2 week challenge



  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I hate burpees. But I don't want to quit. I still have an extra 4 from the other day. If I miss another day, I don't know how I'll ever make them up!

    Mama- I hope you feel better soon and best of luck tomorrow.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies! I’ve been in lurk mode lately because work has been kind of crazy lately, but I have a few minutes to check in.

    Reese—Good luck with your race tomorrow!

    Beeps—Enjoy your night out! You’ve definitely earned it after not having any alcohol for three weeks.

    Kc—I know what you mean about the burpees-- I did my 17 today, but I’m worried about tomorrow as I’ll be traveling and staying with friends, and I’m not really sure how to explain to them why I have to do 18 burpees or I’ll have to do 37 on Sunday.

    Better—That’s a lot of calories you burn from breastfeeding! I guess it's the least mother nature can do after making us all gain weight during pregnancy. It will definitely be an adjustment when you’re not losing those calories anymore, but it sounds like that’s just been icing on the cake for you since you have your workout system down.

    I’ve been slipping a bit on my non-burpee workouts the last two days, but I’m hoping I can squeeze in a run or two over the weekend while I’m visiting some friends. The trip will involve a lot of pool time so I need to keep that in the back of my mind and at least keep my diet in check. I also signed up for the Atlanta marathon in October, so hopefully that will give me the motivation to get back to doing long runs on the weekend.

    Have a great weekend ladies!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    OMG...I just did the last three days worth of burpees to catch myself up! That's 45 burpees! Now I'm all sweaty but I had already showered for the day :tongue:

    Mama- still have my fingers crossed for your belly. I know either way, you will cross that finish line proudly!!! Rooting for ya!

    Better - what great progress!! So glad everything is going well for you!

    Beeps - I understand the carb thing. That's why I wonder if you do incorporate some throughout the week (non veggie carbs that is) if that will help. I.E. even if it's just brown rice, quinoa or beans?? Imbibe and enjoy yourself tonight! You've def earned it! :drinker:

    KC - great job with the burpees. I'm with ya...I am not skipping them again, lol!!

    Ris - Just drop and do the burpees, lol!! Maybe your friends will do them with you!! :happy: Enjoy your friends and the pool time! Ooh, and congrats on the marathon!! I've decided, I'm just sticking with 5K's. I'm so not a runner. But I can't wait until the Mudzilla Run in Sept!!!

    Nutrition and workouts are going great for me!! I somehow am not even tempted to stray from my good eats. (I did have wine the other night with the bestie while watching True Blood, but it was within my cals...boy did that go straight to my head!:blushing: ) The scale has been cooperative, my abs are "Starting" to peek through and I am hopeful by 6/29, the deadline I gave myself, they will be close to the profile pic I used to have up. I am keeping my fingers crossed!

    This weekend I will be going to Papio Days (our town festivities) to listen to a band at the Beer Garden with friends, but I will be DD so I'm not tempted to drink myself silly. We also have the College World Series in town, so there are a lot of celebrations downtown with that and finally Father's Day, which usually mean a BBQ. I will continue to log, get in weights tomorrow and some cardio and NOT come out with a gain Mon. This is my challenge!

    Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!!!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hey folks, I know I haven't checked in this week, but I did start NROL4W! I was very late coming home on Tuesday, too late to lift and still get to bed and sleep at a decent hour, and Wednesday I was sick! But yesterday, I lifted. Today, thank goodness, is a rest day and I need it. My muscles are sore!! I will do Stage 1 Day 2 tomorrow.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    :drinker: Woot woot!! :drinker: I did it. Completed my 5k, nothing but running the entire race. LOVED IT. And had a time of 32:52. I was pleased with that given it's my 1st race, I'm def. no 'runner' an I've been sick. It gives me something to work off from because i do want to do more! It was just awesome to see DH and our boys holding 'run fast Mom' 'Go Mom' signs and cheering me on. It felt awesome and kept me motivated. I might have bucked out eventually if DH wasn't so supportive. :flowerforyou:

    So that puts me back in the gym for weights tomorrow and looking forward to it! Time to get moving back in the right direction and keep lighting a fire under my booty!! Hope everyone's weekend is going well!!!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Sue - Love that sore feeling! Hope you are enjoying NROLW!

    Mama- :drinker: :drinker: I knew you would do great!! Congratulations! And that is so sweet about your DH and boys holding signs for you! Sounds likes you have the runner's high!! Glad you found that fire! Hit those weights hard tomorrow!

    Fri - went to Papio Days and avoided the huge corn dogs, slushies, cotton candy, and funnel cakes:happy: Had a great workout yesterday and got in my burpes, went to my niece's bday party and avoided the 5 million cookies, chips and root beer floats! Then had my besties over for drinks last night and one brought 2 cheese blocks, Triscuits and brownies :grumble: Yes, I gave in :frown:

    Now today is a double whammy with Father's day and the College World Series and we're going out for pizza because that's what the DH wants. Ugh, I'm doomed!!

