2 week challenge



  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi all,

    Amy--I hope your dad's surgery goes/went well!!!

    Chloe--nice job keeping things in moderation this weekend, especially a long one.

    Rogie--congrats on finishing phase one!

    Beeps--good luck on your fast!

    Reese--nice job on your perfect day!

    I know there's more to comment on, but that's all I can see. Keep up the good work everyone!

    Not much to report here. It's a taper week for me so I'm going to limit myself to just two runs and then maybe some light workouts like walking, but I'm still logging everything during the week at least. I'll probably wing it this weekend so I don't freak myself out when I carb up for the marathon, but then I'll get back to a normal schedule next week, and hopefully get some motivation from you ladies to work in a regular lifting routine.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Just broke my fast with a protein shake (made with water, not milk). I only made it 19.5 hours, today....but, I have an after-work event and don't want to SUCCUMB to all the "temptations" that are there. Figured a 150 calorie protein shake was the better choice.

    Ris - in case you don't stop by, GOOD LUCK ON YOUR MARATHON! I think you are SUPER-prepared, so I can only imagine it will be a really good one!

    kcl - nice hitting a low number on your scale....as in, I *might* have seen that number when I was 13 or 14 - and not a day since, lol! I have let some carbs back into my nutrtion plan - for some reason, I'm craving toasted (plain) bagels with peanut butter these days.

    Chloe - I hope your headache went away.
  • SarahClag
    SarahClag Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you, girls!! I remember single-leg DB raises from my first partial go with NROL, beeps. I will give it a true for sure!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Beeps- The length of your fasts amazes me. I can go 8pm to 1230 but that's about my limit!! I've been intrigued by the once a week 24 hours fasts but I just don't think I have the willpower! How was the after-work event?

    Ris- Good luck with the taper and the carb up!

    kc- Hope the spaghetti turns out! I think we 'share' a MFP friend who enjoys that recipe. You'll have to let us know how it turns out!

    Chloe- So glad you found some moderation over the weekend...I need to mentally prep for a moderation weekend with the upcoming birthday party! I want to enjoy the food but not have the 'oh F-- it mentality!

    Yesterday was decent, I did have a small slice of my Grams birthday cake but it fit in my macros/calories. I'm down to the last couple of S90 workouts and then I can check that off my to-do list! I've got CLX planned next. I'm not sure how quickly I'll start it though since I only have up to 15lb weights and I know I'll need more. We'll see...I have a week off from any planned works set for after S90 so I'm just going to grab whatever workout or go for a run depending on how I feel when I get up for the workouts. I think it'll be a nice break from the 'do X then Y, then repeat' of a program before I dive back in. I do miss the gym though!!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    UGH! I did not sleep well last night. I am grumpy, frustrated, and annoyed with life today!!!! I had to work late last night, run errands and got home to late to make spaghetti. The kids ate frozen pizza and I ate a homemade bean burrito (probably not much healthier then the pizza). I put the squash in the fridge and hope that it keeps until tomorrow. Tonight is soccer/dance so we don't get home until 8:30. I made soup for tonight.Oh, and for some dumb reason I stepped on the scale. YIKES. I HAVE to lay off the carbs. I'm thinking about throwing away the scale because it made my bad mood worse. Alright, rant OVER.

    Beeps- I can't even do a 12 hour fast! Over 19 hours is pretty goosd.

    Mama- awesome job on almost completing S90. I'm excited to see how you like CLX - I'm thinking about trying that in Jan -Yes, I'm thinking far, far ahead!

