2 week challenge



  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Ugh - quick rant. One of my MFP friends who is also 200 lbs and my height just explained to me that she gains muscle easily and has gotten bulky in the past from lifting. And she doesn't want to be "ripped"...not her thing. First, love, that is called fat, not muscle. Second, do you have any idea how hard female figure athletes and body builders work to gain muscle? Saying you don't want to gain too much muscle is equivalent to saying, oh, sorry don't want to run, I might end up going to the olympics or something. Not going to happen. Last, I really doubt anyone I come across in my daily life would call me ripped. Mostly people say I look healthy. So maybe you should listen!!

    Okay, rant over.

    Nice routine, Ashley! I like! If you are doing push ups from your knees I suggest moving to an incline push up. It more closely simulates a real push and will have you progressing to them much faster - try 30 degrees as angle (that is between your body and the ground with your hands on a bench or something). As that gets easier move the angle lower and lower until you are doing the woman kind :)

    Chloe - good luck! Almost friday!

    Jen - I am sorry - I'll be thinking of you! Just do what you can, you can always get it back. And we'll be here of course.

    Amy - jealous! That sounds AWESOME.

    Reese - ha!!!! I love it! You inspired me to get some foam action this weekend!

    As for me, I was going to do HIIT today but have a family thing to deal with instead...not a good trade. I have kickball playoffs tonight too so I already logged beer. *sigh* Oh well, I'm going to get in my NROL work out in tomorrow before weekend boozing starts. Summers kill me!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    OK, finally a quiet few minutes.

    Kate- I totally get what your saying about your MFP friend resisting weight training. Obviously at 200lb she is not going to get bigger from lifting! I'm not going lie though, I have always been a normal weight, but I tend to build muscle very easily especially in my legs. So growing up I always wished I had the super slender figure I wanted and feared lifting would bulk me up a little. I am moving on from that thinking obviously, but I understand the naive thinking she must have.

    Ashley- excellent HIIT workout I will have to keep that in mind and I love it only being 25 min....no excuse not to do it!!! you can do anything for 25 minutes (says Jillian Michaels)

    Amy- Have a fabulous time!!! So jealous of all the primping you get to do!

    Jen- hang in there and I hope all goes well with your son, you will be in my thoughts!

    Beeps and Reese- Can't remember anything specific.....but I am sure you're rockin it out as usual!!

    Have an hour run on the schedule for tonight with some speedwork involved. OOOh and pretty nice victory today. I was at my mom's for lunch (she lives right by my work) and I was totally craving something sweet, so I had the ice cream open, the spoon in it and I thought to myself "do I reaallllly want to do this?".....threw the spoon in the sink and stuck a mint in my mouth!! Amazing esp because ice cream is my most ridiculous weakness!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    chui - your vent was 100% reasonable. I concur.

    Chloe - YAY on skipping the ice cream and satisfying your craving with a mint! GREAT JOB!

    My NSV - one of the "Hardbodies" at my gym came over and asked me how my "routine" is going and I said, "slowly, but surely...." and she said, "It shows!" And I responded, "well, not in my hips and thighs, which are my poor areas....but, I thank you for the compliment" and she said, "...abs are always the hardest and your upper body looks really good!"

    I'll TAKE IT.

  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Just pulled up reports on MFP. No pounds lost and maintained in over a year....only 1 inch off my thigh rest is the same (stomach actually measures higher but its close to TOM). What the F? This is what it takes to simply maintain my body! Are you serious?!

    Girls I'm going VERY wrong in some aspect of this game.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I'm back to ranting again aren't I? How do you stay on this board with me? LoL. laugh

    I am going to spend my lunch doing some research, even though DH says part of my problem may be that I take this way too seriously. I am convinced 1) I must have more weight to go than I have convinced myself because a small deficit does not seem to achieve my goals so I'm wondering if I need a larger deficit until I start to lose some of this weight 2) Carbs are not my friend 3) Even things that some people may typically be able to have as daily treats aren't going to be allowable for me (ie. a couple oreos or some peanut butter.

    I've been trying to go into this with the mentality that I want to be able to sustain this long term. I can with what I have been doing, obviously because I have been for over a year. But I am apparently merely in maintenance mode. So I'm going to take a look at my diary over the past year and see what sticks out as things I haven't been able to let go. And I'm going to go full on diet mode for a while.

    I'm not nearly as upset as I was yesterday. After having some time to process with DH, I know it's just a matter of pushing harder and further. It's frustrating as hell but it's either settle or reconfigure and I'm too tired of being grumpy about this to not push it up a notch.

    If you have any suggestions about my diet, let me know. I know it has to come down to that. Granted the workouts help and keep me healthy but losing weight can be done without workouts. (not saying I want to take that approach at all...just making a rambling point!) Those keep me sane and keep me feeling more like I'm working on fitness and not just dieting. But what it comes down to is taking a hard look at what I eat and how to fix it.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    mama - I'm in exactly the same boat. Actually, I'm 2 lbs heavier than I was one year ago.

    I soothe my ego by telling myself that it's "muscle" - but that's crap. I am satisfied that my shape has changed, because my clothes DO fit better. But, otherwise, I have little to show for my efforts.

    I have contemplated all-out diet, as well. Meaning, NO exercise (so no water retention), etc. But, where do I end up? About 15 lbs lighter....and then I'll pack it all back on when I return to higher-calorie days and when I return to working out (water retention). So, for me, this is NOT worth the effort. Somehow, wrapping my brain around the fact that my body REALLY likes this weight is something I have to accept. I do believe that I will drop these 10 lbs....I really do. I also think it will take longer than I had anticipated....I might have a VERY similar vent come December, but I might not.

    Even if I PERMANENTLY drop only 5 lbs this year, I'll call it a "success", and tackle the next 5 lbs next year.

    Feel better, mama - I think a bunch of us are in the same boat as you and really want to support each other as we weather these stormy seas!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    Oh, and today I am not working out, I am going to go and sit on a patio and drink alcohol with a bunch of gf's....this was the day I had marked on my calendar from 4 weeks ago, saying that I could "indluge as much as I want". So, I'm off the radar, today. I can eat what I want. I won't work out. I'll drink lots of alcohol. And I'll have a REALLY GOOD TIME.

    I've friggin earned it.

    And, to also save my soul, I shall NOT step on the scale before NEXT Friday, to give myself a chance to clean everything up....
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Ok, Kate, your friend reminded me of another myth I used to hear-you had to drop the fat before building muscle otherwise, the muscle would grow around the fat and the fat would be impossible to lose, do you remember that old one?
    Have fun, Beeps, I know I intend to have a splurge night.
    This week I did lose the 3 lbs, so it was water weight!
    Last night I went to my friend's house and she grilled chicken breasts with asparagus and zucchini, and had salad from her garden. She said she was on MFP and had lost 4 lbs since June 11. Right now she is not exercising but just trying to focus on diet, which I can understand.
    Reese, it's like you said, you can lose through low cals, but it won't be very sustainable. I am not sure what to tell you. I will look at your diary, but I am sure you are right and that is the first place to look.
    But, if it makes you feel any better, I am not any lighter than a year ago either! About 3 lbs heavier.
    Beeps, if you weigh 2 lbs more but your shape changed and your clothes fit better, why do you think it's crap to tell yourself it's muscle? It probably is, some muscle and some water-right?
    I think some of my 3 lbs IS muscle-if it were fat, my boobs would be bigger;)
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Kate - I'm with you on the rant, I hear that all the time and it's totally bogus of course.

    Chloe - The leg thing is the exception for me as well. My jeans started to get really tight when I was hitting the lower body hard and my calves are already enormous, although in a muscular way, naturally; so I have eased up a bit. As for my arms they are crazy long and no matter how hard I worked they would never be bulky. The muscle is there, it's just stretched out.

    Mama - I am going through the same thing being stuck and I keep trying to deny it, but it is my diet. It's not necessarily the calories as they are fine and I exercise plenty - it's where the calories are coming from. Best wishes as you try to sort it all out. I know it's hard. Don't worry about ranting, we are here to support each other.

    Beeps - enjoy! you have certainly earned it.

