Daily Chat Thread



  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Runz, are you okay? :flowerforyou:

    I can move today! Yay! LOL
    I was soooo sore after my first Stage6 workout on Monday. Rested Tuesday, hit up B on Wednesday - which I must say felt incredibly easier and quicker than A. Kept to my cardio schedule and today I feel fine.

    Still going to rest up today and then smash it tomorrow again - taking it slow in the first week :smile:
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I've been working this program pretty hard since February and I have almost nothing to show for it here at the end of Stage 5. I see everyone else's recomp pictures and I wanna know where my recomp is?

    :sad: :sad: :sad:

    I even hate the effing airbrushed fitness model on the cover. I also bought Drop 2 Sizes and it has another effing airbrushed fitness model. I'm supposed to be inspired? Makes me gag.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Y'all are getting it done! Add me to the DOMS squad. Shoulders and traps are ridiculous lately.

    Kiki, does your gym not have a pad to go on the bar? I started with that- it helped until I got used to the bar. Now I find it easier to go without.

    Runz, um, unless you're photoshopping yourself in the pics you've posted, I think you're doing great. Are you increasing your lifts regularly or increasing the intensity of your workouts? Really that is the key to seeing ongoing improvement. I mention this because I know this has been a problem for me lately- I'm not pushing myself hard enough in some areas. Not saying that is what you're facing(I think you look amazing!), but it is something I've had to confront recently.

    Beeps, you will get there! We will cheer you on!

    Upped my hip thrusts to 165lbsX5 yesterday. I'm still struggling with squats. I've been videoing myself to try to pinpoint my problem. The program calls for full squats- meaning well below parallel. I can do it with a dumbbell and do it with front squats, but when I try to go that low with back squats, I round my back. Can't figure it out. It may be a foot placement issue.

    NSV: we had dinner with a friend that we only see once a year. The first thing he says to me is,"You're looking very fit! What are you doing?" Totally took me off guard. I don't feel like I look fit at all. But my entire goal is too *look* like I workout, so that's probably the best compliment anyone can give me.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Kiki if your gym doesn't have a pad for the barbell try a folded towel on your shoulders.

    Welcome back bschool! Nice to hear of your success.

    Bb- of course you look like you workout ! You do! You progress you rock your lifts! I am always amazed at your numbers and dedication.

    Runza you are progressing and recomping- you look great . Maybe try to imagine you are looking at a stranger so you can really see yourself. Your back is amazing.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Ok I am having trouble sleeping and I watched Bret Contreras hip thrust on YouTube.
    Now I am psyched to lift tomorrow. I was stupidly doing glut bridges using a rack. I've been using the same weight for at least two months because I would lie on the floor and essentially bench press down a barbell on to my hips. I can't bench press much, so I was stuck. I was afraid to try higher because I was afraid I would drop the bar on my own belly. I have crawled out from under the barbell which doesn't look very smooth.
    Anyway we have bumper plates at the gym so I am excited to try it out.
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Motivating to read everyone's progress - I'm a bit jealous since my sprained wrist has ^me sidelined. Trying to baby it so I can get back on the iron horse.

    Realizing weight training has become important and I don't feel quite right without it!

    Lift on ladies and send ^me your wrist healing vibes - the psychic healing power of fellow litters will get e there I'm sure.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Feel better soon, Sunshine!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member

    NSV: we had dinner with a friend that we only see once a year. The first thing he says to me is,"You're looking very fit! What are you doing?" Totally took me off guard. I don't feel like I look fit at all. But my entire goal is too *look* like I workout, so that's probably the best compliment anyone can give me.

    ....and THAT is exactly what brought me to Venus!! Wanting to "look" super-fit, without having to actually do 4 hours a day of exercise, lol.

    Sounds like you got there with other programs....good to know, BBcowGirl!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Pmagnan - the hip thrust has changed my whole world and my entire belief about good glute development. You'll be SUPER happy!

    All of you are RECOMP-ing....all of you. Keep lifting. Keep eating at a calorie deficit (even a slight one), and believe me, you'll be amazed that the measurements might not be getting smaller and that scale is still a dirty ho', but somehow, that LOOK you have, in the mirror, when you put clothes on, is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY better.

    That is recomp. The slight exchange of muscle for fat - but terribly noticeable to the human eye!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    ....and, no, I don't want to hear an exchange that "fat can't turn into muscle". I got it. Check. But, give me a sound-byte that provides the same information, in accurate language, then?!?!?!?
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member

    Runz, um, unless you're photoshopping yourself in the pics you've posted, I think you're doing great. Are you increasing your lifts regularly or increasing the intensity of your workouts? Really that is the key to seeing ongoing improvement. I mention this because I know this has been a problem for me lately- I'm not pushing myself hard enough in some areas. Not saying that is what you're facing(I think you look amazing!), but it is something I've had to confront recently.

    NSV: we had dinner with a friend that we only see once a year. The first thing he says to me is,"You're looking very fit! What are you doing?" Totally took me off guard. I don't feel like I look fit at all. But my entire goal is too *look* like I workout, so that's probably the best compliment anyone can give me.

    No photoshopping but I also don't post the photos that show the bad and the ugly :tongue: My cheeks roll over the back of my thighs :blushing: Since I was ten. I guess I think if it was different, it would be easier to shop for pants :grumble: :grumble:

    Probably not, though. I've never met ANYONE (or any woman) that says, "I love shopping for pants!"

    I have been steadily making gains and I am getting stronger. I need to quit wishing for things that don't matter- like a different butt.

    I love your NSV!

    Beeps, we all know what you mean :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Thanks to everyone that left words of encouragement. I think my negative feelings had more to do with a fight that I had with my DH :grumble:
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Feel better soon, Sunshine!

    thanks pudding! :-) trying to stay positive....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    ....I'm on reddit too much....
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sunshine, definitely baby that wrist. You'll be back to the weights in no time!

    Beeps, that's what amazes me about lifting. How the entire "look" of a person can improve without inches or scale loss. There's no other way to explain it than an incredible exchange of fat for muscle.

    Runz, I know exactly what you mean. We all focus on our flaws. But you have amazing shoulders, arms, and back. Keep looking at those, keep lifting, and your backside will eventually catch up! Believe me, I have a very fat thighs so my butt and thighs are one big blob- it's like they're melted together. But slowly my booty is getting perkier. Keep lifting and shaping that booty!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Ok I am having trouble sleeping and I watched Bret Contreras hip thrust on YouTube.
    Now I am psyched to lift tomorrow. I was stupidly doing glut bridges using a rack. I've been using the same weight for at least two months because I would lie on the floor and essentially bench press down a barbell on to my hips. I can't bench press much, so I was stuck. I was afraid to try higher because I was afraid I would drop the bar on my own belly. I have crawled out from under the barbell which doesn't look very smooth.
    Anyway we have bumper plates at the gym so I am excited to try it out.

    Pmag, I think you will love the thrust! Did you watch the one where he uses risers instead of the bench? It is much more fluid when I use the risers instead of the higher bench. There's not the extreme range of motion, but it's still very effective.
  • SarahClag
    SarahClag Posts: 32 Member
    Anyone have any suggestions on what I can do strength training wise if my back is hurting? I want to take it easy- it feels inflamed. But I still want to incorporate weights. I've been running so far.
  • SarahClag
    SarahClag Posts: 32 Member
    Have any other ladies had issues with the dead lifts causing back problems? This issue started about 2 years ago when i started the program. My pain wasn't immediate, but every once in a while it would hit me severely. Recently, sometimes, it feels inflamed.

    1- has anyone else ever had an issue like this?

    2- Does anyone have any suggestions on how to modify? Or maybe a lifting routine that isolates the arms and legs and back separately? I know how important weights are, and have just been running lately. I also know how NROL likes the full body stuff- not isolation.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Deadlift can kill your back. Form needs to be ABSOLUTELY perfect on that one. Watch videos or have a professional you trust check your form. If you feel it in more in your back and not your hamstrings you're doing it wrong. Your back will feel like it's doing something, but it definitely should NOT hurt. It's the old adage of lift with your legs, NOT your back. Welcome and best of luck to you.

    Spent my day at the beach. Sounds relaxing but totally not. The surf was massive today. I had to watch the kids like a hawk and that meant walking the 1/8 mile through the sand and staying in the water with them most of the time, treading water and jumping waves, and swimming out past the surf. Don't forget playing on the boogie board. I'm beat. I decided to get back to the gym Sunday. I'm feeling stronger every day, but I could barely carry a 20lb cooler today.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Have any other ladies had issues with the dead lifts causing back problems? This issue started about 2 years ago when i started the program. My pain wasn't immediate, but every once in a while it would hit me severely. Recently, sometimes, it feels inflamed.

    1- has anyone else ever had an issue like this?

    2- Does anyone have any suggestions on how to modify? Or maybe a lifting routine that isolates the arms and legs and back separately? I know how important weights are, and have just been running lately. I also know how NROL likes the full body stuff- not isolation.

    First, I am going to assume you've seen a Dr since the pain is severe. *Severe pain should always be checked out.
    Second, assuming the Dr is ok with you lifting, I would hire a personal trainer to assess form and mobility. If that's not possible, watch all the form videos you can on Youtube.
    Proper deadlifts will not hurt your back- you may have some soreness, but that's it. No nerve pain or radiating pain. I know of a few ladies who hurt their backs dead lifting because they weren't using proper form.
    If you absolutely must modify, do hip thrusts or glute bridges for your legs. Squats and back extensions will help build the posterior chain of your back. The deadlift is the ultimate full body compound lift- there's no substitute.
    Good luck!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sam, just reading your post made me tired! I hope you have a restful night.

    I caved and ate one of the cupcakes that I made for my daughter (she turned 3 today). They were absolutely amazing. For 500 calories they should be :noway: