2 week challenge



  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ok, I am back full force. I feel like the past month I have slacked ridiculously. We have a vacation with my husbands family at their lakehouse in 3 weeks and my mission is to really be as strict as possible with my diet and keep drinking in check. I am starting Insanity this evening and I have my race on Thursday. I already have me diary prelogged through Thursday.

    Kate- I think I just figured out my cal goal with the TDEE formula and I believe I set my macros for 35% carbs/25% fat/40%protein....just something to shoot for. The lower my carbs are the better I feel, it really makes a difference with me.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    I hear you mama! I also just cooked up a large batch of muffins (5 lbs of ground turkey to be exact :)

    Chloe - glad to hear you're back! That's what I was eating the last 3 weeks (or when I was being good anyways...)

    Well...I'm frustrated with myself I had another loosey goosey weekend sort of eating whatever. Sigh. I think I need to set up incentives and once again, plan better. I am going on a canoe trip this weekend so I will be active and can plan for that. I'll have my 'cheat' meal Saturday so I can have a few beers on the river but stick with super high protein. No real exercise this week but I have to manage to eat 166 g of protein and 67 g of carbs...so it's going to be a challenge.

    I'm going to sit down and think about something I really want and figure out how well I need to do to buy it at the end of this. At least I got all my exercise sessions in.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    It sounds like everyone had a good break away from mfp this weekend....myself included! We hosted a big party on Friday night and I only had 2 drinks! (But, I ate TONS of potato chips!) Saturday I went for a 90-minute hill-hike and then I vegitated all day. Ate very little. Drank tons of water. And then Sunday I didn't do too much.

    Now that it's the second half of the month, I'm going to pay closer attention to my nutrtion plan (again):

    1. get in all my protein
    2. lift 2 x per week, but get in at least 2 cardio sessions, too.
    3. elimminate bad carbs altogether.....carb induction flu will hit me, but then I'll feel SO much better and all the bad carb cravings will subside!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Oops yes. 2 week challenge! I am going to do a one week challenge since my current cal levels/macro/plan only extends 1 week then it changes.

    1. Hit macros/cals every day but 1. This is tough so there's a *little* wiggle room. But not tons.
    Edit: forgot I had a fundraiser Thursday...I get 2-3 beers for that. No food bar though!
    2. Do 4 recovery sessions.
    3. Plan all my meals for the canoe trip so that Friday and and Sunday I am "on". Saturday, I want to stick on plan for the most part with the addition of a bit of beer and in the evening some extra food items.

    Also ordered a new scale today!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    I'M BACK!!!! And I am happy to say my head is screwed on and bolted tight! I had a breakdown last Wednesday night and my hubby talked me through it all. He said he would log with me and for the next 4 weeks we will be doing this together. I think the non routine of summer just got to me and I lost sight of the big picture. He brought me back from wherever I was and the old Jen has found her mojo again!!! (how many times have I said "I'm back" this summer?!?!) But this is it!

    I've read through the posts on this page only (y'all have been busy!) and I continue to be inspired and motivated by you all!!!

    Beeps - sorry about court :frown: But great job sticking to 2 low cal drinks!! Glad you enjoyed your party, your break and great looking goals!

    Ashley - sounds like you had a fun active weekend! Way to have a plan for the week, but way to know you have to be flexible for the week's events!

    Mama- I was gonna make the muffins yesterday, and just ended up cooking the meat for lunch and dinner, lol!! And I need to get my closets ready for back to school too!! Hope you got to cross off all the things on your to-do list!

    Kate- Are you following a cutting program from LP? I noticed you have different macros throughout your cutting stage...this interests me :happy: I understand your frustration but think the incentive thing can be a great motivator!! Great job getting in all your exercise! The food seems to be the most difficult for me when my head isn't in the game :grumble:

    My meals are all planned our for the week, I posted them on my wall yesterday and I am so excited to make/eat them, lol!! I stepped on the scale this morning and will record my wait, a whopping 120.6!!!! :sad: and just to think, I was at 114.6 like 2 or 3 weeks ago...SMH. But, my body responds so quickly when I'm on track, I have the utmost confidence I will lose it quickly ( I have to tell myself this :tongue: )

    So here are my goals"
    1. Stay under cals (at a deficit, officially cutting)
    2. Carb cycle (low 75-100, med 100-125 med, high 125-175)
    3. Min 3 strength training, 2 HIIT sessions, minimum 15 min (in addition to the classes I teach)

    GAME ON!!!!! Let's do this!!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I guess I didn't officially post my goals for this week/2 weeks either.

    1. Kettlebell workout 1x
    2. Upper body strength 1x
    3. HIIT 1x
    4. Run 2x
    5. Keep drinking "in check" (I just remembered we have a family get together Tuesday so there goes my plan to stay dry till Wednesday.)

    Jen - your menu looked fantastic! I am interested to see how your carb cycling goes. I may be interested in this at some point. I eat a lot of carbs. Once I quit nursing and need to cut the calories out, I may look into this.

    Great goals everyone!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I've just been lurking today. After 2 weeks of great days, Sunday was an epic fail and the results spoke for themselves this morning for weigh in. I cannot get it together for a prolonged period of time.

    I think, at least this is my way of thinking right now, that trying to 'kill workouts' and trying to 'diet down' at the same time is just wearing me out to no avail. I took an extra rest day last week but then felt guilty and tried to make up for it the next day. Same with Saturday so by Sunday I felt like I was running on fumes. Maybe it's mental but I think I have to pick one to really focus on and for me with needing to drop fat. I'm going to go with 'diet' since I've been trying to focus on workouts to get to where I want to go. I reread the LP material today and reset my macros, dropping my calorie intake (sadly) even lower. As a result of this, I am just going to go with her workouts since they are 'lower' (so to speak) than what I have been doing. With a significant cut, I just don't feel like I have enough in me to go at the Body Transformation program (which does mean I'm cutting it 1.5 weeks short, yea yea...I know). But it's either that or I plummet into being run down and just giving in to a crappy mindset.

    I feel like at this point, I've been so headstrong about keeping my positivity through seeing the 'gains' at the gym that I'm missing the boat. As great as progressing with weights is, it isn't impacting my weight or measurements. Diet is what's going to do that. And I can't bang out the schedule I have on such a 'cut'. God bless any of you who can! I wish I could!! I feel slightly like I'm going back on what I had planned with wanting to complete a program. But after weeks of not seeing much progression anywhere, what's the point of checking of a program if at the end the results aren't what I'm looking for?


    Everyone's goals look great. And all the yummy cooking around here has me eager to get back into the kitchen and keep my meal prepping going!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Weekend warriors is right, Ashley, if you mean we all go away/stop logging/and eat whatever...
    But, like Jen, I am back, and feeling good about this week. I am going to alternate jogging and strength training with only one rest day each week, I think this week it will be Saturday because we are having a bike and brews thing with friends, so I will be exercising.
    Kate, enjoy your week of not exercising and hitting your macros-5 lbs of turkey, yikes! and I hope your new scale is nice to you:)
    Reese, one day out of 14 is awesome, don't beat yourself up about that, it's better than 90% so if the scale was up it was likely water weight.
    I am going to focus on getting my workouts on track this week and then try for better eating next week, I need to warm up!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Yes Amy, that's what I meant. :)

    Reese, don't be hard on yourself. Sounds like you have it figured out.

    I forgot I need yoga 1x on my schedule. That means I'm changing my run to 1-2x. I'm just trying to be realistic.....6 workouts (albeit some of them short) over 7 days during my "long" work week AND friend in town for the weekend AND taking a short road trip... yeah.

    Interesting website I saw on a thread. http://www.mybodygallery.com/index.html Since we talk about weight and numbers all the time, you can type in stats and see photos of real people. Interesting......
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    You know why you are supposed to stick with plans? Because the scale sucks...I apparently lost 5lb since 5am this morning. LoL. :laugh: So now @ 5pm I'm actually weighin in 1.5lbs less than last weigh in. So do I change plan or stay the course? I have no friggin' idea!! :tongue:

    Ashley- I've seen the website. Interesting. It's amazing how different 2 people with the 'same stats' can look...

    Amy- Thanks...we are our own worst critic. That's why I need to take a 12 hour breather before I start venting. :laugh:
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Ashley, thanks for the website...will have to check it out!

    Amy, are you following any particular programs? Sorry if I missed that!

    Mama, lol! Ya see how crazy that damn scale makes us!?!?! Glad to see the day ended more positively for you :)

    Day one was a success. Got in weights, cardio and stuck to my menu. Lunch was a mock of Trader Joe's Kale and Edamame Bistro salad, I added ground chicken. And dinner was Basil lime chicken with lemon parmesan broccoli and bella mushrooms. Tomorrow and wed I have to stay under 100 grams of crabs, so we will see how that pans out!!

    Goodnight ladies!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I did my HIIT last night and I was dripping sweat. Good stuff. I can feel it this morning too. Jen, that's funny, I also tried to mimic a dish; it's one my husband gets at one of our favorite restaurants. It's a cold soba noodle salad he gets with chicken and I made a cold Asian noodle salad with whole wheat thin spaghetti, chicken, jicama, cucumber, carrots with a sasame, ginger, lime, peanut sauce. I love talking about food.

    Tonight is upper body strenght if I feel up to it. I have to get a cavity filled. And another next week! I'm 31 years old and still getting cavities. WTF. I have bad tooth anatomy.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ashley- Funny you say that about cavities and tooth anatomy.....I went to the dentist yesterday, which is almost always a pleasant experience for me, they usually just go on about what great teeth I have. But, yesterday they said my teeth will never be my problem, but I have bad gums. Of course its always something, right! And I have seen that website before, very interesting.

    Jen- so glad to have you back with us, I missed your motivational words!

    Mama- 5Lbs is one day!!! Scales are so ridiculous!

    Stuck with planned diet yesterday and it felt great! Have the whole day planned today. Did the Insanity Fit Test yesterday and I am actually a little sore from it. Oh boy what did I get myself into!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Jen - glad to have you back! Don't sweat it...I have done the same thing. "I'm back. Wait, no I'm not. Now I'm back!" We know you'll come back eventually! It's nice your husband is so supportive. My BF is supportive but not to the point he will log with me...he just doesn't have the same goal (read: perfectionism) I have.

    Ashley - nice goals and glad your HIIT felt good! Your workout schedule is busy! And yes, I like that website. It makes a great point about body types and how stats don't tell the whole story. I wish they had body fat percentages :) I actually wish the entire world paid more attention to BF. Doctors should be telling us this. I've read multiple trainers say its one of the best indicators of overall health (along with strength).

    Reese - I think you do you have to make some tough choices. You can't expect your body to perform the same under a deficit (esp with low carb) as you would otherwise. Just remember - be kind to your body! That might mean tough love but that also means taking it easy sometimes. LP has full rest weeks after the first 3 weeks of the cut and again after 4 weeks. I can feel that I needed it this week already. Save the strength gains for maintenance time, for now, just maintain your muscle.

    Amy - haha, weekend warring against our diets sounds about right. Great point about 90%! I need to remind myself of that! Even if I only count 3 meals a day (I really have 4 including afternoon snack) I am at 90% compliance if I only do 2 cheat meals. I think its a good idea to shoot for 1 since I like to go nuts but it means its still in diet if I go off another day too :) And congrats on the 5 lbs loss.

    Chloe - Well done with the diet and good luck with insanity! I tried a few sessions but because my wrist bothers me consistently (putting weight on it in a push up or plank position results in pain later, I have to use dumbbells for push ups) it was not the program for me. Amazing metabolic conditioning though!

    As for me, day 1 of hard diet down and successful! I have almost the whole week planned (even close to prelogged) and I committed to this. If I can do the next 9 weeks meeting my goal (which is NOT perfect weeks but weeks with realistic goals I'm happy with and 90% compliance) then I am going to buy myself a body media fit. This should help combat the weekend apathy since I think they're the neatest gadget ever. Also posted a new pic from my party Friday...I got tons of compliments on the dress!

    Also - I was day dreaming yesterday about my goal body fat (leave me alone, I'm weird, okay?) and the clothes and whatever and I thought about how great it will be to eat maintenance and not be trying to lose anymore. To actually feel like I'm near where I want to be. It was sort an inspiring thought. A world where I have room for more foods and discretionary calories and one where I am 100% fueled for workouts. This is why I need to commit to lose now. So in September and over the fall I can relax and maintain and maybe even 'bulk' over the holidays (aka eat at a small surplus and gain some muscle). Lovely thoughts.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Grrr...just lost my entire post. *frustrated!*

    Let's see if I can recap since that last one was lengthy!

    Kate- You look fabulous in the dress- it's beautiful and you look amazing in it. I think that setting up a detailed plan is a huge step in staying in line with a cut. Knowing that you've put forth the effort to set up a plan of action makes veering off course a little less tempting. Also, I think we all must be a bunch of odd balls since I don't find day dreaming about goal BF weird at all!!

    Jen- I love when you come back! It's like Christmas! :wink: When you come back, you come back IN FULL BEAST MODE. And I love it. I saw your updates on the wall and already you are killing it. It's got to feel good. I know you could kick butt without MFP and this board but I am so glad that you drop back in with us to keep us all motivated with you!!

    Ashley-You are doing amazing with those HIIT workouts. Gotta be pretty nice to know you created your own 'kick *kitten*' workout. :laugh:

    Chloe- Keep on rockin' that Insanity. I know you'll love it by the end!! It's rough but I can't wait to hear your thoughts as you progress through the program!!

    Beeps- Sounds like you enjoyed your weekend!! Time for us to kick it back into high gear and knock our goals out of the park.

    Amy-How did the 5k go?

    As for me, well I stuck with the BTP plan after my vent session last night. I am going to keep my macros set to the recommendations from LP's material. While still keeping an eye on what carbs I do choose to fit that %. I like the BTP plan (not that LP's doesn't look good...but I could get away with doing that at home and having a free membership at the gym thru Sept. makes me want to USE it!) So flaky here is going to stick it out. I am not going to beat myself over the head if I don't KILL every workout, but I may if I don't adhere to the diet plan. :tongue: Right now, I need to mentally focus in on dieting down and supplementing with workouts. Not visa versa. As Kate said (and thanks for that), maintaining muscles while losing is going to be the goal.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Nice to read everyone's plans....this group, of all the groups I participate in, is *very* serious about working towards goals, tweeking things that don't seem to be working well, and *forgiveness* when things don't go "according to plan".

    For me, this is day 2 of my carb-reduction....and I expect I'll go into full carb-induction-flu mode. Blech. But, 3 days after this, I'll be out the other side and ALL of those cravings for BAD CARBS will go away. For me, this is key. As soon as I start ingesting bad carbs, I just want more-and-more-and-more of them. So, I just have to reduce my carb-intake, big time, and try very hard to ONLY ingest good carbs. (Which is tough for me - I don't like fruit very much, and there's only so much veggies I can take before I say "enough"!!)

    I'm also going to go and lift, today. I haven't lifted since Friday - so it is time. I am only trying to maintain the muscle I have (at this point), not gain any, because there just is NO point in trying to up the weights (very much) in Stage 7 of NROL4W.....the 'circuit-style' takes all the energy I have!

    This weekend is a travel weekend, so I really want to have eliminated my carb cravings by that time, so that when I am in all the various restaurants, I can make a "salad with grilled chicken" choice EVERY SINGLE TIME.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Oh, and I'm going to start logging again, today. I took about 2 weeks off from logging food/exercise, and now that the "scale" is about 2 weeks away, I want to make sure I'm on-plan nutrition-wise.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Great post from Steve - it reminded me of all of us! http://body-improvements.com/2012/07/16/fitness-that-fits-you/
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Amy - haha, weekend warring against our diets sounds about right. Great point about 90%! I need to remind myself of that! Even if I only count 3 meals a day (I really have 4 including afternoon snack) I am at 90% compliance if I only do 2 cheat meals. I think its a good idea to shoot for 1 since I like to go nuts but it means its still in diet if I go off another day too :) And congrats on the 5 lbs loss.

    Also - I was day dreaming yesterday about my goal body fat (leave me alone, I'm weird, okay?) and the clothes and whatever and I thought about how great it will be to eat maintenance and not be trying to lose anymore. To actually feel like I'm near where I want to be. It was sort an inspiring thought. A world where I have room for more foods and discretionary calories and one where I am 100% fueled for workouts. This is why I need to commit to lose now. So in September and over the fall I can relax and maintain and maybe even 'bulk' over the holidays (aka eat at a small surplus and gain some muscle). Lovely thoughts.

    Ha, you read too fast, cuz I have not lost 5 lbs and I haven't even weighed, I don't wanna!
    And I think bulking over the holidays sounds like a fabulous idea!
    Your dress looks great, you look great, love the white party, how pretty!

    The 5k was just walking and not very fast!

    Jen, my plan right now is to jog 3 times per week, strength train twice (Stronglifts) and then do Spartacus once a week because I think it is a good cardio workout for warrior dash.

    Kate, I also read Steve's post, and it was good. I can't complain about not having enough time, I am not very busy:) no excuses. But I am trying to get into work earlier cuz leaving earlier means I am more likely to work out. And I like rigid programs, like Jamie Eason and even Stronglifts (although it was not much of a time committment-3 days per week and only 3 exercises with 5 sets of 5 reps) but I can see how it's easy to get derailed and give up.
    In fact, I forgot about the burpee challenge, seriously, after vegas I just didn't think about it!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I'm with you on the rigid programs. I like having a calendar and knowing exactly what workout I have to do that day.

    Sometimes I wish we all lived near each other, we would probably all have alot of fun with our crazy Type A personalities :happy: