2 week challenge



  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey there ladies! Sorry I have been MIA as well work has been crazy busy for me also......audit season for the University so its crunch time. I am totally up for a challenge. Having a hard time thinking of one. The think that I am having the most trouble with as usual is my weekends and summer is even worse cause there are constantly parties! Let me know what you decide though cause I am IN!!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I like your bikini photo, Amy - your body looks REALLY good and I hope you are happy with how AWESOME it looks!

    Should we make it a 'simple" 2-week challenge?? How about NO CHEATS not one, from now until May 31st.


    Are you up for it?????????????????
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    By NO CHEATS do you mean just staying under cal goals? I could definitely do that, my cheat is cocktails typically and I cannot do that this weekend at all. But, I can stay away from unhealthy food and desserts and the parties I have all weekend, that count :happy:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hey ladies. My apologies for being MIA as well. I took a week long MFP break to try to get my head on right. This whole lifting heavy eating more scale going up thing has me in a bit of a funk so I didn't want to hang out complaining about it for days on end. I'm still not too pleased with the scale being up from 151 to 157 and no evidence of positive changes in other tracking methods but at this point, I'd just be reverting back to old habits if I dropped my calories significantly down so I might as well hold out another week and then look to cut after Memorial Day. So trudging along I go. I've moved on to Stage 2 in NROLFW and love the change and the addition of intervals. I've had some NSVs with upping weights so that's helped show some progress outside of the tape, scale,etc.

    I think getting back to starting 2 week challenges on a set day would be a good thing. I'm with Chloe though- can you expound on what 'No cheats' is?

    My 7 year anniversary is on Monday so DH and I are doing this ropes course together on Saturday. Looking forward to something different with DH.

    Amy- love your new profile pic. You look good! Keep at it- looks like we might be cutting around the same time. Hopefully this process has excellent long term results!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    It's only going to be a "worthwhile" challenge if 2 things happen:

    1. we all join!!
    2. it has to be "challenging".

    So, by "no cheats", you can set your parameters, of course. I don't think "alcohol" is a cheat if it is already counted as part of your normal calorie-counting. And, I don't think "dessert" is a cheat if it is already counted as part of your normal calorie-counting. BUT, for example, if you are ELIMINATING processed foods, and you "cheat" by having a bag of chips one day, then THAT is a "cheat". Or, if you are supposed to be eliminating/reducing carbs and you are still eating bread at every meal, then THAT is a "cheat."

    Obviously, we are going on the "honour" system....but, you could also list the 1- or 2- or 3- things you will NOT do (or you WILL do - for example, if you WILL drink 12 glasses of water per day and you are only getting in 8, that's a "cheat") from Sunday through May 31, 2012 and that will help us help you with your accountability.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    PS - I'm glad you ladies are back....I've missed you!!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I'll start, since I've wanted to laser-beam my focus for the month of May.

    I will not:

    1. eat any chocolate-covered almonds;
    2. do any Late-Night-Snacking

    I will:

    1. eat 12,600 calories per week
    2. eat a minimum of 125g of protein daily
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    If you are focused on exercise, your challenge might look like this:

    I will:

    1. exercise a minimum of 45- minutes at least 4 x per week;

    I will not:

    1. walk when I should be running;
    2. forego exercise just because I'm "tired"

    (This is all an example....I'm not worried about my exercise piece, so that's why my "challenge" is focused on nutrition, rather than exercise.)
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Sounds like a great plan!

    1. I will not eat any processed foods
    2. I will do my 3 strength training days and AT LEAST 3 cardio days a week and during cardio burn a minimum of 500 calories according to my HRM

    Those 2 are really good bc if I am thinking about staying away from processed food that will automatically make me eat better especially on the weekend! And I have been wanting to up my cardio burns. Great challenge ladies! We can do this!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    2 Week Challenge Starting Sunday:

    I will:

    1) Complete 2 HIIT sessions on the treadmill 15-20 minutes a piece.
    2) I will hit my protein goal of at least 100g of protein per day.

    I will not:
    1) I will not eat after 8pm (not that it's a bad thing but I make bad choices @ this time of night!!!)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Ok, I will get 100 grams of protein each day and I will log everything.
    I am still lifting 3 times per week but that does not seem to be a challenge!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    It's gonna be a GREAT challenge. We'll start Sunday, so get in ALL your "cheats" before then, folks....cause then it is time to GET SERIOUS.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I will *now* confess that I shoveled 3 handfuls of chocolate-covered almonds into my pie-hole not 5 minutes ago. Um, that's 660 calories, ladies.


    Also, please come back, jenohama and SHOW ME YOUR ABS so that I remember why the hell I'm trying so hard??

