2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Amy, yes, you look great! I also use that move in pics. Can we have the shrimp taco recipe? Great job on the burpees!

    I don't really have a recipe, I just get some shrimp and grill it with some cayenne, then I put it on a corn tortilla with some cole slaw and salsa. It's super easy!
    Also last night I made strawberry shortcakes, the 3-2-1 cake, it's so easy but you have to mix a box of angel food cake with a box of any other cake (I picked lemon) and then 3 tablespoons of cake mix, 2 tablespoons of water mixed in a coffee mug and cooked in the microwave for 1 minute (depends on your micro so watch it) and then I topped with strawberries and a little rediwhip!
    The cake was 45 cals, the strawberries 20 cals and the whipped cream 15 cals so it's really easy!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,008 Member
    completed my 6-month body fat loss challenge this morning! (And, I only lifted on Monday of this week....)

    I took my photos and did my measurements. I still have to skip off to the gym to step on the scale, but otherwise, it's done. I haven't done the "side-by-side" comparisons, yet, but this is what I know so far:

    1. I lost inches on my natural waist, belly-button waist, hips and mid-thigh. (Mind you, I went "up" between May and June....even though June was an UBER-strict diet - isn't THAT interesting??)
    2. I gained inches on my bicep, bust (over boobs), bust (under boobs) and my upper thigh. I credit the "up" on the 2 x chest measurements NOT to the boob area, itself (which is practically concave - I'm a AA bra!), but across the back, I've clearly expanded. I'm pretty pissed off about the "upper thigh" gains, though....as it is THE SADDLEBAG AREA THAT I'M TRYING TO REDUCE. What-evah!
    3. The pictures *do* show a difference. Now, it isn't a difference I'll parade around in a bikini about, but there "is" a change.

    I think I probably will jump right back into another 6-month body fat loss challenge. I might do these next 6 months ENTIRELY without the scale, though. I won't lose enough weight, in any event, for it to really have ANY effect on "body fat loss" - so, I'd rather track strictly through tape measure and photos. We shall see!

    PS - thank you for ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT. I think you are THE most AWESOME ladies on this forum and you give me hope, every single day, that what I'm doing DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I'd count that as a succcess, Beeps! It's nice when you can see a change.
    I realize when I look at old pictures, like last year, I am like-I am too hard on myself, why could I not see it at the time?

    Chloe, I think that sounds good, sometimes it is best not to obsess and just listen to your body. I have Warrior Dash for August 19 and I am going to hard for it, but I am also going to eat well while I do it, not going to count calories either, I want to try and eat cleaner, but no deprivation!

    Kate, I think you make a good point, but I don't think I know what maintenance really is for me. When I was lifting heavy and eating 1800 on rest days, I did gain, but not a lot. In the fall I want to try bulking, but it will be hard to find out how much I really need, it doesn't feel like a science at all... And if I ate at 10xbody weight I wouldn't even get 1200 cals.
    Kate, can you remind me your weight and measures? It seems we were not that different on measures...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,008 Member
    Tonight, I celebrate!!

    It is my 12th wedding anniversary and my parents have come to town to baby-sit - so my husband and I are heading out to dinner, to a fancy-schmancy restaurant, and to a hotel. Tomorrow, we are spending the day, together....and I've planned NOTHING. Hubby can figure it all out, I'm sure.

    Tomorrow night, we are going out to supper to celebrate my Mom's birthday, since I won't see her on her actual day. Our oldest son will join, so that will be a fun night for the whole family.

    And then, on Sunday, we hit the waterpark with 6 little kids to celebrate middle son's 11th birthday. Whew!

    I'm going to enjoy my little break from logging, working out, etc., and just enjoy my LIFE. This PRECIOUS LIFE OF MINE!

    Come Monday, I'll figure out my new plan and I'll be back to see how everyone is doing.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA, it's been a crazy week. I just wanted to check in and say Amy, yes I'm still doing the burpees! I missed two days last week so I'll be doing double duty over the weekend, but I got my 31 in today :-)

    And, in a moment of weakness I got talked into rejoining my old gym. They're having a special where you get July free and then it's a month-to-month membership so I can cancel when I want. Normally that would be a good thing, but it's super expensive, and not really necessary since we have a gym in my building at work and I can go to my husband's gym on the weekends. But it's also a super nice gym and I love their classes.... I figured that if I just use it for two or three months it's not that expensive....

    Happy anniversary Beeps!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Yeah, Ris, would be rude not to talk me into sticking with it and then bail! but it is getting harder. I usually break it up, 10 at a time during commercial breaks or incorporated into my circuit workouts.
    Beeps, enjoy your weekend, husbands can plan good stuff when we let them:wink:
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Thank you ladies for all your kind words! We went in Thursday and got all of the paperwork for the evaluation. We just have to have his teacher send in her copy and we will see what happens from there. Beeps and I think it was Abigail (I can't see it on this page) thank you for sharing your stories. It is not easy to see a loved one suffer and I just want my baby to be happy and have every opportunity. We've implemented the same behavior chart at school that they used for the class at home and he's been doing great! But it has kept me busy. So, this week, I have been doing my cardio because of classes, but still haven't hit the weights. I haven't been logging, but luckily I have been maintaining. Tomorrow I have time for food prep, so I plan to start a cut Monday!

    I read through the thread and I got the info, but I can't remember who posted what, so this is just going off memory. I want to comment because you ladies are awesome!!

    Amy - love the dress, you look gorgeous! So jealous of your trip to Vegas!

    Meatloaf muffins - I usually go with a country - I've made italian ones, Mexican ones greek ones :happy:

    I think Mama - As for quick snacks/meals - I've also made egg cupcakes and added whatever veggies/meat I had. My fave is broccoli, cheese and bacon! Here is the basic recipe http://everydaypaleo.com/2010/03/24/egg-cupcakes/

    Beeps - congrats on the changes and progress!! You stuck with a very long challenge as well and I commend you on your dedication! Enjoy your fun filled weekend and Happy Anniversary too!

    Kate - you are doing fabulously with your cut, congrats! Wow, so much stuff addressed regarding cutting, calories, maintenance, cycling. All great points! And yes, that is the way to do it. One cannot be in a constant state of cutting. My BMR is only 1084. So when I'm cutting and eating healthy, it is totally possible for me to be full at 900 calories! That is not a lot, but some days, that's all I want. Other days though, I am hungry and I will eat all of my cals (currently set to 1250) PLUS most of my exercise cals, lol!! IDK, I'm just on constant experimentation :tongue:

    Ashley - your goals look great! Sounds like a plan on the drinking. I know I have some nights where I think, I could just really use a glass of wine!! Hope your muscles have healed up from leg day!

    Chloe - I TOTALLY understand how you are feeling. I think that is why I have been so lax this summer. I have been motivated and wanting to meet my goals, however, I don't want it to run my life. I'm just a big hot mess right now. I do measure to the gram when I am logging and I'm fine with that so I can keep my macros in check. But during those "occasions" bday dinners, bbq, camping, etc...if I want to have a drink, I will have a drink, or a cupcake or whatever, lol. I just know I go back to work in 5 weeks and it will be easier for me to have a routine and get serious again. I'm just gonna keep on keeping on!

    I feel like a huge walking contradiction :ohwell: I'm just trying to figure it all out like the rest of you. Have a great weekend ladies!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Jen- Glad the testing is moving along and that the behavioral chart is working. Sometimes all it takes is for everyone to get on the same page and things start falling into place. I'm a social worker for kiddos and I just want to say props to you for seeking out information to get to the bottom of what's going on. It's a hard thing to see our kids struggling but knowing they have supportive and loving parents who put them 1st is always #1 in helping them to succeed. Great work Mom!

    Ris- Might be fun to switch it up a bit. I know our little gym is looking at selling which would mean no more gym for us since the YMCA is the only other option in our town and it doesn't open during the hours I or DH attend. With this in mind, I've been reminding myself to take advantage of the equipment and 'goods' there knowing I'll be working out back at home in no time!

    Beeps- Hope you enjoyed your weekend. Sounds like you had big plans and I hope it all panned out! It's nice to just unwind with those we love!!

    Kate-Back to a response from a page or two ago, I think I'll be looking to find maintenance closer to cool weather. What I know now on week 1 of this new plan is...1)I fluctuate 5lbs up and down within a weeks time and it's super annoying. 2) I'm at 1550 calories and feel terribly bloated. Not sure the reason. 3) I can tell a let down in my runs already. It's frustrating but I'm going to keep pushing through. My point was though...that even with monitoring everything I'm still all over the place. I'd like to stay optimistic and say maybe a couple more weeks and I'll see a change but I'm not 100% this is the right course either. Bottom line: I think you are correct in that a couple weeks off with maintenance eating is where I'm heading.

    With that said, I'm already feeling uber-sore and slightly burnt out. The only thing I've really changed is lowering my intake and upping (minimally) my cardio. I'm going to push through this week, as I said in my comments to Kate, to see if it's just an adjustment issue. I have preplanned my meals through Thursday in accordance with my calorie allotment and macros. Keep plugging away. I just want to get to the bottom of this before I completely burn out. On a positive note, I got 2 runs in this weekend. It felt crappy during them but felt awesome to pass out in front of a fan after knowing I could check them off my list!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Good Morning! Weekend was not too bad-sushi on Friday, Saturday dinner I made my own "fried rice" with brown rice, veggies, a scrambled egg a leftover pork chop and shrimp. It was pretty good, have it for lunch today. A good way to use up leftovers!
    Only two days til Vegas. Any other plans for Independence day for my USA friends?
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Amy - you're so close! Enjoy your time, that will be awesome! We want pictures! The fried rice sounds yummy!

    Reese - it sounds like you're on the right track...you'll figure it out! Way to power through the workouts, that's a victory in and of itself!

    Jen - glad your son is doing better! Agree with Reese, way to be a great Mom and good luck on the cut!!

    My weekend was good! On Friday even though my BF and BFF came over and both had drinks and then we went out to a party and then my BFF wanted french fries I didn't drink and didn't deviate at all from my plan! I was proud of it and went on to enjoy (but log afterwards) a really decadent Saturday evening. It erased a fair amount of my deficit but I still netted about 3500 cals under maintenance soo wooo hooo. Sunday was mixed...I was a bit hungover but made a pretty omelette with veggies instead of something fatty...but then I ate a bit too much movie popcorn which messed up my macros. So it wasn't perfect, but it was a big improvement from weekends past.

    Now onto a holiday week...I am taking off Thursday and Friday and with that comes lots of eating and drinking. I know I can't manage just 1 'cheat' this week but I really need to keep it under control - I want to do this cut right and I want to prove to myself I can control calories even when relaxing. I think I am going to do 2 cheat meals but I need to keep it more moderate than if I had one. Drinking is going to be the other problem...I am going to only drink 3 times with 1-2 of those times being only 2-3 drinks. This will hopefully help!

    Down about 6 lbs since last Monday, yay!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hello ladies!

    Amy- so jealous of your trip! I need a vacation soooo bad!

    Kate- awesome job on getting through the weekend successfully! you're doing awesome!

    Mama- keep at it and maybe get in some extra stretching to help with the soreness

    Jen-summer is rough, but we gotta have fun and live life also :)

    So I haven't logged anything since Friday and I am not going to start again until next Monday. We have a fest tonight, friends coming over tomorrow to grill out and drink, going to the lake Wednesday and then going to a friends to grill out and watch fireworks, I will be good Thursday and Friday, Saturday I have my sisters graduation party and another get together that night and then the hubby is off Sunday....whew it is going to be an eventful week and I really just don't want to have to think about everything I am putting in my mouth. I need to just enjoy the week. I will still be getting in a few runs and I have 2 weeks left of Chalean Extreme so I will get those workouts in also.

    I think my plan of attack starting next Monday will be very strict calories. Monday thru Friday netting 1200 and then leaving an extra 1000 to spread over the weekend if I want to have drinks or a splurge meal. I am going to do this until I go on vacation the second week in August. So it will basically be a month long cut. I kind of wanted to start Insanity when I am done with Chalean, but not sure if I should do that on such a low cal diet. What do you all think? Or I could do like 30 day shred, it isn't as intense and then start Insanity when I increase my cals a bit after vacation.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Chloe, I think Chalean would be tough on 1200 cals but if you are eating back exercise calories you should do whatever you like, or mix it up-chalean on the weekends for splurging?
    I am looking forward to my vacation, but not sure what I am going to want to try next for exercise-I need something to train for Warrior Dash so I am going to add some running three days per week. For strength I don't know if I should stick with Stronglifts or try something else. thoughts?
    Also, I forgot the 33 burpees yesterday. Will see if I can make them up tonight, but I think in Vegas I will skip it!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Chloe - I don't love the question of exercise cals. I think its very easy to overcompensate for them or feel like a run makes a cupcake go away. I see that a lot on here and have done it myself. I think its a different strokes for different folks things but I am a full converts to calculating TDEE with exercise included and then eating at log, logging exercise as 1 cal because its already accounted for. In the LP material there is a quiz which will give you a great idea of what your multiplier should be. Maybe do that instead of 1200 cals + exercise etc.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I guess I'm going through a leaning phase? Low calories, lots of cardio (walking)? I like that I'm losing weight and all of clothes are fitting better, but I know I need to strength train more!!!

    I hope you all have a fun 4th of July. I have to work :-(. Enjoy Vegas, Amy!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Hello everyone - thanks for all the good food ideas. I needed them - I'm tired of boring foods like greek yogurt, egg whites, protein shakes, etc. Amy, enjoy Vegas. Hope everyone has a great 4th - even if you have to work :( I will be performing at an outdoor arts festival, but there are thunderstorms predicted for the afternoon so we'll see what happens. Thankfully we will have another chance this Saturday morning at another outdoor park and the weather should be good. I am doing a modern piece with a couple of girls who are a lot younger and more well-trained than I am so I am really nervous, but I love to dance so it is worth it.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Kate do you know which section the quiz was in? I haven't had time to read through it all yet.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Chloe - it's in the Fat Loss Troubleshoot on page p. 72 :)

    I posted on my profile about this but what I've noticed is this (get ready for some type A outlining)

    1. People tend to do one of two things:

    - over account for exercise by overestimating their burn and/or compensating mentally (see here just thinking about exercise makes us eat more http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21185895 plus studies that say you are more likely to eat a donut if you just ran 6 miles etc)

    - under account - don't eat exercise calories or eat low levels that don't actually fuel their bodies for the amount of physical activity they undertake (see the girls who eat barely BMR and exercise 50 minutes, netting well under 1000)

    2. None of this account for that tricky BMR thing. When you log an exericse it doesn't account for what you would have already burned. If I burn 61 an hour (estimate) and I weightlift for 1, burning ~350 calories then really my additional burn is only 290 calories. But that's not what I log. This is a small different but one that can bother me. Further, it is near impossible to account for metabolic spikes associated with some activities (like lifting again).

    3. NEAT - non exercise associated thermogenesis. Several things here.

    - Some people have higher NEAT than others. Some work a desk job. Some stand at a desk job (like me with a captain's desk) some people are nurses). Some people just move a lot! Your calories need to reflect this.

    - Trading exercise for NEAT. When you do concerted exercise like going for a run etc. you probably do less other things usually - cook for an hour, walk the dog, run errands. You body compensates for the extra effort. So when exercise time goes up, NEAT tends to go down, especially over time. So logging that exercise seems great until you realize it's still one big trade off.

    The conclusion: Your daily burn is a complicated combination of factors not able to easily reflected in neat categories like BMR + exercise.

    So using MFP's BMR estimations based on your job and logging exercise works for some but it seems the better way, especially for those of us with very small margins of error (women who are already fit for instance) would beto get a really good estimation of TDEE (which includes exercise, NEAT, BMR like the Leigh Peele material ) and then build your maintenance or deficit from that. It's way to account better for all these complicated phenomena and makes more sense to me.

    PS: posting this in the forums to see what people thought, so feel free to ignore my wordiness and endless reflections :)
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Kate- You know I'm with you on a handful of points, after reading LP's material. Thus, why I'm trying to take into consideration many of the points she makes (and you highlighted above). For example, I agree with the +exercise calories (for myself that is) as being a less effective maneuver. Working to get a certain burn, adding in those calories- I had started looking for high burns not necessarily the right workouts. Also, trading exercise for NEAT. Though I'm working to be very conscious of this now a days, I can definitely see how when I started to really hit the gym that worn out feeling may have taken away from some of the daily activities that I used to simply partake in. Hit the gym hard? Eh, the dogs can just play outside instead of my taking them for a walk. Now given that it's summer and I have 2 very active boys...I don't worry so much about this anymore. However, it is a point that i took home and will hold on to moving into the cooler weather. Summer typically equates to 'outside MOVEMENT' simply becoming part of everyday life without making it that way. I also agree that finding TDEE (which is what I'm struggling with now) is imperative at this stage in the game. As I said in a previous post, I'm going to stick with cutting through summer and then focus on narrowing in on these 'unknowns' when the cooler weather rolls in.

    All excellent points and I'm curious to see what others have to say in response to your post on the forums. I do hope a good number of knowledgeable folks hop on and join in the conversation. Too often we throw out simplistic comments 'eat clean, lift heavy', for example when people want to know where to go from point A to get to point B. There's a plethora of factors at play here. As simple as we want to make it seem to people so that none of us lose 'steam', it really isn't cut and dry. You either 'fall into' finding what works for you (which hell, I'd take that in a second) or you search out and implement multiple things until you find what your body responds too. It sure seems like a second job sometimes, but if at the end of the day I'm feeling good about my body. I'm okay with working a part time gig. :wink:

    **edited to attempt to fix grammatical errors- though I'm sure there's still some!**
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Amy- Enjoy Vegas!!!

    Where's Beeps??

    Chloe- How is the non logging going? I'm about a hop and skip away from not logging and not weighing (though I threaten this almost weekly!). With eating the same darn things every day, it's pretty hard to steer of calorie course now a days. Sometimes I wonder if I need to start spicing up my meals just to keep things interesting! lol.

    Abigal- Good luck! Sounds fun- fingers crossed for no rain!!

    Kclynch- Definitely going to say all that extra movement you are doing has got you in a bigger deficit. Hey, it works so work it!!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Non logging is going fine. During the day I eat the same stuff, last night we went to a fest....did a lot of walking split a BBQ brisket meal with my husband, split a small ice cream and had a couple beers. I don't feel guilty and I weighed in this morning and scale is unaffected. I know I am not going to lose this week, way too many cookouts, but my goal is to not go crazy, try everything I want in moderation and not feel guilty about it.

    And I did the activity quiz. So my multiplier is 1.45-1.55. So I multiply that times my BMR (1430) and I get 2075. I am going to subtract 500, which gives me 1575 and I am not going to eat or log exercise cals. During the week I will probably be under this, so I figure I will "bank" those cals for my weekend drinks. I am going to try this out starting Monday and give it at least 4 weeks until I go on mini vacay. Sound like a good plan? Oh and I am going to start Insanity in 2 weeks when I am done with Chalean.