2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Jen, have you been posting your recipes on here or facebook? would love to try coconut curry chicken!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    I didn't post the curry chicken, just the salmon. Here is the chicken - http://www.melskitchencafe.com/2011/01/coconut-curry-soup.html

    Instead of using the canned coconut milk, I used 2 C if So Delicious Unsweetened Coconut milk. I prob would use less of the brown sugar ( I used the splenda brown sugar blend) and I would use more curry. Just my taste though.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Between Leg DOMS and a head cold, I hit snooze and am opting for a late workout session tonight. Needed the sleep. I am down 7lbs from the 11 that I gained in the attempt at 'eat more to lose'. Clothes already fit 100% better. I really think too many carbs (even what some consider moderate) is too much for my body. They are delicious but anything over a 30% seems to have a negative impact on me. I'm comfortable right now with IF (though I didn't get IF in yesterday or today because I needed cappucino- no time for sick days and I feel like @$$) and a 1500 + exercise, if needed calorie count. It seems low for being 5'8+ but given that 40% at least is protein, I'm really not hungry and I feel good. So sticking with this through summer. Had NROL Stage 2 Workout B last night. Added some leg work and they are toast. Hoping to get in a light workout tonight to keep moving in the right direction! Plus, looks like I have 5 burpees to catch up on today!!

    Jen- I love your recipes. You are a cooking machine. Love it. You come up with delicious, but healthy recipes-keep em coming. I'm still loving the detox tea. It really helps me on days I'm feeling bloated!

    Amy- Glad you got our burpee challenge moving...keep us moving!!

    Beeps-How was the event? Sounds fun! I live vicariously through all your ladies adventures! It's fun to hear about your evening out!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hello everyone Happy June!!!

    Mama- Yay on your loss!!! I have no desire to do the whole eat more to lose more thing bc I know I would gain. I think different things definitely work for different people

    Jen- That soup sounds amazing!!! might have to try that one

    I did day 4 of the burpee challenge already keep it up everyone!!! Can't wait until we get up in the big numbers!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Yah, Day 4 of the Burpee challenge! I have a question about Burpees, not sure if I am doing them right, who would be the expert? I go down to a plank, are you supposed to do a full push up, though?
    My run last night went pretty good. I only lifted once this week. I feel like I am getting lazy knowing how I have to crack down June 4. Like, I am storing up my self-control and not using any now.
    I found a great dress for my formal event June 22, and it's sort of roomy, so I don't really have to lose anything for that.
    Here is a pic:
    I think I will wear gold or silver sandals.
    Going to Vail this weekend with the friend who's having a tough time right now. She filed for divorce this week. It will be a bit of challenge so I think there might be too much drinking, but hopefully we can get out for some hikes and jogs and such, maybe a swim, she is pretty fit and active and told me to bring my workout stuff so maybe we can find a balance!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    I just learned how to do burpees yesterday!! I am TOATALLY not a fan of them, haha.. The way they taught them at CF was that you go right down to your chest on the ground and then all the way back up with a jump at the end
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Oh I didn't know you were supposed to do a pushup? I just thought plank then up and jump.

    Amy I love the dress esp the color!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,009 Member
    If the "burpee" challenge is going to include the "push-up" piece, I'll cancel my participation....even from a "time" perspective, it will be EXTREMELY tough for me to get in (non-push-up) burpees done when it's in the 50+ up days! And, I just don't want to make the "burpee" challenge about 'strength' elements (i.e. push-ups) because then I'm at risk for "overtraining".

    So, as long as you know I'm just doing regular burpees (no push-up once in the plank position), I'll give it a go as long as I can (before I run out of time!).

    I'm 4 days behind, so I have to do 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, today, just to catch up!

    I'm off to the gym, will report back, later!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,009 Member
    Amy, the dress is GORGEOUS. I agree that losing more weight won't keep this dress having a flattering fit. LOVE the idea of a "metallic" sandal with it. Nice!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Beeps, you can do the burpees any way you like. I just didn't know if I was doing them right, or what is considered the right way. I think Jamie Eason called them something else, like a plank squat thrusts or something like that.
    thanks on the dress compliments, I do like it and like even more that it was $16 at Macy's. I thought it was marked down to $24 and figured I had to get it for that price and she said it was another 40% off, so I felt like I was stealing it.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Just did my 10 burpees, so I should be caught up regardless of what day we're on. I actually did 10 plus a couple half burpees because I kept forgetting about the puship part....

    Amy, nice work finding a $16 dress! I love a good deal. I think metallic shoes will look great, I have a couple of strappy silver shoes that I love.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Ris, you should bank those Burpees for when we're at Day 90:tongue:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,009 Member
    I'm dropping OUT of the burpee challenge.

    I tried to fit them in at the end of my weight-training, today....right before the body matrix.

    I could only do 7 burpees before my form gave out. 7. Good gawd, why BOTHER???

    So, then I did the body matrix. Again, I was TOO TIRED to actually do the "jump squats and jump lunges" even though THAT is what my glutes NEED.

    Pounded out 3 more burpees (I had to do 10, today, to catch up for the last 4 days) and then did the second body matrix.

    Screw it....I don't have enough time, or energy, to do the burpee challenge. I admit it. Ultimate FAIL.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    I must confess I am opting out of the Burpee challenge - I hate them! As far as the push-up thing goes I have seen them done both ways. Amy, I love that dress and what a gorgeous color for you! Best wishes for all you dashers and runners. I have not done a 5K in awhile so I was thinking about going on-line to find one locally and sign up for it. My 2 week challenge got a little de-railed this week due to the holiday followed by some really bad allergies. The pollen count is extremely high and I am suffering. I almost started crying in ballet class last night I was in so much pain and I didn't sleep much last night so took it easy today. I still went to my jazz class, but I was really late and we spent a lot of the time talking about costumes so there wasn't much dancing. Hopefully I can make up for it over the weekend.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Amy - Sounds like your weekend with your friend should be really nice and active. I'm sure she will appreciate your company, so nice of you :) Th dress rocks and I LOVE that you got such a great deal on it!

    Beeps - the matrix was the death of me every time! You did not fail!! How was the gala? I'd love to see a pic of you in one of your dresses!!

    Abigail - sorry about the allergies. Hope you can find a race, keep us posted!

    Ris, - I'm with ya, got my 10 burpees in today to catch up!

    Mama - Fantastic on the weight loss!! That was fast!! Woohoo!

    Workouts and food have been good since Tues, but I did damage over the holiday weekend and the scale is not moving this week :/ BUT, that's ok because since my food has been good, I am feeling tighter and clothes are feeling better, so that's good :) I even resisted cookies 2 days in a row!!

    Hoping this continues on through the weekend!! Lets do it!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,009 Member
    I should post a gala pic....but, I'm determined to get into a BETTER gala dress by end of July.

    Today was a steady-state cardio day. I KICKED *kitten*, today.

    Oh, I take my photos and measurements tomorrow - will report back.
  • Magentatina12
    Magentatina12 Posts: 10 Member
    My 2 week challenge is to workout 5x a week and not eat any protein bars. 3x a week of weight training 3x a week. Lets get um!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,009 Member
    Okay, so my photos don't look very different from the end of April. Boo.

    But, in that one month, through heavy lifting, I chiseled:

    - 1" off my natural waist;
    - 1.5" off my belly button waist; and
    - 1.75" off my hips

    So, May *was* a success.

    Oh, and I'm down one whole pound for the month. (I am down 5 lbs. since Xmas, 2011 - so it is approx. 1 lb. per month of pure body fat loss, I believe....)

    I'll take it. The quest continues....
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Beeps- May WAS a Success! Awesome! And the loss of BF is awesome too. So there is so HUGE positives to be shared! Great job. Sometimes it just takes a little movement to make us realize we really are progressing!

    Magenta- welcome.

    Jen- scale movement will come...clothes are more important! And good job on resisting. Cooking up anything fantastic today?

    I'm out of the burpee challenge as well. Totally no excuse other than I just keep forgetting and the DOMS in my legs is RIDICULOUS that I can barely convince myself to hit the gym let alone do extra!!

    IF is going well. Making it easy to make healthier choices oddly enough. And workouts are good. (case in point: DOMS) Keep on keepin' on at this point! Mini camping vacation next week (though its been pouring here for days!!) so I'm hoping that I'll be feeling more confident for summer clothes by the time that rolls around. Not to mention that 30th birthday is creeping up on me! LoL.

    We need new 2 week goals right?!

    For me: (continuing strength 3x a week, protein at 100g or higher and IF from last implementation of plans!!)

    I will run 3x this week (5k is coming up on 16th and I need to prepare, sore legs are not...I'm signed up and need to get some running in!!!)

    I will keep my carbs below 120g 5 out of 7 days a week. (I really think, though there are 'good' carbs...that too many carbs inhibit my ability to get to my goals...so I'm experimenting to see if I'm off base!)

    I will not use camping 'vaca' as an excuse to forgo my goals. Hit protein goal on vacation and get some cardio in while there.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,009 Member
    Yes, we *do* need 2-week-goals....thanks for the reminder, mama!

    As a follow-up on my last 10-days-of-May goals, I was 100% on track. NO cheats. I haven't eaten chocolate-covered-almonds. I got in my protein. I was too low on my calories - but, given that 'photos' were upon me, I'm okay with this, lol.

    For the next 2- weeks (and throughout June, actually), "consistency" is what I'm looking for.

    1. I will work-out 5 or 6 times per week. 3 x strength-training. 2 (or 3) x cardio.
    2. I will eat 125 - 150g of protein per day.
    3. I will NOT late-night-snack.
