2 week challenge



  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member

    Now I need you all...I really need to do a better job stretching, rolling, etc. Do you all have recovery routines you do? I've never used a form roller but I can see how it would be great for me. I want a routine so that I take time to finish and do it instead of just "stretching" which I tend to rush.

    Kate- I'm checking out youtube.com. I know they have some routines on there that I want to check out and see if any of those work.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    chui - I don't think I ever really got the hange of single-leg partial squats, either (in NROL4W)....so, can you explain (or should I just youtube??) what a "pistol squat" is? (Squats are my least favourite exercise, because getting down to parallel remains very difficult for me - but I'm always up for seeing if I can get the hang of something new.)

    I think Ashley's explanation of how she uses the foam roller is pretty good....I just do my IT bands (time constraints!), but my husband has bought a foam roller which he monopolizes all night long after the kids go to bed. It's too soft for my level of rolling, but I did find out where my YMCA purchased the right level of roller for me. I might go get one and attempt to roll at home. But, I really shouldn't....everything I bring home just ends up sitting there!

    mama - 90 degress sounds AWESOME! It has been a cool, rainy spring here and I'm ready for some WARMTH and some (permanent) sunshine!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Forget my last question, chui....I just looked up "pistol squat" on youtube.com and I watched some vids. Let's just say:

    a. they look friggin' RI-DONK-U-LOUS (as in H-A-R-D);
    b. I'm pretty sure I don't have the hip flexor flexibility demanded; and
    c. I might work on the "progression" they suggested, just to see if I can work my way up to doing ONE.

    Holy hannah.....this is moving into ADVANCED-STRENGTH-TRAINING in a pretty darned serious way!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member

    Also saw this on yahoo this morning and with the discussion about ab workouts...figured I'd post it.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Forget my last question, chui....I just looked up "pistol squat" on youtube.com and I watched some vids. Let's just say:

    a. they look friggin' RI-DONK-U-LOUS (as in H-A-R-D);
    b. I'm pretty sure I don't have the hip flexor flexibility demanded; and
    c. I might work on the "progression" they suggested, just to see if I can work my way up to doing ONE.

    Holy hannah.....this is moving into ADVANCED-STRENGTH-TRAINING in a pretty darned serious way!

    Quoting this to emphasis my being impressed with Kate as well!!! Great job!
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    Wow, a lot going on right now!

    Those recipes sound delish!

    Pistol squats look scary and i've tried them, holding onto a doorjamb for balance and help! OMG they are hard. If you can do them, you are da woman!

    I finally got in another workout today! Go ME!

    I did Zuzana's ZWOW #22, and Spartacus, both modified so that I wasn't jumping on my still sprained ankle.
    ZWOW #22
    4 burpees (step back, push up, squat burpees for me) on every minute, then chip away at the next 5 exercises in order:
    30 chair jumps (one rep=both sides)
    30 chair push ups (chest as close to chair seat as possible)
    30 chair dips (by this time I was a bent knees and feet flat)
    30 sumo squats (with jump and clap hands above head at top-no jumping for me)
    30 single leg rdl squat twist -had to look up what 'rdl' means = romanian dead lift (lock lifting leg in line with rest of body, pivot from hip so your body is perpendicular to your supporting leg-squeeze glutes!, squat as far as you can go, then pivot back up and while leg is still off ground, twist arms and torso in the direction of your supporting leg. (standing or right leg, twist right)

    I did it in about 22 minutes. I lost track of the rdl's as I would just get the burpees done and then 3-5 rdl's and the timer would go off again! balance-D'oh!
    Now I'm sitting in my house while the A/C fights a battle with the heat. house: 78f. outside:84f (100f with the humidity)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    ah, the KISS workout, I do remember that one, I was doing that exactly one year ago, which is when I took that ab picture so I guess it was working!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    ah, the KISS workout, I do remember that one, I was doing that exactly one year ago, which is when I took that ab picture so I guess it was working!

    I was doing that when I found out I was prego; I enjoyed it. I tried to find the link about a month ago and it was gone. Oh well; I don't have the equipment at home for it anyways.

    Pistol squats....with weights? Sheesh.

    Reese - I meant to tell you, thanks for sharing your ab experience post kids with me. I have NEVER had fab abs; they have always been my #1 problem area. I'm pretty sure for me to get a 6 pack would be a miracle. I am going to start focusing on them more though with all these great ab routines! I love the standing abs.

    Sounds tough Sasx. Good job! I'm doing my old faithful HIIT tonight. And then I'll be drinking a little tonight too. :drinker:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I just tried to find the link to the KISS workout and couldn't locate it either:grumble:
    Does anyone have the routine saved? was it the three workouts? I only have one day on my to-do list from last year-
    5x5 pull ups, front squats, standing dumbbell press, single leg deadlift, ab exercise waist whittler (?)
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    The figure athlete site is gone from t nation but I found it here:

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    thanks, Kate!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Oh my god I'm in heaven!! :heart: :heart: Dh got me a foam roller as an early birthday present. After I got my Turbo Fire HIIT workout in, I showered and spent some QT with my new love. It was ah-mazing!! (yes, I'm being a little dramatic but it felt so painfully delicious!:flowerforyou: ) I definitely will be enjoying this gift for quite a while!

    I'm glad Kate found that link. I hadn't ever tried the KISS workout but I remember filing it mentally as a 'keep in mind for a later date'. I looked for it when Amy mentioned it and couldnt find it either. Nice work as usual Kate!!

    Ashley- Yep, I definitely stand by it's possible...post baby and all. We just have to get ourselves on the right track and if you want it...I'm sure you'll go after it. If you find anything starts working, let me know. I'm always trying to adapt to work on this.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Sorry ladies. I've had 5 boys in my care for a day and a half. I'm also having to go through some testing with my youngest and it's been stressful. I'm still working out and making decent food choices but I feel the results of my efforts of the last 2 weeks unraveling :sad: I can't comment much right now because I need to spend as much time with him as possible. You ladies are doing great though and are keeping me motivated. There has been a lot of great info shared in the last couple of days!

    Keep it up and I'll check in when I have more time! :flowerforyou:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    OMG Jen.....5 boys?! I'm exhausted just readying that. I hope your youngest's testing goes well. We'll still be here when you are able to come back in full force. :smile:

    Reese - we'll get there. :wink: I'm glad you like you foam roller. My IT bands and lower back muscles have been tender all week so I think I'm helping them loosen up. I have rolled them everyday so far this week.

    Thanks Kate for the link; I added it to my favorites if one day I join a gym again or more likely get a bar. The only thing keeping me from getting one is that my gym is small and I don't think I have room for a rack. Maybe some wall mounted thing, but with all the weight on it, it could have to be something pretty amazing. I may have to do some research because not having a bar is hindering my heavy lifting. I use dumbells now for squats, but I can barely lift the 30 pound dumbells to my shoulders so I can't squat any more than 60 pounds. And I'm a little wobbly from the weight not being evenly distributed. Anyone have any ideas for a space saving bar system?

    I got my HIIT workout in last night and must have really been working it as my HRM registered about 20 more cals burned than normal. I was literally panting when I was done. It starts out not that bad at the beginning: my heart rate is slightly elevated and I'm a little damp and by set 5 I am panting and literally dripping sweat. I guess that is showing its working! I also stuck to my 3 drink limit last night. Tonight I hope to get some strength in, but my husband is helping a buddy paint after work so I am picking up my kiddo from day care which happens to be basically across the street from the mall where I have not been in FOREVER so I'm going shopping with her for a bit. I will try to knock out a workout when we get home, but I'll be solo for most of the night. I most likely will not be having my 4 drinks I alloted myself tonight because my friend canceled on me. Which is fine.

    Hope you all have a great day! Today is my Friday. Woo hoo!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Jen, I hope everything is ok with your youngest. Try to stay sane with 5 boys:)
    Reese, I can just picture your new love affair with a foam roller-like one of those cartoon animals smitten with an inanimate object:happy: We have them at my gym and I do like them for my upper back. I got a massage Sunday and it was just one of those drop-in places and the guy was amazing, he was 72 and so talented-it was like a spiritual experience!
    Ashley, what is your HIIT workout? I want to hear more details.
    I got my 22 burpees plus 10 extra to make up for the missed days. I still have 37 makeup burpees, though!
    I also had two beers but they fit in my cals, exccept I realize I did not count the butter on the corn, it was probably just a small pat, but still...
    Big day of party prep for me, I leave at noon for mani/pedi, waxing, and highlights!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Enjoy your party prep, Amy....that sounds FUN!

    Better - enjoy your shopping - that also sounds FUN!

    jen - sounds like you are NOT having much "fun" right now. :cry: I hope all things smooth out very soon.

    mama - I *love* the roller, too....in that "good pain" sort of way.

    Today I heavy lift. The end.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Ashley- Excellent work on the HIIT looks like you killed it. Awesome job. I have no idea about the bar system. Hopefully someone has a wonderful idea.

    Amy- Yes that is me EXACLTY! LoL. I knew I really wanted one, I just didn't realize how great and awful (but good! Lol) it would feel. Plan on catching up on some of that stretching/rolling goal I set the rest of the week! Massages are awesome. I've only had the one but I'd definitely be willing to splurge again to get one. I was nervous going in but she was awesome and I walked out of there in a total 'awe' zone! So I understand what you mean!!

    Jen- That is hectic. I do hope that everything is okay. Sounds intense. Know our thoughts are with you and your family. Hopefully everything works out. We are here for you girl!

    I got in my shoulders +cardio and abs workout. My kindle is all wonky so I wasn't prepped for a NROL workout. That's okay though, I liked the looks of this workout and enjoyed it at the end. I only got 2 miles in though as part of the cardio abs circuit so I'm hoping the kids will want to ride bikes tonight so I can bang out another couple. We'll see if this weather breaks...if not foam rolling I will be!! :laugh:
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hi ladies just wanted to check in and let you know I haven't forgot about you! Just been crazy busy with our audit :grumble: Can't wait until this craziness is over! Keep up the great work!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member

    Ashley, what is your HIIT workout? I want to hear more details.

    My friend in real life who is a trainer recomended this. I put the number of moves I typically get in because I am counting them. I am the most winded after the jump squats as the mountain climbers and burpees really get my heartrate up and then the pushups and power lunges help me recover a bit. It's interesting how my heartrate overall increases with each set. BTW, instead of spending $20 on a Gym Boss, I downloaded a free app on my phone to time and alert me when work and rest periods start and end: HIIT Interval Trainer. You can set it for whatever intervals you'd like.

    Traycy's HIIT
    30 seconds work, 30 second rest, 5 times through; takes 25 minutes total

    Jump Squats (about 24)
    Pushups (I am weak and do girl kind - about 18)
    Alternating power lunges (16)
    Mountain Climbers (about 34, 1 left plus 1 right equals 1 climber)
    Burpees, no pushups (about 10)

    I really like this workout and after I did it the first time was sore for 2 days. Last night I really focused on keeping my abs in during mountain climbers especially (after wathcing them jiggle during my jump squats) and I also focused on a good push off on my lunges and I can feel it in both places today. I'm all about the quick and efficient workouts these days. Next month I'll probably modify this slightly but do the same type thing - 5 big power moves.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member