2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,009 Member
    Hi Nemesis!

    Chloe, if you are eating fewer calories (to balance out a weekend binge), it kind of ends up being like 'zig-zagging' anyway, doesn't it????????

    chui - your photo looks SO good (as does shanders)....GREEN WITH ENVY here in Canada.

    abigail - what I *love* about the 2 week challenge is, if it doesn't work in one particular 2-week block, there's ALWAYS another one to give it a try, lol!!

    Well, I had to hit a cardio class, last night, to pay PENANCE for the stupid choc-covered almonds I ate yesterday afternoon. That's right, after a PERFECT performance in the "end-of-May" challenge, I decided to reward myself with some of the yummies yesterday. So stupid! (They just gave me a tummy ache, actually....) So, I decided I had to burn off what I ate and that meant (dreaded) cardio.

    I need 'rest' more than I need 'cardio' right now, I think. But, I did it. No more "treats" for me - my tummy ends up hurting and I just beat myself up for HOURS afterward. Dumb.

    Today it's HIIT on the bike, abs and stretching. I'll get back to the heavy lifting tomorrow - it will be my LAST work-out in Stage 5 and then I move onto Stage 6 on Friday.

  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    OK ladies I am back. I stepped on the scale this am and was *not* happy. :P My goals for this and next week:

    Run / elliptical / crossramp 60 miles (30 per week) so far I have 9 down.
    Eat clean - no candy or ice cream, 2 cheat drinks / items (1 per wk) Fruit and coffee are ok.
    8 cups of water per day
    Stay within my calorie goals
    Yoga and / or Pilates 6 times (3x a week)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member

    Also, I have a friend doing the Apple Cider Vinegar thing, she swears by it! She takes a shot glass, puts about 2 oz ACV and 1 tsp of raw honey to it and shoots it back every morning. Apparently raw honey is like icing, so it takes the edge of the ACV, plus its good for you anyway.

    I used to take a straight shot of organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar every morning for about a year or more I guess. It is rough to do that, however I am a pro at taking shots because of it. :wink: I took it to keep me regular, as I have always had issues with that. (I have also heard it helps with reflux issues). At the time I thought it worked, but in retrospect I was going through very stressful time in my life, and stress tends to keep things regular, so I'm not sure that it really worked. Maybe if I took it twice a day, and maybe if I was eating better and not drinking like a fish I'd have seen some good results. I do know it has been used for a long long time historically and was used to cure many ailments. I'm sure there are benefits. Let me know how it goes!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Asjerven - so today is day 8 for the burpee challenge? I will write it down so I don't get confused again!!!

    chuisle- You do a great job with protein. I did a weight check-in today and I am up a pound since Fri, my normal weigh in day.

    Jen- great nutrition goals!

    Nemesis- Welcome! I was going to get body rev, but then my dad gave me P90X.

    All of you ladies are AWESOME!!!!

    I feel like IF gives me control of my eating, which I LOVE. I hope it helps with the weight loss. I'm fasting from 6 to 10 and I have to stay busy that last hour because I sit there thinking about food, especially when I'm cooking breakfast fro the kids!!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Asjerven - so today is day 8 for the burpee challenge? I will write it down so I don't get confused again!!!
    I think so, but I might be the one confused:tongue: but let's go with 8 today. I did the 7 last night. Sometimes I tried chest to floor but sometimes just plank. I had to catch up so I did some before Stronglifts and some after.
    Shan, supposedly my maintenance is 1600 cals, so I eat maintenance on workout days and lower on rest days, 12-1400.
    As far as the apple cider, I thought it must be silliness but apparently there is some truth/science behind it. I just googled and it said that the acid helps digestion which helps with bloating. Also, the potatassium might counteract sodium water retention.
    Interesting... Not sure I could handle it but it might be a good experiment.
    Welcome Nemesis! I have only done 30 Day shred, but that one always kills me.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I just bought a smaller bottle of it, so I figure if I feel a difference after this is gone I'll buy more, I figure this bottle should last me a few weeks. You have to get the one with the "mother" in it, Tosca recommends Bragg's organic acv. It really hasn't been too bad I do one when I wake up and one before dinner. I put in a little truvia, but honey would help too. The smell is bad and the after taste is gross, but only lasts for a second.

