Take care, and please let us know how you are doing
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    I would go see a dr to make sure everything is ok sweetheart
  • Skye259
    Skye259 Posts: 18 Member
    you could also be diabetic, if you find you feel faint etc after having a lot of carbs, still best to go get it checked out as soon as you can.