2 week challenge



  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Abigail - we all know the feeling :) Don't sweat it! How are things going for you?

    Great Article, Ashley!

    She makes some really good points...we all say we want to be healthy and we do...but probably a big part of what we want is to be attractive. I know I am healthy, but I am happy yet? No! I think I could maintain my current lifestyle for the rest of my life and barring bad luck I think I would be pretty well. Then why do I keep trying to get "better"? Well, I am a perfectionist (which she touches on) and I want to look "hot". My boyfriend is always telling me I'm thin and gorgeous but I want to be thinner (read lower fat levels). This is society. She hit home with some of this and I need to think about it and try to take it heart.

    On the fasting though, that's interesting. I am going to have read more, I looked her post on it for women. Seems like it's maybe not optimal. I am going to stick it out for a few weeks and I am liking eating bigger meals so maybe I'll incorporate that with longer feeding times? Honestly, I am not particularly hungry in the mornings anymore and am settling into a 10 hour feeding window. Maybe I'll do 12? Okay rambling now...

    Beeps - I did my first stage 5 work out... you were right, I liked it! I realized that perhaps the reason I didn't like stage 3 was because it felt hard on me (its when injured my shoulder). I wasn't able to push strength and feel "good" doing the lifts. With 4 sets of 4 reps it helped me to start light and warm up to working sets properly. So thanks for the encouragement! Looking forward to Wednesday, I think I might be able to squeeze out a pistol squat or two! Though...I admittedly wasn't taking a full 120 secs between all sets (but I did for some). Did you? Congrats on your negative chin ups and the plank! It's an awesome feeling to not feel worried about an injury. Well done staying patient and taking care of yourself. Also on the plank, I've starting donig something that works for me...30 seconds regular (two feet on the ground) 30 seconds left foot, 30 seconds right foot, 30 seconds regular. It helps me mentally.

    Reese - well done on the burpees and hats off for the marathon training! I couldn't do it!

    Amy - that' great about the food delivery, I'm sure it will help with healthy choices. Spartacus seems hard...is 1400 enough?

    Okay, whew, long post.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    kclynch - welcome (back?) to the working world! Yes, it can certainly interfere with other life pursuits, lol.

    abigail - I like that this thread 'moves'....it makes me actually feel a part of "something".

    chui - I'm glad to read that you are enjoying Stage 5 - yes, the "4 reps" just feels "right", somehow. I didn't take 120 seconds between sets. Just couldn't justify the time. Having said that, I didn't make any BIG strength gains in Stage 5, and perhaps that is why....it's always good to remember that it is during "rest" that muscles actually GROW - so, muscle recovery is very important, and frankly, so are the rest periods between sets. If you have the time to allow for the rests, I'd say 'go for it!'

    PS - your planks sound awesome. For awhile, I was doing planks on the bosu to make it tougher, but I'm back to the regular floor, again. Maybe I'll try and lift one foot and then the other - don't think I can do 120 second planks x 3 in a row, though. My core really *is* still one of my weakest links in the chain!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Spartacus does seem H-A-R-D. Plus the burpee challenge?? Amy's kind of the BOMB right now, I expect! Actually, all you burpee ladies have just impressed the heck outta me. Don't give up - just dig in and get 'er done!

    It's a cardio day, today....if it's nice out (it's threatening "rain" just now), I'll go for a walk. Otherwise, I'll head to the gym and try and pound out some HIIT. Maybe I'll give the body matrix a try....since Stage 6 is so much more about upper-body, I can probably pound out some lower body work during my HIIT.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Kate, I knew you'd like to article, being the research junkie you are. :) But I thought she made some good points from a scientific point of view about women holding onto their body fat for the main purpose of protecting fertility. I found the body fat percentages in regards to optimal fertility interesting also. I also LOVED the social aspect as it is something I have long struggled with in my life (seeing thin thin thin not to mention airbrushed everywhere). Now that I have a daughter and it has only gotten worse since when I was growing up, I wonder how I will try to encourage a positive body image attitude in a world where unrealistic body types are thrown in our faces on a daily basis.

    Great job on all the workouts ladies! I got in one of my longer strength circuits in last night and rolled all my problem areas. I use a foam roller and love it.

    While speaking of body image in my post.....as I was looking in the mirror last night (I have full length mirrors in my home gym) I am getting more pleased with my body. I am thinner in some areas, namely my sides/love handles, and I feel like my arms are starting to become more defined. My legs are back to how they were when I used to workout and run a lot. (I have pretty decent lges). Well except for my very upper and inner parts which will may get there one day. I know I'm only 5 months from chidbirth (C-sect at that) but my stomach still looks like crap and I know my muscles are re-attaching and strengthening and all that and I want to speed that process up. What type of ab work do you all do? I have been a long time crunch girl, but I question their productiveness. I did some full situps and some side roll up kettlebell moves that are on one of my videos and my abs are a little sore today. I'm wondering how much and how often I should work them. I know a lot of my strength moves use abs (pullovers, rows, dips, etc.).

