2 week challenge



  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ashley- So good to hear you had a good experience with being pregnant. I suppose I can tell all of you here (not telling anyone) but we are going to start trying to have a baby soon. I am going to go off the pill next month and see what happens. I know it is so much easier for some people than others to get pregnant. So I am nervous and anxious not knowing how long it will take. But, the gaining weight part of it is really freaking me out. So its good to hear stories of people like you.

    Did you work out through your whole pregnancy? And did you still count cals?
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    congrats, Chloe, that is exciting about trying for a baby!
    Abi, and Ashley, I am going to do the men's health version 1:
    Read more: http://www.menshealth.com/mhlists/high-intensity-circuit-routine/#ixzz1x33OHwnN

    I looked at the video with the asian girl but that was not the Spartacus workout I was looking for.
    I saw Zuzanna do one-legged burpees, that chick is incredible, seriously. I always admired her on bodyrock but I never really tried the workouts!
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    Thanks for the welcome everyone :)
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I checked out Spartacus and I think I will join you on that challenge. I can start next week and go Mon, Wed, Fri. I HATE row push-ups but I guess that's good that I will be doing them!

    I need to get running more with the baby -is it the jogging stroller that makes it 50lbs because little Daphene can't wigh that much!!!

    Chloe- that is so exciting. I did prenatal DVDs and walked. I wish I had done more. My friend did her bootcamp class until she was 6 months.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    My friend literally ran on the treadmill until the beginning of her third trimester and then walked basically right up until the day she had the baby. And she bounced right back to her pre preg weight......so I am hoping to be able to stick with that. Since I am running so regularly now my heart rate stays pretty low with a steady jog, so I think that would be feasible.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Chloe - I worked out up until about 36-37 weeks because my fluids got low and I was told to "rest". This working out did include running. Slow running and a lot of walking in between, but I was still doing it as long as I could. I walked a lot too. And I was swimming a mile once or twice a week for a little while there. I still logged my calories throughout most of my pregnancy and just adjusted to maintenance for 1st tri, gaining a pound for 2nd, and 2 for 3rd. I think. I can't remember. Anyways, don't sweat it. If you don't go overboard and "eat for two" and become a slug, you'll be fine. I was on the pill about 15 years before we started trying and it took us about 6 months. Good luck! Babies are fun.

    Kclynch - Yes, that includes 25lb stroller, 7 lb carseat and 15 lb baby! A 50 lb 4 month old would be quite the sight! :smile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,107 Member
    I went to aqua-fit from the time I was about 6 months' pregnant until the babe(s) were born....I *love* swimming and being in the water, and WEIGHTLESS, was such a JOY during that last trimester. Plus, I had my late pregnancy months ALWAYS in the summer (dumb, huh??) - so getting out of the HEAT was also a welcome thing.

    Don't worry about "post-pregnancy"....least of your worries, I promise! (Unless you are a Hollywood actress, it probably isn't necessary to get your figure back in some kind of lame-*kitten* 6-week-time-frame, right??)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,107 Member
    one-legged burpees???????????????

    good gawd.

    Now I've heard it all.

    Anyway, it is *wonderful* to see so many of you knocking out burpees on a daily basis - you are better comrades than I, that's for sure!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,107 Member
    PS - I walked outside for an hour at lunch, today. The sun just BECKONED. She called and called to me - and I answered her.

    No, I didn't get in my HIIT. No, I didn't get in my ab work. No, I didn't get in my stretching.

    I don't care. My legs felt good - just walking. And the sun - that glorious sun - she *LOVES* me!

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Beeps, I wish the sun was shining here! oh well, no excuse to not get my butt to the gym! and also, I won't want to sit in the yard after work and have a beer, because it's raining...
    Well, it's Colorado, so there's other sun-shiny days to distract me. I could probably do the spartacus workout in the backyard on Saturday before it gets too hot.
    oh, zuzana: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5tm53LzR10
    in case anyone wanted to see it. I would have said it wasn't possible!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,107 Member
    zuzana's body is just SOOOOOOOOOOO awesome. Seriously. So awesome. I guess that's why she is a personal trainer and is famous and has a large following!

    ....and, I *see* that she is doing burpees with a push-up in the middle, too. Good to know. (As in, I'm even MORE glad I'm not doing the burpee challenge, now, lol!)
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Just did my Fri weigh in - up 2 lbs!!!! I know there are lost of reasons I could be up, but I REFUSE to make excuses because this is an all time high for me so it's not just water weight or whatever. I put up new pics on facebook yesterday and I kept thinking, wow, am I really THAT big???

    First, I cried a little, but now I'm going to come up with a plan.

    I'm starting zig-zagging TODAY - Extreme fat loss edition. No more pizza or cake.
    Changing up my workout - Spartacus 3x, Running 2X, Elliptical 2X, and burpees, of course!

    I WILL kick fat's butt this summer!!!!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    KCLynch - I feel your pain...I am up even MORE than I already was. It makes no sense. *But* it is very important to remember that fat loss if often not reflected on the scales...I repeat...you could be losing fat and the scale will still go up. Now, it shouldn't go up steadily and ultimately if you are losing fat you should be losing in the long run but we both need to remember that scales aren't the only measure of things. Read this: http://www.leighpeele.com/water-retention-and-weight-los

    Good job on work outs and burpees everyone! I did my last A workout in stage 4, one more B and then I'm onto stage 5. I am NOT looking forward to it but I am going to muscle through (no pun intended) and looking forward to more of a change up in stage 6. (Though I heard its brutal...you'll let me know Beeps!). I have made some gains and I got up to 70 lbs in my front squat push press today so that's good.