    My schedule has been a little nuts this week. My daughter and I have a recital on Sat and our dress rehearsal was last night. It went horribly bad, but I guess a bad rehearsal means a good show? We'll see. It will be hard to control myself as I am making stuff for a bake sale for that and then a funeral on Sunday. Have a great weekend everybody!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Thanks ladies. Like I said, I don't want to be drastic where I'm just losing weight and not fat without maintaining muscle. I just think, like Abigal said, some of the choices even if the main meals are cleaner, may be the culprits. I'm not throwing in any towels or going to go on an anger binge this weekend :tongue: Just settling into a little stricter routine with my 'treats'. And rotating back to straight calories without exercise calories back. I love that 'good job on your burn' on the face page when I log XX calories burned but I'll settle for some weight loss instead. :laugh:

    Beeps- I do agree with Amy though that that 3lbs probably is really muscle. We all know clothes and tape is the way to go. And sometimes, I think clothes may be more important. Tape is up and down given water weight, TOM, high sodium days, strength trainings...etc. And not that clothing wouldn't be impacted by this, but clothes get worn throughout the day on different days. Tape is just taken at one point in time. So, I'm with Amy.

    Abigal-Good luck with your busy weekend! You have been go go go with your schedule!!

    Amy- That's good that some of it was water,and a good assessment of knowing your body about the muscle gain vs fat with the 'boobs' comment. :wink: We women do know a few things or two about our bodies after all!!

    Enjoy the weekend ladies. This is my last weekend of being a 29 year old and I am going to spend lots of time hopefully in the sun with the kiddos enjoying myself. Have fun on your individual adventures!!
  • aelitaangels
    aelitaangels Posts: 61 Member
    My challenge for the next two weeks is to finally break into the 130's (139lbs 138lbs would be so lovely lol)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Happy Birthday, Reese!
    Nice goals, aelitaangels, but what's your strategy? are you pretty close?
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Hey ladies! Sorry I've been MIA, still trying to adjust to my work schedule - sometimes i work nights until 2 am, then wake up with the girls at 6am! It's a fun place to work, but I will be happy to go back to teaching in the fall!!!

    Mama- I feel your pain! I am up about 7 pounds from last year - although I was working out, I didn't start tracking calories until January. I read once that women have to workout an hour a day just to maintain - I can't tell you where I read it though, so it I don't know if it's actually true, but it's something to think about.

    Abigal - Is it a dance recital? My daughter had a dance recital last month. It was so fun!!!

    Amy - Have fun tonight!

    Beeps - I think relaxing on the patio sounds like a fabulous plan!

    Ashley- I might have to try your HIIT!!!

    Chloe - Great job on putting the spoon down. I LOVE ice cream in the summer, so that's amazing will power!

    I have hardly logged this week. Lots of quick eats - YUCK! Today, I went shopping and planned out meals for the week that I can cook ahead and freeze or at least prep. I did something funky to my hip/leg yesterday so I'm not doing any burpees today....and I doubt I will do any this weekend - Tomorrow AM swim meet, PM work, Sunday work a double.

    Hope you ladies have a great weekend!!!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I just wanted to say hi. I have not been doing well on my strenght this week; I have only completed 1 of 4 so we'll see how this weekend goes. I did get my 3.1 miles in this morning. I've got some manual labor to do this evening while drinking beer. Sounds like everyone is on track.

    Happy birthday Reese!
    Thanks for the tip Kate. I'm not sure how I will create a 30 degree incline from the floor.....I just have a standard weight bench.
    Have fun Beeps!

    Alright I'm off to do some labor. Have a great weekend all!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Happy Birthday Reese!!!

    Thanks for the kind words and support ladies. The testing will be for the likes of ADHD, ODD, Anxiety, Depression, etc...we started a little behavior chart like they had for his whole class at school and it's helping a lot, but we definitely need to get o the bottom of things. I think it's also helping that I am giving him A LOT of one on one, at the expense of food prep and better eating, but the sacrifice is worth it for my baby. The testing is Thursday, so until then it will continue this way. I am still getting in my cardio but only got weights in once so far this week :/ Gonna try for tomorrow.

    Sorry I can't comment on everyone else's posts. But I am thinking of you ladies and thankful to have you all! :heart:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Thanks for the birthday wishes all! I admit to celebrating a little too hard this weekend. Heck I even drank for the first time since February! And me + drinking= too many snacks. So spent a good part of yesterday cooking and packing. Ready to tackle the day. Workouts in, drinking my green tea and going at it hard this week. 30 will be my 'epic' year if I have anything to say about it!

    Jen- Good luck with the testing. Kiddos always come #1 for sure. Even if it means we slide even further down the priority list.

    kc-how's the new work schedule going? finally getting into a routine?

