DETOX !?!?!

So friends, I need to lose 5 more pounds to go swear into the Air Force which I am super excited about because I should be able to do this by the end of the month the way things are going. So guys I was wondering what is a healthy and good way to detox, or is good at all? I have never done it before and I would like to know different ways,advice, pros, and cons to detox because my body probably needs it LOL



  • yojibalinese
    I'd search around the forums here for answers. There are varying camps here. Some people swear by them. Others think they're crap (see the episode of Penn and Teller's "Bull****" about it). There's almost no medical literature on the benefits of detox as a whole. But again, some people say it makes them feel better.
  • srownbey
    Look up Standard Process Purification Program. It's a great detox. Basically a raw food detox so you're not harming you body. Hope this is helpful.
  • johnphays
    You might take a look at the Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse (detox). It's only 3 days, not a cleanse where you're running to the restroom. I lost 7 pounds in 3 days, and know women who've done the same, and it kickstarts your system into healthier eating habits. Feel free to email me if you're curious:

    Good luck!! :)