    Happy Hump Day!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Good luck Ris!
    Holy hell Beeps....19 hours?! Good for you.
    Sounds like you are doing splendidly Reese. I hear you on the it nice not necessarily "having a plan" every now and then.
    Amy, hope all is well.
    Kate, I hope you're enjoying cross fit. I'd like to try it sojmetime, but I feel guilty leaving home for an hour + on weeknights as I get limited time with my kiddo those nights. And I don't want to spend the $$. I hear it can be pricey.
    Good to hear from you abigail. Sounds like you're staying on track for the most part. We all need a splurge sometimes!
    Sarah, it's always good to reflect and realize how you are learning. I realize I can spend a lot less time working out and get better results.
    Rogie, good job on NROL! Another program I'd like to try. I just don't have all the equipment at my house. :/
    Nice job on being moderate Chloe. I'm a weekend warrior most of the time. At least part of the weekend.
    KC, I hear ya. I stepped on the scale today and was up a pound from last week. Last week I was up 1.5 from the previous week! So that's 2.5 in 2 weeks. I guess we'll see what tomorrow brings; it's official weigh in day. I try not to worry about the scale TOO much. I know so many things factor the number.

    Well, now that I've caught up I just want to quickly check in. I've been doing good with workouts this week. I've lifted twice and ran once and have been doing my burpies (am I the only one?). I was going to run this afternoon, but it's actually in the 80's here and I am lacking sleep. I was awake from 4-545 this morning. Got up for my kid and couldn't get back to sleep. I may get a quick walk in after the baby wakes up if there's enough time before a family party we have to attend tonight. Eating has been relatively decent as well. I've been wathcing my macros which I haven't really done in about a month. I think carbs are making my middle squishy. That's all for me. Enjoy the rest of the week ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    mama - my fasts aren't anything to write home about....when I posted on my "fast" blog that I was fasting for (hoped) 20 hours, yesterday, the girl's post, right above mine, said she was 48 hrs into a 60 hour fast. So, mine is pretty lame by comparison.

    kclynch - I sleep like crap when I'm doing a long-ish fast....and, I'm FREEZING cold the whole time. But, no headaches, so I guess it's do-able.

    Better - I'm glad you're having a good week.

    I'm exhausted. Have been awake since 2:00. I blame yesterday's fast. Had meetings all day, so I didn't even eat until 2:00, anyway. So, yesterday was a planned fast (19 hours) and today was an unplanned fast (18 hours). I had to miss the gym because of all these meetings, so i couldn't even step on the scale to see if these fasts are even WORKING, lol.

    Tomorrow - meetings.

    Friday - I *will* get to the gym and I will lift my little heart out....and step on the scale, too!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Beeps- I could never go that long without eating. I do get headaches when I don't eat. As of right now I try to not eat after 7 and then I eat breakfast around 7:30 and I am starving by then. So good for you for getting through it!

    Better- Nope I am not in the burpees challenge, but good job with keeping up with it!

    KC- I am considering starting CLX after the holidays also, so maybe we could do that together!

    Mama- nice job on finishing up S90, I have yet to check that out and I have had it for months!

    I have been doing ok this week. The weather here has been unseasonably warm and I have had a headache literally since Monday. I did run 2Xs so far and did some strength and core work. I plan on running and getting in some more weights tonight as well. Did an informal weigh in this morning (usually weigh in on Friday) and I am down another pound this week, if it sticks tomorrow then I will record it. So I must be doing something right! Tomorrow night we are going to a local restaurant for dinner that we have never been to. I plan on ordering a grilled chicken salad (i'm sure they have to have something like that). Saturday we have an Oktoberfest party so there will be beer drinking and unhealthy eating I am sure, but I will try to keep it under control. And then Sunday get back to normal and food prep for next week.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    oh yes, the burpee challenge! I promised to be a 'cheerleader'.....so, where *is* everybody at with it?? I'm sure you are all doing REALLY WELL!!

    Yay, Chloe! Other than the headache, it all sounds REALLY GOOD!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    1.5 pounds up this morning on official weigh in day. That's 3 pounds in 2 weeks. I know I didn't gain that much. Maybe my 126 was a "false low" and I put a pound or so on. I do think my nursing tapering is affecting, so I think I am going to adjust my calories starting next week. I'm still debating about how I will do this. Here is what I'm thinking as options:

    1. 1/2 pound loss a week with "sedentary" setting with 5 30 minute workouts a week gives me 1300 (EEK!!) calories a day. I eat back my exercise calories.