    Kate-saw your update about your new plan. hope it goes well! where did you find the optimal fat loss article? I remember you mentioning borrowing something from a friend,is that this?

    Is is a new two week challenge week?
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    The results of my challenges from last week:

    I got all my cardio in, including HIIT. I only lifted 1 of 4 times. I rolled my hips and glutes everyday but yesterday. I stuck to my alloted drinking except for Saturday which was pretty bad. Friday night my husband and I just hung out on the back deck and had a few drinks. Around 10 I thought about making another cocktail and decided we should just go to bed. We were very productive Saturday and got our hot tub up and operating and some landscaping installed. That night I went to a birthday party for a couple hours and drank with my friend at home for a bit and then my husband and his friends got home from a concert and we were up WAY late. I felt like crap all day yesterday and made myself feel guilty for over indulging. After this weekend I really need to quit sabatoging myself on weekends; (we are heading to the mountains for a long weekend to meet up with my family). It's one thinkg to have a splurge meal and a few drinks. It's quite another to stay up till 2am and have MANY drinks. I feel so much better when I remain in control and am able to have productive weekends. So come July, I am really going to work on it. My husband is right there with me. We've been a little lushy lately and there's really no good coming from it. OK, enough about that. I hope to get some good workouts in this week before we take off for our mini vacation (Friday night through Tuesday). That said, I probably will start my "new program" the week of the 9th. I'm not sure what the "new plan" is, but I'm thinking kettlebell workout 3 times a week, HIIT 1 time, 2 runs, and a yoga class. I may have to cut the kettlebell to 2 times a week. I have a video that (if I remember correctly) covers the whole body. I think it's about 25 minutes or so. This week I am going to stick with my goals from last week and hopefully get closer to finishing everything. I've got 2 days off this week but have a lot to get done to get ready for our trip. I hope you all had good weekends and have a great week!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm back!! Sorry for being so MIA, I just got back from a week long vacation in Michigan and boy do I need to get back on track. I jumped on the scale one night (bad in the first place, I know) and I am up 20 lbs from November... wtf?! absolutely unacceptable! I need to figure out what I've changed and what I'm doing wrong. It doesn't help that TOM is here this week either, so that makes me feel even worse! This past week I know I have been eating horribly though, and I haven't worked out either. I had a lot of soda, snacks and highly fattening foods (Gramma's cooking, gotta love comfort food!). This week I need to get myself back in order.. I'm thinking no drinks other than water and tea, reduce carbs (try to avoid pasta, if I eat pasta, only half portion), and work outs most days. I am going to take my last 2 crossfit classes this week and then go back to Jazzercise. I hope I get my body back under control. My pants are back to feeling tight when they had been feeling loose and it makes me want to cry. Hopefully I'll get back under control soon.

    I'll catch up on everyone's posts later, for now I have to catch up on work!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Oh yeah, and I was also up 2 pounds this past week. I was really surprised the week before at a 1.5 pound loss (I expected to maintain), so perhaps it was a "fluke" which would still mean I was up 0.5 pound last week. First time I've been up since having the baby who is 5 months today! So yeah, I'm kind of down on myself today and am ready to be consistent, even on weekends.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Seems it is a two week challenge so mine are below (remind me at the end of 2 weeks to recap- Ashley's reminded me that I totally forget to do this every time!!) Also, I'm coming in hard on my conquer 30 or else plan so I'm a bit energized. LoL.

    1) Start Jamie Eason's Body Transformation program on 6/24/12. Consists of Upper, Cardio, Lower, Rest, Cardio, Full body HIIT, and option rest day. The goal is to follow this plan with optional rest being yoga day if I'm not too pooped. *I know the program isn't our typical go to full body program, but I do appreciate bodybuildings.com concise explanation of everything from training, exercise videos, and nutrition which is why I've chosen this route.*

    2) First two weeks on program will be @ 1650 calories. (Plan is to up back to 1800 after a good swift kick in my pants)

    3) Foam roll. This is a new present from DH and I need to take advantage of it. AT minimum I need to foam roll 3 days a week.

    4) Track Diet pop. The goal has always been to cut it out. I've sucked at doing so. I'm going to start with tracking it while trying to limit to 1 can a day. From there I'll work to eliminate (again).