2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Yah, Jen, so good to see you back!
    Shan, crossfit is so tough, it is an awesome workout and I love that you have a coupon. I don't do it mainly because it is so expensive and I already have two gym memberships. I saw this workout in Mens Health but it is by Rachel Cosgrove so I think a lot of women are doing it too, it is a crossfit premise, I think, called the Spartacus workout. I think I will try that to train for warrior dash in August!
    Ashley, I had a big lushy weekend too. Comedy show Friday and Barn Party on Saturday, there was a Garth Brooks cover band for that-and open bar, so Sunday was rough. I really feel like my challenge starts today, but this is my last week of pure strength training, in June I am going to try and cut some fat off of my belly.
    I kept meaning to tell you all that my pic is actually last year! I saw it and I was like, no, my abs never looked like that! just goes to show you how you can be critical of yourself and then you get some perspective and are more forgiving! So I'll be trying to get those back and at least will have a pic to compare!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Shan, that is awesome about doing crossfit. I have not tried it mostly because of the price, but also because quite frankly it scares me. I have done the Spartacus workout I believe Amy mentioned - it is awesome and can be done by people at any level. My sister is thinking about starting a free class down the street at our library which would be cool.

    Welcome back Jen! I am with you about sacrificing "the girls" for the tone abs and behind. I just wear a padded push-up to make up the difference.

    My challenge is off to a good start with an awesome kickboxing class this morning. It's total body, great cardio and the time fies by for me. My eating and water intake are on target as well. Hope everyone is having a great start to their week!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    So how is everyone doing with there challenge???

    Jen!!!! Welcome back!!!

    Everyone's challenges look GREAT!

    I definitely did not start on Sunday.....we had a bday party and I took advantage of all the yummy food!

    Yesterday did good, my mom had bought some Special K chips I wanted to try so I literally had just 2. Other than that no processed food at all! Today should have been a cardio day, but I forgot I have a hair appt after work, so I wont have time. But, I will still get in my minimum of 3 cardio days with 500+ cal burns.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hi friends! I'm back! Can't wait to catch up with everyone but here's my 2 week goals:

    2. Start IF at some point (I haven't read enough to start today!)
    3. Start stage 4 - my shoulder isn't 100% back but I think moving forward conservatively and warming up well is my best bet. It doesn't hurt - it's just not exactly right.
    4. Do 5 days of "cardio" - walks count, but be active to get my endorphins pumping again and remind why I like being healthy :)

    I am definitely squishier than before this bonanza that is my life but ramped up and WAY up on the scale, but I am not going to let it bother me. I bet I'll be back in 2-3 weeks. (interesting tidbit I read, not sure where: a lot of really remarkable true before and afters are from people who were fit, gained weight, then dropped it just to get paid by the produce - its easier/faster to get back to a fitness level once you've been there!)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I am rocking this challenge - 2 days into it, lol....but, that's because the chocolate-covered almonds are AT WORK and I was AT HOME, lol.

    Anyway, there's only 9 days left in the month, so we ALL can get through this - NO CHEATS!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    DarkAngel had a "crossfit" coupon that she used, too (and took time off in the middle of NROL4W to use it!) - and she L-O-V-E-S CrossFit!! It has changed her physique FAST (if you ask me!) - and she is thinking of making it a permanent change....dumping NROL4W. So, I think you are going ot LOVE it, shander!

    wb, jeno!! I'm glad to see you are just getting right back at it - THAT'S THE SPIRIT!

    I think all the challenges look *very* do-able and I'm looking forward to good reports!!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Welcome back Kate!! I too am as you say "squishy" lol!! But not worried either :wink: Got the mojo back and going at it full force!! Granted, it's only day 2, but hey!!

    Abigail...amen to push up bras, sistah!!

    Chloe...great willpower!

    Yesterday was a success!! Today, so far so good and I've already gotten in one session of cardio and upper body. I have one more class later that should burn some good cals. It's my last free day before my kids get out of school so I'm going to Trader Joe's for my cottage cheese, then gonna clean and get some food prep done.

    Hope you are all having a fabulous day!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Kate, I read the same thing. It was on "losing fat while gaining muscle", I think I posted it to resouces, not sure. Made me think of Aschief's trainer, she was probably fit, then took her "after" after she gave birth and she was in competition shape in no time!

    Chloe, my challenge started Monday too! I did my workout last night and it was good. My food was pretty good yesterday, got my 100 grams of protein and was almost too low on cals before some wine and chocolate.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Anybody know how Aschief did at her competition?! I see she deactivated her account :(
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies! Work and life have been a little crazy lately so I'm way behind on the challenge, but I'm in. I'm going to keep it simple--no alcohol during the week and no more than two drinks on the weekend, and I'm going to exercise at least every other day.

    I did the Warrior Dash this past weekend, so I figured I'd post what you all have to look forward to:


    (That's me in the gladiator costume.)
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Well I tried to post my Warrior Dash pictures, but I can't figure out how to post pictures from Facebook. But I'll add it to my pictures on my profile.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Did you like Warrior Dash? I still haven't signed up but planning on it for sure. did you just do strength training and running to prepare?

    Jen, no one know about Achief, she deactivated without saying anything on here.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Ris, lol, I love how you guys did a before and after pic!! An MFP friend and my husband and I are doing one on June 9. Did you have fun?!?! I haven't been training very hard for it, but I heard there are so many people that you have to wait your turn at the obstacles...

    Amy, wow, that is interesting. I was looking forward to seeing what she looked like at comp time!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Ooops, just saw everyone's new goal formats - I like! I change!

    I will:

    2. Start IF by next Monday(I haven't read enough to start today!)
    3. Do 3 heavy weight work outs and 5 "cardio" work out (can be of varied intensity)

    I missed one day but am on the two week band wagon with yall!

    Jen - so glad you're back! You're an inspiration - sorry we coudln't meet up in Omaha!

    Ris - love the pics!

    On ascheif - I find it confusing as well. Perhaps she changed her mind about something (like doing the competition) and didn't want to say so? That would be sad but that's my instinct. I may well be wrong.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Ris - looks like you had an AWESOME time!! Congrats on the "dash"!

    jeno - I thought you were contemplating a "career-change" - elaborate, please!

    re: AScheif - even if she didn't compete, she did ALL the training for it - and I think she looked AWESOME! So, yes, it would have been nice to see how she did at the end (even if she didn't get on the stage). I wish she could come back and just tell us the end of the tale, lol!

    I did not work-out today. I ate a cheddar biscuit, today. It is pouring cats-and-dogs. I need to eat more protein.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. Well Monday went relatively well. I planned on a HIIT session or lifting, but decided to go for a walk to spend time with my kiddo and it turned into a 2.8 mile run. I wanted to get over 3 miles to make it my "long" run, but this hill I was running up was a real b*tch, esepcially with a stroller and 13ish pound kid. So I had to stop. I'm going to make HIIT and strength priority over the next 2 days of work and if I can get a "long" run in later in the week, I will, and if not, my 2.8 can count.

    No drinks for me last night! Limiting to 2 on Wednesday is going to be tough as I am watching the Grey's finale finally with one of my BFF's. Typically we do more drinking and talking than watching....

    Good job everyone! And welcome back Jen, Ris, and Kate!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    The Warrior Dash was SO much fun. I didn't really do much to train other than my usual running and upper body strength training. The strength training definitely helped because most of the obstacles involve either climbing over stuff or crawling under stuff, but none of the obtacles were all that difficult, i.e., people who were in way worse shape could still do them. Plus, like you said Jeno, there's a lot of time spent just waiting around for people to get out of the way on the obstacles, so its not the kind of thing that you really want to spend too much time training for or you may find it kind of frustrating. The one thing I trained for was the balance obstacle, where you basically have to walk across a big balance beam. The first time I did the Warrior Dash I had to crawl across the beam on my butt because I was too afraid to walk across. I did a bunch of balance exercises this time around, and this time around I was able to walk across the whole thing!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I *love* that "good balance" story, Ris! Wonderful!

    Better - you are getting your work-outs in - awesome job!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Beeps - that's how I feel about Aschief...didn't get the end of the story :) She did great training though!! Regarding the career change, I wasn't ready to commit to the time needed for another Master's degree and decided I was going to get my Sport's Nutrition certificate since I need to do continuing ed hours to recertify as a personal trainer... (we'll see), that's the plan.

    Ris - thanks for the balance tip!! I do balance exercises at the end of every class!! So I will make sure to do a bit more ;)

    Better - sounds like a good plan for your exercise and for Wednesday, have fun!!

    Kate - no worries! I'll be interested to see how you like IF.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hey ladies. Been hit and miss on here- sick kid at home that hasn't gotten back on his feet yet. Hopefully we'll start turning the corner soon.

    I've been hitting my protein goal and I have 1 session of HIIT in already, another planned for tomorrow. My no eating after 8pm hasn't been 100% as I did snack late last night. My hours of being awake and asleep are all bonkers with a sick kid but I should have avoided it regardless.

    So 2/3 is going well...will fine tune the 3rd to get on point.

    Jen- Didn't get a pop in yet to say glad you are back in action-we've missed you!!