2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    it jumped! and I think burpees are ok with just the plank but if you want a challenge, do the pushup or just touch your chest to the ground. I do what I can...
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Welcome Sasx and Gingervegs! Your goals look great! This is an awesome supportive group!

    Burpees are done and they were painful tonight! I did hanging straight leg raises yesterday, so everytime I jumped back to plank, my abs killed, lol!!! Oh well, no pain no gain! Nutrition was great today, hoping to continue for 7 straight!!

    Keep on, keeping on ladies!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Welcome Sasx & Gingervegs :)

    I'll try to read through the article today while I'm working :)

    My legs are still so sore today!! I have a feeling tonight's CF will be a bit difficult because of it! Tonight we'll be going over what they call the "over head series" so that means: press, push press & push jerk. Sounds like more arm work? maybe? I just hope I wake up by class! I've been exhausted the past 2 days, need to wake up, ahhh!!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Welcome sasx and gingervegs (I am too am ginger :)

    Well, frustratingly my weight is way up and looking at my "progress report" it has been for a month! Grr. 6 lbs over my lowest point in April. C'est la vie. I gotta keep going. My clothes are fitting fine so that's important and hopefully this week its just an effect of eating habit change or of eating more 8 pm or so...I am weighing more in the mornings? Either way, doing well on IF so far and I have a new rules work out tonight. To Shannon's question on the body fat - I don't know what it is. Thing is that my handheld is *okay* for getting a sense of things but I won't have a real concept until I do a caliper test at some point in the next week. I think I am doing to do my second bod pod when I get under 140 again (motivation, eh?) or by the end of summer.

    Shannon - sounds like CF has been great and all your efforts leading up to it are really showing!! You are making me really excited to try it! Push through the sore - once you're moving you'll be good to go. And yes, it sounds like tonight will be arm dominant so that will help :)

    Way to go on the burpee challenge ladies! I wish i could join but my wrist bothers me if I do too many push ups or planks unless I'm on dumbbells....which makes burpees challenging and makes 100 burpees a poor idea for me :/ But I am cheering yall on!!!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Good morning ladies :) And welcome newbies!

    Had a great run last night, along with my 21 burpees and a nice walk with the dog. Tonight is Chalean. I have about 5 weeks left of this program and I can't decide what to do next for strength. She has a "Lean for life " schedule that I could move on to, but that is basically just mixing up the workouts I have been doing. I know alot of you have done NROL, but I don't have access to a gym right now and I only have up to 25 lb dumbells at home. Anyone have any suggestions on a program I can do at home?
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Bumping for later when I return to the office!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,107 Member
    I think you "burpee" women are doing GREAT! Good for you....

    chui - with a body like yours, WHO CARES ABOUT THE SCALE????????????? I am *not* caring for you....

    shan - I really like reading about what you are doing at "crossfit". I think, when I'm at Stage 7 of NROL4W, it's a *lot* more like a circuit program, because there are only 30-second rest periods between the sets, and in reading the thread for Stage 7, it sounds like it is a b*tch. I'll be ready! (Plus, I'll only be doing strength-training 2 x per week over the summer, so I'll probably be able to handle it - I HOPE!)

    Chloe - some people do NROL4W at home. I don't know HOW they do it (I am grateful for the gym and the equipment and the spotters, etc.), but they DO IT! "Strong Curves" is coming out Aug 1/12, by LeBrun, I might check that out. I *do* dream about strong-lifts, but think I'd get bored so quickly that I'm not sure it's the right (next) program for me. I might just do NROL (for men), dunno.

  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I'm way behind from being off yesterday: So bare with me as I try to catch up.

    On the Apple Cider Vinegar thing...I read that in the sameplace Chloe and have been drinking a mix of it for the past couple of weeks both to see if it helped with bloating and my issues of never being 'regular'. I stole my recipe from vanillabeanlean.com which is a tumblr filled with water and ice, a pinch of cinnamon, a tablespoon of ACV and a bit of lemon juice. It's not great but it's definitely better than when I tried it with just a bit of water (and I'm terrible with shots! :laugh: )
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I need to read up on the next stage of NROL. Looking forward to that and catching up on that article you posted during lunch.

