SarahClag Member


  • Have any other ladies had issues with the dead lifts causing back problems? This issue started about 2 years ago when i started the program. My pain wasn't immediate, but every once in a while it would hit me severely. Recently, sometimes, it feels inflamed. 1- has anyone else ever had an issue like this? 2- Does anyone…
  • Anyone have any suggestions on what I can do strength training wise if my back is hurting? I want to take it easy- it feels inflamed. But I still want to incorporate weights. I've been running so far.
  • I will! Thanks!
  • Thank you, girls!! I remember single-leg DB raises from my first partial go with NROL, beeps. I will give it a true for sure!
  • Happy Tuesday, ladies! I'm sneaking in this update from work. Unfortunately I don't have time to catch myself up on how everyone is doing right now, so I will definitely read up tonight. Quick word on me- this weekend was rough! hovered around 2250 :-/ cals and too many carbs. I did, however, log EVERYTHING- and I'm proud…
  • Thanks very much for the advice, beeps!! It really helps to hear. I was a little apprehensive about starting NROL today, but it really didn't feel any different than the mild discomfort I feel during the course of the day. Also, I was interested to hear about your findings about eating and not eating breakfast. I'm not…
  • Amy, I hope you are hanging in there! I'm praying for you and your family. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad, I can't imagine what you must be going through. Lean on those close to you, and don't be hard on yourself these next several days. Take what time you need. Kate- excited to hear about your delve into crossfit.…
  • Better- I saw your pizza from yesterday, I was jealous ;) I've had a hard time this past week as well. Easing back into a routine is proving difficult. This week my goal is to make it to the gym an acceptable amount and keep an eye on macros. Just a quick update- cals have still been sort of wacky and macros not perfect,…
  • Hello, Ladies! And welcome to new members! It's been about a month since I've posted. My cruise vacation was an absolute dream, however, now I'm having a really hard time getting back into a healthy routine. With my boyfriend now back from serving overseas, I don't have NEARLY as much free time. I believe now more than…
  • So this weekend was the first time I sort of majorly failed at logging- which I'm SURE will happen again the longer I stick to MFP. Balance, right? Living life rules out, as it should, sometimes. It was my birthday Friday, and the celebration carried over sort of all weekend. Calories weren't TOO too bad (I don't think),…
  • Chole- Have fun on vacation! You'll get back to it, love the attitude.
  • I feel like I've had a one track mind all day, and I've posted about it a few times already- I just need to get one last thing out. I can feel myself getting cushier in the stomach area. Just today. I know it could be any number of things (including my imagination), and I'll be the first person to tell you that one day…
  • Good luck, Chole, on both things :) I know you can get a lot of them in before you leave! Take it one day at a time. Impressed the cardio part of insanity was not tha hard part for you! Can anyone shed light on the subject of sugar alcohol? I didn't have time for lunch or breakfast really, so grabbed a card conscious…
  • The burpee challenge sounds so hard! I guess the idea is to build gradually, but still... 100 in a row? I'm Officially done stage 2, and amidst nervous for the body weight matrix in stage 3. I look forward to heavy lifting, and feel like I'm in better shape, but somehow fast-paced, insanity-type workouts scare me. That's…
  • I find it frustrating to do measurements sometimes- hard to be sure you're in the exact same place and pulling just as tight. I guess it's harder when you haven't changes dramatically, but just a bit. I'm 5'7.5" and 157ish pounds. 37" bust, 30 1/8" waist, 37 1/8" hips. Everyone does such a good job of checkin in and…
  • Amy- I'm so nervous! I think it's going to be a mind over matter thing. Keep at it! I find some running days for me are just duds. Super tough. A quick question: do you ladies think protein shakes in the morning are an ok idea? Ive dine that lately... I've heard different things about it not mattering or not mattering when…
  • Ok, this will be a bit of catch-up. Beeps- Hope you had a great splurge week! This will be me in a month and a half when I take a 7 day cruise. Sounds like you're doing an AWESOME JOB on NROL. What was your favorite stage? I'm in 2 now and I liked 1 a lot better for some reason. I'm finding I sort of have to psych myself…
  • Nice to meet you! Starting by biting of a managable piece. I'm going to be extremely busy with lots of travel until next Monday. I'm going to sit down tonight and try to plan out food days with good macros and vitamins so I can go shopping and pick up things in bulk (more than I have been). I wish produce didn't spoil so…
  • OK Thanks!! I should add that I'm dealing with a slight mystery: this past week I'm up about 3-4 lbs (near back to where I started in March. Have still lost size(s) overall...past week, though, feeling pudgier). I have not been being super strict about eating (I HAVE worked out), but I know it's not possible to really gain…
  • Hi girls! I'd love to jump in on this 2 week challenge thing. Is it something you do every 2 weeks? I'm noticing changes in my body since I started in March, but not really weight loss. Haven't measured fat loss, but would love to! Anyway, I have a looming deadline. My boyfriend comes back from a overseas deployment in…
  • ooOOOOOOO!!! Ok, there was the confusion. Clear now, THANK YOU! I feel stupid- there is not difference from stage 1. Don't know why I was thinking to alternate in that way.
  • Lifters! Hiya! I'm Sarah, and (probably like most of the recent posters) cracked opened the book just yesterday! I'm scared about getting rid of the (not HABITUAL) cardio that I do, and eating more. I tend to lose focus and get anxious about things not working, so I really want a group to help me keep focus and stay…
  • How is it working for you????
  • Try to eat as many "whole" foods as possible. Things with only one ingredient. Carbs are good, but try for Oatmeal or brown rice. Also- Get some more veggies! A little less sugar, too.