    2. 1/2 pound loss a week with "active" setting, no workouts specified gives me 1550 calories a week. I don't eat back exercise calories. I can log them as 1 calorie or what I record on my HRM, but I still don't eat them back.

    3. Custom: my maintenance is 1800. I eat 1600 a day. I log workouts but only eat up to 1600 a day and attempt an even or deficit at the end of the week. This is basically #2, but I do the "customized" settting. Basically it's what I'm doing now with 200 less calories a day.

    Kate, I appreciate your earlier response and like you theory behind it: eating for fuel and working out to get stronger. I do love to see my calorie burn. I am warped from many years of counting calories. In the end it comes down to a numbers game and I'm not sure if any of the three options would produce huge differences. Sorry for the long rant; things are changing and I want to respond! Only being able to eat 1300 calories a day on non workout days sounds ridiculous to me. It also sounds like a weekend binge waiting to happen...... I think I'm leaning towards #3 because it's an adjustment from where I am now. One I'll notice some, but not feel like I'm starving. Because I do eat probably an average of 1800 a day and now I'm used to it.

    In the meantime, I'm going to try to eat well and get my workouts in. Only 1 more run, 1 more strength and my burpees. Which I will not be doing tonight as I have a late meeting. That means 40 tomorrow. Anyone else there? KC? Anyone.....
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Umm....I kbnow it was my challenge, but I fell off when I was sick, back when we were still doing only 10!!! How about if I hop back on and do the last 7 days with you, Ashley?

    Chloe- YES!!! Lets do it together! Do you have it? I have't ordered it yet and I think I'll need some heavier weights. I only have up to 15.

    Parent Teacher Conferences have just worn me out and I skipped another workout today, yikes, but I'm off tomorrow so NO EXCUSES!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Better- I did the whole not logging calories burned for awhile and now I am back to logging them. I really don't think it affected my eating at all. I still ate around 1400 cals and I still do now. The difference was that I didn't workout as much when I knew I couldn't get the reward of posting it on here and knowing how many cals I burned. All a mental thing I suppose. If I were you on the whole adjusting cals after breastfeeding I would just gradually go down like 100 or 50 cals per day each week until you start seeing a loss again. Too much might shot your system in a bad way and like you said make you just binge after a few days doing it.

    KC- Yes I have CLX. I have done it twice all the way through. I do not do her cardio DVDs in it usually unless I feel like mixing it up. I usually still just stick to my running for cardio. I have 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20 and 25 lb dumbells. I think I am going to ask for 30s for Christmas (last time I was ready to move up in weight on some of the lower body exercises). But, that sounds like a great program to get me into spring!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Thanks, again, all of you! My dad's surgery went well. They removed the right kidney and a tumor on the left. They won't have pathology back for a week, but they expect both to be cancer, just need to determine what kind, then we can get on with diagnosis and treatment.
    I am going to be in that mermaid costume tomorrow, ready or not (NOT). Maybe I need a big net to wrap around myself! I don't really feel like going out and dressing up but I am going to do it anyway. My husband is going as a zombie sailor or pirate that I rescued from the depths! I will have to post a pic!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Amy, so happy your Dad's surgery went well! I will keeping hoping for good news on the diagnosis. I am sure you are going to ROCK the halloween costume and you and your husband will look great!

    Better - like Chloe said, just experiment and see what works for you! Not counting the burn calories helps me for a few reason: I don't overcompensate for a hard workout by rewarding myself as much...ie I don't say, I just burned 600 calories, I can eat tons! I eat about the same amount day to day. Also, I get worried about the numbers game. We know as humans we underestimate what we are eating and over estimate what we are burning. With smaller margins like ours (since we are not obese or men) it's easy to come uncomfortably close in the math. Using a good TDEE estimator (like the LP quiz) makes me less worried about that.

