2 week challenge



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. Sorry I've been a little MIA. It happens when I am not at work in front of a computer all day.

    Beeps - sorry you're feeling down. The good news is that you've kept with it and have been consistent. We are our own worst critics too. Remember that.

    Chloe - I know exactly what you mean! I have been saying for pretty much all of my adult life that if I just didn't drink so much wine and go out to eat 3 times a week, I'd lose that 5-10 pounds. But then would life be as much fun? I love food and I love wine and I think I love it more than having the "perfect" body.

    So here's my goals updates:

    Drinking: I had a cocktail on Tuesday (not planned for) but I really wanted 5 so I consider that not a failure. I had a pretty brutal neighborhood meeting that lasted till 8pm so I wanted to relax a little.
    Wednesday was an epic fail. I planned on 2 glasses of wine (knowing in all actuality I'd probably have at least 3 and was going to let that slide) BUT, I had a sh*tty day. We're having work done in our back yard and even though our contractor was paid in full last Wednesday (dumb move on our part; we are too trusting), we still have half the demo work to be done and all the old concrete to be hauled off and forms removed. I called the guy to "get nasty" since my husband has been the only one communicating with him, and he was a total A-hole to me, just real nasty. So that really got to me. On top of that my dumb @ss ate a bunch of humms Tuesday night and it made Baby Girl fussy pretty much all day. She is generally really good so that on top of the contractor issues, I had a bad bad day. So I got tanked with my BFF. Oops. The good news is I still got a couple walks in yesterday regarldess that I felt like poo the first half of the day. I actually was going to do some strength, but baby woke up early from her nap.

    Working out: Monday I did my "long" run, Tuesday I didn't do anything since I worked so late, Wednesday I did 1 of 4 strength sessions and planned and a short walk that turnd into an hour, and yesterday I walked for 45 minutes and then we walked up to get icecream after dinner (about 30 minutes slow). Soooo.....I have 3 strength session and 1 HIIT to get done if I want to hit my goal. We'll see what tomorrow brings. And I only got an hour of deck staining in. It is supposed to be brutal hot in KY this weekend so not sure how much staining there will be.

    Looks like you all are doing well! I wish I had better results to report. :blushing: Oh well, life happens. Get back on the horse. Surprisingly I was down 1.5 pounds today to put me under pre-preg weight! Thank you for breastfeeding calories burned! I'm nursing this kid till she's 3! Just kidding. Have a great weekend if I don't check back in later.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member

    I recognize that 20 years from now, 30 years from now, I'm going to look back at myself and say, "Gawd, woman, your body was in EXCEPTIONAL shape....what the HELL were you fretting for??"

    And, I just need to bring that attitude into my present life. I really want to stop "obsessing" about the things that are "wrong" and start focusing on all the things that are "right" - that are 'good".

    I have lost inches! I have gained strength! My clothes DO fit better (than they did at Xmas, for sure...). And, I like certain parts of my body much more....the lolly-gaggers will catch up, I'm sure.

    Have a GREAT FRIDAY! Life is TOO SHORT not to like EXACTLY who you are at EXACTLY this moment in time.

    Thank you, to ALL of you - because it is YOUR support that makes me realize how MUCH I LOVE MFP~!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Reese, I am ready to start cutting too! Same thing, all my clothes are too tight! Starting June 4, I think, though, because this is Memorial Weekend and I won't be very good. Something about camping makes me want to eat junk. But then next weekend I am going to Vail with a friend, so June 4 it is!
    Beeps, you are right, some day we will all love our "before" pics.
    And when you guys talk about your kids and your lives, it's pretty incredible that any of you finds time for a workout, let alone a workout that yield the body of your dreams, which I am convinced must be a full-time job!
    Enjoy life, and maybe you will find you can do that without chocolate and wine, but maybe not:tongue:
    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Oh boy it sounds like everyone is having a rough week! I think Beeps is right tho, we need to just start embracing what we have now and stop wasting time wishing we looked like something else. All you can do is the best you can do with your lifestyle.....and that will be my motto for the weekend. I want to have drinks with friends and I want to eat a cheeseburger on the grill.....so I will and I will also have incredible workouts every morning so I can do that!

    Doing good with the challenge. Staying away from processed food except for some cheese. And got in my 500+ (actually 717) calorie burn yesterday. And have long runs planned for tomorrow morning and Sunday morning which will probably get me to at least 800 cals burned. Having a cookout at our house tomorrow so I get to plan the menu. Going to buy the leanest ground sirloin for burgers, corn out the cob, and a clean eating southwest past salad recipe I found and watermelon for dessert!!! Plus some cocktails obviously :drinker:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    You gals are AWESOME!!

    Yes, I'm pretty happy that I have remained dedicated to my fitness regimen even though I work, on average, 55-60 hours per week at a VERY high-stress job.

    The people on mfp who have the MOST time to spend on their bodies seem to be fitness instructors as their career, already....which, for sure, means they SHOULD look like fitness instructors, lol! I'm a lawyer. I'm in my 40's. I can honestly say that I look 1,000,000 times better than the average lawyer, male OR female. I *do* take good care of myself.

    Oh, yes, and I do have a family.

    I do have a husband.

    Oh, yes, the life I lead....
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Great weather for a run this morning - 3 miles - followed by 40 minutes of yoga for upper body & core. What a way to start the day!
    I am at the end of the first week of my challenge. I managed to stay under my net calorie goal, but I missed a day of excercise on Friday to care for two sick kids. Although, it was easy not to eat too much as cleaning up puke can put a damper on one's appetite. Today will be a real test as my family is celebrating the holiday which means lots of eating and drinking. Have a happy Memorial day everyone!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    Results of 1st week of challenge:

    I will not:

    1. eat any chocolate-covered almonds;
    2. do any Late-Night-Snacking

    Hmmmmm, I actually succeeded at this, with the exception that I did have some popcorn relatively "late-night" (meaning after 8:30 pm) on Thursday night. Boo.

    I will:

    1. eat 12,600 calories per week
    2. eat a minimum of 125g of protein daily

    I didn't log all of my eating (particularly on weekends, I get lazy). But, I am comfortable that I did eat 12,600 calories (and I don't think I ate over this) and I did eat 125 g of protein daily.

    Onto week 2!!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Hi ladies - I just joined the group and want to share my two week challenge.

    1. Work out 6 days a week
    2. Eat clean
    3. Forgive myself if I make a mistake

    I'm loving the post I've read. You ladies rock!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    You ladies are awesome! Beeps, I'm glad to hear all the positives you've found in yourself. You've earned them!!

    Review of week 1 of my challenge-

    1. Log everything (couldn't even tell you the last time I did...sometime before Easter :/) - I logged Mon-Fri lunch, not bad considering how long it's been since I've logged.

    2. 100 g of protein a day - I hit this

    3. 3 servings of veggies, 2 of fruit - I believe I hit this

    4. No alcohol Mon-Thursday - I succeeded with this :)

    1. Weights 3x/wk (surprisingly enough, I have not been lifting :( - I did 2 with heavy weights and 1 with a circuit

    2. Cardio - aside from my classes (2 high intensity, 3 low), 2-3x running to get ready for Warrior Dash (June 9) - I didn't get in any running :(

    Ok, so all in all, I am not disappointed with how the week went and am positive this week will be even better! Moving forward to week 2!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    2 Week Challenge Starting Sunday:

    I will:

    1) Complete 2 HIIT sessions on the treadmill 15-20 minutes a piece.
    2) I will hit my protein goal of at least 100g of protein per day.

    I will not:
    1) I will not eat after 8pm (not that it's a bad thing but I make bad choices @ this time of night!!!)

    Protein and HIIT challenges- check. Protein is an absolutely must continue. HIIT needs to continue to be a priority.

    The I will not...I sucked at so it stays on as a must adhere to. Absolutely MUST!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Also I'm adding nothing besides tea & water to my challenge this week. (I know it's not a new challenge week but I need to add this) The scale still reads up 11...f'in 11 lbs since 5/1/12. I need to try to cut out the bad crap that could be adding insult to injury!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    mama - I can read the frustration in each word you type.


    For me, I'm actually adding back IN a diet soda in the afternoon....when I went to ONLY green tea, it felt like the RIGHT thing to do -i.e. eating "cleaner", etc. But, the truth is, for me, a diet soda in the afternoon fills my belly and I don't grab all the snacks I otherwise have to grab.

    I've got a diet dr. pepper going this afternoon and I feel as bloated as they come!! But, on the other hand, I haven't needed almonds (not even choc-covered, I'm just talking about the plain ol' almond kind), I've only had one yogurt....

    So, I think, for the short-term, I'm going back to having one diet soda in the afternoon. Feels like a treat....and, so long as I don't tape measure in the afternoon (I never do!), the bloat shouldn't matter, either, lol.

    That's the way it's going down.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    And my results are:

    1. No alcohol during the week (Monday-Thursday) except maybe on Wednesday where if we do go out (it's kind of our thing), limit to 2 glasses. Limit to 4 drinks if I decide to drink Friday and/or Saturday. Log it all. And all the food.

    FAIL. I succeeded Friday night, but Saturday was a bust. Sunday I probably had a little more than 4, and yesterday just a couple beers. This week I am going to try this same challenge. I also did not log all of my food.

    2. 1 long for me run (3-4 miles with baby), 1 HIIT, get through my strength series (4 days; but I can combine if I have time)
    Run - check, HIIT - no, I did get 3 of my strength series done since I did 2 on Saturday afternoon of which I was pretty proud. I did tons of walking also.

    So this week I need to cut out the booze and focus on my strength. Unfortunately tonight I have 2 late meetings.

    On a personal note, my kiddo found her voice this weekend. Its the sweetest thing.

    Sorry for all the frustration. It made me feel a little guilty sharing my loss. :frown: My goals and situations are a little different right now than a lot of you alls. I hope no one felt that I was gloating in the midst of a lot of weight loss frustration. You all are doing awesome and I'm sure once you start cutting the weight will just fall off!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Well this was a pretty rough weekend!!! I did get in all my workouts.

    3 workouts burning 500+ cals (actually burned about 700+ cals each)

    Definitely ate processed food, but logged everything. Went way over on cals Sunday and yesterday. So I will be way under today to try and make up for that.

    Have a good week everyone!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Ashley - Don't apologize, I'm so happy for you for losing!! You're doing great and don't let our frustrations keep you from being exciting about your progress!!

    Beeps - If you want the soda, have it! We need to stop feeling guilty for each little "treat" we give ourselves!! You're doing great with the challenge though, congrats!!

    Mama - I'm sorry :( You'll get back down! Just drinking water & tea will help I'm sure.. you could always try the detox tea that Jen had posted a while back, maybe that will help get rid of some of the toxins you have stored up? Jen said it really helped her before. I like the results when I tried it as well.

    Jen - Congrats on your challenge so far! Looking great :)

    Week 1 results:

    I WILL:
    1. Exercise at least 4x per week - Check! I exercised 5x! And if you count gardening for a few hours, 6 :)
    2. Eat healthy foods for snacks (i.e. Fruit, veggies, nuts) with proper portions - Mostly check? I did have an ice cream drumstick, but I didn't feel guilty about it and that's huge for me!

    I will NOT:
    1. Skip exercising because I'm tired (stole that from Beep's example!) - Check! Even though I was tired from staying out late I still did some sort of exercise each day, even if it wasn't for long

    Not bad for week 1!! I started CrossFit last night! It wasn't a long workout though, since it was the first day he went over what the program was and stuff, so it was only about a 10 minute workout, but it was great! It was 30 seconds of push ups (chest touching the ground) 10 sec rest, 30 seconds full sit ups, 100m sprint, repeat again, and then the last set was a 200m sprint instead of 100m. It was awesome! My bf realized how out of shape he was and said he was embarrassed because I outdid him (secretly makes me wicked happy!) Starting Wednesday we'll have a longer class though and I think we're starting squats, so I'm excited to get my proper form down and to see how much weight he tells me to go with :) my bf thinks I'm nuts for being so excited about this, but I am! I'm afraid I'm going to get hooked on it though and I don't think I can afford it :( We'll see though!
    Tonight I will be taking a Jazzercise class since I'm not sore like I thought I'd be, and then CF on Wed & Thurs and if I'm alive on Friday I'll go to the gym! Here's to another good week!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    gosh, shander, being EXCITED about exercise is KEY!!! Doing the sorts of things that you LOVE will give you the biggest bang-for-your-buck. I have heard NOTHING but AWESOME reports on cross-fit, so I am REALLY excited you are giving it a try! Good for you. I think you'll do GREAT and I think this month will be an AWESOME experience. Also, it's great that your bf is giving it a go, too....only good things!

    Better - you just had a baby - so I already think all the things you are doing are AMAZING!! You've gotten your body back very quickly and your dedication is admirable. I don't mind people "venting" here....it's a safe and supportive environment to share ALL sorts of thoughts!

    I ended up getting in a LONG walk last night - up hills! Felt good - especially since I didn't get my lifting in. Today I'll do HIIT on the bike, my abs and LOTS of stretching. I will get back to lifting, tomorrow - and I think I'll be pretty excited about it - only 4 more sessions in Stage 5!

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    One more week before I cut cals. Last week was bad, I only got one workout! and the holiday weekends was pretty bad, eating and drinking wise, I am staying off the scale until June4! but my friends and I did a trail run, about 3 miles, according to my friends GPS watch before it died. That made me really sore! I hadn't done any cardio since the first part of April!
    Shan, I bet a lot of cross-fit doesn't require a lot of equipment-like pushups and situps! Glad you are enjoying it and showing up the BF:tongue:
    Chloe, good for you to log everything! I am going to have to start logging weekends...
    Ashley, love the new pic, your little girl is darling and you are doing awesome!
    Reese, I know it's frustrating but 10 lbs could be water weight since you started working out hard and lifting heavy.
    4 day week, I got this
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Amy- I love 4 day work weeks...who doesn't? I get a 3 day work week though since big man has a school field trip that I'm attending. This is definitely my kind of week! LoL.

    Beeps- Nice job on the walk. Hills are great for those legs. Nice work!

    Shan- Great job on the goals. Excellent work. Cross fit sounds fun! Can't wait to hear how you like it over all!

    Ashley- Pics is adorable and a congrats to you! No need to apologize. We have our ups and downs. Just happy you are having an up!

    For me: Venting- OVER. I'm drinking LOTS of water. No Diet Pop yet today. No purchasing of any so it's not in the house. I'm cutting calories now and dieting. Bulking pre-vacation wasn't my brightest idea to date. I will probably give it a whirl again during the cooler months. But my summer clothes are all fitted to what my weight was pre 'attempted' bulk and with not fitting in them- I've just got to get back to cutting. I don't mind too much. Constantly eating is really over rated. :laugh: Working off Leangains for now with eating window 11am to 8pm. A little bigger window than I did last time (which was 12pm-8pm) but lifting at 5am leaves me hungrier. May try to back that down to 12 eventually but so far so good with that. Set calories to 1580 (BMR) and will eat back calories if I'm hungry. Just need to tune in to what is actual hunger and what just needs some H20! :bigsmile: I am (no real surprise) down 3lbs from this weekend already...though that still leaves me up 8lbs from where I started the NROL and eat more. I'll get it off though. I know what to do to get into the low 150s (it's beyond that that mystifies me! hahaha)
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    I will:

    2. Start IF by next Monday(I haven't read enough to start today!)
    3. Do 3 heavy weight work outs and 5 "cardio" work out (can be of varied intensity)

    1. Fail - I didn't log the weekend (Friday evening or Saturday...they had to do with one another...I realized I netted 491 cals before I started drinking Friday for an event...Ooopsss...Saturday was a Hang Over). Either way, my diary was dirty, dirty, dirty.

    2. Started leangains today! Woo hoo! I feel excited about it and am hoping I get some resilts.

    3. I did 2 of my workouts and stayed active last week but let it slide over the long weekend and missed my Monday workout...so semi fail.

    In the end, last week was not my best but it was an improvement. I feel like I have better eating plan to attack the next few weeks and get back on track. I need to focus on the 6 day/1 day balance: 6 days on, 1 day "off". That really works for me mentally and it seems to work physically since my off days aren't *usually* enough to derail a week!

    Reese - you can DO IT! I have faith :)

    Amy - nice run! Trail runs are so much harder but also more fun!

    Beeps - way to bounce back with a great attitude - you're completely right.

    Shander - woo hoo on the crossfit! And the bf thing! My BF said this weekend that I'm fitter than him and he would prefer we be at the same level so he's going to try to get his act together...its a good feeling ;)

    Chloe - sounds like you are on track! GREAT job with cutting processed food! I was bad about that this weekend ;/

    Ashley - you're doing well, keep it up! Sometimes life just get in the way. And don't worry about losing! I think everyone is happy for everyone else's victories - which is also to say envious :)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Reese and Kate, bith doing Leangains! That is great, because I am thinking about it. I am thinking of calorie-cycling too, so I will eat ar 1200 for two days, then 1600, and do that every three days. On the lower cal days I will probably not eat breakfast.
    But I don't know what to do for working out. I might only workout on the higher cal days because working out makes me hungry...