spedabstbit Member


  • I think it's plain to see, even from this thread, that everybody is different somehow, and you'll have to find what works for you! My experience has been this: I'm 5'2". I started at 165, and after 6 months, I'm down to 132 - so that's about 33 pounds. I'd like to lose another 7 or so - down to the mid-120's. My original…
  • I'm down to my last 5-10, and I know what you mean! Things are slowing down here! I'd like to hear suggestions from people who are successfully navigating their way through the slow-down!
  • Wife of former USMC, here. Would love to connect, if that qualifies! I think it's a great idea - slimming down while hubby is away!
  • I think it's possible. There may be other contributing factors, but I think stress can be a big one. Several years ago, I had a rather traumatic stress situation that went on for many months. I tried and tried to lose weight during that time by doing all the right things, and not one pound would budge. That was also the…
  • This is a good question. I've been wondering the same thing. Interested to see the input you get!
  • Try looking into dry skin-brushing. I've heard that it can really help. I'm not far enough along in my weight loss journey to know just yet. But I've heard good things!
  • Not vegetarian, here, but I am trying to go wheat-free. I'm doing okay finding things to eat, but I'll admit, having the variety of meat helps. If you'd like to add me as a friend, we can keep the discussion going that way, and maybe share some ideas. I connected with another poster here, sarkris, earlier in the week, who…
  • It is great once your body adjusts to less food and less sweets, isn't it? I did see someone say on the message boards last week though, that lack of appetite can mean you are going into starvation mode, so you need to up your calories. Not saying that's what happening; just be aware and be careful. You'lll know if the…
  • Nuts and nut butters are a primary source with lots of protein. Lots of vegetables have at least 1-2 grams of protein in a serving - I call that "hidden protein." I have a small serving of oatmeal each morning for breakfast (1/2 cup oats=1 cup, cooked), and there are 4 grams of protein in that! There are other grain…
  • You are choosing healthy snacks, as well as healthy meals! So many advocate several smaller meals rather than 3 large ones, anyway. My own personal opinion is that it sounds like you are doing it the very best way, maybe!
  • Thanks! Anybody else want to input on this?