2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Mine is all wonky too, Beeps! I can't really do the food logging because of it, the threads here seem the least messed up, but defiitely off!
    Ouch, on the toe, Shan, that sounds painful. Maybe if you tape it to the one next to it? I just heard that for broken toes, not sure if it would help your injured toe.
    Kate, take a break! see you next week. I might want to try IF in June...
    Chloe, grilling is good. Almost anything you cook at home is going to be better for you! I got one of those Lipton green tea drinks and it had 160 cals! I was like, how much honey could I put in green tea for 160 cals? like, half a cup! crazy.
    Ashley, did you add to the tattoo on your back, or was this a different tattoo?
    I lifted on Saturday. This week my schedule is Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday lifting.
    I am going to a baseball game Wednesday and a barn party Saturday so those will be higher cals days for sure!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Baseball games are fun - enjoy!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I went to see the personal trainer. He gave me a good work-out....but, I didn't get a word in edge-wise!! I have one more free session with him....which is fine - I'll use it next week, I think. And, I *thought* about purchasing some more PT time, but quickly abandoned that idea - I actually know what I want. I know how to get there. I don't think paying someone $70/hr to "watch me" is going to really help me get there faster/further, whatever.

    Plus, he said, "....girls usually want to do lower weight with more reps..." and I kind of thought, "...ummmmm, not this girl..."

    Anyway, they were free - nothing wrong with a change-up!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    yeah, I think you would have to find the right PT to make it worthwhile, Beeps, we've become a little bit too much of our own experts, or know at least as much as most of the PTs I know. Plus, you know way more about you than anyone could!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I also think that it is "weird" that someone who is a Personal Trainer wouldn't "know" the sorts of fitness books/DVD's/programs that are out there, in the marketplace....I mean, if it's your BREAD-AND-BUTTER to know this sort of stuff, why wouldn't you??

    The guy had a university degree in kinesiology. Great! But, he doesn't know what "strong-lifts" is or NROL, or stuff like that?? Ummmmmmm, that seemed "weird" to me.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Beeps - yes! My work has a PT come in and help with health stuff and she knows most of the things I reference (not all, but most)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Amy - no I didn't add onto my back. I have plans to but not yet. This was a memorial to my furbaby.

    Beeps - I've neer worked with a trainer, but some I used to see at the gym made me doubt them a little. Not that all trainers are bad; but like anything, I'm sure some are better than others.

    Kate - I thought you were taking a break! Get out of here! :wink:

    Shander - Cute suit!

    Last night the family walked for an hour. Slowly....and then we stopped for pizza and beer on the way home. But the pizza was whole wheat crust and low fat cheese, and we split a 10" so it wasn't too bad. My foot feels pretty good so I'm going to try for some HIIT tonight but will strength train if my shoe hurts. I may do both. Looks like the weather is supposed to be nice all week so most likely I'll want to get outside and run after work. This is my long week. I have for work four whole days! :smile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I think, for sure, some personal trainers must be better than others....my husband isn't into the "personal training" thing, at all. He's an ex-athlete and he's run into more b.s. with those dudes than he cares to remember. Plus, his cousin became a "personal trainer" with NO other training than his modeling-career backgroung (???) - so, yes, I think it takes all types.

    Although, I *think* the industry is more regulated now, than it used to be....I feel, in this country, you cannot CALL yourself a "personal trainer" without some sort of certificate or other designation. But, I'm not sure.

    I cannot get a work-out in, today. So, that means I'll perfect my diet. I have both a luncheon and a dinner and I will only eat a salad and a lean protein at each. Period. Tomorrow is a "weight-check", so I want to KILL IT.

    Tomorrow, it's back to lifting heavy with NROL4W, babes!! Take care, and GO HAVE A GOOD DAY!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I'll just say I agree with everyone's opinions on the PT's I do believe many don't even know what the heck they are talking about.

    So I said I was going to measure at the end of every 4 week Chalean phase, but I cheated and measure yesterday, only 3 weeks in. Nothing lost anywhere except 1 inch on my thighs!!!! Which is a HUGE accomplishment for me, that is my total problem area. My legs are solid, but I would like them smaller.

    Weight is still up but only about 1.5 lbs so I am trying to stay spot on at least thru Thursday....alot going on this weekend. But, I will get in a workout everyday except Thursday.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    If the weight is up but the inches are down, you can just ignore the scale, right, Chloe? That is great news.
    I think there is all kinds of certification for personal trainers, and for some, I think the experience would be better than the kinesiology degree, in some cases, ya know?
    I am planning to work out but I don't feel great, I have a headache and I feel a little off, like queasy car-sickness, for no apparent reason. Also, I am in a bad mood. But I will go workout and try to quit bringing all y'all down:tongue:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I'm glad you are going for a work-out, Amy....take it easy, if you have to. Oh, yeah, work-out for me, too, will ya?? (And FEEL BETTER!)

    Chloe - CONGRATS on the inch-lost on your thighs. AWESOME JOB!!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Solar, I hope you feel better soon.

    Beeps - it sounds to me like you don't need to pay for a trainer. You know what you are doing and you are highly motivated.

    I'm in the second week of my challenge and still logging everything. I need to work on a new one soon and it really should involve excercise.

    After much debate I decided to cancel my gym membership - between the 20 minutes each way, the risk of childwatch being full and the overcrowded classes, it was getting to be too much. My husband's workplace has a gym which I can use for free with weights and machines so I will go there twice a week. The weather is nice now so I will do my running outside and of course I still have my dance classes and I am starting yoga in June at the library which is right up the street from me, so we'll see how that goes.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    That makes sense to me, abigail!! When are the two times a week that you are going to your husband's gym?? What work-out routine are you going to do?? (PS - good for you for logging EVERYTHING - that takes GREAT DISCIPLINE!!)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I did a "quick-measure" today, as it's half-way through May and I wanted to see if my commitment to my diet has had good results:

    1. I am down 1" on my skinniest waist;
    2. I am down 1/2" on my belly-button waist.
    3. I am measuring the same on my hips (I think).

    So, I'm okay with this - meaning: I didn't GAIN anywhere!

    I will weigh myself at the gym, today, too....am hoping I am down a lb. or 2 lb., as well. We shall see!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    That's good news Beeps, well done! As far as the weight lifting routine, my plan is Tues & Fri, mostly upperbody and abs. I subscribe to a fitness magazine and I used to work with a trainer so I do a variety of things for my shoulders, bis & tris, chest, back, etc. I try not to do too much with my legs as I already work them hard in dance and I don't like my pants getting tight when they start to bulk up. The rest of the week is running, dance & yoga. There is also a kickboxing class at a local martial arts studio I was planning to try out.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey ladies!

    I feel like I haven't been in here forever! Crazy busy week with work and life! Everyone sounds like they are doing great though :happy:

    Beeps-congrats on your cutting success so far! Those lost inches are amazing!

    I have had a good week with my diet and workouts. But, I have a crazy weekend ahead. So Saturday and Sunday will be major cardio workout mornings to make up for all the eating and drinking I will most likely be doing. We have graduation and birthday parties the entire weekend.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Yes, the inches *were* down. The scale WAS NOT. Frig. So, then I had an UBER-emotional response - went and ate FAST food for lunch, followed by junk food the remainder of the day.

    Some days, I swear....

    So, back on plan, today. There's 2 weeks left in May, I think if I keep my diet tightly controlled I should be able to drop 1 lb., I hope. (And more inches, of course!!).

    I don't get a work-out in, today. I've got a lunch (salad only!) and then I'm getting my hair done after work - and getting rid of my grey's ALWAYS takes precedence over every other thing on earth.

    Hey, maybe we should *really* start a 2-week-challenge on Monday???? Whadda-ya-say?? some kind of challenge that we can ALL participate in?? Whether it's eating our macros, or getting in 5 work-outs a week, or what???

    Suggestions?? I need some accountability and some feeling like other people are trying to do the same things I am....
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Nice job Beeps! Oh well on the fast food. It happens....

    I've been pretty good on the workouts. It's way harder when I don't have days off throughout the week. I have managed 1 HIIT day, 2 strength sessions (of a 4 part series per week) and then the walk Monday. I'd love to do something tonight, but I HAVE to get to the store. I may actually put it off till my day off tomorrow and get at least a walk in. Not sure if my foot will tolerate running quite yet. I have a 3-4 miler planned for tomorrow if it will. I miss running.

    I'm down for a challenge. I would be up for maybe setting a 5 days working out a week over the next couple weeks. Memorial Day weekend is coming up in the states. I can't ever decide if long weekends are a help or hindrance to my work outs.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Well, thank you Better_Balanc for at least responding, lol!! It just went *dead* so fast in here!!

    I hope you can get a run in - although a walk is also a good alternative! I get NO work-out today. Lunch out. And, hair appointment tonight. Fine. I'm back at it, tomorrow.

    I'm fine with doing a 5-days-per-week work-out challenge. Although, I'd also like to do something on the diet front, since I *know* "abs are made in the kitchen".

    Monday isn't here, yet....we'll see how it's gonna go! (And, I know it is also a hoilday on Monday in Canada upcoming, too....maybe we'll start this challenge on Sunday and run it Sunday-to-Sunday.)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I would be up for a group challenge but I am only doing three workouts per week until June 1, then I will adding cardio and cutting.
    Got my lifting tonight. Sorry for being MIA but work is crazy, I had two all-day meetings and then everything else piles up and makes me frantic!