Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    You're looking great Beeps.

    Today is not a good day. Hormonal. exhausted due to hormones. Appetite is raging. I can't get full.

    No workout because I couldn't muster the energy. I took a 2 hour nap today. We went out to eat for supper.I tried Cracker Barrel's baked breaded chicken. DRY! I had to return it and asked for the fried chicken. It was my only meal of the day beside the 2.5 muffins earlier in the day.

    Sam, when you get home tomorrow your package should be there. Hopefully intact and hopefully will cheer you up. You don't have to share if you don't want. :bigsmile:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps you are looking outrageous in a great way. I know you still have goals. But mission accomplished

    Manic, thank you!

    My house was a complete mess. I had a surprise visit Monday and spent the entire night cleaning for when they were due to come back Tuesday. Just didn't have time to really clean all weekend because of the seventh level of paper work hell. At least now it's clean and I can try to maintain. Messed house, but happy kids :)

    I'm falling asleep sitting on my couch at 7:30. Not sure I can make it to 9. I might have to start using my kid care at the gym. ( it took me three tries to type that sentence. I'm going to go lay down.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    made it to the gym!! I NEVER go at 7:30 pm. Sam is my inspiration. If she can go at 9 pm after an exhausting day so can I.

    The bad part, I'm still hungry. :grumble: Sipping coffee is not helping.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Manic, I tend to listen to my body if I'm really hungry. Sometimes our bodies need a little more- hormones do that to us for a reason. Hopefully tomorrow is better. Great job hitting the gym!

    Beeps, love those arms! Sounds like a great workout!

    Sam, I don't know how you stay on the go, but you've got my admiration for it!

    Got my lifting in today. I did 3 sets of 10 DLs @ 125lbs. I think that's the most I've ever done for 10 reps in the past several months. My thoracic spine has been really sore lately. I can feel a knot in my muscle- I can't tell if I just need a good massage or if it's a symptom of something worse. It's not a bad pain, just dull soreness. May try to do a HIIT session tomorrow.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Pretty rough here but had accupuncture and it works
    Will get to lift tomorrow
    Beep you look amazing
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Yes, I'm amazed at some of the times Sam gets to the gym - I think it's very AWESOME, manic, that you took a page from Samntha's playbook and went and worked out - a big BOOM! for you!

    Nicely done.

    Thanks for the compliments, ladies! Yep, I still have goals (lower-body - SHOCKER - I know!), I think I'm trying to recognize that recomp is a slow-snail's-pace-game.

    I am SORE all-over today, though....I haven't had that kind of DOMs in quite some time....so, this new 10-to-1 stuff might be JUST what I NEED!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I have a diet question for yall.

    I went way over last night on calories. I mean WAY OVER. I didn't even finish logging because I'm afraid to know. Anyway, when I do find out should I create a minor deficit each day to even out for the week? I thinking if I was over 600 calories to decrease each day by 200 to level out. Think it will work?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    YOU GOT IT, manic....that's EXACTLY how it is done!

    (Except, for me, I plan, in advance, for my events/binges, and I make sure I have calories "banked" to use!)

    I think about it like money....you can have "savings" or you can be "on loan". I'm trying to be a "saver" and save up calories (by NOT eating them....) for days when I have to SPEND CALORIES.

    But, it can be done the other way, too....where you eat whatever calories (i.e. too much) and now, you're on "loan" and have to eat fewer calories for the rest of the week to hit "calorie-budget".
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Thanks Beeps!:flowerforyou:

    Now to finish logging yesterday. :noway:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Manic, that's what I do. Or if I find I'm having an entire WEEK of going over, I try to make up a little for it in the next week. In the end, it's all about keeping some kind of deficit. So you can either A) Make up for it the rest of the week or B) just stick your original daily allotment and know you don't have as much of a deficit this week. It just means you're X amount of calories behind in the bigger picture. When it comes to hormones, I know it will pass and I can "make up" for it later when I'm having a not-so-hungry week.

    Beeps, I like the sound of that workout. Sounds like a great "finisher" (as Lou calls them in Supercharged) to a lifting session. I'm getting to the point where my lower body is looking more and more out of proportion to my upper body. I know it's just the way most of us women are made, but it's frustrating. I seriously have a US size 6-8 waist with size 12 thighs. It's not really even my booty, it's my fat legs. Gah!

    Pmag, hope you get to feeling better soon.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I decided to do about a 250 deficit for the next 3 days. I HOPE I can do it. I was over about 700 cals yesterday.

    No workout today. We worked in the yard some. Pulling out old mulch that has piled up over the years and adding new fresh mulch.

    Cowgirl, I'm just FAT everywhere. My size 12 are too tight. I broke down and bought me two 14 skirts just so I didn't feel poured in. It kills me that I am 153.2 and wear size 14! I am just suppose to be a small person but I've allowed the fat to settle in. Congrats on the lower sizes.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Well, I'm still pretty sore from Wednesday's work-out...I think today isn't a "10-to-1" complex, but rather a "5 times" complex. I'll be lowering the weight just to make it through.

    NO company this weekend!! That means I have a weekend "off" for the first time in 6, and tonight, I don't even have meetings! That's my first free "night" in 5.

  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    Pajamaaaa! That sounds awesome Beeps.

    Good luck with your deficit/rebalancing, manic!

