2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    Yes, I'm going to watch the "leangains" with great interest, too! (I hope you report in, frequently, Reese and Kate, with how it is all going??)

    I tried "cycling", Amy, but I really wasn't very good at it - I think it lasted a week before I couldn't remember if I needed a "low" day or a "high" day, or what. (Mind you, I guess I could have just looked back at my mfp diary - D-O-H!) For now, I'm just trying to stay 15% below my TDEE and see how that goes.....I figure if I try that for a few weeks it isn't going to hurt anything, anyway.

    I do have to take measurements and photos at the end of this week. Gosh, end of MONTH 5!! Yikos....where did the time go!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    So, Beeps, what happens at the end of Phase 5?
    I think just eating less is probably the whole trick behind IF, Leangains, and losing weight in general, but I have not read enough about it to know for sure. 15% below TDEE sounds good-what calculation for TDEE do you use?
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I'll have to do some googling about all this....leangains, IF, TDEE.....I am semi-familiar. I have always been afraid to "fast" for the fear of slowing metabolism. I'm pretty sure that's BS, but I'm kind of brain washed now I guess. I typically eat within 1.5-2 hours of being awake. And I'm usually pretty hungry for breakfast before then.

    So no drinks for me last night and we got in a (slowish) 40 minute walk. We just transitioned the baby to sitting up in the stroller (for walks only, not runs) rather than laying in her car seat and I'm pretty sure she loves looking around. So that's always fun to show her "the sights"....daylillies, chickens, grasses.....Tonight is Wednesday which we typically go to dinner and split a bottle of wine. I'm supposed to have dinner with my girlfriends tomorrow too, so we'll see how limiting booze goes. Why can't alcohol be good for us?!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Beeps - Congrats with almost being done with Phase 5!! That's a great accomplishment to stick with the whole program :) Same question as Amy too, what formula for TDEE do you use?? I'm going to see if the CF guys can do an accurate measure of my bf% because I feel like the online calculators are a bit off. I want to find out what my TDEE really is!

    Mama - Good luck with the IF!! I tried it last summer and I had a hard time trying to focus without my breakfast!! If I don't see the results I want with this though, I might join you, keep us updated!!

    Kate - I'm with you for logging on weekends, I stink at it!! Even though I have the app on my phone I just forget to do it! What is your window for eating for the IF?? And that's awesome that you're getting more fit than your bf :) It's a great feeling isn't it?!

    Amy - Let me know how the calorie cycling goes!! Working out makes me hungry too, but maybe the days you have lower calories you can do a mainly veggie dinner so you can have more for less calories?? Just a suggestion!

    Today is CF class #2!! We're doing 15 minutes of a "nutrition class" where I think he's going to tell us to try Paleo, but I can't do that, I like pasta & stuff way too much! Then we're doing the work out of the day which is who knows what, and then doing a class full of squats to learn all the techniques and variations! We'll be doing front squats, back squats, jump squats, air squats and wall ball.. eek! I might not be able to walk or sit down tomorrow :P

    I'm kind of missing the scale too :( I got rid of it when Shawn moved out of his house down at school, so now I won't know what I weigh!! It's relieving and nerve wrecking all at once. I guess I'll have to use measurements more! I'm going to try and take before pictures today and then see the difference after the CF classes I have (I will be doing other stuff with CF) so I just want to see if there will be any difference.

    Have a great day!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    oh, yeah, Shan, the cross-fitters are really paleo, aren't they? I can't see giving up pizza or pasta either. I mean, a portabello mushroom is great but it's not pizza! Also, aren't your vegetarian? That would not be good for paleo, I wouldn't think. I have toyed with the idea of paleo but can't commit to it. For BF, calipers are probably better than online calculators but nothing is perfect.
    You can let me know what you like for good, low-cal, all-veggie dinners-that hadn't occurred to me, usually I think if it doesn't contain meat it is not a meal:tongue:
    I read about the 100-day burpee challenge and it's just like it sounds, on day one, one burpee, day two-two burpees. If you miss a day, you just make it up, like if you miss day 7, you do 7 burpees, then 8 burpees on day 8. I think it would be manageable until Day 30, then I would probably have to break it up into sessions! anyone want to try it?
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Amy - I love that idea but I'm afraid that doing so many burpees will bother my weak wrist : / I already do all my push ups on dumbbells but its hard to do burpees naturally on dumbbells so I will decline but I think its great

    Oh and after stage 5 is stage 6 then stage 7...but they start to change work outs then. And on TDEE the best formula to use IF you have your body fat percentage is Katch McArdle, if you look it up you can find it. Since I know mine pretty well from the Bod Pod here's my breakdown:

    BMR = 370 + (21.6 x lean mass in kg)
    My BMR = 370 + (21.6 * 48.15) = 1410

    For TDEE (total daily energy expediture) use a multiplier:

    f you are Sedentary - little or no exercise
    Calorie-Calculation = BMR X 1.2

    If you are Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week)
    Calorie-Calculation = BMR X 1.375

    If you are Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week)
    Calorie-Calculation = BMR X 1.55

    If you are Very Active = BMR X 1.725 (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/week)
    Calorie-Calculation = BMR X 1.725

    If you are Extra Active (very hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training)
    Calorie-Calculation = BMR X 1.9

    so taking into account my cardio and lifting my TDEE is 2185 so a 20% deficit is 1750 c/day. For a total deficit of 3055 cals a week.