    I also didn't have any booze last night. I wanted to have a Corona Light while grilling chicken, but I refrained. 2 days in a row! I know...I'm a lush.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I have got to take time tonight to read this article. I was curious before, but now that I see everyone's responses my interest piqued!

    Ashley- I feel like your post-pregnancy body image review mirrors mine (no pun intended!). Though I am WAY further out than you as my youngest is friggin' 3 for goodness sakes. But as well as I can admit to the rest of my body responding...my stomach still is a huge barrier for me. HOWEVER, I don't say this to give you the 'it is what it is' speech. Because it's definitely not impossible...there are tons of threads with women who have had more children than I, are older than I, etc..who have well toned, flat stomachs...heck abs even! I know I limit my bodies own response to 'fixing' this problem. Part of me knows it is because I wasn't as responsive after having kids as you are being now. And the other part of me thinks the 2nd issue is obviously diet. Even with eating relatively healthy- my bad days are my bad days. If I could just get that diet in check, I'd like to think I'd have a better response. As far as ab work goes, planks are always noted as being effective and not over working the abs as well. I know I used to beat my abs into submission...now I get about 2 days in of good ab work. And I know they are there...just well hidden for now! Give yourself some more time, you have been so amazing with working on this journey post-beautiful baby- it will come!!

    Beeps- Fingers are crossed for no rain for you! I concur too...Amy is the bomb. :happy:

    Kate- So did it feel great to get back into the gym? Sounds like the fasting is still going well. Once I got back to working out (Saturday) after feeling ill...my hunger in the AM went through the roof. So, sadly I haven't been IF'ing since returning to workouts. I guess you'll have that though!

    kclynch- You'll find a balance once you get the swing of things. Get those Spartacus workouts in - those just LOOK LIKE KILLER workouts! I can imagine though that being on your feet all day + all of life's other to dos make it difficult. Yea, for preplanning though regardless of the reason! I don't know why I used to think it was too much of a hassle. It makes the work week SO much easier.

    I had to giggle when Kate said good luck with marathon training. I'm guessing someone else is doing that? I'm totally a 5k girl for life. :laugh: I loved the 1st one, but I'm not sure I'll ever be able to work up to even longer runs..(never say never though!)

    Chloe- I had to laugh (at myself!) when you set your goal for your 5k. I thought about where I was at the 26 minute mark in my 5k...hell that would have been a lot of sprinting to make it to the finish line by that point!! You are dedicated to your runs (and I couldn't say this 2 months ago but I can now...) and I'm jealous. I hope to get to the point where I honestly look forward to the runs and not just the race day! I know that steady state cardio isn't the BEST means...but it sure is a heck of a workout. And one I'm learning to enjoy!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Spartacus does seem H-A-R-D. Plus the burpee challenge?? Amy's kind of the BOMB right now, I expect!

    Thanks, but I haven't done burpees for 4 days, or Spartacus for almost a week. I am also the heaviest I have ever been!
    But you all inspire me. I read the article too, and perfection is what we seem to be seeking. Although, I don't have much womanly fat at the hips and thighs, so I think I could get the lower body fat levels without damaging my health. who knows about fertility, I have never stopped getting a period because I am too thin, or anything.

    When I am in the gym and my belly is covered, I am pretty happy with the way I look.

    And my husband actually chimed in when my sister and I were talking. She thinks muscles on women is gross, but she doesn't think, say, Jilliam Michaels is too muscular, but anyway, my husband says he prefers a flat stomach to a six-pack on women! haha, too bad that's what I want. Still, it would be pretty hard to attain and maintain.

    Oh, Kate, I don't think 1400 is TOO low. I am only doing Spartacus 3 times per week and I might do a protein shake after. But I need to get a bit of a deficit to see if I can move some belly fat!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Sooo busy at work today...blah and its like 100 degrees here today so it will be the treadmill for me tonight thats for sure!

    So I think most of you saw on my status that officially signed up and paid for a 5K July 19. This is actually a really fun race, its through a forest preserve on a Thursday evening and then they do a cookout and have drinks after :) So I am really going to be dedicated to running the next few weeks. Then I think I am going to do 2 months of Insanity.

    Everyone is doing great not enough time to comment though....oh and I want to read that article tonight also (mental note).
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Chloe--Congrats on signing up for a 5k! That sounds like a fun one.

    Amy--DO YOUR BURPEES! We're on day 21? Just tack on a few extra each day and you can make that up in no time. Though I agree that you're still the bomb even if you've missed a few days, hopefully you don't mind the tough love :flowerforyou:

    Reese--Nothing wrong with being a 5k girl! I'm doing a marathon in October, but I definitely think 5k training is a lot more fun, especially if you mix up the steady state workouts with speedwork.