    Hope you all are having a great weekend!
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    Congrats, Mama on a well run race! Hope your tummy issues are working out as well.

    I've been on a personal time-out. This is a bad habit of mine that I need to break: when I get injured, I withdraw from mfp, and just wallow. But I got to see the chrioprodist the other day and she told me that my ankle pain is really a sprain and not tendon or ligament like i dreaded. But that my plantar facii (?) is really tight and I'm on the road to PF if I'm not careful. So I'm rolling out my foot and icing both ankle and bottom. PLUS no running or jumping or [a lot of] weight bearing stuff on it until there is no pain.

    The last recommendations are going to be the hardest. I can live without running, since I had just started, but no plyometrics? no walking lunges? gah! that is harder to swallow.

    I did the Spartacus workout last weekend with my mom and sister, our rests were a little more than 15 sec, and our weights low (as I was at mom's house-didn't have my heavy db), but we did all 3 rounds. I modified so that the exercises worked best for me without pain.

    Then this week was so busy and stressful, what with getting report cards done, that I got in 0 workouts :angry: but yesterday I went back over to my mom's and we did Bob Harper's Cardio 60 minutes of sweat with weights! 400+ calorie burn. And all modified so that I didn't put more strain on my ankle. LOVE the DOMS I'm feeling today.

    Good work on the burpee challenge, everyone!

    Beeps, 80-90% is amazing. And I think I've read around the web, that 80% is about how you are supposed to eat, giving yoruself 20% wiggle room.

    the past few weeks for me, I've been hovering around 60-70% popsicles, ice cream and jellybeans. especially when I'm stressed (report cards, DH in car accident-he's OK, but the truck is going to take some work). but the stressors are gone-9 more school days YAY, and all the bad foods are again out of my house. In their place: fruits and veggies, and lean meats.

    I'm also reading master your metabolism by jillian michaels, hoping that it will also help.

    and workouts begin again tomorrow. lifting p90x zwows all modified to work around my sprain.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hey all! Happy Monday!

    I was a bit MIA last week posting but I was reading up all on yall! I did all last week with something like maintenance calories...Basically I took a step back, ate plenty, didn't really log. So it wasn't a super clean week and I feel a bit pudgy but it was good. Now for another adjustment - another week at maintenance but with watching my food! My goal for the week is to log everything as best I can (I have 3 parties and a baseball game, yikes). I'm also starting stage 5 today or Wednesday and am going to add in some more high intensity cardio over the next month or so, I hope. I am going to start cutting again next week.

    Goals for two weeks:

    1. 1 week at maintenance then to a 20% cut.
    2. Log everything.
    3. Do NROLFW and just MOVE in gneneral!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    First, mama, BIG CONGRATS on completing your race. It sounds like it was an awesome experience and I'm really glad it all worked out so well.

    jen - you are always a delight to read! I'm glad you are back posting on a regular basis.

    SASX - I've got PF in my right foot....flared up in October. I'm refusing to let it slow me down! And, yes, I should be icing it and rolling it - even my husband reminds me of this. I've been very lazy in that regard.

    chui - My weekend was all about too much eating, too much drinking and now, of course, I feel like a bloated whale - uncomfortably so (as opposed to satiated!). I'm back to clean, this week. Period.

    My 2 week goals:

    1. reducing my lifting to 2 x per week - so I can get at least one day outside in the summer air.
    2. zig-zagging my calories.
    3. drinking more green tea.
    4. rolling my right foot.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Mama- CONGRATS!!!! That is a fabulous time also!! I am super impressed!

    Did my typical self sabotaging this weekend....summer is way to rough for me. Its mainly the drinking. I actually didn't do too bad this weekend with the eating, more just cocktails.

    I don't think I need to make any changes to my challenge.

    1) Keep drinking down to 2 days a week
    2) 3 days of Chalean strength and 3-4 days of cardio (running)
    3) Stay within overall weekly calorie goal

    Failed miserably at this this week :(
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Reese, congrats on your time! That is great. Sounds like someone has the race bug. :smile: Races are so fun. My city has a series leading up to the Derby mini marathon (April) during March every other weekend: 5k, 10k, and 10 miler. I have done the series in parts for 4 of the last 5 years. I get excited for them every year. I will be completing my first mini next April. I'll start training for it towards the end of the year I reckon. Anyways, so glad you had fun!

    Chloe, I'm with you on the cocktails. I didn't do absolutely terrible Friday night (was up and functioning by 630am Saturday), but Saturday night was a little worse. I'm goign to try to be booze free some this week. Possibly have a couple drinks Wednesday. I struggle with this: I like to drink, especially in summer. I think it's okay to have a 1-2 drinks a couple days during the week and a few more on Friday and Saturday. My problem is, I try to be a tee totaller during the week, ultimately end up having some drinks on a Wednesday and Thursday and then make myself feel like crap about it. I really need to find a balance here.