    Burpee challenge peeps- rock. Great job all!

    And welcome to the new peeps- always great to have new ladies join up and freshen up our challenge board!

    Seems like everyone is doing awesome this week-tightening up the reigns and lifting heavy stuff (yeh Beeps! :wink: ) i was off on a field trip with my kiddo yesterday and can't believe how fast things moved. I mean we move quickly often...but sheesh. Sorry I can't get back to see what everyone had to say. I read it and tried to quote to respond but it won't carry it over to the new thread!! Regardless, keep rockin this next installment of challenges. :smile:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    So I'm either getting sick or my allergies are flaring up. I think and hope for the latter. Gotta love the Ohio Valley. My city is in the tops for allergenic towns each year. Sucks. That said, last night I got a 25 minute easy walk in with the family. And then had a dirty martini. And then was completely exhausted. I'm feeling a little better today and have plans to run with my baby, but not sure if I'll make 3 miles. We shall see. I'll try. Hopefully I can get some strength/HIIT in tomorrow because my sister and her family (and new baby I haven't met yay!) are coming Friday mid morning. So between sickness, needing to prep for visitors and then actual visitors, this week is going to be tough. But I'm going to do my best.

    Way to go all you Burpee-ers! And welcome new peeps! Sounds like everyone is having a good week so far.

    Interesting article Amy. I too like the part about orthorexia-nervosa. I have been able to let "bad" foods into my life and now am able to keep them around where before when I wouldn't buy anyting sweet, or any kind of crunchy salty thing in fear I'd eat the whole bag in a day or two. Which I did on more than one occassion. I think a big part of eating well is having a healthy relationship with food.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    OK my professional weightlifting friends I need your assistance :tongue: I started trying to figure out a basic routine I would be able to do at home with my dumbbells. Let me know what you think of this, I plan on doing 3 sets each exercise with 10-12 reps a set. Are there any great exercises I am missing? Thanks in advance for the advice.

    Standing Calve Press
    Alternating Lunges
    Sumo Squats

    Bent Over Rows
    Lateral Raise
    Chest Fly
    Chest Press
    Bent Over Back Fly

    Bicep Curls
    Laying Down Tricep Extension
    Shoulder Press
    Frontal Shoulder Press
    Push ups
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I don't feel confident commenting as a professional weight lifter, but I think your routine sounds pretty comprehensive. I am not sure about reps and sets, but remember to lift to exhaustion. that was the take-home message of the latest article that said you build the same amount of muscle lifting heavy as light if you always lift until spent.
    Don't forget the 9 burpees today.
    I think I will workout tomorrow and Saturday. Saturday I want to start something new. I haven't been able to get enough info about the Spartacus, so I will check that out. I also might have to trade my drinking day from Friday to today because I am celebrating a friend's house being under contract!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    OK my professional weightlifting friends I need your assistance :tongue: I started trying to figure out a basic routine I would be able to do at home with my dumbbells. Let me know what you think of this, I plan on doing 3 sets each exercise with 10-12 reps a set. Are there any great exercises I am missing? Thanks in advance for the advice.

    I meant to give you my program from bodybuilding.com. I googled "compound strength moves" and found and like this and this is what I am doing all of June. I have to modify because I too only have barbells (I have a set with plates that I can get up to about 40 lbs. on each). So obviously I sub for pull-ups, etc. This seems to be a pretty good total body strength. Not that I don't think yours looks good.... :smile: Just wanted to offer what I had found! The recommended sets are 15, 8, 8, 6 with 60-90 seconds of rest between. I get C and D done in about 20 minutes and A and B take 25. So I can squeeze 2 into one day and train in 2 days but usually end up with 3 days. Good luck!

    Workout A (Main Muscles Worked - Pecs, Triceps):
    Incline Barbell Bench Press
    Flat Barbell Bench Press
    Barbell Pullover (I love these!)

    Workout B (Main Muscles Worked - Quads, Hamstrings):
    Barbell Squats
    Front Barbell Squat (I sub plie')
    Sumo Deadlift
    Barbell Stiff-Legged Deadlift

    Workout C (Main Muscles Worked - Delts, Traps):
    Barbell Military Press
    Barbell Upright Row
    Barbell Clean and Press (difficult but doable with dumbells)

    Workout D (Main Muscles Worked - Lats, Lower Back):
    Pull-up (I do bent fly instead)
    Bent-Over Barbell Row
    Barbell Deadlift
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    P.S. I start with a maneagable weight for the first set of 15, and increase weight so I am fatigued with the last set of 6.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    OK my professional weightlifting friends I need your assistance :tongue: I started trying to figure out a basic routine I would be able to do at home with my dumbbells. Let me know what you think of this, I plan on doing 3 sets each exercise with 10-12 reps a set. Are there any great exercises I am missing? Thanks in advance for the advice.

    Standing Calve Press
    Alternating Lunges
    Sumo Squats

    Bent Over Rows
    Lateral Raise
    Chest Fly
    Chest Press
    Bent Over Back Fly

    Bicep Curls
    Laying Down Tricep Extension
    Shoulder Press
    Frontal Shoulder Press
    Push ups

    Few things - if you are going to do 3 days a week do full body each day. So essentially take the lifts you have there and mix them all together so you're starting out with squats one day, deadlifts another, and sumo squats another. Then mix in the rest. Don't bother with calve press, it's a isolation movement for "glamour" muscles and ineffective to boot. Biceps curls and tricep extensions are similarly unnecessary - I haven't done a one since I started really lifting last year. The rest of your flies and presses seem a bit repetitive...do a row, do an overhead press, do pull ups/negative pull ups. Throw in some planking/other abs work for icing.

    To give you an idea - stronglifts 5x5 is widely heralded as a great program. It features 6 different lifts. That's all.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Stronglifts is actually only 5 lifts-you do the squats each workout, then overhead presses and deadlift on A and bench presses and pendley rows on B.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Thanks for the advice everybody. Great suggestions! I hate when I start thinking about doing a new program when I still have weeks (5 to be exact) left of the one I am doing currently bc I always want to move on the the next thing. But, I will finish this and then start the new lifting in July. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I like the idea of doing full body all 3 days. And I am ok with taking out the bicep, tricep, etc exercises.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    ok, I am going to do the original men's health Spartacus workout 3 days per week for the rest of June, starting Saturday. I can do it at home and outside, or at the gym if I want.
    It here if anyone wants to check it out:
    I also saw this calorie cycling calculator: http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm
    It has a 7-day zigzag I might try but it does dip below 1200 on two days for "fat loss". I don't think that is too problematic if I am averaging 1317 cals per day? any thoughts?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,107 Member
    Look at all you ladies crafting your OWN HEAVY LIFTING PROGRAMS!

    Gosh, that's impressive!

    I don't have any comments to give....I'm glued to NROL4W and I'm (a little) terrified about what to do when it "ends".

    On that note, I finished Stage 5, today. My personal TRIUMPH today is that I did 100 lbs. on my wide-bar lat pull-down. 100 lbs! So, for me, that's BIG news! (I know it isn't all that special compared to other lifters around, but it is a NSV for MOI!)

    I start Stage 6 on Friday and Stage 6 is where I'll end up being able to do chin-ups, pull-ups and PUSH-UPS! I am *so* excited.

    The"A" work-out is:

    - negative chin-ups
    - underhand-grip lat pulldown (one of my faves!)
    - barbell split squat
    - push-ups

    The "B" work-out is:

    - reverse lunge, one DB on shoulder
    - DB two-point row
    - DB push press
    - back extensions
    - incline reverse crunch

    So, it looks like my squatting days and dead-lifting days are NO MORE, during this Stage. And, it will likely take me until the end of June to get through this stage. (I have to do 5 of each of the "A" and "B" work-outs.)

    I tell ya, my back, shoulders and arms are gonna look AWESOME for the summer!!

    (PS - I am *officially* down 5 lbs since xmas-time....I believe it is 100% fat loss, so I'm SUPER-stoked about this, too!)
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi all! Just quickly checking in quickly, I did my 9 burpees today!

    Beeps, congrats on the NSV and the scale victory!