    Shannon - I agree on Paleo...the fact that our ancestors hadn't figured out how to boil beans is not a good enough reason for me! There was a good thread on it a while back. Some people love it, but like any diet it's important that you can actually do it. I just get irritated when people claim a certain way of eating is the only way. It's clearly not true!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey everyone sorry I have been MIA! Work has been super stressful and for some reason work stress makes me eat, mindlessly. Not good at all!

    Love the idea of the leangains and IF, but I could never do it, I'm hungry right when I get up.

    I like the idea of the burpee challenge, but I hate burpees, so I would do squats or lunges??

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    I used this calculator for TDEE:


    Is it accurate?? I don't know....but, I'll give it 4 weeks and see how things are progressing, I guess. The past couple of days I've been QUITE under my "TDEE - 15%", but that's okay, because I was QUITE over on the weekend, lol.

    I am going to work on "consistency" for the month of June. I think, if nothing else, THAT will be the real clincher on whether or not I can break this plateau....

    Today is lifting day. Excited (and nervous! It's been a week off, unfortunately - i..e not planned out that way). I want to finish up Stage 5 and get onto Stage 6 (new stuff!) - Stage 5 is really a repeat of Stage 3 and I'm enjoying it, but also ready to try some new things.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    oh, yeah, Shan, the cross-fitters are really paleo, aren't they? I can't see giving up pizza or pasta either. I mean, a portabello mushroom is great but it's not pizza! Also, aren't your vegetarian? That would not be good for paleo, I wouldn't think. I have toyed with the idea of paleo but can't commit to it.

    That's funny....2 guys I work wtih are Cross Fitters and they are alawyas doing Paleo.....and then not. It is much too restrictive for me. I love potatoes, pizza and pasta. I can do without meat sometimes; we do "fried" tofu as a regular meal and before I was BFing, I ate a ton of beans also. I miss those beans......

    I initially wanted to say I'm up for a challenge, but I keep adding too many things into my regimine so think I'm going to try to stick with my fitness goals for June (1 long run, 1-2 HIIT, A,B,C,D sessions of strength, and other walks/cardio throughout the week). I realized the other day how exercise ADD I am and always have been. I was taking a walk and thought I needed to start training for a mini triathlon. And I needed to start doing yoga again. How do I think I'm going to find time to do all these things?! Then I began to think about what types of things I've done throughout my life and I got exhausted thinking about it: clogging, cheerleading, soccer, running, lifting, step aerobics, kickboxing, body pump, spinning. yoga (hatha, ashtanga, power and Bikram), kettelbells, Nia, heavy lifting, HIIT.... So that will be one of my goals for June is to pick a regeimine and stick with it! Although I've got that Groupon for the yoga studio down the street that expires soon......
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I could never do paleo because I love eating too much! I'd rather do extra cardio then give up my favorite foods!!! However, I have a lot of respect for anyone who can be on that restrictive of a diet. That takes A LOT of willpower!

    I want to join the burpee challenge. Have you tried doing them with a bosu? Killer!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Shan- I'm so jealous of the CF workouts. I'd LOVE to try (and subsequently get my butt kicked!) by a CF workout. The closest box to us is over 2.5 hours away! Enjoy it- it'll definitely push you and hopefully you'll learn a bunch to use at the gym!!

    And Paleo - I could probably handle no carby type food but no dairy..I love my almond milk!!

    Where did the burpee challenge come in? I saw Amy mentioned it. Where did you see it? I'm in regardless of where it came from. They suck, but I'm still in. lol.

    Better- I'm with you. I just need to stick with a plan. I suck at sticking with 1 plan. I want to do everything all the time. I need to finish up NROL and the extras I do can be flexible with running or HIIT and circuit training. I just get too darn interested in reading up on things that I want to try it all. Your plan is excellent though so good luck sticking with it through June- I'm sure you'll be happy with the results!!

    Beeps- ya for back at lifting!! And balancing out a weekend. It happens, we adjust. Consistency is the word of the day!!

    Kate- Hows the IF going? I'm still @ 11 again today after a late workout last night and an AM one this morning I had to go with 11am. I'll keep pushing for that 12pm window though!

