2 week challenge



  • SarahClag
    SarahClag Posts: 32 Member
    Hi girls! I'd love to jump in on this 2 week challenge thing. Is it something you do every 2 weeks? I'm noticing changes in my body since I started in March, but not really weight loss. Haven't measured fat loss, but would love to! Anyway, I have a looming deadline. My boyfriend comes back from a overseas deployment in about a month and a half. I want to be as perfect as I possibly can. Currently in stage 2 of NROL. I would love to have these 2 week challenges to keep me accountable and baby-step it!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hi girls! I'd love to jump in on this 2 week challenge thing. Is it something you do every 2 weeks? I'm noticing changes in my body since I started in March, but not really weight loss. Haven't measured fat loss, but would love to! Anyway, I have a looming deadline. My boyfriend comes back from a overseas deployment in about a month and a half. I want to be as perfect as I possibly can. Currently in stage 2 of NROL. I would love to have these 2 week challenges to keep me accountable and baby-step it!

    Hi Sarah! Glad you decided to post! This is a long running group. We do 2 week challenges (but keep on our own schedules mostly) and just chat and support each other!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    welcome, Sarah! Just let us know what you want to focus on for two weeks and let us know how you're doing:happy:
  • SarahClag
    SarahClag Posts: 32 Member
    OK Thanks!! I should add that I'm dealing with a slight mystery: this past week I'm up about 3-4 lbs (near back to where I started in March. Have still lost size(s) overall...past week, though, feeling pudgier). I have not been being super strict about eating (I HAVE worked out), but I know it's not possible to really gain that much in such a short time, so I'm convinced it's water. I can't, however, account for it! If it was sodium intake, I would think it would have just lasted a day or two. It's not TOM either.... maybe still muscles holding water? Oh well! bodies do crazy things. Just want to make sure I'm doing everything I can!! Sort of a personal challenge.
    A few people have said maybe I'm not eating enough (I'm at 1500 cals and logging exercise as 1 cal). I have been going over on some days. Also- the 1500 is a temporary thing. Thoughts?

    ....So, I'm Sarah! I'd love for you to introduce yourself/briefly tell me your goal(s) if you want to!! :-) My goal is to push myself very hard in Stage 2, and eat clean with good macros! I also want to do a long run this weekend (training for a 1/2 marathon in early sept!)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey Sarah. Sounds like this is the group for you!

    I'm Ashley. My goal initially on MFP was to lose those last stubborn 10 pounds. Then I had a baby 6 months ago and I have lost that weight and then some so now I am trying to tone up, especially in the belly area. I'm starting 6 week 6 pack today. Welcome!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Good morning all!

    Did my 2 week progress measurements (though it seems like I just did the last ones!). More losses overall - but stayed the same and my bust area was a big bigger (TOM I think) but I had losses on my thighs, waist, hips, pouch and arms. My waist and arms tend to be especially stubborn so it's nice to see a loss here. Overall, went down another 2 inches so I'm down 8 inches in total - not too shabby for 4 weeks! Everything is trending in the right direction right now so it's just a matter of continuing to stay on plan! I am in Boston for four 4 days next week so I will have to extra proactive! I wonder what airport security will think of turkey muffins...
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Nice job Kate! You're doing really great.

    I did 6w6p last night and it was good. I took pics and measurements also. I was challenged; I had to do the "easy" way on some moves, like spider planks. I did not do the pushups. I'm surprised I'm not a little more sore today although my abs are sore. I wish it was a teensy bit shorter. Had I completed the entire "cool down" it would have been about 35 minutes. I think I'll do my own express cool down whie Jillian is talking about "giving yourself a moment to appreciate the work you have done for yourself". So I plan on doing another round today after work and shooting for a morning run (it's in the high 90's this week) tomorrow. I'm off the next 2 days so I'll be following along but probably not responding. Hope you're all having a good week!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    chui - NICELY DONE! I'm very proud of you....you are onto something that is working very well for you.

    Ashley - you have just started this program - I expect it will get "shorter" as you get more comfortable with the moves, the order of the moves, etc. Good for you for "sore abs" - my abs are almost never sore, yet I know I'm working them!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Sarah-Wecome! Glad to have you on board! My quick intro is 30y/o, Mom of 2 boys, wife of 1 handsome hubs...working on those dreaded last 8-10lbs but more importantly focusing on lowering BF% and tightening up over all. Doing that with 6 days of work outs, following LP's calorie deficits like Kate (chuisle) and trying to be consistent!!

    Ashley- Great job with the 6w6p...that is the good thing about JM - she offers variations, which is always appreciated!! Great job!

    Kate- WOW WOW WOW! You are rockin' the losses! That's great news!! Keepin your body guessing and pushing it hard. Awesome!