    Beeps, we all need to indulge every now and then. I know what you mean though; I feel a little bloated. Last Monday was way worse. I just drank a ton of water and skipped breakfast. I typically don't like to skip meals, but Mondays after indulging, I'm usually not really hungry, and I figure it could do my body some good to do a "mini fast". I figure if I don't eat till lunch today, that will be about 16 hours of no food. Those of you who are educated on fasting, do you think there's any real benefit to this?

    Sasx - I hope you recover quickly! Injuries suck. Sounds like you're still getting your workouts in though.

    Jen - Sounds like you had a nice time this weekend. I have no defense against cheese. My girlfriends came over on Thursday and I ate lots of cheese.

    Suelegal - Glad you're around! Looks like your workouts are going well.

    Ris - Sounds like you are doing well with workouts also.

    Amy and KC, hope you're having fun with Spartacus (I think you're both doing it) and burpees.

    Everyone else, hope you are well.

    Well I did have a somewhat indulgent weekend. I had more food than I would on a typical day - 3 meals out and a large meal at the in-laws - but I did get some workouts in and ate healthy for my other meals. I was probably close to evening out. And, my biggest accomplishment, I got all my workouts in last week! 1 day of HIIT, 3.12 mile run, all 4 strength circuits, and 4 additional "cardio". I had to lift on both Saturday and Sunday to get er dun, but they were the short days so that was really not that hard to do. I've got 2 more weeks of this schedule, so I'd like to stick with it. But I've got a couple other little goals to add:

    1. HIIT once
    2. Run (2-3 miles)
    3. 4 strength circuits (A,B,C,D)
    4. 3 days of "moving" (this is typically walks to the coffee shop, pushing the kiddo in the stroller, manual labor)
    5. Stay dry (no alcohol) through Tuesday. Wednesday (typically dinner out night with my husband) no more than 3. Thursday (getting together with a friend) no more than 4. Weekend - keep myself in check so I don't end up feeling groggy and hungover the next day.
    6. Roll my IT bands, hips, and glutes daily. (Been feeling a bit tight and sore in my problem areas)

    This is going to be tougher for me this week since it's my "long" week at work. But it felt really good to get all my boxes checked off this week so I'd like to do it again! I hope you all have a fantastic week!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Oh, I forgot you Kate! I hope your maintenance week helped you reset and that you start to feel better after this week!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    You ladies are so busy and inspiring! Look at all of your beautiful goals! Awesome- this next 2 week is going to rock! :happy:

    Thanks for all the kind words on the 5k. It was great to check it off my 5k and to have something that I feel like I can say 'I accomplished it!' Lots of researching to do to find another one that's as convenient as this one was. Knowing that I can find a race here and there that doesn't interfere with family to dos and activities makes it such a guilt free thing. It was great!

    Beeps- I loved your thought on cutting back 1x a week to solely enjoy the summer air. It's so spot on and goes hand in hand with what Ashley and Chloe were saying about enjoying some drinks during the summer. We go go go so often. And all of that is wonderful- but what better time than summer to take a few moments to just enjoy ourselves. (within reason of course! but even on our bad days..we still have enough reason to get back on track ASAP!)

    Ashley- your goals rock (as usual) and I"m sure you'll knock them out of the park. I love how you seem to be balancing social life, mommy life, fitness life, all those 'lives' into a well balanced, well rounded LIFE! I'm sure it doesn't always feel that way- but I think it's great you find ways to get all those things in with a new little one! Awesome!

    Chloe- The adjustments to clean eating have got to be helping you towards your goals...even if you indulge in those cocktails! Plus your running and strength. I realize we all have this desire to push further and achieve more but I honestly think you do a great job of working hard throughout the week and you should let yourself enjoy some time on the weekends! Sure it can feel like self sabotaging come Monday- but did you have fun? Did you enjoy yourself? We are taking steps towards finding our balance...that's what matters!!

    Kate- Love your attitude about the maintenance week and think it's great you are sticking it out another week. Lord knows sometimes we jump around too quickly to let our bodies settle before starting in again. 2 weeks is allows thrown around as what we should at least stick with before revising (duh-we are the 2 week challenge board!!) Keep at it girl. It'll hopefully give you a great sense of 'aha' when you dive back into the weights this week!!

    Jen- I know I missed your post...I read it but now I can't see it on the reply board! But, as Beeps said, I'm so glad you are back in action with us! We miss you when you get busy girl!!