    Ashley--Nice job refraining from the booze! I do love having a beer while grilling as well, so I'm impressed with your restraint. My favorite ab exercises (pretty much my only ab exercises since I hate ab work for some reason) are leg lifts. To make it harder, I do them with either a bosu or a weighted medicine ball between my feet like this: http://www.homebodytrainer.com/LegLifts.html

    Beeps--Enjoy your workout!

    I'm running with a coworker tonight, so I'm planning on knocking out my burpees before that (and possibly after that too, we'll see how many I can do in the first round). I also made plans to run with a running group tomorrow and a friend on Saturday, so if I can just keep my dates I should get some good workouts in this week!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Thanks for the kick in the butt, Ris, I was thinking about just picking up at 21 but then thought it was like cheating. but better than nothing? I guess I could try and throw in a couple of extra...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    All you runners are making me VERY SAD. Beepsie pooh is sad because she doesn't run anymore.....boo hoooooo Beepsie pooh!

    I dunno Ris, those ab exercises you referred to are my MOST HATED! They actually bother my lower back. I always have to place my hands under my glutes to get those ones done. :cry:

    My PT has given me a whole bunch of different ab exercises that I kind of rotate through. Woodchops are good (either at waist chest level or, from thigh-to-opposite arm-up, too). prone jack-knife. scorpions. V-sits (with arms and legs extended, this one's pretty BOSS.) And, good ol' planks....can't go wrong there!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Chloe, that 5K sounds awesome. I have been looking for some around where I am and so far they all seem to be Sat mornings around 9, but it is a little too hot for me that time of day. I usually do those in the fall or spring. In the summer I like to run in the early morning or at night right before the sun goes down. Last year I found one on a Friday night that ended with a cookout, so hopefully they will do that again.

    Beeps - so sorry you are sad, but you do lots of other awesome stuff! I am always majorly impressed by what you accomplish at the gym. I have been a total wimp about weight training the last several months and am just now getting back into it.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Thanks for the ab advice all. I'll have to check some out. Although I'm still a bit sore from the work I did Monday night. So yay.

    So I went to yoga last night for the first time in FOREVER. I have been practicing pretty regularly for about 10 years until I got prego. And I did very little prenatal yoga. I had a Groupon to a studio literally 0.5 mile from my house that was set to expire if not redeemed this week, so I went to a class and man did it feel good. That said, I know what I'll be incorporating weekly into my July routine. I thought I'd be more sore today, but I'm really not. But we did a lot of hip stretching and it felt fantastic. And I rolled all my hips and glutes and stuff anyways as I aim to do that everyday this week as well. I had a teensie bit of wine (like 3 ounces and it was red, so healthy right?) mostly because I was eating some dark kisses and the wine was going to go bad soon. And we can't waste wine. So I chalk that up to a booze free night. 3 in a row!

    Here's an easy good summer recipe I had last night:

    Tilapia with fruit salsa (serves 2)
    3 4-5 oz pieces of tilapia (or 2 larger ones)
    1 ripe mango
    1 peach
    1/2 avacado
    1 lime
    6-8 sprigs cilantro
    a little salt
    lemon pepper seasoning

    1. Thaw, rinse and pat dry fish. Sprinkle with lemon pepper seasoning both sides.
    2. Peel and dice mango. Dice peach. Dice avacado. Mix together. Squirt juice of fresh lime and sprinkle with salt. Chop cilatntro and add to mix. Mix everything together. I let it sit out on the counter about 1.5 hours to mesh all the flavors together but you could probably just eat it immediately.
    3. Cook fish a) in a non stick skillet untill cooked through or b) on the grill.
    4. Top fish with fruit salsa.

    I served it with some instant brown rice with a little chopped walnut, cilantro, lemon zest, fresh lemon juice and acho chili powder. It was a fantastic summer meal. I used some whole grain tortilla chips to eat the rest of the salsa and with that, it was about 570 calories.

    We never share recipes. I love food. So I'm sharing this. Have a great day all!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Oooh that recipe sounds delicious!!! I made something similar with salmon and a pineapple salsa once which turned out really good, cant remember where I found the recipe though.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Amy—just picking up with 21 a day is definitely better than nothing! Do whatever makes you stick with it.

    Beeps—I’m sorry you don’t run anymore :ohwell: I’ve had plenty of injuries over the last few years that have kept me from it and it’s no fun. But variety is definitely the key to building a better body, and it sounds like you’ve been mixing it up really well!

    Ashley—That recipe looks delicious! I’ve been a vegetarian since I was a teenager but I started eating fish sporadically a few years ago (I guess that makes me a pescetarian now?) so I’m always looking for good fish recipes.