    Totally forgot about burpees I missed yesterday and Sunday, so to make up I would have to do 21.....I will get them done after my run tonight.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Chloe, what does it mean "with the mother in it"?
    And 21 burpees-that'll teach you to fall behind;) you can do eeeet!
    I saw this on a clean eating thread question, thought some of you might appreciate it:
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I'm not sure why they call it that, but it means there is stuff at the bottom, so you need to shake it up. I think thats where all the nutrients are.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Oh and I know!!! Not looking forward to doing 21 burpees after doing 50 minutes of speed work and then I will still have to walk the dog! Major calorie burn today. Good thing I splurged on a little ice cream at lunch (was totally craving it and its TOM)
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    GREAT article Amy!! Read, it everyone!

    I really like that it points out how confusing and contradictory some of these "rules" can be!

    First thing I like: it takes about "discretionary calories" and how they can account for 10-20% of your diet without much harm. So 10-20% of your cals can be on whatever you want. It then references linear vs. nonlinear intake of discretionary calories. This scientifically justifies my one non-adherent day policy *if* I am adherent for the rest of the week. That's what works for me mentally (and physically) so it's nice to see it being echoed here.

    Second, I like this part:

    "In 1997, a general physician named Steven Bratman coined the term orthorexia nervosa [21], which he defines as, “an unhealthy obsession with eating healthy food.” It reminds me of the counterproductive dietary perfectionism I’ve seen among many athletes, trainers, and coaches. One of the fundamental pitfalls of dichotomizing foods as good or bad, or clean or dirty, is that it can form a destructive relationship with food. This isn’t just an empty claim; it’s been seen in research. Smith and colleagues found that flexible dieting was associated with the absence of overeating, lower bodyweight, and the absence of depression and anxiety [22]. They also found that a strict all-or-nothing approach to dieting was associated with overeating and increased bodyweight. Similarly, Stewart and colleagues found that rigid dieting was associated with symptoms of an eating disorder, mood disturbances, and anxiety [23]. Flexible dieting was not highly correlated with these qualities. Although these are observational study designs with self-reported data, anyone who spends enough time among fitness buffs knows that these findings are not off the mark."

    I'll never quite let go of this whole idea of good/bad food just because some food IS better for you! But - association of MORAL qualities with food is an unhealthy habit (lest you mean directly, eg, you are vegetarian because of cruelty to animals not because red meat is bad for you). To be perfectly honest, I got frustrated with a certain former member of this group who I think did this sometimes. Food is food. We need the right amount and right kind to make our bodies run correctly. *But* eating ice cream for lunch or pizza for dinner isn't INHERENTLY bad if it's in CONTEXT. That's the key.

    Thanks again Amy!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Excellent article, I only got half way through, but I will finish later. It's kind of a reality check for me to stop obsessing over screwing up on the weekends. Kate- I hope that comment of ice cream for lunch wasn't for me :wink: I enjoyed every bite of it!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Yes, it seems like with the recent discussions about sodium and fructose, this article came along at a good time for me to read.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,009 Member
    Agreed. Thanks for the article.

    I *do* think I OBSESS about ALL sorts of (wrong) things when it comes to food.

  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Ha, Chloe that was just example of what you SHOULD be doing :) You're always working on your diet so if one day you ice cream for lunch I say that's great and it just goes to prove you have a good outlook that you enjoyed it!
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    Hi everyone, I'd like to join if I can.

    I've done P90X before and 30 DS. right now, I'm nursing a sore tendon in my ankle, so have to be careful with what I do. No running or jumping/explosive stuff. But I can still strength train, and if I stand on it the right way I can still do squats and shallow lunges. I am not giving up, not letting this sideline me.

    My 2 week challenge:
    1) to do 4 strength workouts a week (P90X or ZWOW or Bob Harper)
    2) avoid added/processed sugars as much as possbile (natural sugars are ok-fruits, honey etc...)
    3) finish JM's Master your Metabolism and start reading Dr.Oz's You, and owner's manual [does this work as an ok goal?]
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Amy, very interesting article! I learned a couple things!! I'm off to do my burpees!
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    Hey Sasx I've also done P90x and Jillian Michael's 30DS! Anyway, hello to everyone on this thread! I'm new too and would love some buddies if anyone is interested.

    For the next two weeks I'd like to start my new Jillian Michael's videos (Banish Fat and No More Trouble Zones). I think I'll just alternate them. I am also looking to start couch to 5K sometime this week. I have at least 10lbs to lose and it's not going to lose itself so wish me luck!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    welcome ginger and sasx, your goals sound great!
    I got my 8 burpees in and a pretty good day of eating, am still a little under cals and no drinking last night or tonight!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I did my 21 burpees now I am caught up and I have no idea how the heck I will get up to a hundred!
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    as soon as I can heal I'll be with you doing the burpees, just a little late on the challenge. I love to hate them...question: do you do them with a push up, or just plank, or is it a personal preference as long as you are consistent?