    Beeps - how you liking the fasting? I found I gained weight immediately! But I know other people love it. I wonder if I just wasn't doing it right.

    Reese - how long until LP is over??

    As for me, second week of crossfit. I've done 4 time each week and still really like it. I am figuring out how to put it in my budget going forward. I've had enough fitness kicks that I know it's hard to say at this point that I will become a crossfitter forever but I am pretty enamored. I am getting pushed to lift heavy while also working cardio and doing movements I have never done. I am really understanding the idea of "functional" movement...I feel like this workouts will translate better into me being walk into situations (like sports) and adapt. So far, big fan.

    Here are some articles I liked this week. I've tabbed them to remind myself to go back and reread!



    PS On burpees...I have discovered at crossfit that when people are doing more of them they aren't doing them with strict push ups (as I always did)....see this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_43ezrGPwIg&feature=related
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I'm glad things are moving forward for your dad, Amy - that's positive! And, I bet you ROCK that mermaid costume! You are tiny and strong and you have a great figure - GO SHOW IT OFF (and go show off your hubby, too!)

    chui - I only weigh myself once-per-week, so I don't really know WHAT benefit/lack of benefit the mini-fasts are having on that measurement. I wanted to try it and see if I could do it....and, it seems to be okay (for me). I haven't tried any lengthy fast - may never try. But, in trying to recognize "hunger", I think it has been a good exercise. And, frankly, skipping meals helps me keep my calorie deficit - which is key, for me, just now.

    I am always excited by your crossfit posts, chui. And, DarkAngel, too...she's a big cross-fit junky. I am fascinated by it and it is in the back of my mind to give-it-a-try at some point. However, my $2,500 YMCA annual bill is due, so I think, as a family, we'll keep that membership and leave the rest alone for this year. I'm still trying to figure out FORM for lifting - and therefore, I still have TONS of room to improve, especially on the HEAVY part. My squats, particularly, just are not that heavy. Which continues to preturb me.

    Anyway, the GOOD news is that I *do* get to go to the gym, today. Which makes me very happy since I haven't been there since Monday. I NEED THIS WORK-OUT. Good or bad, I'll be glad to bang it out. I hope it's good.

    What are everyone's weekend plans?
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Thanks for the advice on calories ladies. I may try 1600 or 1700 to start at a 40/30/30 ration and log exercise, but not eat it back.

    Amy, I'm glad surgery went well.

    KC, sounds good on joing me for the last week!

    I need to get some workouts in this weekend. It is going to be a busy one but I can squeeze lifting and one run in. I may try to get on the mill after work today. The weather is rainy and cold. A big change from temps in the 80's all week. Wah.

    Have a great weekend ladies!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Girls I can't keep up fast enough...you are all moving and grooving! Yoswer!! :smile:

    Amy- I'm glad your Dad's surgery went well and I will also continue to keep your family in my prayers!! Hope the costume party goes well!

    Chloe- You feel pretty comfortable with 25s for CLX? I'm trying to decide what else to get. Push doesn't require heavy weights correct? I'm hoping to snag a couple more before I get started but I have to tuck them away in the kids' toy closet when they aren't in use so I don't want to 'over do it'!

    Beeps- Hope today's workout is awesome for you! I can see why you'd stick with just the YMCA plan! It can get crazy when everyone is involved in it! The cost of DH's gym plus all the 'sport/activities' for the kids keeps our family fitness budget high enough! :laugh:

    Kate- That's awesome that you've really 'fallen' for CF! It's always excited getting involved in something new and being able to really dive in knowing that you are able to keep pushing yourself forward! I'm glad it's working out so well for you. I have just over 2 weeks left on the LP. This is the end of week 7 and I have to readjust (I believe) for week 8. I have to reread it though because I haven't read it since I readjusted for this level. The last 2 weeks haven't been the greatest for me, so I am planning on restarting it again because I am enjoying it. And I believe she mentions that you can go right back at it if need be. But again, I need to reread it before I make any definite decisions. I know the past two weeks my eating hasn't been spot on with macros which has effected my results. That is my doing, the program was working when I followed the guidelines. I just need to spend more time prepping!