    I went for a run this morning and it was HOT. But it felt good to sweat everything out, as I ate way too much crappy food yesterday (we had a lunch meeting with no veggie sandwiches, so I had to make a meal out of mostly cookies and chips, and then by the time DH and I got home it was too late to cook so we got take out).
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I did the 21 burpees plus an extra 10! so I will try and catch up, no cheating.
    I am having a hard time with the 1400 cals, though. I entered everything for today and it should be good, but things have a way of creeping up.
    Ashley, I got this abs workout and it looks pretty cool-Rachel Cosgrove for Women's Health:
    Last night I made zucchini tots! they are pretty good. Not like tater tots, really, but tasty, here is the recipe if you want to try it, my zucchini made over 2 cups so I doubled it and used regular muffin tins:
    Squash - Zucchini, includes skin, raw, 1 cup, chopped
    Onions - Raw, 1/4 cup, chopped
    Parmesean Cheese Grated - 1/4 cup
    Panko Bread Crumbs- 1/4 cup
    Eggs - Whole, raw, 1 large

    Mix everything together. Spoon by the teaspoonful into mini muffin tin (GREASED) Pat down with back of spoon. 400 degree oven for 20 minutes or until you notice them getting a beautiful brown crust on the edges. Makes 12 tots per mini tin.
    Beeps, don't fret about the running, it's ok:flowerforyou: there's so much else you are doing!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    oh, and I think the 3 oz of red with kisses sounds like health food:happy: I have not drank this week. I plan not to drink tonight.
    I was thinking that maybe some of my weight is muscle, because my clothes seem ok for me being my heaviest. That, or the scale is off!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Thanks for the recipes - Ashley I am super excited to try that! YUM!

    Ris - nice job with the run - running in the heat just killllllls me.

    Amy - you can do it! But yeah 1400 cals is not a ton! When I first started and ate 1200 I got used to it but it would be a hard battle to go back to eating less. I am really enjoying my 2000 cal maintenance right now.

    I got my work out in this morning - man was I SORE! BUT I did *all* my single leg squats as pistol squats. This is huge for me. When did my first real lifting workout (the wetwolf KISS workout for those who were around then :) it has single single leg squats. I struggled to do them all with a bench much less full out. Even when I did stage 3 I couldn't quite do them. Now I can do all reps as pistols? Heck yeah. I am going to work on improving form then even adding weight. Big NSV.

    Now I need you all...I really need to do a better job stretching, rolling, etc. Do you all have recovery routines you do? I've never used a form roller but I can see how it would be great for me. I want a routine so that I take time to finish and do it instead of just "stretching" which I tend to rush.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Beeps - Thanks for all those exercises. I had to google most of them and draw little stick figure diagrams that will go in my gym with a bunch of other little notes. One of these days I should probably make some sort of binder for all this crap. Thanks to all actually. I decided I need a body ball. Again. I used to have one and don't know what happened to it.

    Kate - I use a foam roller at the advice of a massage therapist and her husband who is a trainer. I went to her for a "theraputic" massage and it was killer in a good way. My hips, which tend to stay tight, felt like they hadn't in a long time. Anyways, her husband showed me how to roll the roller along outer leg from hip to almost knee sort of in a side plank position if that makes sense. The roller helps to break up tight tissue that causes pain (in my case anyways). When I used to go to the chiropractor for my low back and hips, he would do the same thing to these muscles (and my lower back) with a heavy duty massager. My IT bands get tight from running and I guess just one of my problem areas. I use my roller on my whole back - it will pop me often - my low back, and glutes. I have worked up to 9 reps each side with my IT bands and upper glute/low low back area. It causes me pain. But it will make it better. Otherwise, I try to do a standard stretching series after running and some walks - quad stretch (leg pull back), hip flexor (get in high lunge and jut pelvis forward; lower head to intensify), hamstring (bend over with legs in a V and then each side too), IT bands (cross feet and lean to side of foot that is behind), calves on steps. I try to hold each for at least 10 seconds, more if I feel like i need it. I don't do a lot of upper body stretching other than triceps, chest and shoulders. Sorry if this is TMI....I got carried away. I really like stretching.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Holy DOMS Batman! My legs are ridiculous sore. Love it but holy cow! LoL. :laugh: Run is what's planned but it's 90 out so we'll see come workout time what I manifest up. :bigsmile: Took a nice breezy walk with my Mom this morning, nice to break up the hardcore workouts with a little chat with Mom and some movement. Might go for a little yoga or atleast a stretching session tonight. Seems like I need it! I asked for a foam roller for my birthday (is that weird? :frown: ) but I am with Kate. If I can get myself in a routine, with a good set up I think I'd be apt to follow through consistently with taking care of these sore muscles!!