    I FINALLY followed through and signed up for a 5k on the 16th. Between tee ball for little man and vacation, I missed the last 2 I wanted to do. This one doesn't look as 'fun' but it will allow me to check off my bucket list of 5k before my 30th! So I'm happy about that. And if I don't completely fail at this one, I have another one the end of June to support my high school alumni athletics. So should be a good incentive to keep running. :happy:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    Amy, I think I can be "in" for the burpee challenge. I can see having to "break-it-up" into more than one session, though, by the end. (Part of ALL my work-out woes have to do with the time constraints that I have at the gym, already.)

    Better - your brain runs on "fast", which is what my brain does, too. Too fast, sometimes. I think, when it comes to exercise, I'm *always* looking for something "else", something "more", something "faster", something "harder", whatever. The search continues, lol...

    mama - congrats on signing up for the 5 k! I think it's GREAT that you are going to be able to cross off one of your goals - THAT is SUCCESS!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I think I am going to start a C210K schedule this week. I can already run a 10K at a 11-12 minute mile, but my goal now is to increase my speed. So this will be a good challenge for me. At the end of 13 weeks I would love to be able to run a 10K in 60 minutes.

    If everybody is in for the burpee challenge then so am I!!! Even though I hat burpees! But, I guess that would be the challenge :)
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    My goodness things move so quickly in this forum, lol!! I can't keep up :tongue:

    So much good stuff going on I don't know where to start!

    Chloe and Mama - congrats and good luck with the 5k and the 10k training. I'll be anxious to hear how they go!

    Kate and Mama - very impressed you are doing the IF...I don't know much about it but don't think I could do it cuz when I'm hungry, I don't care what time it is, I'm gonna eat, lol!! So more power to you both!!!

    Shan - I am anxious to hear how the CF workout goes tonight. As for paleo, I couldn't do that either. What can I say, I love food, lol!!!

    Better - wow, you have tried a lot!!! your challenge sounds great :)

    Beeps - yay for getting back to weights and being at the end of stage 5! And consistency...yes, this is my downfall. I am so up and down :grumble:

    Amy - I'm in on the burpee challenge. When does it/did it start?!?!?!

    I did yoga today after I lifted today. It was the first class I've take in like 2 years. I've done it at home a couple of times but only half *kitten*. I LOVED it and plan on incorporating it 1-2x/week. I really challenged myself to keep up with the instructor and tried every position/modification she offered. I really think my strength training helped me out a lot.

    I'm struggling internally as to what I really want to achieve/accomplish fitness/health wise. The food is the hardest for me. I know what to eat but sometimes I just don't want to eat that stuff. I need to find a good balance. Ok, I'm done thinking out loud!

    Just gonna keep on trucking!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    I've been slacking off of posting and reading (but not exercising--I did lots of running, biking, swimming, kayaking, and water skiing over the Memorial Day weekend!), but I'm in for the burpee challenge! Are we on day 1 or 2?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    Gosh, I hope the burpee challenge doesn't start until June 1. I was in a formal dress, yesterday, so didn't do it. And, I've got a gala tonight, too, so am in a dress. Don't wanna do it...

    But, if you start tomorrow, I can play along. (of course, I could probably play catch-up and do 6 burpees tomorrow, too.....it's later in the game, when we are at 72, or something, that I WON't be able to play catch-up).

    Ris - is that a *new* picture from a *new* run?? You look, to me, like the definition of "FREEDOM". Like.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Beeps, the picture is from the Warrior Dash the other weekend. It was more of a stroll with obstacles than a "run," but it was a lot of fun :happy:

    Starting June 1 for the burpee challenge is probably a good idea, that way we do 1 on June 1, 2 on June 2, etc. Maybe I'll just do a few warm up burpees today since all I did for "exercise" this morning was yoga.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    I had to take my son to a dr. appt at lunch, so I couldn't go to the gym. But, when I got back to the ofc, I grabbed 2 pals and we banged out a 25-minute walk around the block. Beats doing "nothing", i figure.

    Another supper function out, tonight. I am *not* complaining....having been trapped at home for the last 6 weeks (due to vacay nanny), it is just *nice* to be able to drop-and-go at the drop of a hat! Last night was my gala - tonight is one of my hubby's functions.

    No booze for me, which is fine....I'm trying to eliminate it until at least June 22nd.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I started the burpee challenge, it's Day 3, so I am sure you can catch up! Busy day at work, going for a run around the lake with friends tonight, though, so that should be fun!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Amy - Ok, so I'll do 5 burpees today to catch up! Enjoy that walk tonight, sounds lovely!

    Beeps - I wish I had a nanny! And good for you getting in a walk! Enjoy tonight's gala!

    Ris - I'm glad to hear it was more of a stroll as I have not been running very long...only half a mile for my warm up before weights, lol!

    Been a cooking machine today! My salmon salad and now the chicken coconut curry soup is simmering and smells so good!! Wish we had smell-a-vision!!