2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Beeps, I think 100 pounds on the lat pull down is incredible! I could never gain much strength on that one!
    Also, I asked awhile back but I don't think you saw my question, if you are Canadian, why do you say pounds and inches? are you converting it for us?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,107 Member
    Thanks, Ris and Amy.

    Amy, I think I *answered* the question on the lbs/inches thing. Yes, I am Canadian. Yes, we are metric. But, SOME *habits* are hard to break....height and weight is one of them - most adults (say, over age 30...) still use imperial measurements.

    So, I'm 5'9" tall - I don't even know what that is in cms....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,107 Member
    ...and, losing a lb. takes less time than losing a kg, lol....
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Ooops, thanks for the correction Amy! My mistake. But yeah, Chloe you will work your biceps and triceps plenty but not in isolation. See here: http://fitasabull.blogspot.com/2008/09/multi-joint-single-joint-fat-burning.html

    Beeps - congrats on both victories....5 lbs fat loss in LESS than 6 months is pretty amazing. That's 1 lbs pure fat loss a month? Uh, I would love that! And 100 lbs is nothing to smirk at, it's a lot of weight! Hip hop hooray for you!

    And thankfully Beeps uses non metric. Even after living in France 13 months I can't do metric to save my life!
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    Beeps, congrats on the victories! I'm Canadian, too! And do the pounds for weight and feet/inches for height as well.

    My efforts today to get in a ST have been sidelined. I messed up my ankle last week, running, and it's just killing me today. I thought I'd be able to get in some ST once we got home from my son's soccer, but I'm not up to doing an hour dvd. I''ve got it taped and icing and alieve is kicking in as I type. I can get maybe get in some compound moves with my dumbbells (10# 15#) while I'm letting this rest. Hopefully I'll get in with the physio tomorrow if she gets a cancellation. Maybe I could just do a 1/2 one. P90X has one that does 12 exercises and then cycles through them again...hmmm...i can do pushups, rows, curls, presses, crunches, just no walking or jumping right now. I'll see what I can come up with. I'll do 10 min. AMRAP
    10-Pushup row with 15#
    10-shoulder fly row press 10#
    10-competition sit ups
    10-tricep dips
    10-kb swings with 15#

    ok, done got 2 full reps of each, and was on the 3rd when 10 min up at 4 tricep dips. I finished the set though.
    and i feel good, and no pain. but more ice i think after i stretch
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Wow...so much going on, I don't know if I will be able to remember everything to respond to, lol!!

    Chloe - I thought the same thing as Kate. I would do 3 Total Body Days, mixing it up like she said. When you mix it up though, make sure it is balanced, i.e., quads/hamstrings, push/pull (chest/back), etc...

    Amy - I tried to look at the link, but couldn't find the actual exercises. Am I missing something? As for the calories, I don't see how dipping below can hurt when you are averaging out a higher number of cals for the week.

    Beeps - You go girl!!! 100 lbs is fantastic, are you kidding!?!?! And Woohoo on your lb/fat loss! Amazing!!!

    Better - Hope it's just allergies and you feel better soon!

    Ris - Great job on the burpees!

    Sasx - glad you got through your workout and ice sounds like a great idea!

    Ok, thats all I remember, lol!! Got my burpees in, nutrition day 2 - awesome, had a great weight session today, got in a short run today and plan to start the day with one tomorrow...we will see :wink:
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    have to mention that i had to go to my knees for 2 rounds of the pushup rows...I'm starting over.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I really appreciate all the help and advice. I revamped I think according to everyone's suggestions. I don't really have anywhere to do pullups at the moment. But, here is the updated schedule. Let me know what other modifications anyone thinks should be made. Also for the lifting pros....I know Amy said to lift until fatigued. But, I guess I need a starting point. Do suggest a few sets of each. Or one set with the heaviest I think I can and keep going until I fail? Thanks again, I feel like I should be paying you all for advice :wink:


    Push ups
    Shoulder Press
    Sumo Squats
    Chest Press
    Bent Over Rows
    Lateral Raise
    Alternating Lunges
    Bent Over Back Fly
    Upright Row


    Chest Press
    Bent Over Back Fly
    Alternating Lunges
    Lateral Raise
    Upright Row
    Bent Over Rows
    Sumo Squats
    Push ups
    Shoulder Press


    Sumo Squats
    Bent Over Rows
    Upright Row
    Shoulder Press
    Push ups
    Alternating Lunges
    Chest Press
    Bent Over Back Fly
    Lateral Raise
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Chloe, Looks good! However that (to me anyways) seems like A LOT! The series I'm doing, each move takes me about 7 minutes to complete. That is a set of 15, 8, 8, and 6 with 1 minute rest in between. So you're looking at close to an hour and a half each day. Perhaps you have time for that and if so, good for you! Although I think (in addition to not having a full hour and a half 3 times a week to lift) I would be wooped after all that lifting which could compromise good form towards the end. All of this is only my personal opinion and not based on any research whatsoever. :smile: I'm sure the other girls who are doing other programs can weigh in though. I am so time obsessed lately though with trying to balance between working and spending my evenings working out and spending time with my kiddo (not to mention cooking and eating dinner, straightening up, etc etc etc.) that this was my first reaction. It can be a trail and error too. If something doesn't feel right, or it feels like too much, you can always modify. This is why I took the easy way out and borrowed someone else's routine. :wink:
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ashley- I agree with you, I would like to keep it to about 45 minutes, hour at the most. I just wasn't sure which exercises would be best to cut out.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,107 Member
    Holy crap, Chloe, I think you'll be in the gym for 3 HOURS if you move forward with those routines, lol!! (If you factor in, say, 3 sets of each exercise, with 60 sec rest periods between each set....the time adds up FAST!)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,107 Member
    Please don't forget the necessary "rest" periods between sets.....the "rest" periods are in there for a reason!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Amy - I tried to look at the link, but couldn't find the actual exercises. Am I missing something? As for the calories, I don't see how dipping below can hurt when you are averaging out a higher number of cals for the week.
    The circuit is 1 minute each of:
    goblet squats
    mountain climber
    Single arm dumbbell swings
    Split jump
    Dumbbell row
    Dumbbell side lunge and touch
    Pushup-position row
    Dumbbell lunge and rotation
    Dumbbell push press