    Eating is going well this week...have my friday planned, including plenty of wine if I so choose! I will be a bit high today but that's alright. Young friends of art happy hour tonight, hackathon tomorrow, Dog n Jog Sunday...whew. Lots to do.

    Have a great weekend yall!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,107 Member
    70 lbs in the push-press??? Good gawd, woman, you are a BEAST!! CHUI, I really liked Stage 5. Much more than Stage 4. And, I'm not that worried about Stage 6 - I've actually read that it is Stage 7 that is just "holy *kitten* what the h*lll is up with this???"

    kclynch - be wary of doing TOO much "exercise" - thinking that will get you the results you want. I think you really need to just figure out EXACTLY what it is you want?? If you want a scale number, than hit the cardio hard, forget about the weights - and deal with a good scale number (but a mushy body). If you want a tight shape, then hit the WEIGHTS hard, forget about the cardio (or diminish it, your body needs REST when you are heavy-lifting!) - and deal with a crap scale number (but a tight body). Nobody likes to read this advice.....but, I stand by it. Oh, and yes, 'abs are made in the kitchen' - we all know it, but it is SO hard to LIVE by this RULE! Whatever you choose, I will support you, but you have to be VERY CLEAR on "what it is YOU WANT"!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    10 burpees, squats (85 lbs), overhead press (45 lbs) and deads (115).
    Beeps is right, you know, I can lose weight most easily by not exercising and dropping cals low, but then the scale says what I want to see, but the mirror doesn't!
    But, now, I don't know what's the best way to get leaner for summer? Do you think cardio, zig-zagging (with cals avergae 1300 per day) will be too low?
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Today was day 11 right for burpees? Well thats how many I did :) Got in a great run last night and now here is my weekly challenge.....the weekend! I have today planned out. No idea what is in store for tomorrow. I think yard work during the day and maybe out to eat in the evening. Sunday going boating all day, but I will be waterskiing, so that is some good exercise for sure and I am always sore after. Plan on running both Saturday and Sunday.

    I hear you all on the scale going up, but its muscle and all that, but still discouraging :(
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    kc - I love your attitude! Don't let the number on the scale get you down. Your plan sounds great, just make sure you give yourself a rest day! You will do awesome :)

    Chloe - Congrats on the future pregnancy! I'm sure you will work out a bunch and get back to your prepreg weight just as fast as Ashley :)

    Beeps - I'm glad you enjoyed the sun!!

    Kate - awesome 70lbs for push press!! You'll be a beast in stage 5!! Don't get yourself psyched out about it

    Amy - If you feel better looking at yourself in the mirror while doing weights, do that! I think an average of 1330 cals is ok, but if it's going to leave you starving, then idk if you want to do that to yourself.. especially since it is summer and there will be cookouts! If you're happy with the way your body is changing, then stick with your program and lower/zigzag calories with your current routine. Just a suggestion!

    Holy butt kicking last night!! Last night's WOD at crossfit was:
    3 rounds:
    10 Kettle Bell Squats
    10 Kettle Bell Dead Lift High Pulls
    10 Burpees
    10 Lunges
    100 m sprint
    10 bench dips
    10 box jumps
    50 Jump rope
    I completed it in 11:40 which is just one minute more than the most fit guy in the class. I was seriously dripping with sweat and I usually don't sweat much at all! Now comes my tough decision... with the groupon I have 4 more classes left.. or I could "give up" those classes and in return get 2 unlimited weeks and month of 2 classes a week for the normal rate of $120/month. I don't know if I should take the deal or not!! What do you all think??

    So far eating has gone ok this week, except for this morning, which was my friend's last day party at work. But I stayed away from the wine so far this week (sun-thurs) which was my goal and I completed it!! Tonight I will have a bottle of wine with a friend and I think that will be fine, and then tomorrow will be tough because i have my bf's grad party (lots of food ) and then out to dinner with my sister & bf's SIL at a burger place and drinks after... will try to be good and limit though!!! Wish me luck!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,107 Member
    Amy, zig-zagging is working for me.

    shan - I think your cross-fit work-out is just AWESOME! I think I'd finish up with the groupon you have. And, then make a decision....something tells me they will "still" be offering the $120 "special" at the end of the day! (i.e. don't give in to high pressure sales chatter!)
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    What I want is to fit into my SHORTS!!!! I like the idea of zig-zag so hopefully it works. Eating more DID NOT! I want to look strong, but first, I need to get ride of some of this fat!!!! I really want to pay attention to my diet, but still workout. Maybe I'll reduce the cardio....

    I better get started on my burpees :-)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,107 Member
    I'm pretty sure burpees will, for sure, help reduce the FAT. You ladies are just AWESOME!! If I'm gonna sit around and be surrounded by all these zuzana-wanna-be's, that's gonna make it AWFUL LONELY in here, for me, lol.

    Burpees are HARD. That's all I'm saying about that.

    Okay, off to see my personal trainer to go over all the stuff I DON'T know, about Stage 6 NROL4W. And then, on Monday, I go it, alone. Ciao, bellas!!