    Cowgirl, I hear you on the upper/lower disproportion feeling. I love my arms, but I wish I could get my bottom half to catch up.

    You guys, I'm feeling SO GOOD this week. I've done my 3xlifting with hill sprints, and 2 mornings of 30+ minute brisk walks, and wow! I'm loving this routine. I was feeling a bit pooped out from lifting and HIIT and maybe it was TOM or something, but now I feel good. And even the stupid oldster who honked his horn at me while I crossed the road (WITH THE SIGNAL) can't bring me down.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    THat sounds wonderful Pearl! SOmetimes we just need to change things up to find our motivation.

    Beeps, tell me more about what you are doing.

    Cowgirl, we pears know the agony of frustrating legs. In two years I've lost maybe a 1/2 in off of each thigh around. I have a size six waist and even *kitten* at this point, but those damn thighs :huh:

    Mary, THANK YOU for the muffins, they so made my night last night and they were SO GOOD!!! Interesting that you are currently at the weight and size I was when I started. I know you have some physical/medical limitations, but I know you got this!

    Ladies I have to say a great big thank you for the kudos. It really is appreciated. This week was a hot mess, but I got to the gym last nice for a halfway decent zumba class. Felt good to get going. I actually had energy today. Got up early, put some effort into my hair and make-up, which was acknowledged by many :bigsmile: , hubby got first paycheck from new job with direct deposit- very nice to wake up to, my students were nearly all on point, I had a "drink" with an old friend after work (In quotes because I had a diet coke, I have to drive :laugh: , my husband said "Hey babe let's order out, and now I'm off to go lift; therefore, today was a GREAT DAY!!!

    As an aside, I used the excuse, "I have no time," for YEARS. THen my health started to deteriorate. I thought I was being a piss-poor excuse of a mom when I had to come home and nap on the couch for an hour every night just to make it through and by not having the energy to not just play with my kids, but to be any kind of active involved parent. We all reach our breaking points. Giving up an hour a few nights a week makes it possible for me to actually "be here" for my family. So when I get home at 10pm from the gym, I know it's worth it.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Pearl it sounds like you had some great workouts this week.

    I had a terrible week but its done and I have some time off next week . It's got to get better than this week.
    I had a good workout. Tonight( I was so mad about the whole week that I had a really good workout I even enjoyed the front squats
    Hope you all have a good week enf
  • GeeksRfit2
    Wow, ladies. I've been traveling and having some trials and hadn't even checked in this week...worked out, and barely managed to log. But I just read the last week of this thread. YOU LADIES ARE AMAZING. I feel so much better about my dirty house. And I feel challenged by your really good attitudes and forthrightness about your struggles and your successes.
    Beeps, that pic - awesome arms!
    All the PEARS - thanks for making me feel less alone.
    Pmag and Sam and Manic- I'm really thinking about you and sending good vibes for the week to come.

    I'm gonna try to stay more up with this group - y'all are where its at!!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Mary , you've got this. Just keep up with your lifting. My guess is that your body reacts differently than it "should" due to your past medical history. I admire you for sticking with it.

    Beeps!!! Your pic you posted in the "Women Only Weight Lifting Results" thread does not do you justice! You should post the pic you posted in here. It shows the amount of definition you've gained.

    Sam, amen to everything you said. I'm blessed that I have more flexibility with my schedule than you, but giving up 3 hours a week is definitely worth the benefits. You rock for fitting it all in!

    Pearl, it's amazing what a good routine does for our physical and mental well being.

    Geeks, stick around. This little group will keep ya motivated!

    Just another friendly reminder about taking progress pics. I feel like my lower belly is never going to shrink. However I came across a pic a few days ago that was taken about 4 months ago. I decided to mimic the exact pose and took another one. The difference is incredible- the belly really is going away. I wish I could show you all, but I'm never going to post pics in my underwear.

    I'm on track for this week as well. My house is currently dirty, but I blame it on my kitchen update (painting, cabinet facelift) project. Hoping to get it all done by Thanksgiving.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Cowgirl, good luck with the kitchen

    I had a rough workout last night. I think my asthma was acting up a little from the cold snap we are having here. We went from 70 to 40 in the course of a day. I was having trouble oxygenating. Had to take longer than normal rests to catch my breath and get my heart rate to slow. I kept things slow and backed off the weight a bit. I hadn't lifted since Sunday, so I'm sure that had something to do with it too.

    Today I will be walking: Walking the pumpkin farm and walking Six flags. Hubby and I are celebrating the 20th anniversary of the day we met, started dating and fell in love (Halloween), so we're going to Freight Fest the get the crap sacred out of us lol. Like 20 years together isn't scary enough.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Happy 20 years! Sounds like tons of fun, samntha! Take care of asthma - I have it and I pay close attention to triggers/attacks.

    I got my scheduled cardio in-and-done. Now at son's basketball game and daughter has ice hockey game around supper-time.

  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Ha! Too funny, Sam. My husband and I have been together 26 years in February and married 22 same month! That's SCARY. We are all each other has known. We were barely 16.

    Thanks Geeks and Cowgirl. I feel like I am spinning my wheels. I really do appreciate the kinds words.

    Geeks, we support each other, tell it like it is, motivate, and you name it. We don't judge. We are "here" for each other. Beeps, will kick your hiney if anyone gets out of line. :laugh: