2 week challenge



  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Great job everyone on keeping up with your goals!!!

    Bummer morning for me....forgot my lunch and snacks at home, but I think I did a pretty good job improvising. Check out the diary if you'd like :)

    2 more sessions of Chalean left this week. I took a rest day Monday, I had a fundraiser to go to. And did Chalean yesterday. Plan is to get in 3 5K runs and finish up Chalean by Sunday. Then I am going to start Insanity Monday. No lifting for 2 months, I just want to focus on this program and try to cut as much as possible. Has anyone ever done Insanity here? I'm kinda nervous, it looks pretty intense.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Great progress post, Ashley, it was good to see the side by side. You look great! Also, I had forgotten that you remarried your ex-a lot of living in your 31 years! It's a journey, not a destination, right?
    I did a pilates workout Monday but that's all I've managed to do this week.
    My idea is to start couch to 5k on Saturday, but I am going to start over halfway through, then once I can run 5k again, I am going to use the walk/run method to improve my time, by increasing using a jog/jog faster kind of method. I think I will do strength training twice a week, full body, but not sure if I should do stronglifts or something else. Does anyone want to share their full-body strength training routines? I would appreciate it.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    . Has anyone ever done Insanity here? I'm kinda nervous, it looks pretty intense.

    i did it last April. I loved it...I mean, I hated it, but I loved it. :laugh: It is intense but after mentally getting through the 1st week it was awesome to realize every exercise involved taking less 'catch my breath' time. Lol. There is a pretty awesome Insanity thread on here (I happened to start back then...lol) that is still going on and pretty active. Good luck! I'd love to go another round at it...if i ever get it returned to me!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    do you know what the thread is called? I have seen a few
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    nevermind I found yours :)
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I have no desire to go to the gym. I'm considering calling a 2 day hiatus until the weekend. I don't know what my deal is but I'm EXHAUSTED!! :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: Typically I take Wednesdays off and call it good. But I'm just not feeling it. We'll see what comes of it. But this morning, I definitely set the alarm for an extra hour of sleep and enjoyed every minute of it! 5am and I are not on good terms this week. :tongue:

    Chloe- Glad you found it. It seems to stay busy. The thread even has some of the people who completed it when I did still on it-offering advice or repeating the program. There were a group of us (about 8-10) that all started it at the same time and going through it with some people definitely helped me. I was just getting back into REALLY working out and the support was awesome.

    I've been able to keep my carbs in check for this 2 weeks challenge. I've only actually hit 106 2x this week, I believe. Other than that I've stayed under and still hit my protein (which, of course is easy when you replace grains with chicken...lol.) I can feel the desire to eat something naughty popping up but I'm trying to fight through it! The girl outside my office ate chinese for the 2nd time this week yesterday and I about clipped my nose with a clothes pin. It smells so good but I know it won't do me any good. So I text DH and he talked me off the cliff...lol and I stuck to my meals. Calorie deficit + controlled carbs kinda sucks! :laugh:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I'm with you Reese. Between my baby being up 3 times a night and the wine I drank last night, I'm whooped. I'm also feeling a bit overwhelmed this week. Last night I got home from work, had a little down/cuddle time with my family and then was non stop (unload/load dishwasher, make bottles, make fruit salsa, etc. etc. etc) untill I had friends come over at 6:30 for dinner and hot tubbing. (Our deck is done! Yipee! Well except for staining....ugh). I have only done one run and one yoga class this week. I'll see how I feel today; I had plans for kettlebells, but I'm not sure. Friday I have off so I'll get in a run and something else.

    I weighed myself this morning as it is my official weigh in day and the scale read 129.5! First time in the 120's in FOREVER! I don't think I will log it as such as I am fairly certain the bottle of wine I drank last night dehydrated me a tad. Since I got a 130.5, 131.5 and 129.5, I think I'll call it 130.5 this week which I think is "officially" a loss. So yay. My diet started out strong this week, and I actually ate relatively well last night (salmon with fruit salso and quinoa...wow that;s good stuff), but of course I drank about 460 calories. I may actually have not gone that far over. OK, sorry, I'm rambling. A little hungover and not wanting to work. Have a great day all.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Oh fruit salsa and salmon sounds amazing!! I had salmon last night and was wishing I had some sort of topping to put on it. Do you have a recipe?

    I am with everybody on the whole being tired thing too. Last night I worked out and made dinner and the hubs worked late, so I laid down to catch up on some tv and passed out! Woke up a half hour later starving! Ate a fiber one bar and a bunch of fruit, could have been worse I guess. But, I hadn't pre planned it and that in combination with forgetting all my snacks and lunch yesterday I was over and way over on carbs.

    My run kinda sucked last night, it was pretty hot. But, I did it anyways. Tonight is Chalean and maybe I will squeeze in a short run. I plan on running tomorrow before work because I get off at noon and then we are going to the lake. I'm sure we will be having some drinks, so I will bring my MGD 64 and fruit to snack on so I stay away from all the chips and stuff like that.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Reese - take a break! If you are super tired nothing wrong with regaining a little energy. its good to stick to a schedule but listen to your body too! Nice job on the carbs and I see you on the chinese food - I see my coworkers french fries or dessert sometimes and its killer. C'est la vie...there is a stage in this cut where for one week I am at 50% carbs...50%! I am already looking forward to the wheat pizzas :)

    Ashley - congrats on the scale!!! That's fantastic news! :) Alcohol or not, that's what you weighed this morning, I'd take it!

    Chloe - one day on carbs is no biggie! You did your best with what you had, that's the important part. And I cannot run in the heat...I am SO much more sluggish in it! Good for you for going anyways.

    As for me, great few days so far. I love stage 6 so far (25-35 with higher intensity, a nice change up!) and I've been good on good! I was admiring this week my move towards 'clean' eating - I've replace the at work greek yogurt with plain natural kind from home and finally bought natural peanut butter too. I have my day logged and 4 beers in reserve for tonight's kickball party. I feel happy with the compromise and am looking forward to my event tomorrow. I have two rent the runway dresses coming tonight to decide from (it's a Summer White Party on the lawn of the art gallery) so I am generally a happy camper...minus the damned scale. I actually think mine may be broken? I know that sounds goofy but it keeps weighing me at different things when I move it around and put me up to 149.4 this morning after 144.4 yesterday with relatively low sodium, cardio, and not going over?

    PS changed the photo, I'm sure you ladies would appreciate it :)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Oh fruit salsa and salmon sounds amazing!! I had salmon last night and was wishing I had some sort of topping to put on it. Do you have a recipe?

    I just take a mango and peel and chop it, 1/2 avacado (you could use whole), and whatever other RIPE fruit I have around. Last night it was 2 kiwis; the other week it was a peach. I squeeze the juice of 1/2 - 1 lime and add a little salt. Last time I made it with cilantro, but lat night I took about 5 fresh basil leaves off my plant and made a chiffonade and I like the basil better. I make it about an hour before I eat it and leave it on the counter to let the flavors mesh. I have been in love with summer fruits and veggies lately.

    BTW, my absolute favorite calorie free, I think underutilized, ingredient to season with is citrus. I buy lemons and limes by the bag and always have them on hand. Fresh orange juice is good too. Last night I put lime zest, fresh orange juice, a little rice wine vinegar (I love vinegars too), chili powder, cumin, and pepper in my plain quinoa. It was yummy.

    I'm hungry.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I am hungry too, there is a Farmer's Market and food trucks calling to me!
    I did another pilates video last night, that is a tough workout!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    I echo EVERYONE on here who is EXHAUSTED. I only had 4 hours sleep last night (HUGE thunderstorms/hail hit our area 1:00 - 4:30 am!).

    And, I can one-up you, too....I won't work-out today due to exhaustion AND my work is piling up too much PLUS, I'm having a teen burger for lunch that my assistant ran out to get me.

    Diet root beer to go with it.


    I'm not even logging today - it's THAT BAD.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!

    What a *great* day! I slept very well - had a million dreams!

    I'm going to lift heavy today. I'm going to leave the office at 4:00. And we are having about 18 people over for BBQ/drinks this evening....my nanny is doing all the food prep while I work!

    I'm excited!

    (Oh, and I actually won't be drinking....I have my long cardio- session tomorrow and I really want to get it in, without any excuses.)

    Diet coke it is!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Well, I had the bbq chicken pizza at the Farmer's market but a light taco salad for dinner.
    Had oatmeal for breakfast, then the boss brought donuts but I only had half of one, so that is something...
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Did my Chalean workout last night, despite having a terrible headache when I left work. Only one left until I finish the program! Cheated and did measurements last night....only thing that changed was one inch off my legs, which is my "problem area", my butt is my other problem area and although the measurements didn't change it does feel firmer :) Tried to get up to run this morning, but the headache was still there, so I decided to sleep another hour. I will finish Chalean tomorrow and do a 5K run and do another 5K on Sunday I promise :)

    Going to just have fun this weekend and start my cut on Monday. I already planned out Monday. Trying to keep carbs below 100 grams. And if I stick with that menu it is definitely doable. Also starting Insanity Monday and I have my 5K Thursday evening which should be fun.

    Ashley- thanks for the salsa ideas, sounds delicious

    I cannot wait to get out of work and lay on a raft in the lake, it is beautiful out here today! Have a great weekend ladies!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    enjoy your weekend, Chloe, I look forward to seeing how you keep carbs under 100. I had heard that can be really helpful in eliminating belly fat too.
    Enjoy your BBQ and weekend too, Beeps, you are a better person than I-not drinking at a BBQ!
    I am walking a 5k with a friend on Sunday, she has a rare disease that affects the lungs.
    I have another friend coming to jog with me on Monday, so I should be able to get my cardio in next week, will add a couple of strength training sessions and although I will try to eat better I am not going to be trying for a deficit.
    Where's Kate? I was wondering, how long should cutting last?
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Here I am! Happy Friday! :)

    Amy - I've read a cut should last at most 12 weeks and that generally every 8-12 weeks you should take a full rest week and eat at maintenance (the second is LP). Mine is 12 weeks total. I am about to finish week 3 and so 25% in.

    I know I've lost inches and weight (so it seems, broken scale theory has been confirmed. getting a new one this weekend). I am going to hopefully get caliper tested next week. I have a measurement from a week before the cut started so that should do! So far so good.

    Chloe - good luck wiht your cut! Where did the 100 g number come from? That's a challenge!

    Beeps - glad feeling more rested!

    Did my workout today and was really wiped. Not my best. But that's what eating in a deficit will do sometimes! Next week is rest week with only recovery but...dun dun dun...1330 cals and 50% from protein! Yikes. Looks like I am going to be force feeding myself chicken :) At least it's only one week! Tonight is my non adherent night. I have a party and a dress and I have to say. Yesterday I was looking lean and toned!! Which is big for me to actually recognize! Onwards and upwards
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Did my workout today and was really wiped. Not my best. But that's what eating in a deficit will do sometimes! Next week is rest week with only recovery but...dun dun dun...1330 cals and 50% from protein! Yikes. Looks like I am going to be force feeding myself chicken :)

    I just had to quote this because I could have written it today...sub the particular deficit #s with mine. I definitely think I may turn into a chicken or turkey with eating low carb. Plus the deficit with trying to accomplish 101 things at home on my day off and then trying to get in a hard core workout to make up for the missed one yesterday = epic fail. Okay maybe not DURING the workout but I may not accomplish a damn thing from here on out and it's only 5pm. The calorie deficit definitely has me running on fumes right now-so I can totally relate Kate!

    Chloe- I'm on the low carb bandwagon (this week..lol, just kidding!). It gets me to eat more veggies +1, to my surprise keeps me 'regular' which never happens, and forces me to really think twice about veering off my 'planned meals' since it's a lot harder to convince yourself 'ooohhh I can choose something healthy at XX restraunt' when you are eating low carb + low calorie. LoL.

    Amy- Enjoy your walk. Sounds like fun and a good cause!!

    I cooked up some of Jamie Eason's turkey muffins, my goodness those things have been a godsend. And I threw together 1/2 pacakge of cupcakes for DH and the kids (secretly so I could combine 1/2 box of angel food cake with 1/2 package of Devil's food cake to try out Amy's 3-2-1 cake idea this weekend!) It's going to be a busy one for me. DH is playing vball all weekend so it's just me and the kids. I've been cleaning the downstairs and outside today because tomorrow I have to wrangle these two (adorable) yahoos and try to overhaul upstairs. It's been too hot to be outside during 'peak' hours so it's prime time to get this house ready for back to school (aka clear out those darn closests). I think I desire to add 'mamareese burned 4 calories...' if I accomplish this to do list this weekend. :laugh: Have a great one all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    Okay, I *did* get my work-out in, but only made it through 3 sets (not 4, as required) - too pooped!

    Oh, and I lost in court, today, so screw the "not drinking" thing....I had to skip my lunch (to get my work-out in) and I'm DEFINITELY going to have a couple drinks tonight!

    I'll just make sure it's rum and diet coke....only 60 calories (each), baby!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    You can tell we're all weekend warriors. :)

    I had an okay week overall last week. I got 1 of 2 runs in, 1 of 2 kettlebells, and did not do HIIT. I also walked quite a bit. My butt and legs are still sore from my Friday KB workout but my upper body did not feel it at all, so I think I'm going to sub 1 KB workout for some upper body strength stuff. My lower body is looking pretty good these days, but my arms need some work still.

    Eating wise I did ok too. I didn't log at all this weekend and drank all day Saturday, but wasn't totally trashed by the end of the day. I also ate very little, walked a lot and danced some. Yesterday we did tons of work on the deck so I actually don't feel like a blob today.

    I'm going to do my best on my workouts this week, but deck and cleaning for company may take a little priority. I can control my eating and drinking, so I'll try to focus on that. No drinks till Wednesday for me. Maybe even Thursday; I'll have to see what we have going on.