    Oh, and Kate and Amy, you should also e-mail me your abs so that I remember why the hell I'm trying so hard. I'd give MY RIGHT ARM for the abs you ladies are sporting (too!).
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    LOL Beeps you need to quit buying those stinking almonds :wink: you have no self control around them!!!! I wouldn't have any either btw they sound super yummy!

    And I agree about the abs! FABULOUS!

    And I agree about Jen!!! COME BACK! and I miss ascheif too!
  • hduston
    hduston Posts: 61 Member
    Hoping to join you all with this challenge - just joined MFP (this is my second week on MFP and still navigating around the site and learning). Here are my goals for Week 2:

    1) work out 6 days/week
    2) stay within calorie range
    3) log each day
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    2 week challenge

    1: stay within my calorie goal - no matter what
    2:exercise every day - no matter what
    3:log everything of course!

    Good luck everyone!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    I"m back! I love all the challenges!! I'm totally in!! Now that my bf is all graduated I can finally concentrate and be better on the weekends, especially being closer to the gym! Okay.. my goals will be:

    I WILL:
    1. Exercise at least 4x per week
    2. Eat healthy foods for snacks (i.e. Fruit, veggies, nuts) with proper portions

    I will NOT:
    1. Skip exercising because I'm tired (stole that from Beep's example!)

    I hope I can hold myself accountable with this!! I hope you ladies have a great start to your week!!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. I hope you all had a good weekend. I drank too much. Oops. I was feeling rough Saturday. But I did get some good QT in with my husband. We sat on the deck Saturday night after baby girl went to sleep and drank and talked. It was nice. I went for a nice long walk/hike with baby in the Bjorn yesterday which was fun. Also did some deck staining, so yesterday was pretty active. Anyways, I am down for a challenge. Mine looks like this:

    1. No alcohol during the week (Monday-Thursday) except maybe on Wednesday where if we do go out (it's kind of our thing), limit to 2 glasses. Limit to 4 drinks if I decide to drink Friday and/or Saturday. Log it all. And all the food.

    2. 1 long for me run (3-4 miles with baby), 1 HIIT, get through my strength series (4 days; but I can combine if I have time)

    I am hesitant to put this much working out on my plate as we are also trying to get our deck stained this week. It was supposed to happen Saturday, but we were both feeling rough and decided to go to a festival and drink beer and listen to a crappy band instead. Everything is as usual dependent to some extent on the baby schedule. But, I have 2 days off this week so I can squeeze some stuff in during naps, whether its lifting or painting.

    Next week I plan on similar. I'll have to see what social events end up on our calendar. I know on 6/2 I'm supposed to be doing a 4k Tap and Run so that involves drinking, but also running! :smile: Hope you all have a great week!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    BEEPS!!! Ask and ye shall receive :happy: I AM BACK!!! I am so ready to this thing!!! Although my husband and I are enjoying the return of "my girls" that this bloating and extra weight has brought me, the loss of my ab definition and extra junk in my trunk is not welcome :tongue: So I'm willing to sacrifice the girls to get my muscle definition back!!!

    Amy - you are looking great!!
    Mama- diggin the gun show!!
    Shannon - LOVE the suit, looking fantastic as well!!
    Kate - I missed you while you were here!
    Chloe- way to stick with your plan!!! That's committment!

    I didn't get to read through the thread, just skimmed, so sorry if I missed someone. I got that there is a new challenge that started yesterday, but I was in Phoenix, so I will start today.

    1. Log everything (couldn't even tell you the last time I did...sometime before Easter :/)
    2. 100 g of protein a day
    3. 3 servings of veggies, 2 of fruit
    4. No alcohol Mon-Thursday

    1. Weights 3x/wk (surprisingly enough, I have not been lifting :(
    2. Cardio - aside from my classes (2 high intensity, 3 low), 2-3x running to get ready for Warrior Dash (June 9)

    At this point, I do not even feel comfortable in a swimsuit and the pools open this weekend :ohwell: So it is on like Donkey Kong!!

    I've missed you all, thank you for not giving up on me!! :flowerforyou:
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Ah! I just signed up for something that is going to REALLY challenge me!! I signed up for 10 classes of Crossfit!!! There was a Groupon for 10 CF classes for only $25 when it is normally $205!! The first 6 classes is a intro to it pretty much and they teach you how to do everything and it starts next monday! I will be doing it Mon, Wed, Thurs for 2 weeks starting the 28th and then I'll have 4 other classes I can take there... I'm so nervous!! I figured it would help give me ideas on what to do at the gym on my own though and it will help me learn proper form! I'm doing it with my bf as well who decided that since he finished school he wants to get back in shape (he's about 15lbs overweight) and will be going to a different CF place once the 10 classes run out. Hopefully this won't be a bad thing that I'm joining him in this!

    Sorry, I'm so excited right now!! and nervous that it may kill me.. but excited none the less!!


    PS- Welcome back Jen!!!!