    For me I think my 2 weeks will look like this:
    1) I NEED to do more stretching and seeing the goals this week, I need to add it. Ashley has it spot on. But I know myself and I'll lock in at stretching after every workout and I'd like to try before bed as well. My legs have been super tight since the race. :wink:
    2) Stick with my eating plan. I spent Sunday cooking up a storm and have enough meals to get me through Thursday. When I plan to cook up healthy meals again. I will pre-log my days so that I don't veer from this!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    I think "consistency" is key. And, when I am inconsistent, my body suffers. Period.

    But, I also think getting right-back-on-track is also key.

    One of my bff's came for a visit this weekend - haven't seen her in a few months. And, she has seriously packed on some weight around her tummy. I think she's "given up"....and, that's just not where I want to be. Her 50th birthday is next year and, to me, that really means she still has 40 years of "good life" to think about. In any event, it made me realize that by "not giving up" and getting right back to cleaner eating and harder exercise, I'm giving myself permission to lead the best life I can, with the best body I can produce at this time in my life.

    So, I'm far from perfect....but, I think I'm doing all of the right things to keep my body operating in optimum condition. And, that is *very* important to me.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I was MIA for three days and just reading over everyone's threads and everyone is doing really great! I did not exercise, ate terribly, and am at my heaviest ever! I know a lot of that is water weight, but I hate it that I have the formal Friday and Vegas in two weeks, so, I am going to try and get back on track.
    I also didn't do any burpees and I don't think I can catch up!
    Got organix delivery tomorrow! I think my plan for the next two weeks is eating cleaner-4 servings of fruits and veggies daily, only complex carbs, and keeping calories at 1400. I think I can do 300, 400, 500 for breakfast lunch and dinner with one 200 cal afternoon snack.
    Not sure about workout. Spartacus is a pretty tough one, so I guess I will stick with that 3 times per week.
    this week it will be Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi all! Well I did my burpees on Saturday and got in a good run, but completely forgot about Sunday, so I owe 39 today. I just did 15 so I'm to aim to do two more sets of 12 at some point. It's a tough challenge, but I think it's doable if I try to stay on top of it and break up the sets as we get into the bigger numbers.

    My two-week goals are (1) to log everything and stay within my calorie limits, as I've been slipping lately and (2) stick to my marathon training plan, at least with respect to my long runs and total weekly mileage.

    Amy- sounds like you have a good plan to get back on track!

    Beeps- my fortune in the fortune cookie I ate today is "A healtyh body will benefit you forever." Seems fitting!

    Reese- Great job on the 5k!

    Ashley- great job with your workouts last week!

    Sorry I know there's more to comment on but I got distracted making my training schedule and I've now forgotten since I can only see 5 posts, but I know that there are some great goals out there!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    You'll get rid of that water weight quickly, Amy....I think it's great you had a good 3 days of FUN!

    RisOn - you need to be "congratulated" on keeping up with the burpees. I don't know if you recall, but I was *out* on the first day that I participated (day 4 - and I had to complete 10 in a row and could NOT manage that!). So, kudos to you.

    I did my negative chin-ups today!! UNASSISTED! 3 of 'em . Yes, I was supposed to do a 20-count on my way down - but I could only manage 15 seconds. No matter, I'm pretty STOKED about this! It means my shoulder/back/neck region is (relatively) healed and it means that I can really work on getting to 20 seconds - and then adding some weight to my body to make it EVEN TOUGHER!

    I also banged out my push-ups, split squats and the lat pull-downs. Just to add in some "tough stuff", I threw in some glute work (hip bridges and curtsy lunges) and ab work. I did 3 planks, with the first one being 120 seconds....which left me BAKED for the next 2 - only 60 seconds each. And, I did get in 2 x 60 second cobras, too.

  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I found this article in another thread while reading a little about fasting. It talks a lot about paleo, but the message is a very good one and I thought about you all when I read it. It's not as long as it looks by the scroll down bar; there are lots of comments. It's written by Stefani Ruper who I am not familiar with, but apparently is well known.

  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Wow Lots of posts, I am falling behind.

    Mama - congrats on the 5K

    SasX - glad you are doing the Spartacus workout, I hope you like it

    chuis - good luck with all the parties, that is where I tend to fail the most

    chloe- i got de-railed that last couple of weekends myself, lots of birthday parties & family celebrations, hang in there!

    ashley - great goals, keep up the good work

    asjerven - I am with you on the eating cleaner, that is actually my next 2-week challenge
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    So I decided to get a summer job waiting tables to make extra money and have totally fallen behind!

    I didn't work out for three days. I didn't log anything for two days. Yet it looks like I might have a loss again. I need to keep up with logging. I have been precooking meals as well, but mostly so my kids don't starve when I work nights!

    I'm going to do Spartacus today and Thursday and maybe Sat - but between a swim meet and work, probably not. Oh, and I'm so behind on the burpee challenge!!! I skipped Sat and haven't really caught up. I've basically been doing 20 a day and I think we are on day 20ish??

    You ladies are all doing great and have fantastic goals this week!