    Ashley- The weather here yesterday and today has been high 70s. We spent it outside as much as possible...with knowing that rain and possible snow is coming this weekend! It's not going to be fun! The dogs have been enjoying their walks so much I better find a good winter coat because I don't think they are going to willingly give up the walks even with cold temps! I, however, would prefer too!! :laugh:

    kc-way to dive back in to the burpees! You girls and your burpees!!

    My Gram's surprise party is this weekend so Saturdays evening eats will be a wash, I'm sure. I am going to fit in a workout early Saturday before we start preps. Sunday is supposed to be my rest day but that I will play by ear depending on how I feel. Knowing that I can pick whatever workout I want, even if it's just a quick run might give me enough incentive to get out there and get it done!! We had to move the party to a more casual location due to the increased RSVPs. So I am going with weekend casual. I'm not a big dress up, accessory girl but I made an effort to buy a new outfit and a necklace that I'm hoping goes with it. More than my usual Nike Frees and jeans weekend specialty! We'll see, I just know it's going to be fun to see the family, enjoy some good food and celebrate my Gram's 90th!! Have a great weekend all! I'll be off all weekend with the party and then my oldest is participating in a basketball shooting camp. So I'll try to catch up again Monday! :flowerforyou:
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Amy- Glad to hear that your Dad's surgery went ok and I will keep you in my prayers! Have fun at your party this weekend!

    Kate- Awesome work on sticking with cross fit....seems a little intense for me, but could be fun!

    Beeps- Have an awesome workout today!

    Ashley- I hear ya on the weather change...it has been in the 80s all week and now only a high of about 50 for the weekend!

    Mama- The only thing I would have wanted more than 25s for is the squats from what I can remember. Push is the DVD that actually requires the heaviest weights, Burn and Lean are a little lighter. I wish I would have gotten the select weights that she uses, but I had already started to build my collection once I realized those were out there

    Well according to my official weigh in day today my weight has not changed from last week. But, I am going to admit I cheated alot this week with carbs (mainly sweets) so I think thats why I didn't see a change like the week before. Going to get in a workout tonight and hope for one tomorrow morning, but it will be a busy day so we will see. Definitely get some good sweat time in Sunday though to make up for the eating and drinking that will happen tomorrow! Going to get some food prep in on Sunday also so I can tackle next week!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    My weight is UP 1.7 lbs from last week! Which seems IMPOSSIBLE, given that I've ingested a whopping 8,400 calories this week (and, yes, I MEASURED correctly).

    Ugh. I am SO pissed off!

    End of October stats are due on Wednesday and I had REALLY been hoping I'd be down the 2 pounds I needed to be down. Now, somehow, I STILL have to lose those 2 lbs PLUS the 1.7 lbs I was "surprised" with, today.


    Trying to keep my cool and just keep keeping on....I was SO GOOD THIS OCTOBER. So good.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Wow Beeps. I can't believe that after how good you've been, especially that fast. The only time I have ever gone that long without food is when I was violently ill with the flu.

    Amy, glad to hear your dad's surgery went well. Have fun at your party. I'm sure you are going to look awesome in that mermaid costume.

    Chloe, I hear you on the sweets. I have actually decided to stay away from treats until Thanksgiving. I figure I will enjoy the desserts that much more.

    Mama, have fun this weekend.

    Ashley, that sounds like a good plan. I actually don't log my exercise anymore. I set my calories at maintenance and shoot to eat just those and then I figure whatever I do for a workout is my deficit.

    I start my fourth week of P90X tomorrow. There's no strength this week, it's all yoga, stretching and core. I think I will still throw in some cardio though. I need to burn some calories!