    I rocked the upper workout yesterday followed by some glute work. Yep, glutes! LoL. Read that 2-3x a week of glute training is effective so figure I can throw some extra moves in at the end of certain days that won't be overkill. It felt good to be sore this AM. Not so much during my AM workout or the HIIT workout but, that's the point right?! Keep pushing forward. Made lots of good eats for myself and DH last night (think I burned off a days worth of calories just being in the sweltering kitchen! :wink: ) It was hot enough, even the dogs who love to be at my feet during cooking sessions avoided the whole scene. I do need to make my own protein bars, anyone ever found a decent recipe? I could just make the protein blondies, but I'm not sure DH will share his protein since he's running low...lol.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    My "stats"
    My name is Amy, I hate my "username" but haven't bothered to change it to something interesting.
    I'm 5'4" and was 115 the last time I got on the scale. I was trying to build muscle, using Stronglifts, but then I signed up for Warrior Dash, a 5k obstacle course, and that's in 4 weeks, so I am trying to get into decent enough cardio-vascular shape to do it. I am now following the warrior cardio training plan for beginners.
    Last night did the speed work and tonight is cross-train, so I am thinking Spartacus, but I don't know...
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Jen, great job keeping up with your goals

    Beeps, I am with you on the pasta. It is not worth eating the whole wheat kind since it is so gross, so i just try to stay away from it in general.

    Sarah, welcome! This is a great group to help keep you motivated and get great tips on fitness as well as diet, which happens to be my biggest struggle. I love to exercise, but I also love to eat!

    Kate, well done! glad to hear about your progress

    Amy, good goals to help you with endurance for your dash

    Chloe, I am also struggling over the summer months and think that it wil be much easier to get back on track in the fall. I am having some real trouble with childcare right now, but the kids will both be in private school full time in the fall.

    Hiking on Sunday was great. The kids kept up and it was actually a little easy for them so I think we'll take it up a notch next time.
    The heat is back, so no running last night or tonight and I go stuck at work so no weights at the gym. I'll probably just crank the AC and pop in a P90X DVD tonight. Have a great rest of the week everyone!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Kate- Fabulous progress!! Your hard work is paying off! So excited for you! I’m sure you will continue to be successful next week! :)

    Ashley – Great job getting through your first 6W6P workout! I’m sure you will progress to more difficult moves quickly! Enjoy your days off!

    Beeps – How’s it going, lady?!!?

    Reese – You go girl, working those glutes!! You will see results fast I’m sure ;) What did ya cook? I’m baking some stuff tomorrow, I’ll let you know if anything pans out.

    Amy – How did the speedwork go?

    Abigail - Glad the hike with the kiddos was good! Crank up that AC, the fitness room last night was 92 degrees when I walked in :p

    I’m doing great. Staying focused and sticking to the plan (except went over just wee bit on the fat grams today because of peanut butter :p) I am going camping Thurs-Sun, so I planned out my workouts and food. I’ve already completed 2/3 weight sessions, tomorrow is HIIT, Thurs morn last weight session, in the evening I’m driving back to teach my class, Friday is rest and Sat at the campground I’ll run suicides for my 2nd HIIT session. Tomorrow I’m baking some protein muffins, energy balls and meat muffins. I have a menu planned out so I don’t ruin my current streak!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Ashley - nice job on the new workout - and Beeps is totally right. You'll get a lot faster at it once you know the drilol. I feel you on the heat...3rd day of 100+ temperature and we should have a break tomorrow at 92!

    Beeps - Thanks! it is working well. It's nothing shocking - it's 6 days of work outs, strict macros and staying on my diet. Isn't it funny how we know what we have to do yet don't do it so often? Human nature I suppose. I'm a bit nervous because I'm at the low end of where I usually get in terms of measurements and weight....so I'm worried progress is going to stall which just all the more reason to work hard. How's stage 7? You must getting closer to done!

    Reese - great job on the work out! Arms and glutes is sort of a fun combination :) I always find it funny when my glutes, and truly my glutes are sore. There's a muscle deep in there that when it gets sore and I have my bf massage it makes me yelp! Barbell lunges get that for me. I've heard good things about Jamie Eason's protein bars but never made them!

    Abigail - good job adjusting. Sometimes I feel guilty when the weather is nice and I hit the gym instead of going outside but this time of year makes me grateful I work out indoors!

    Way to go on the planning Jen! Can I request your recipes on all of those things? Sounds awesome. You've got this week locked down!

    All is good for me. Did my first day of stop and go LP cardio and just got my own foam roller so I can take more time with recovery and do in front of the TV! Like I said above, I'm really happy with my progress- I am a little anxious since it's hard for me to make gains beyond where I am now and a few more lbs and inches and I'll be in previously uncharted territory but that's the point of this whole damn thing. I just hope it keeps working (so I have to keep working)
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Jen- you should share some of your yummy recipes here! I am looking for some lower carb high protien snacks that I can make ahead for a grab and go kinda thing

    Abigail- the hike sounds great, I wish it would cool down a little so doing things like that would be fun and not torture! This heat is getting ridiculous, it sounds like we will have some relief tomorrow though

    Amy-how's the running coming along?

    Reese-Jamie Eason has some good protien bar recipes, I have made her chocolate ones before

    Welcome Sarah! This is a great group of girls, pretty much the only board I stay active on. Enjoy!

    Kate- doing fabulous as always! congrats on the losses!

    Ashley- have fun with 6 week 6 pack....I have taken a pretty long break from Jillian, but I am thinking once I am through Insanity I may do a combo of some Jillian DVDs (bc I pretty much own every one)

    Beeps- I actually like whole wheat pasta, I think I am so used to it now that I actually don't like the regular stuff anymore

    I think that is everybody! I am doing good with my diet and sticking with the Insanity schedule. Last week I was sore alot, but this week not so much and the workouts are alot easier for me this week, so I am able to push a little harder. Although the pushups are still kicking my *kitten*!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Kate- you are doing a fabulous job adhering to the LP details and NROL workouts. It seems to be really paying off. You are right, we know what we have to do-it's making that constant effort day in and day out that we sometimes trip momentarily over!!

    Jen- I experimented more with DH's food than my own, given it's easier to just stick with what I know at this point. But I think I'm going to look for a new protein bar/snacky type recipe to cook up. I need something to grab that doesn't require a microwave. Those Jamie Eason turkey muffins have been my go to snack but if I'm not around a kitchen....I'm stuck. So we'll see what I can hunt down! Maybe Jamie Eason's Cinnamon ones...those look yummy. Great job on staying consistent and so glad it's making you feel 100% that's awesome!!

    I had a mini splurge, granted I stayed within calories and only over carbs by 16 but Domino's pizza was definitely not on the menu for what I'd planned this week. Anyone want to take a guess at why I had it? ...dun, dun, dun...I was at my parents. What is it about stepping foot back at 'home' to make me forgo my regular eating habits. I have got to figure that out or I'll never get completely on track since I'm there 1 night a week!! I got up and got my rest day butt moving this morning with a light workout to get my mind back in the right place. So glad I did. Now it's time to work work work until I can get home and go to bed. *yes, it's 9am and I'm already counting down until sleepy time (it's been one of those weeks already!!)*
  • SarahClag
    SarahClag Posts: 32 Member
    Nice to meet you! Starting by biting of a managable piece. I'm going to be extremely busy with lots of travel until next Monday. I'm going to sit down tonight and try to plan out food days with good macros and vitamins so I can go shopping and pick up things in bulk (more than I have been). I wish produce didn't spoil so quickly!! Anyone have any meals they really like? Also, can anyone shed a little light on body weight conditioning? Is it just like burpies, jacks, mountain climbers, etc.?
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Hello hello!
    Alright, I'm going to try to get to everyone!

    Ashley - 6 week 6 pack has always interested me, I can't wait to hear how you like it! Adding in the running a few days will definitely be good too, any workout that makes you happy is worth it! What is a Pure Barre class?? the barre part reminds me of ballet which I know I'd like that! It sounds like you are doing great though :)

    Chloe - Great job with the push ups!! Congrats on the 5k too, a 10 min/mile is good, much better than I could do, haha. I'm with you with the summer weekends needing to end, with all those cook outs I'm having a hard time resisting the junk. The booze is another story too! I went to a Sox game for an early bday gift Sunday and had 4 or 5 glasses of wine and a cider! oops.... I'm glad you're sticking to Insanity though!

    Kate - Seeing my friends was AWESOME!! Of course it involved tons of booze and food, but after not seeing them for 3 years it was totally worth it! It was as if we hadn't missed any time though, so I loved it :) I'm glad your new scale is working out for you! I don't even bother weighing myself on the dial scale at home, it's so inaccurate it isn't even funny!! I'm glad the deficit is working for you, how many cals are you eating now?? I doubt the pics from your camping trip looked bad!! I know we all see ourselves with harsh eyes (I feel the same from my Cape pics) but you look amazing! Keep it up :)

    Mama - That volleyball tournament sounds killer! That's great that you can play though, sports with balls were never my strong suit.. I was more of a dance/gymnastics/diving girl when I was younger :P I definitely understand the difficulty of eating with parents.. after all, I still live with mine! (Planning on moving out next year after bf starts paying some student loans off!!) Don't kill yourself over it though, it's a part of life and now you know to push a bit harder when you know you're going to your parents!

    Beeps - Wow for putting down the mac & cheese! That's something I've never been able to do! I'm pretty sure if I could have one food for the rest of my life it'd be mac & cheese :P Congrats on staying away from the booze over the weekend though, that's a success in my books!

    Amy - I don't think it'd hurt to combine strength & cardio, make sure you're giving your body enough rest time! Don't worry about keeping up with your friends, go at your pace! How much running is in the worrier dash? I can't run far at all without losing my breath and wheezing! That bike & brews sounds AMAZING! I would love to do that!! Too bad RI is way too boring for that! When is your dash??

    Jen - Holy moly you're doing great!! I'm glad the scale is treating you well! Your workouts sound awesome!! You are so dedicated, I love it!! Make sure you do take some rest time though!! Great job :)

    Abigail - I'm glad the hike with the kids went well! That's an awesome family thing to do :)

    Kclynch - You'll get back on track in no time! You sound like you have a good plan in progress, so just stick with it and you'll get there

    Sarah - Welcome! This sounds like a great group for you :) I'm Shannon and my goal is to get toned up and lose between 5-10 lbs.

    Okay, so another week later and I'm posting, hopefully I'll be able to post more often! I'm not going to set any goals for myself at the moment.. it's my birthday on Saturday and I know I'm going to let myself enjoy everything! Plus, I have a bunch planned, so I'm going to just go with it. Friday afternoon I'm going for a bday lunch with my grandparents and dad, then friday night I'm going to a Mexican restaurant with friends, so that means yummy mexican food and margaritas! Saturday, my actual bday, I'm thinking of going to a local vineyard and hanging out there for a bit. I'm trying to get back on track though. I worked out mon & tues, I just got invited to my friend's tonight, so I won't be able to tonight, so that stinks! Tomorrow I might see if my bf wants to use one of our ballroom classes (his idea!!!) and take a cha-cha or tango class! After this week I hope things slow down a bit. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Welcome, Sarah! My name is Kelly. I'm trying to loose the 10 pounds I put on this past year! YIKES!

    Jen - I'm going to Charleston for my brother's wedding. I have been trying to find a new bathing suit for the beach with no luck. I'm glad to be down 5 pounds, but was hoping to be down 8 by the time school starts.Oh well. I'll just have to kick into high gear when I get back!

    Reese- I need to precook more like you! I am making homemade Mac and cheese with chicken for the family to eat tonight, but have yet to decided what I want to eat. I need to figure it out or I'll end up eating more JUNK! For while I was grilling chicken for salads regularly, but I have fallen out of habit. I might have to try out the turkey muffins.

    Ashley - I need to focus on my core and can't wait to hear how you like 6W6W!

    Beeps- I hate the scale but when ever I step away, the numbers go up!

    Amy - I've been doing Spartacus about once a week. I think it's a tough, fast workout - I've only been doing two rounds. I have NOT been keeping up with my running though. I don't think I'll be ready for the dirty dash in Sept.

    Abigail - hiking with the family sounds like fun! I can't wait until my youngest is a little older so we can do that!

    Shannon- White Sox or Red Sox? Go CUBBIES!!!!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Kc - Pshhh, Red Sox all the way baby!! Even though they're losing horribly this year I still love them <3 Plus it was my first actual Red Sox game ever! I've been to the farm league many times (I work near the stadium) but never full MLB!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I (technically) finished Stage 7 of NROL4W on Monday. That was my 6th work-out. However, I've decided I want to repeat all 6 work-outs in Stage 7. Plus, I'd like to go back and finish (the optional) Stage 6 - now that my shoulder/back/neck has healed. So, I don't think I'll be *done* NROL4W until end of August.

    How am I doing??? Who the hell knows!! I sure don't, lol. I haven't taken any photos/measurements or stepped on the scale since June 29th. But, my end-of-July stuff is due in one week, so I will be doing photos/measurements/scale at that time. And then I can see if anything I did this month mattered, at all.

    I *will* say that I'm blowing my diet, totally, this week. My kids are away for 4 days and 5 nights and that means my husband and I are *enjoying* date night EVERY SINGLE NIGHT! I am eating out every night, and I am eating things that I want. I am limiting myself to one alcoholic beverage every night, but so far I have eaten lobster risotto, large bag of popcorn (at Monday movie!), and a chocolate dessert. Yum, yum, YUM!!

    Tonight we are hitting an Italian place and I'll likely have a stuffed pasta - which I rarely eat. And tomorrow night is out to the fair where LOTS of very bad things will enter my tummy.

    Soooooooooooo, come Friday, when the kids return, I'll be in MAJOR DETOX because, somehow, I have to get my belly completely flat by Wednesday. Plus, lose whatever poundage I've put on this month - which I don't even know what that is because I haven't stepped on the scale. Let's just say protein shakes and salads will be my constant companion for a few days.

    And then August can begin, as all months do, with all the hope and energy I can muster, lol!