    with 15 seconds rest in between exercises, then 2 minutes rest between cicuits, you do it 3 times.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Planning on lifting and 10 burpees today.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Ummm, I don't know how I'm EVER going to be able do 100 burpees!!!! By the time I got to 10 today, I could barely do the last push up. It was like a half push up.

    I really want to change up my workout, but I've never worked out at home without a DVD. I also decided to change my IF to 14/10. I am just to hungry in the am and I'm worried that I'm not eating enough. I want to try zig-zagging with my IF. Is that okay? I know I'm going to report a gain tomorrow and I need a new plan. I haven't seen a loss since Feb, then started gaining in March. Staring to feel like a weight loss failure.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I am late to the party as usual! LoL. I think the ladies did an awesome job of making suggestions for you, Chloe. Full body is the way to go. A lot of bodybuilding.com breaks it into chest/back, bi/tri similar to P90x- which is what DH does when he hits the gym. But I've read that full body for us is the way to go and with NROL, that's what I get so I'm happy with that. I do enjoy that all over sense of 'ugh' after a full body routine! (similar to what I'm experiencing now! lol)

    And Beeps is head on...those rest periods are important. I overlooked them too often in the past in an effort to save time. I definitely take advantage of them now with NROL Not only do I often just simply NEED them, but understand how important they are. As are rest days...which are still difficult to take in full!

    You go girls with your burpees. I should have jumped on the train but I know I'd be half-a'in it by mid-June!!

    We leave for our mini vacation camping trip (well..we rented a cabin on a campground so it's not roughin' it!) tomorrow. And I"m so excited. I would be much happier had I made all my goals. But my clothes fit and I'm on a good roll so I'm content with this. Just plain excited to get away from work and the normal ho-hum after daily life even if it's only for 4 days. It'll be great! Got my run in this morning and I'll lift tomorrow before we go. I packed running clothes to hopefully take advantage of some extra opportunities to train for the upcoming 5k so we'll see. It's a done deal though because I finally sent in my check for the pre-registration that I did online- so now I'm both mentally and financially committed. :laugh:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    that's awesome about the race, Reese, and the "camping". Sounds fun!
    KC, do you want to do spartacus? You cna do it at home and it's not a video.
    I know anything over 10 burpees is going to suck, I will start breaking them into chunks. Morning, noon and night:tongue:
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Beeps- Thanks for the advice on the rest periods! And very true that it takes longer to lose a kg than an lb :)

    Reese- very jealous of your week away and have a great time!

    And OMG these burpees are going to get ROUGH!!!! Day 10 here we go! Definitely no more skipping days bc making them up would be ridiculous!

    Getting in a run tonight and I already prelogged a couple cocktails I think I might have. It's just been one of those weeks!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    You all and your burpees! And with pushups?! You all go.

    It seems everyone is doing amazing. Beeps - 100 pounds?! Nice! Amy, I looked at that thread you responded to the other day for the Spartacus challenge and watched the video with the Asian chick. Looks like good stuff. I actually noted all the exercises and think I'll incorporate them into my HIIT this week and next. I'm getting tired of my routine and I think my body is getting used to it as well.

    Well I am feeling better and I think it is in large part due to my run yesterday. Mabye just coincidence, but I feel about 70% better today. It was a rough run. And a slow one. And my baby is getting bigger so every week I am pushing more weight. I'm pushing close to 50 pounds now. Running without a stroller these days I feel like I'm flying. Anyways, I really wanted to stop after about 2.5 miles, but honestly I thought about my dry erase board (3+ miles with a box to be checked off) and you guys and thought I can do this. SO I did it. I'm going to try to get circuit A in tonight before my husband and kiddo get home and hopefully my other 2 circuits tomorro before my family gets in town. We'll see.

    As has been consistent, I had no weight loss last week and today I came in at a pound lost! I am at my lowest weight in probably 3 years. Still working off the baby pooch, but I feel good. I think I am going to update my measurements as I haven't taken them since mid March I think and I'd like to see what the month of more strength training does to my body. I really should have taken measurements last week. Anyways, I plan on doing a whole progress story from post pregancny on once I get where I want to be. I was pretty scared at how pregnancy would affect my body and I can say I have been pleased with returning it back to normal and then some. I've got tomorrow off work so I will probably be scarce until after the weekend. Have a great one you all!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Oh my gosh I am so far behind! I was just catchng up on everyone's posts. Amy, I am glad you are doing the Spartacus workout, it is a great workout, it's simple to follow and can work for people at all different levels. I went to one at my old gym and it was great - unfortunately I just cancelled my membership, but my sister is thinking about starting a group down the street at our library which would be cool.

    I am finally getting my eating habits under control and I am getting in some runs and yoga as well as my dance classes, but I still have not managed to get to the gym at hubby's work to lift weights. I really need to get there soon, but scheduling has been a problem. Aah!