

  • As mentioned above, the pullup bar is an essential part of the overall program, but you can definitely do a lot of the workouts that don't include the bar, and work your way up to where you can handle trying the pullup bar, but eventually you'll need to face that challenge!
  • You have to have a plan and stick to it, plan the entire week's meals on the weekend, even cook them and bag them up if you find yourself in a time crunch. Here, print this out and use it as your grocery list: Sticking to the top 2 tiers of that ensures a clean diet, and…
  • Haha while the idea's sound, I'd have to start my day by giving BACK carbs if I cut out 3500, my total is nowhere near that LOL Here's a basic easy plan. Google BMR (not to be confused with BMI) and calculate your base metabolic rate, that's how much your body burns while at rest. Then add in how much you burn working out…
  • Beachbody (The company that makes P90X) has many, many programs, for all fitness levels AND all time constraints. For the super busy, they have an awesome program called 10 Minute Trainer, where you get a total workout in just 10 minutes. I have a few nice simple charts I can email you with comparisons of the programs…
  • Haha yeah, you'll need the pullup bar, but you won't necessarily start pulling your entire weight, unless you're already in great shape. You use a chair to offset most of the weight and work your way towards pulling your weight. As long as you make sure to screw the pullup bar holders into the secure wood above the…
  • racmac, The programs come with bands, so either the bands or the weights would be fine for you to start out with, then as you get stronger you can simply get heavier weights or bands!
  • Protein powder is to help build muscle after you tear it down when you workout. Your body needs some kind of protein, and since eating tons of meat isn't practical all the time, protein powders are a convenient way to replenish that fuel source. Just keep in mind that the burning side must come into play as well, or else…
  • Haha, I wouldn't say "DO NOT" on the water, since I do that most of the time, but sure, milk makes it creamier. The cleanse is awesome. It's really a detox more than a cleanse, since you're not running to the restroom every five minutes, and you're actually intaking quite a bit of food, mainly consisting of shakes. Since…
  • I mix in some chocolate Shakeology for an extremely tasty and healthy chocolate pudding! Then I add berries and some granola and it's an amazing dessert!
  • Tons of great Shakeology recipes out there. Try adding mint extract, vanilla extract, etc....add nut butter, banana, a bit of cold coffee, all kinds of ways to change up the flavor! Above all, keep in mind that downing that every day will ensure you get all your vitamins and nutrients!
  • There are some great programs you can use that are pretty cheap and great intro programs, like Power 90, Slim in 6, Turbo Jam, etc...
  • Haha that's awesome! Yeah, that primal diet will definitely show you results when matched with the P90X/Insanity hybrid!
  • Team Beachbody is actually not a regimen, it's the official name for the coaching business branch. Beachbody has been around for 13 years, with infomercials, the #1 infomercials with products like P90X, Slim in 6, Turbo Jam, etc... 3 years ago they decided that since so many people were getting the word out, why not reward…
  • There is a basic fitness test to show if you're ready for it, and since all the programs have a 30 day money back guarantee, you can always try it out and then swap it out for something else that might be your speed if you can't handle it. Also keep in mind they show you modified moves for everything. Tony Horton designed…
  • 5 small meals throughout the day, making sure your breakfast is the best of all 5, since that's what is going to ignite your metabolism, with the other meals eaten ever 2.5-3 hours to keep that metabolism burning throughout the day. I use Shakeology to kick off my day, and it takes care of all my veggies and multivitamin,…
  • Nut butters are a great source of protein. Peanut butter is the least desirable, but still not bad, as long as you're careful to get the natural, unsweetened kind, not the Jiff, Skippy, etc.... If you're REALLY studious about your intake, Google PB2, it's powdered peanut butter, and is simply peanut butter minus all the…
  • Okay, so here's how to get a good basic number: Google a "base metabolic rate" calculator (not to be confused with BMI). This will tell you what your body burns per day just at rest. Now track how many calories you burn while exercising. Add these two together, that's your total daily burn. Take 15-20% of that and subtract…
  • Resistance bands come with the program. Awesome job, congrats!!
  • You might take a look at the Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse (detox). It's only 3 days, not a cleanse where you're running to the restroom. I lost 7 pounds in 3 days, and know women who've done the same, and it kickstarts your system into healthier eating habits. Feel free to email me if you're curious: Good…
  • Beachbody coach here, loving it! I recently bought a heartrate monitor, so I'm now adding my exercises on here as well, kinda surprised they weren't in the database yet, but I'm adding them as I go! Feel free to contact me with any questions, my email is!
  • By the way, on a personal note, I lost 7 pounds in 3 days on the Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse. I never felt hungry, since it's plenty of food throughout the day, I had more energy, felt great. My uncle, after 2 months on Shakeology and simple workouts, had his triglycerides go from 700 down to 250, and his cholesterol drop…
  • While the Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse (Detox) has for the most part replaced the 2 Day Fast formula (which is clearly labeled a 2 day fast, not sure where the confusion is coming from), it's still a good product. 2 days of simple protein and cutting out all the other bad stuff will certainly lean your body out a bit of basic…
  • Exactly, my father wasn't overweight by any means, but he died from sudden heart failure because of WHAT he was eating, not how much. The TYPES of things you're putting into your body are just as important as the calorie count, if not more so. The basic weight loss computation is this: Take your base metabolic rate (BMR,…
  • FYI this isn't true at all. While technically everything has calories, what you put into your body to make up those calories is EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY important!! Putting 1200 calories of pure sugar into your body vs putting 1200 calories of veggies, fiber, healthy carbs such as sweet potatoes, etc....makes a WORLD of…
  • Lots of questions! What EXACTLY are you doing for workouts, what's your entire weekly schedule? What EXACTLY are you eating? What's your entire daily eating regimen? Given that, I can probably help you adjust quite a bit and see better results. Feel free to email me at and we can go from there! John…