2 week challenge



  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Goodness we're moving extra quickly this Monday!

    First - not a great weekend. Not terrible but I didn't log it. Grrrrr. Part of it is lack of motivation, obviously.

    I am just generally frustrated - I weigh more and don't have a vastly different body fat percentage than I did a year ago when I really look at the numbers. This is a bummer. This is discouraging. I have to take my own advice and just keep rocking on. That said, I think it also means I need to change some things. Now, I have made improvements and I need to continue to do so but I am obviously doing something *wrong*. So I got Leigh Peele's book from a friend and am working my way through that. It's way overwhelming right now but I need to go through it a few times and figure out what I need to change. My plan was to do straight into stage 5 Wednesday after my work out today but I am considering a full1-2 week rest period with MAINTENANCE. Dun Dun DUN. This might make it easier for my body to back to cutting since it clearly doesn't want to right now!

    I think its possible I'm in the "over trained" category right now and I've been eating a deficit of some sort for so long my body might not know which way is up or down. OR I am just not eating well enough and I want an excuse? I'm not sure. What do yall think?
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I think 2 weeks of no exercising and eating at maintenance sounds like a good experiment!
    I am reading through the LP stuff too, it is overwhelming, but good information.
    I am getting the message though that it isn't easy and up until now I just haven't tried hard enough. Genetics and lifestyle play a huge role. And I've said it before, maybe I don't want to do what it takes to get the abs. Her stuff seems aimed at fitness competitors. I haven't started weighing my food yet, and my efforts at limiting carbs was a huge fail, so I keep looking for plans that can manage and none of them may get me where I want.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Kate, I would look back at your bathing suit pics. You have made progress over the last 2 years. At least your pics seem to show that! I think you look great. Do you think you may be stressing over becoming "perfect" too much and that stress is negatively affecting your progress? I mean because honestly I don't see a whole lot of room for improvement. I think Amy makes a good point about having what it takes to get "the abs". Like Beeps always reminds us, abs are made in the kitchen! I have struggled with guilt over indulging in food and beverage on the weekends (and even sometimes during the week) and trying to be squeaky clean with food and exercise throughout most of the week. It is a constant struggle. For instance the other day my husband and I took the baby for a walk and he asked me a couple times, "should I take my wallet" which really means, "think we'll stop and have a beer somewhere while we're out?" I said no, and 15 minutes into our walk on a gorgeous day as we're passing a patio of a local pub, I was sad he didn't have his wallet. I guess what I'm saying is, is it more important to have a 100% flawless figure and never get to enjoy anything "fun" or is close to flawless okay if you're having good times and enjoying some indulgences? Just my 2 cents. I know you have been very serious about your fitness journey, but you are strong and look great! Unless you plan on competing or something, isn't that good enough? :smile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    I hope you're just "thinking out loud", chuisle, because it's Monday and that's what we do, around here, on Mondays....

    Getting REALLY close to "goal" sometimes means having to alter your goal to make it "fit" what your body is telling you is REAL.

    (I should take my own stupid advice.)

    Amy - like you, I don't measure my food. Gawd help the day when I start to do that....it might as well be "over" because that's just WAY TOO MUCH WORK for NOT ENOUGH REWARD in my books. Blech.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Most of you, on here, have very nice bodies. I'm talking in the top 5-10% of women. Period. Very nice.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Do you know if they do Tough Mudder every June in Beaver Creek? I had a few friends post pics on facebook and I so want to do it!!!

    Chuisle- Don't let it get you down. I know how frustrating that can be. I think shaking things up, eating at MAINTENANCE, taking some time to rest may be what your body needs.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I don't know about Tough Mudder! Are you in CO, kc? I lose track. Do Warrior Dash!
    Did Spartacus tonight and 14 burpees then rode bikes to the bar and grill, had a chicken sandwich and two bud lights.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Alright ladies unfortunately I am out of the burpee challenge. Last night I did 27 and then I started doing my Chalean Strength and for the past week or so my lower back has been bugging me. Well when I was lifting something definitely tweaked and I couldn't even finish the workout. So the only thing I can think of that is causing this is the burpees.

    So I will finish the rest of that workout tomorrow and my plan for today is a run. I need some good cardio to sweat all this water weight out I am holding on to right now.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hey all! Back from a 4 day weekend of camping (cabin camping!). It was a blast but I've been dealing with some type of stomach issues that have inhibited a lot of my activity and eating. Not sure exactly what's going, Doctor said my be something simple as a prolonged flu bug or something more like colitis. Either way, I just want it gone. But anyways...

    Chloe- Def sounds like cutting back on the burpees might help. I do hope that whatever it is passes quickly!

    Kate- I saw your post last night about rest week and maintenance. Have you decided?

    I know I'm missing more and I apologize. I do hope everyone's challenges are going well. I am not sure if its a new 2 week or not but I won't be setting up anything for now. I have the 5k scheduled for the 16th and I haven't been physically able to work out since last Thursday. I am praying that this passes because I don't want another 'almost did it' race on my calendar.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement everyone! Ashley, you make a great point and thanks so much, I needed to hear that. I have decided to eat at maintenance for two weeks and rest for one. I have been eating a deficit for a long time so I think a rest is well needed. I am deciding whether to put away the scale. The obvious answer is yes but I like keeping track (so I know how changes affect my body) but obviously won't like it if I hate the numbers like I do now. I'll go back to a cut after this.

    It's hard because I feel like I'm backtracking - but all I am doing is eating what my body technically needs for my activity level. So this is clearly a mental change up that is necessary too. I can't cut forever and expect results and that's probably part of why I haven't been getting them as I would like.

    Reese - sorry about your tummy problems! SO irritating! I hope you get to feeling better.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Chloe - above all else, TAKE CARE OF THE BACK. Very important.

    mama - stomach bugs are THE WORST. I really hope it passes VERY soon.

    chui - I think you are right on the money. Take it one-day-at-a-time. You look soooooo great, it's always tough on folks like me, who DON'T have a belly like yours, to read that even people with a belly like yours are STILL NOT HAPPY!!!

    Somehow, we have to work on "being happy" right where we are, too.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Beeps - so true...but I might add that I don't take photos of my bloated gross belly and post them on here. I take pictures when I look my best - and its when you don't look your best that is the most discourage (and more common) plus my behind and upper thights (especially the back) all sorts of jiggly...as are my sides and my lower back. But I don't advertise those...perhaps I should :)

    So yes, I am *overall* happy with my body but I'm not quite where I want to be
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Fair comment, chui....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    I have too much jiggle, too.

    I waffle between trying to figure out if this is just "as good as it gets" (given my age, my want to enjoy life "in moderation", my child-births, and my inability to WANT to exercise more than 1 hour per day) - and trying to figure out if I *could* get down to a 20% bf.

    I waffle.

    I do know that I do NOT want to be worrying, worrying, worrying about this for the rest of my life. Even for the next 5 years kind of makes me think I am WASTING a LOT of time on this PURSUIT.

    If I spent JUST as much time accepting myself and being happy RIGHT WHERE I AM, that kind of feels like it might be a healthier pursuit (for me).
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Amen Beeps.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    beeps, you are doing awesome. None of us really know what we would like if we didn't try at all. It would just be nice if the rewards for our hardwork were a little more obvious, that's all...
    Chloe, I understand about the burpee challenge. I figure if I stick with it, it will be all I am doing at the end! haha.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member

    I am proud of what I have accomplished, with nutrition/fitness, in 2012. I should just report that.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    So many good points made ladies.

    Kate - I know I Said on your wall that a break may be what you need and I stand by that. I had my time off and I am so focused now. My body had it's break and it is now responding very well to the efforts I'm putting in. I think your body was telling you "time to take it easy!" So take your rest, enjoy yourself and go at it again. You have come so far and have a lot to be proud of.

    Mama - hope that bug clears up soon for you!! I'd love for you to get that race checked off your bucket list!

    Chloe, sorry to hear about the back. I hope it bounces back quickly with some rest.

    Beeps - I hear ya. We all have different reasons for why we are "putting ourselves through" this fitness and nutrition stuff. Some of it is vanity, some is health, some is for the challenge, etc...Is it worth it? Only you can decide. For me, it is. I like the challenge. I like to see my body react to the things I try. Do I fail, do I have set backs? You ladies are the first to know that I sure as hell do. But for me, it makes me stronger and makes me work harder. When I am "on" I feel my best. In the last 4 weeks, the scale has gone up and gotten stuck despite my efforts. But I kept on going and now it is going back down again, I feel my strength improving and I just feel better overall. You all have to be the ones to decide if it's worth it...in my opinion, I say "Hell yeah!":drinker:

    I'm a little behind on burpees...30 down, 20 more to go :tongue:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Morning ladies. Back at work today out of necessity, not out of being 100% unfortunately. But I'm here plugging away.

    Kate- I think you are making a good decision. You work hard and you do look fabulous but I understand completely wanting to keep pushing to get to your goals. And sometimes the opposite of what we think we should do, is exactly what we need to do. So at this point a little rest and reset may be just what your body requires. Keep us posted with how it is going.

    Chloe- How is the back???

    Jen- I loved your response to the conversation. The challenges as frustrating as they can be, are what keeps us pushing forward. Seeing the positives and the negatives keep moving us towards adjusting and finding ways to reach our goals. I'm with you 100%.

    Beeps- And you SHOULD be proud. You are rocking it. With all that 'regular life' brings on, adding in all these fitness/nutrition goals is tough. But plugging away at it day in/day out makes us better all around. And yes, we all have these ideals we want to reach and get frustrated as it gets more difficult to achieve them but every steps just makes us healthier and stronger mentally AND physically.

    Amy- Hows the Spartacus workout going? It looks tough but it also looks concise and efficient. I'd love to hear how it works out.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    You ladies are AWESOME!

    I *might* stop logging for awhile. I'm too obsessed with it, at present, and I don't think it is adding anything to my life. I'm pretty regular with "what" I eat, and "when" I eat it....so, maybe that's a good thing for me to do, just for a little while.

    I'll decide later. I'm going to step on the scale, today...and, if it's "good", then maybe I'll keep logging. If it "sucks", then I just need to re-think WHAT I'm trying to accomplish and HOW to get there.

    I'm doing lifting, today, even though my shoulder/back/neck thing is still quite sore. I'll skip the negative chin-ups, which will shorten my work-out considerably, but I'll throw in some bi's and tri's just to keep my body guessing.